Welcome to Scalzi.com, the
personal and professional online home of John Scalzi.
Scalzi Consulting: Writing and
editing services, for every medium.
The Whatever: Commentary
on our world and my place in it.
IndieCrit: Reviews of
independently released music.
Life: Articles on the writing life, links to published
works and books, and information on other current professional
and creative projects.
Pages: Where you can delve into my brain and see what
makes me tick.
Agent to the Stars:
A full length shareware science fiction novel to download or
read online. If you like it, send me a dollar. Simple.
Previous Incarnations: Archives
of writing, from high school onward. Columns, reviews, essays
and more.
John Scalzi: A quick and dirty guide to, well, me.
Map: Find everything, now.
I hope you enjoy the site.
-- John Scalzi