The right-wing conspiracy just got vaster
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Tim's Predictions
Tim Blair has posted his predictions for 2003. Here’s a couple of my favorites.
June 19th The music video for Christina Aguilera’s latest release is banned after parents’ groups complain about its “inappropriate language” and “vulgar images”. Despite the ban, Cum Drunk Fuck Slut is the year’s best-selling single.
August 9th Speaking from a Saudi prison where he has been held captive and tortured daily since April, US President George W. Bush hails the Saudis as “trusted allies” in the war against terror.
Go read them all, he’s got some good ones in there.
Posted by
Lee on 12/31 at 03:39 PM in
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Out With the Old...
I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year’s Eve tonight. Drink all you want but take a taxi home. Make sure you’re here to blog with me in 2003! As for me, I’ll be drinking Crown Royal and setting off $700 worth of fireworks. :)
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Lee on 12/31 at 10:59 AM in
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Fuck the Middle East
I was going through my extensive MP3 collection earlier today, transferring some new tunes to my iPod, and I came across some old school metal from the late 80’s which, even though the song was written with tongue firmly in cheek, I think had some pretty damn prescient lyrics, considering the current geopolitical climate. The song is Fuck the Middle East by Stormtroopers of Death (S.O.D.) from their brilliant 1988 album Speak English or Die.
Fuck the Middle East
There’s too many problems
They just get in the way
We could sure live without them
They hijack our planes
They raise our oil prices
We’ll kill em all and have a ball
And end their fuckin crisis
BEIRUT, LEBANON, won’t exist once we’re done
LIBYA, IRAN, we’ll flush those bastards down the can
SYRIANS and SHIITES, we’ll crush their faces with our might
Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks.
Posted by
Lee on 12/31 at 01:04 AM in
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Monday, December 30, 2002
Ranking Leo
I just got back from seeing Catch Me If You Can, the new movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. This is a fantastic flick. I read the book a year or so ago and thought the film was a great adaptation. The other Leo flick out right now, Gangs of New York I have not yet seen, but Deb over at Insomnomaniac has an excellent review.
And for those of you who have missed Deb’s brilliant comments in this post you need to get in there and start reading. I haven’t been blogging as much as usual because (a) I’m still on vacation, and (b) Deb has been doing such a superb job in my stead.
Posted by
Lee on 12/30 at 07:57 PM in
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Sunday, December 29, 2002
Tim Blair Strikes Back
Aussie journalist Tim Blair has written his review of Bowling for Columbine in The Australian. And he gives a link to MOOREWATCH! Thanks, Tim!
Tim Blair: The awful truth? It’s a crock
CHILDREN’S television is quite an art. It’s not just a matter of throwing together simple tunes, basic storylines and bright colours. Successful children’s TV also requires the presence of a large, formless creature, an entity usually combining equal elements of human and bovine. The cow-beast is crucial.
So it is with Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore’s Cannes-winning documentary on the wrongs of guns, capitalism, and America, now screening in Australia. The simple tunes and basic storylines are in place. Moore himself plays the Dorothy the Dinosaur role, clumsily loping about in pursuit of Bad Guys. It’s a kid flick for the adult anti-American market.
Moore manipulates this market so expertly that you anticipate fans squealing “Go Mikey!” every time he plods smugly into frame. Fans like The Age’s Stephanie Bunbury: “Isn’t that great, you think with a huge sigh of relief as you see him bearing down, amiable but inexorable, on the next feral gun owner or racist lunatic. Go Mikey!”
Yay! Margaret Pomeranz of SBS’s Movie Show awarded Columbine five stars, and also got into the toddler spirit: “Moore shambles around with his baseball cap on, his stomach hanging out; almost a teddy bear figure, Moore seems to encompass so much that’s terribly important in the world today with the United States on the brink of yet another international gun expedition.” Movie Show co-presenter (and film reviewer for The Australian) David Stratton detected vast importance, too: “It’s a sobering film, but never a dull one, thanks to the brilliance of Moore’s sometimes scatological approach to a profoundly important subject.”
The subject is obviously so profoundly important that no local reviewer has been bothered to report the controversy in the US over Columbine’s inaccuracies and distortions. Journalists have a damned nerve charging people money for less information than is available free on the internet. Writing about Columbine without addressing its flaws is like writing about Michael Jackson without mentioning that these days he looks like an albino bat.
A mind given to conspiracy theories might conclude that an element of cover-up is involved. For the record, and because you apparently won’t read it elsewhere in the Australian press, here is a brief list of things believed wrong about Columbine, from sources ranging from and Forbes to London’s Sunday Times (these and more may be found at
- The title refers to two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who shot up Columbine High School in 1999, killing 13 people and themselves. Moore asserts that they went bowling on the morning of the massacre. Police now say they did not.
- Moore shows a television ad for the 1988 Bush/Quayle presidential campaign targeting the “revolving door” prison system run by Michael Dukakis in Massachusetts. Superimposed on the ad, as though there originally, are the words: “Willie Horton released. Then kills again.” Moore added that line, which in any case is wrong; Horton didn’t kill, but raped a woman while released.
- Moore theorises that the Columbine killers were inclined towards murder because their town is home to a Lockheed-Martin weapon-making facility. The plant in question actually builds devices that launch TV satellites.
- Moore implies that the US-led bombing of Kosovo on the morning of the killings possibly motivated Klebold and Harris. He doesn’t mention their alleged Nazi fixation, or that they killed their classmates and teachers on Hitler’s birthday.
- A graphic superimposed over footage of the second jet slicing into the World Trade Centre reads: “Sept. 11, 2001: Osama bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to kill 3000 Americans.” Sure, Mike. Moore wrote the day after the attack that the victims “did not deserve to die. If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him . . . Why kill them?” Soon afterwards he deleted these words from his website.
- Although his film is about US gun violence, Moore avoids speaking to any black victims of gun violence in a society where 55 per cent of gun murder victims are black.
