September 5, 2004
Fahrenheit 9/11 and Truth in Advertising
By Cliff Kincaid
Conservative University, July 17, 2004
Thank you very much, Don, it's great to be here. We're going to talk about the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11, but as way of introduction I'm going to talk a little bit about my own background, how I came into this line of work. Perhaps there are some lessons here for you. read more
Deconstructing The Robber Barons
By Burt Folsom
Conservative University - July 17, 2004
It's good to be with some people who want some accuracy in academia. One of the things that's inaccurate that we often get, or at least open to question, should we say, is the idea that if we have a problem in society, the best solution [is] to say, "Let's get a government program." read more
By Gene Schaerr
Accuracy in Academia Student Conference, July 16, 2004
Some of you may have heard about the college that recently hired a new president. The search committee had narrowed the candidates to a mathematician, an economist and a lawyer. During the interview, each was asked, "How much is two plus two?" The mathematician answered immediately, "Four." The economist thought about it a bit and answered, "Four, plus or minus one." The lawyer looked around the room and motioned for the committee members to gather close. In a hushed tone, he replied, "How much do you want it to be?" read more