- Columbine spends much time praising peaceful, multicultural Canada, where everybody leaves their doors unlocked and nobody shoots each other. Moore doesn’t mention 1989’s Ecole Polytechnique massacre in Montreal, when gunman Marc Lepine killed 14 women due to his hatred of feminists.
- Moore largely dodges the issue of gun crime in cities, where 70 per cent of US gun murders occur. A crime of the type that took place in Columbine (more than five dead in a mostly white suburban area) represented less than one-tenth of one per cent of murders in 1999.
- Moore claims that the US provided tens of millions worth of aid dollars to Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers in 2000-01. That money was provided for famine relief and was distributed by the UN and non-government organisations.
No wonder Moore is so popular in France, where Thierry Meyssan’s book Effroyable Imposture (which argued that September 11 was engineered by the American government) became a bestseller.
Some of his reviewer/fans share Moore’s accuracy problems. Bunbury claimed that “he bails up the entire management of Kmart and confronts Charlton Heston on his own front veranda” although he meets only a few Kmart management types and interviews Heston inside his house; and The Australian’s Jane Cornwell wrote that Columbine’s vile three-minute cartoon history of the US, written by Moore and made by animators FlickerLab, was produced “by the guys from South Park”.
Just as wrong are reviewers’ standard lines about Moore “taking on big business” and “standing up for the little guy”. Moore usually stands up to the little guy, bullying sales staff and humiliating small-town folk. At the cinema where I saw Columbine, a typically open-minded and compassionate inner-city crowd giggled indulgently as Moore (aided by sneaky editing) made fools of police, PR flacks, the unemployed, the undereducated and the working class.
Millionaire Moore who is to working class as French is to resistance, despite once spending one entire day on the Buick assembly line in his hometown of Flint, Michigan is waging a class war, but it’s against the rubes and hicks he claims to represent. They are mere joke fodder in his deceitful Playschool morality play. Go to hell, Mikey.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/29 at 11:30 AM in
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Wanking for Saddam
So I have been forced to disrupt my Christmas vacation once again to debunk the asinine ramblings of England’s cowardly Jew-hater, Roy McCoy. For those of you just tuning in, start by reading this post, and then read this one plus the subsequent comments. What follows is my response to Roy’s comments in the second post.
I am pleased to reach the hate mail section on your front page. I’m surprised that the whole front page isn’t full of it. Don’t call me a coward just because I disagree with your Nazi views.
So now I am a Nazi? I’m a staunch supporter of Israel, you’re a “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” conspiracy idiot, and you’re calling
me a Nazi.
"drooling anti-Semitic fucktard”. If you can read and write I’m surprised that someone with so little intelligence can come up with such crap. Did your mommie write this for you? Or was it your boyfriend?
Ah, so because I live in San Francisco you assume that I’m gay? At least you’ve demonstrated to the world that you like to classify people with overly-broad generalizations, which are also wholly unsupported.
Well if you can read go read my blogs on Israel and you will find that I am not actually anti semetic - I just don’t agree with their ultra right wing government.
Very few Jew-haters actually admit to being such. But your commentary here leads to the logical conclusion that if Israel had an ultra left-wing government you’d support them. So you support the Zionist movement as long as it is interwoven with, let’s say, Marxism, as opposed to a right-wing form of government?
But then cunts like you don’t believe in moderation and common sense because it’s common sense that Israel cannot succeed in her present policy unless all the Palestinians are exterminated. Perhaps a Nazi like you thinks that’s OK
Ah, so you feel that Israel wants to exterminate all the Palestinians. And, of course, the Palestinians are simply peaceful folk who want nothing more than to co-exist with their Hebrew bretheren, right?
Let’s explore this for a moment. Take a look at the following image, which you can find on the official website for the Palestinian National Authority, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
This is a map of “liberated Palestine.” Notice that it is the entire state of Israel.
Now, take a look at the map of “Liberated Palestine” on the official emblem of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
It, too, is the map of the entire state of Israel. Now, tell me Roy, exactly which side wants to exterminate the other? The goal of the Palestinians is the utter destruction of the Israeli nation. Which side is more
Nazi-like in your eyes? Be specific.
And leave Churchill out of it he detested fascists like you. I see you have a hammer & sickle on the ‘left coast’ as your logo. Arseholes like you think that anyone that isn’t with you is a commie.
Actually that was put there as a joke, but San Francisco is as close to a true Marxist enclave as you’ll find anywhere in the United States.
Have you ever heard of the ‘middle road?’
As Jim Hightower once said, “The only things in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and dead armadillos.” To that I would also add cowards like you, frail waifs who are too afraid to take a stand against those who wish to do them harm.
Some wars are worth fighting but this one isn’t unless evidence of WOMD is produced in which case I say “What I HAVE said is if the evidence is found (none so far) then so be it.” Yes that quote was put in the wrong place but I couldn’t change it. I also used the wrong UN quote from you on my blog, by mistake, and I have corrected that - so don’t call me a liar.
You still haven’t addressed the main issue. Iraq has been ordered to disarm by the UNSC. They have thus far refused to do so. That fact alone is total justification for military action. Once the 101st Airborne is in Iraq you’re going to find all sorts of evidence of WMD.
Yes, I banned you because I don’t want nerds like you putting profanities on my site.
Did I put profanities of any description on your site? I simply put a link to my response, nothing more. I notice you’ve continued to attack me on your site after removing my ability to respond there, while all this time I’ve permitted you to write whatever the hell you want on my site. You keep demonstrating over and over that you really are a coward, in both your political views and your personal behavior.
Suck as “fucking, gutless, coward” written by a young ex sailor boy, what were you, ships hairdresser?
Actually I tracked submarines with sonar,
Hunt for Red October-type stuff.
Living around San Francisco, baking cookies with mom - it all falls into place. Are you the butch one?
Gay generalization number two.
Finally, I suggest you re-join the Navy and swivel on a warhead - I’m sure it will fit in the circumstances - but make sure it’s on countdown to launch.
Gay generalization number three. (And, incidentally, a really pathetic insult.)
P.S. Don’t bother coming to the UK we don’t need your sort here.
By “my sort” I assume you mean a gay Navy hairdressing Nazi cunt arsehole. Having lived in the UK I can assure you that there are plenty of us there already.
(The images and links above were found on Front Page Magazine.)
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Posted by
Lee on 12/29 at 01:00 AM in
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Friday, December 27, 2002
Proving My Point
It seems that everyone’s favorite limey coward Roy McCoy has posted a lengthy screed in response to my post Pansies Across the Pond. I figured that this was worth a post all on its own. (Make sure you read the whole thing, there’s a nifty little surprise at the end.)
Fucking Hell - What A Wanker!
Congratulations, with this quote you’ve just made the Hate Mail section on the front page.
You’re an offensive git aren’t you? So I have responded in like manner.
Please do. Unlike you I can take it.
If you think I was referring solely to you, you are mistaken there are many more idiots like you unfortunately.
There are most definitely more like me, and you better be thankful that we’re here. Here’s what John Stuart Mill had to say on the subject.
“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth fighting for is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
Miserable creatures such as yourself will always be kept free due to the exertions of men and women who answer the call of duty to fight against evil, no matter what its form.
No, actually the Falklands was not pathetic - Granada & Panama was. It was on your doorstep and they didn’t have Exocet missiles and an airforce. The Argies had the weapons and it was several thousand miles from the UK.
Have you ever actually
been to Argentina? I have. Believe me, there wasn’t a chance in hell of the UK losing that one. Besides, I wasn’t belittling the British military by any means. The Brits never shy away from a good fight—or at least they haven’t until now. If you have to go up against an enemy the Brits are the best group of people to have watching your back, bar none. I just think that there are much better examples of British military prowess than the Falklands War.
Don’t blame us for Neville Chamberlain, he has actually gone down in OUR history as a fool.
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—George Santayana
And don’t try to say that WW2 is the same as waging war on Iraq because it isn’t. Iraq will be a turkey shoot as it was last time. If you do believe that then I suggest you learn some history.
It’s not going to be as easy as it was last time. Saddam has allegedly chosen to initiate a so-called “scorched earth” policy, whereby he’s not going down without destroying the whole fucking country with him.
As for Churchill you will see on the same blog page 2 items about Churchill. Read the comments on both. The US saved the Europeans asses not ours,
Just how long do you think the British Isles would have lasted with a Nazi Europe right across the channel? Remember the V2 rocket? You’re technically correct about the US saving the European’s asses in WWII, especially the cheese-eating surrender monkeys, but the British knew what they were up against and what they had to lose if Europe fell.
but they wouldn’t have been able to do it if we hadn’t won the battle of Britain 2 years before the US came in, oh, and by the way, we handed the cavity magnetron (radar if you didn’t know) to the US on a plate AND the jet engine AND the Mustang was built to a RAF spec. AND powered by a Rolls Royce Merlin. So don’t talk utter shit and tell me we’d be eating bratwurst.
There was a reason that Churchill wanted US involvement in the war, and it was because he knew he couldn’t win it alone. Give me a fucking break.
As for Israel, no I don’t buy the Zionist stuff. There are more experienced commentators than I who say Israel is encouraging a war on Iraq. What I HAVE said is if the evidence is found (none so far) then so be it.
No, that’s
not what you said. Here’s your exact quote:
The war bloggers - and there are plenty of them - will barge into a war like a dog on a table (at Israel’s behest) using their balls for brains whilst displaying an ‘out of order’ sign on their foreheads.
Nothing about “allegedly” or “if evidence is found” or anything else. Nice try.
As for planes crashing into Buck Palace, I never mentioned 9/11 but if you were to read what I have said in ‘War on Terror’ you will find that my views are probably similar to yours. It’s my view that al-Qaeda are the biggest threat, more so than Saddam and they should be eliminated ruthlessly.
I think both should be eliminated as expeditiously and violently as possible.
That is the important war and a war on Iraq WILL increase terrorism attacks - or are you too thick to see that?
I realize that someone of your intellectual capacity cannot grasp the concept of doing two things at once, but trust me, it
is possible. Saying that the US cannot fight al Qaeda and Iraq at the same time is like saying that you can’t pick your nose at the same time that you scratch your ass. Actually, since this is probably how you spend your day, maybe this will prove to you that it is indeed possible to do two things at once.
Besides, you haven’t yet addressed the most salient point in this whole discussion. Iraq is violating a direct order from the United Nations Security Council. To avoid war all he has to do is simply comply with the order. The ball is in his court. Why are you not whining about his failure to comply with the wishes of the UNSC?
We would normally use the word ‘pussy cat’ i.e. someone is a pussy cat. Don’t tell me that ‘fanny’ is ass, because over here ‘fanny’ is pussy (not pussy cat) so if you want to ridicule the language difference go ahead.
Why would I ridicule the language? I love the UK. I’ve lived there in the past, and should the situation present itself I’d move back there in a heartbeat. You seem to have a problem distinguishing between my ridicule of you and your positions and an overall ridicule of the British as a whole. I love the British, and I love the UK. I just think you’re a drooling anti-Semitic fucktard.
I have got to say that I don’t normally insult fellow bloggers the way you have done but I just had to make an exception - you’re a brainless arsehole (correct spelling) pure and simple.
Well gee whiz, Roy. I’m sorry if my harsh tone upset your delicate sensibilities. The difference between you and I, however, is that I don’t turn and run in the face of adversity. I’ve taken your comment to my post and created a whole new blog entry on it. You, being a fucking gutless coward, have banned my IP from the comments section of your website. Here’s a screengrab to prove it.
Thanks for proving my point. Have fun hiding under your blanket. If you feel like adding your thoughts the comments section below is available for your use.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/27 at 10:40 PM in
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Pansies Across the Pond
While perusing the server logs a minute ago I noticed a referral from a site I had never heard of before. Intrigued, I checked it out. It’s from some British dude named Roy McCoy who writes a blog called A Man In the Street, and apparently the poor bastard has taken issue with some of the content of this blog. His post entitled Lions are Pussies Too! is deconstructed forthwith.
There’s a tendency amongst the neo-conservative ‘gung ho’ war bloggers to label the anti-war lot as ‘pussies’.
Not always true. There are plenty of people who are opposed to the war whose opinions I can, at the very least, respect. Michael Kinsley wrote a great column in Slate a while back, and I
said as much at the time. The people I call pussies are the illogical, overemotional,
kumbaya-singing, Neville Chamberlain, handwringing gutless cowards.
On this site Lee says: ‘
However, if the pussies from Canada, Europe, and the left wing of the United States insist that we go forward under its (UN) authority then so be it.
So I put a comment on saying: ‘You’re strong on UN resolutions then. So how about all the UN Resolutions broken by Israel or is that, let me guess - different?’
That was ducked by saying that the UN should be dismantled
by the US? Wow, what it is to be a superpower in the ‘New World Order’.
Okay, fucktard, let’s start by putting these events in their proper order. Just so we’re all on the same page,
here is the post in question.
My comment, “However, if the pussies from Canada, Europe, and the left wing of the United States insist that we go forward under its (UN) authority then so be it,” was in response to your question about the UN resolutions broken by Israel, not the other way around. If you want to be a fucking liar in your personal life that’s your business, but if you’re going to go on the record you might want to try and be a little bit more intellectually honest. Here, for the record, are your comment and my response.
You: You’re strong on UN resolutions then. So how about all the UN Resolutions broken by Israel or is that, let me guess - different?
Me: Actually I think the United Nations is a functionally useless, morally bankrupt organization. Its only discernable function is to coordinate relief efforts around the world. Apart from that I wish we’d just disband the fucking thing. However, if the pussies from Canada, Europe, and the left wing of the United States insist that we go forward under its authority then so be it.
That was ducked by saying that the UN should be dismantled
by the US? Wow, what it is to be a superpower in the ‘New World Order’.
Exactly how was that “ducked,” Roy? You and your ilk are the ones who hold up the UN as some sort of divine institution, not the rank and file like me. You and your ilk were the ones who challenged President Bush to make his case to the UN, which he did, and he received a 15-0 vote by the security council ordering Saddam Hussein to disarm. In short, he’s played this thing according to the rules placed upon him by his political opponents and he’s come out on top every time.
Roy then goes off on this asinine tangent about cats and dogs, which I will leave for the reader to laugh at. (Here’s a little hint, Roy. In the contemporary vernacular the word “pussy” has absolutely nothing to do with cats of any description.)
Back to the pussies. Imagine a table set for a banquet with food, wine, flowers, candles etc. Put a dog on that table with the task of reaching the other end. Imagine the chaos as every thing goes flying as it barges its way across. Now put a cat on the table with the same objective. Not quite the same, however, because the cat will have it’s own priorities. It will pick it’s way carefully, investigating this, having a taste of that but it will eventually reach the end in it’s own time without tipping anything over, without causing mayhem.
I have a cat that will send dogs away yelping down the path. She’s not very big but she can be formidable. Unlike the dogs she knows when to back off. How many dogs are put down for attacking people because they don’t know when to back off? Oh and don’t forget that lions are pussies too.
Now we come to some of the meat-and-potatoes of Roy’s—ahem—“argument.”
The war bloggers - and there are plenty of them - will barge into a war (at Israel’s behest) using their balls for brains whilst displaying an ‘out of order’ sign on their foreheads. Following a hard hitting front page on my own Daily Mirror the inscrutable american said:
‘The Daily Mirror blowhards can ram that editorial up their Euroweenie asses while we go and make the world safe for our children. The time has come to stand up and fight. We must not relent, we must not stop, until death itself has taken us. This is a cause worth dying for. I am ready to fight, are you?’
No pal, no way. This is NOT a war to die for. But then very few of you war bloggers will be going to war will you? It’s some other guy that may not come back.
Note Roy’s constant fixation on Israel, first in his original comment on my blog and now here. It’s quite obvious that he buys into the whole global Zionist conspiracy bullshit, which shows you just what kind of an intellectual midget we’re dealing with here. And let me point out something to you, Roy. If those planes had crashed into Buckingham Palace or Harrods you’d be singing a whole different tune, just like the Aussies are now after Bali.
And as far as us war bloggers not going to die, I did my time in the United States Navy. Have you served in your military?
And before he labels us Brits as ‘Europussies’ let me remind him who alone stood up to Hitler from 1939 to 1942.
Absolutely. And it was a coalition government led by a heretofore obscure back bencher named Winston Churchill that conducted that war. You remember Winston Churchill, right? When Neville Chamberlain was telling everyone to sleep secure in the knowledge that peace was upon them Churchill was one of the few who knew what was what. Public opinion is a fickle bitch sometimes, Roy.
Oh, and I would be remiss in not reminding you that had the United States not entered that war you would be eating bratwurst and singing Deutschland Uber Alles right now.
Yes, the same nation that went down to the Falklands to kick Argentinean ass and boy, did we kick ass?
This is the most pathetic thing I’ve read in a long time. I was living in the UK when the Falklands War took place. Let’s be real, here. It was about as difficult a military action as it was for the US to invade Panama or Grenada. It was a righteous operation, to be sure, and Thatcher was well justified in sending the warships down there to defend British territory. But let’s not blow the whole thing out of proportion, okay? I mean, the armed civilian population of Texas could beat Argentina in a war. I do have to admit, though, that the sinking of the General Belgrano was pretty fucking cool.
But they were wars worth fighting for. Do you think the Brits are with you on this Iraq war? Sorry to disillusion you but no we are not. The majority of the population is against joining the US in a war on Iraq. Tony Blair would be risking his popularity if he persists. That doesn’t mean we are pussies it just means we are thinking with our heads and not our balls.
Tony Blair understands what’s what, just like Churchill did all those years ago. To his credit he isn’t listening to gutless cowards like you when making decisions on what to do about Iraq. When the 101st Airborne ends up scouring Baghdad and we find out the true extent of what Iraq was up to you’re going to look like a goddam fool.
I don’t know what the polls are saying about the US going to war in the polls but I bet there’s a sizeable percentage who are agin it. Like Sarah who is able to get past the propaganda and see for herself what the terrible unknown consequences could be. I hope she is typical.
Actually the polls in the US are only slightly more in favor of the war than they are in the UK. America is full of gutless cowardly liberal pansies, too.
Is this war going to decrease terror attacks on innocents? No, in all probability it will just stir up a hornet’s nest and add to recruitment.
Bullshit. Provide some factual basis for this asinine argument.
Do you want a real threat to world peace to contest? Then what about North Korea, or is that a different kettle of fish because they do have their own ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons and actually have the ability to hit back where it hurts. So who’s the pussy now then big boys?
You just answered your own question. The fact that North Korea has its own nuclear weapons (thanks to Bill Clinton and recent Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jimmy Carter) means that we now have to play by a whole different set of rules. The idea here is that we deal with Saddam Hussein
before he obtains nukes. Would you rather fight a guy with a knife or a gun? It’s really that simple.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/27 at 08:30 AM in
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Thursday, December 26, 2002
The Boys from Brazil
If you’ve never seen the film The Boys from Brazil you need to head down to your local Blockbuster. It might not be Nazis trying to recreate Hitler, but it appears that a bunch of goofy assholes from the Raelian UFO cult have cloned a human being.
A BABY has been born through cloning, French scientist and member of the Raelian sect Brigitte Boisselier has claimed.
The baby, a girl, was born on Thursday by caesarean section. The birth “went very well,” said Boisselier, president of the human cloning society Clonaid, on the telephone.
As the effort by the Raelians to achieve the first human birth by cloning was carried out in the secrecy, it was not immediately possible to obtain any independent scientific confirmation that the baby was in fact a clone.
The baby born yesterday was the first of five the Raelians have said were due.
I’m not sure that I’m necessarily against the idea of human cloning, but jumping into it helter skelter is just the wrong way to approach it. Pandora’s Box has been opened and God only knows what is going to come out.
Posted by
Lee on 12/26 at 11:57 PM in
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Fisking My Representative
So in between family activities and bouts of heavy drinking I decided to check all five of my email accounts, and lo and behold there was a letter from Lynn Woolsey, the left wing dunce who represents my disctict in the House of Representatives. The letter was a reply to one I had ostensibly sent her urging her to support President Bush in his plans for Iraq. The only problem is that I never sent her such a letter. I do remember filling out something on a while back, whish said that the votes would be forwarded to our respective members of Congress. That must be where it came from. Knowing the kind of left-wing intellectual midget Lynn Woolsey is I wouldn’t have bothered to write her at all. At any rate, the letter she sent me is, if nothing else, worthy of a good dissection. Here it is, verbatim, with my commentary.
December 26, 2002
Mr. Lee XXX
My Street
My City, California MYZIP
Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for contacting me about your support for war with Iraq. I appreciate you taking the time to share your views, but unfortunately this is an issue on which we disagree.
To paraphrase something Bill Maher said once on
Politically Incorrect, I think we’d disagree even if the issue was whether we should wear bananas on our heads. Lynn Woolsey personifies everything I despise about Bay Area leftists. Also note that she mentions “war with Iraq” here in the very first paragraph. Not the disarmament of Iraq, which is the actual issue on the table. War with Iraq is one possible outcome of that issue, not the issue itself. But I don’t expect liberals to be able to make that subtle yet important distinction.
Your concerns about Saddam Hussein and the possibility that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction are understandable. It is true that Saddam Hussein is a bad man and the world would be better off without him.
I sense a “but” coming…
... the world will also be better off if the United States works within the scope of international institutions instead of launching a unilateral first-strike against Iraq. That is why I voted against authorizing the President to use force in Iraq.
Which, unless Woolsey has had her head wedged firmly up her ass for the last month or two, is exactly what we have been doing. We have a unanimous resolution by the United Nations Security Council ordering Iraq to disarm. That, my dear Lynn, is the polar opposite of a unilateral first strike. And let’s not claim the moral high ground here. You voted against giving Bush the nod because you represesent an area populated with sycophantic left wing drones who would have voted your ass out the first chance they got had you done something like (gasp!) dare to stand up for America’s national security.
North Bay residents have been very vocal on this issue, and as of October 11, 2002 more than 10,000 constituents have contacted my office to share their thoughts. More than 98% of the e-mails, calls, faxes and letters expressed opposition to war with Iraq. This overwhelming response by my constituents is heartening and has bolstered my strong opposition to initiating a war with Iraq.
This doesn’t surprise me, either. Iraq had an election where
every single person voted to support Saddam Hussein. Has that overwhelming response been heartening to you? Has it bolstered your strong opposition to removing the democratically-elected Saddam Hussein from power? All I can do is be thankful for the fact that you represent but a small group of millionaire left-wing dumbasses who can do nothing more than stand idly by while the rest of the country mobilizes to do what is right. The aged, wealthy flower children who make up your base can gather at Stinson beach and sing
kumbaya while the children of patriots grab a weapon and go and do what is right. Some choose the moral high ground, and some choose to crawl through the mud on their belly. What group do you think comprises the gutless cowards who voted for you?
America’s greatest asset is our moral authority, not our military power.
Actually they’re two sides of the same coin. Each one is useless without the other. We have the desire to do the right and moral thing, and we have the power to enforce it. No matter how much the good churchgoing folk of the old west wanted law and order it was the marshal packing the six-guns who kept the peace. Morality without force of will is pointless.
Tell me, sweetheart, was it America’s moral authority that ended the genocide in Kosovo, or was it American military firepower? Was it America’s moral authority that got food to starving Somalis, or was it America’s military might? And was it America’s moral authority that got United Nations weapons inspectors back into Iraq, or was it the threat of military action?
To quote P.J. O’Rourke, “The United States Marine Corps does more to promote world peace than all the Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream ever made.” You should take that to heart, Lynne, next time you get an email or a fax from one of your gray haired bra-burning hippie millionaire constituents.
Attacking a sovereign country unprovoked forfeits that authority completely.
This is quite an assertion, and noticeably Woolsey provides not a single shred of supporting argument to bolster it This is because 98% of the people who contact her already believe this crap, and therefore providing anything resembling an argument is unnecessary. It’s like providing an argument to a Christian that God exists. The North Bay liberal trash who voted for Woolsey believe this assertion to be self-evident, and therefore no further elaboration is required. Thank God most of the rest of the country disagrees.
A war in Iraq will cost thousands of lives, undermine our fight against the true culprits of the September 11 tragedy, and set a destabilizing precedent that first-strike attacks are acceptable.
- The war will indeed cost thousands of lives, most of them Iraqi. But, ask yourself how many lives will be lost of we don’t do anything now? Oh sure, they’ll die slowly, in secret, over a span of years, outside the scope of the lenses of American cameras. But since they won’t be dying in a brilliant, bright explosion caused by a US 1000 lb. bomb they really don’t count, do they?
- Exactly how is this going to undermine our fight against al Qaeda? Al Gore made this same ridiculous argument, provided no factual basis in support of it, and it was lapped up like sweet cream by his eager followers. I guess if it worked for him it’ll work for you, huh?
- Under certain circumstances first strikes are indeed acceptable. President Bush as been quite clear in what those criteria are. It’s refreshing to have a President who is more concerned with supporting American interests and saving American lives than in pacifying European hand-wringers and liberal pussies like you.
Worse, invading Iraq could undermine America’s vital interests in the Mideast and ultimately make Americans less safe.
How? Another utterly unsubstantiated assertion.
It is unfortunate, but true, that Iraq’s neighbors mistrust the United States even more than they mistrust Saddam. Invading Iraq could have drastic repercussions by energizing Arab nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists seeing to overthrow governments across the Mideast.
Then again, maybe it won’t. A free Iraq will energize the opposition in Iran. Smaller Arab states like Qatar have already decided to align themselves with the United States. We will undoubtedly establish US military bases in antebellum Iraq, which will negate our reliance on those shitfucks in Saudi Arabia. There’s a whole lot of peripheral good that could come come from a free Iraq, but you and your ilk simply don’t have the spine necessary to take such a bold action. Thankfully we have a president who does.
At the very least, it will spark a new round of anti-American sentiment in the Mideast that will foster the kind of hate displayed by the terrorists of September 11.
According to who? The Iraqi dissidents living in the United States have been quite vocal in expressing their belief that the exact opposite is true, that the Iraqi people are more than ready to be free of the tyrannical grip of Saddam’s regime.
At the worst, it could spur others to take up arms against America.
Yeah, like what we’ve been doing so far has worked wonders in that area.
Such an outcome is even more likely if Saddam responds to an invasion by retaliating against Israel.
The fact that Saddam would even consider retaliating against Israel shows that he needs to be removed from power immediately. But let’s be real here, when has anyone in the current Democratic party given a rat’s ass about Israel? So why start now?
The President must ask himself just how much he is willing to sacrifice for this war.
And you need to ask yourself just how much you are willing to sacrifice by cowering in the closet and hoping the boogeyman doesn’t find you. As Winston Churchill said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.”
War represents a failure of civilization.
No, no, no! War builds civilization, and war maintains it. War is why we don’t have a Confederate States of America to the south of our nation. War is why we don’t have an ambassador to Nazi Europe. War is why the Japanese Empire doesn’t control most of Asia. War is a vital and necessary part of civilization, no matter how ugly, abhorrent, or distasteful it may be.
It is a last resort.
Saddam has had twelve years of last resorts. You liberals have a word for this type of support. You’re an enabler. Perhaps if the entire left wing of our great nation went into group therapy you could break the cycle.
America’s strength is our commitment to moral action and a government based on the rule of law.
I agree. Let’s give the Iraqi people our commitment to the establishment of a moral government that respects the rule of law.
That law must never be silent, and our moral sensibilities must never be intimidated by fear.
Which yours most assuredly are.
Be assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue to work hard to prevent a needless war in Iraq.
Yeah, I’m sure that the 2% of your constituents who aren’t bleeding heart liberal dictator-appeasing pacifist pussies are going to be at the forefront of your mind as you ponder these issues.
Again, thanks for being in touch.
The pleasure was all mine.
Lynn Woolsey
Member of Congress
Private Citizen
Republican who will Never Vote for You
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Dead as Vince Foster
The ever reclusive completely dead Osama bin Laden has apparently sent a message of goodwill to Algerian rebels.
Three members of al Qaeda delivered a message this month from Osama bin Laden to a leading Algerian Islamic rebel believed to be in neighboring Niger, news reports said on Thursday.
The three emissaries, all Saudi nationals, traveled through Syria and Egypt and met Mokhtar Belmokhtar, a regional leader of Algeria’s Islamic rebel Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.
The daily L’Expression, quoting reliable sources, did not say what the content of Bin Laden’s reported message was.
They didn’t even spring for an audio tape this time. I don’t know what kind of bullshit stunt our government is trying to pull but bin Laden is dead. He couldn’t be any deader if Hillary Clinton had murdered him, then stuck his body in a park and staged it to look like a suicide.
What We're Made Of... Literally
If anything truly exemplifies what this country is made of this Christmas season it’s this story. As a former sailor in the United States Navy I would be honored to serve on this vessel.
Steel salvaged from the wreckage of the World Trade Center will be used to build the Navy’s USS New York, a warship named in honor of those who perished in New York on Sept. 11, 2001.
The scrap steel will be extricated from the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island on Friday and trucked south to a Northrop Grumman shipyard in Pascagoula, Miss. Northrop Grumman will start building the USS New York in Pascagoula in the middle of next year.
The USS New York will be the fifth of 12 amphibious assault ships in the San Antonio class, which the Navy calls one of its most technologically innovative. The 684-foot vessel will carry a Navy crew of 402 and up to 800 Marines.
The $800 million vessel should be ready for active duty in 2007.
Not to be outdone the Iraqi government has stated that it will recycle the rubble from its bombed out buildings into stones to be thrown at the tanks and artillery of the Great Satan
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Lee on 12/26 at 12:09 AM in
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Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Short and Sweet
Have a Merry Christmas everyone. And thanks for making this blog successful beyond anything I had ever hoped! Enjoy your time with family and friends, and I hope you got the DVD player you wanted.
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Lee on 12/24 at 09:05 PM in
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Spicoli, The Useful Idiot
I wasn’t planning on blogging again. I’ve been making cookies and rum balls with my mom, and the house is full of the smells of baking yummies, but this is just too damn good to pass up. Clifford May has a wonderful piece on Baghdad Sean Penn, and how he is nothing but a dupe for Saddam Hussein.
How can Sean Penn be so naive as to believe he would see the reality of Iraq touring around Baghdad by limo and dining on kabobs with Saddam’s deputies? Does he really believe that average Iraqi citizens were going to invite him into their living rooms and share their feelings with him? Did he expect Saddam to open his dungeons to show him the political prisoners whose tongues have been sliced and whose eyes have been gouged? Did he think he’d have more luck finding caches of biological and chemical weapons than has Hans Blix?
Mr. Penn also told CNN: “The insight that I would have and I think for it to be productive, I would hope that this would not be a political commentary on my part but more a human commentary.” To which one can only respond: “Whaaa???”
If Mr. Penn & Co. were serious about grasping Iraqi reality, they would meet with those who have fled Saddam’s oppression to London and Washington and, yes, probably to Los Angeles. They would visit the Kurdish areas in northern Iraq, protected from Saddam troops by U.S. and British air power. They would learn about the 182,000 Kurds who were slaughtered by Saddam, about the villages wiped out by poison gas, women and children lying in the gutter in a final embrace.
In other words, if Sean Penn and other Hollywood types really want to see what life under Saddam Hussein is like and the kind of danger he represents to the people of Iraq, the Middle East and the world, Baghdad is the last place they should go.
Read the whole thing, it’s great. Sean Penn is a fool and a dupe. He’s much more Spicoli than he’d ever want to admit.
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Lee on 12/24 at 09:00 PM in
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For the Little Ones
If you’ve got small children in the house, you might want to show them this. NORAD is using its powerful ICBM-monitoring radar technology to keep track of exactly where Santa is during his trip around the world. It’s very well done. If you’re got little ones running around you should show this to them.
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Lee on 12/24 at 06:17 PM in
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Monday, December 23, 2002
For those of you who are convinced that we never landed on the moon (Jim) then this page should provide a little enlightenment.
Is that the moon or a studio in the Nevada desert? How can the flag flutter when theres no wind on the moon? Why cant we see stars in the moon-landing pictures? For three decades, NASA has taken the high road, ignoring those who claimed the Apollo moon landings were faked and part of a colossal government conspiracy.
This is obviously tied in with the massive JFK assassination conspiracy and the tinfoil hat brigade is loving it. I do, however, think that with the internet being what it is, someone needs to set the record straight.
The issue of trying to do a targeted response to this is just lending credibility to something that is, on its face, asinine, NASA chief Sean OKeefe said in late November after the dust settled.
So its back to square one ignoring the hoaxers. Thats troubling to some scientific experts who contend that someone needs to lead the fight against scientific illiteracy and the growing belief in pseudoscience like aliens and astrology.
Someone like NASA.
If they dont speak out, who will? asks Melissa Pollak, a senior analyst at the National Science Foundation.
Well, if they don’t then it’s going to be the tinfoil hat crowd who keeps this idiocy alive for yet another generation of skeptical, dateless Dungeons and Drangons players.
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Lee on 12/23 at 11:15 PM in
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The Revolving Door
California is seeking to address its $35 million budget shortfall by releasing prisoners to save money.
Proposals to release some nonviolent and elderly prisoners early have emerged in California and other states confronting massive budget shortfalls.
Kentucky Gov. Paul Patton enraged prosecutors by recently allowing hundreds of low-level felons to leave jails and prisons early as part of a plan to fill a corrections shortfall. And proposals to release some inmates early, pare down parole periods or reject the return of criminals nabbed in other states have emerged in Washington, Connecticut, Oregon, Nevada and Oklahoma.
California is facing a nearly $35 billion budget deficit, and leading Democratic lawmakers are suggesting chopping some sentences to shave state costs.
Gov. Gray Davis announced last week that the state is facing a $34.8 billion budget deficit over the next 18 months. The Democratic governor will submit his plan to deal with the deficit in January, and despite his longtime tough-on-crime stances and hesitancy to parole prisoners, aides said he has not ruled out any proposals to cut costs.
So, rather than cut government spending on asinine environmental programs, or strengthen the borders to keep out parasitic illegal immigrants, or cut some of the countless social welfare programs for unwed mothers or drug addicts or other societal refuse, our illustrious governor is going to
release prisoners.
Oh sure, they’re non-violent prisoners. That just means that they’ll be free to burgalrize your house or steal your car. Plus, anyone with the slightest knowledge of crime knows that virtually all rapists start out as peeping toms, who then work up to burglary, and eventually end up as a rapist. By releasing non-violent offenders you are releasing embryonic versions of future violent criminals.
Faced with a lack of cash, these idiots would rather release criminals from prison than spend less money! This is like saying “Well, I don’t have enough money to pay my rent. I think I’ll buy fewer DVD’s.”
Oh, and as an aside, notice how the article begins by pointing out that Davis isn’t the only governor considering the release of criminals. “But… but.. Governor So-and-so did it too!” What a loser.
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Happy Festivus, Everyone!
I saw a comedian once do a bit about Kwanzaa. I can’t for the life of me remember who it was or the exact wording of the quote, but it went something like this: “What the hell is this Kwanzaa thing? Oh, so blacks want to be like Christians and have a holiday at the end of the year? You know, I thought they already did have a holiday. It’s called CHRISTMAS.” (If anyone knows the name of the comedian please leave a comment.)
Kwanzaa is yet another attempt by black Americans to segregate themselves from white society. Separate but equal is the goal of mainstream black Americans, no matter how much the white leftist hand-wringers want to believe otherwise.
Have you ever wondered just what Kwanzaa is? Paul Mulshine has a great article over at the ever-brilliant Front Page Magazine on just this subject.
On December 24, 1971, the New York Times ran one of the first of many articles on a new holiday designed to foster unity among African Americans. The holiday, called Kwanzaa, was applauded by a certain sixteen-year-old minister who explained that the feast would perform the valuable service of “de-whitizing” Christmas. The minister was a nobody at the time but he would later go on to become perhaps the premier race-baiter of the twentieth century. His name was Al Sharpton and he would later spawn the Tawana Brawley hoax and then incite anti-Jewish tensions in a 1995 incident that ended with the arson deaths of seven people.
Great minds think alike. The inventor of the holiday was one of the few black “leaders” in America even worse than Sharpton. But there was no mention in the Times article of this man or of the fact that at that very moment he was sitting in a California prison. And there was no mention of the curious fact that this purported benefactor of the black people had founded an organization that in its short history tortured and murdered blacks in ways of which the Ku Klux Klan could only fantasize.
Be sure and read the rest. Let your black friends know just what it is they’re celebrating. Kwanzaa is no more a legitimate holiday than
Festivus is.
Posted by
Lee on 12/23 at 09:38 PM in
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Saturday, December 21, 2002
Only in San Francisco
San Francisco recently had the distinction of being the only city in America where unionized strippers go on strike for better pay. Now, proving once and for all that this city is the truly the most glorious bastion of American left-wing lunacy, the city plans to regulate psychics.
Under the law, the first of its kind for a major U.S. city, fortune-tellers would no longer be allowed to perform such classic curse removals as the knot in the thread, the blood in the glass, or the hair in the grapefruit.
The bury-the-money trick would be outlawed, too.
“Everyone is going to think this is a little bit hokey,” said Supervisor Aaron Peskin, introducing his ordinance at the Hall of Justice.
“But it’s not hokey if it’s your money that’s being taken,” chimed in District Attorney Terence Hallinan, who is backing the proposal.
Saving people from their own abject stupidity. This is what the left has been reduced to. Now, if we could just get them to prevent people from stupidly voting for Democrats in 2004 we might be getting somewhere.
Outta Here
Alright gang, I’m off to the airport. Next post will be from Houston. See ya!
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Lee on 12/21 at 07:09 AM in
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Cameron Diaz
Just watching her on Jay Leno. She’s one of these girls who thinks that everything she says is funny, so she giggles obnoxiously after virtually every sentence. The problem is, nothing she says is funny.
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Lee on 12/21 at 01:07 AM in
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Friday, December 20, 2002
Our Allies At Work
“We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. I cannot believe that such a program would be rejected by the people of this country, even if it does mean the establishment of personal contact with the dictators. “
-- Neville Chamberlain
From The Daily Mirror:
THE day has been marked in President Bush’s diary. January 27, 2003. The date when he will decide on war against Iraq.
No, that’s the date that it is
speculated that he will decide on the war on Iraq.
But no one really believes that a big decision will be taken in the White House on that day. The die was cast long ago.
Absolutely. When the UN Security Council passed its resolution ordering Iraq to disarm, and Saddam Hussein decided not to, the die was indeed cast.
Mr Bush and the warmongers in his cabinet want a war against Saddam Hussein. They say they must stop him because he has weapons of mass destruction.
And because he has no compunction about using them against innocent civilians, nor giving them to terrorists to use against innocent civilians.
But only one leader has weapons of mass destruction and plans to use them. His name is George W Bush and it is he who must be stopped.
“At the depths of that dusty soul there is nothing but abject surrender.”
-- Winston Churchill, on Neville Chamberlain
What he plans to do against Iraq will not save lives or make peace. It will destabilise the world and threaten thousands, possibly millions.
War can be easily avoided if Saddam Hussein would simply comply with the orders of the UN Security Council and disarm. He has chosen not to do so and will suffer the consequences of his choice.
President Bush is determined to go to war to demonstrate to the United States’ rednecks that he is committed to the war on terrorism launched after 9/11.
Much like the editors of the Daily Mirror are determined to oppose President Bush to demonstrate to handwringing European pussies that they are committed to a world full of terrorism like that of 9/11.
Yesterday the Americans declared that Iraq is in “material breach” - the key words - of United Nations resolutions.
So I take it that the position of the Mirror is that it is perfectly acceptable to violate terms of a United Nations resolution? If we follow that logic through, the United States would be completely justified in attacking Iraq even if the UN passed a resolution ordering them not to. Somehow I doubt the Mirror would support the US should that transpire.
Not even the British government went that far. Though Jack Straw came close to it and will doubtless take the short step to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Mr Bush.
Of course they will. I was never really a Tony Blair fan, considering him very much a Bill Clinton wannabe. But to his credit Blair has stepped up to the plate to do what is right, even in the fact of the type of criticism leveled at him by British pussies like the editorial staff at the Mirror.
But they must be stopped. Before this mad, dangerous war is begun. The cost in human life could be enormous. It would far outweigh the current threat from Saddam.
The cost in human life would be zero should Iraq simply comply with the UN resolution.
It is true that weapons of mass destruction should not be allowed in the wrong hands.
Like Saddam’s.
But they are. They are in President Bush’s. That is the greatest threat facing the world.
Neville Chamberlain
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
September 1938, after signing the Munich Pact with Hitler
“We, the German Führer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe.
“We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.”
Wild cheers erupted, the crowd reiterating, reverberating the last syllables of the Prime Minister’s statement. He continued.
“We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe.”
Later at 10 Downing Street, he added,
“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time… Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.”
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Posted by
Lee on 12/20 at 06:34 PM in
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Christmas Comes Early
Christmas has come a litle early this year.
Embattled Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) announced this morning that he is stepping down from his leadership post, just a day after Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) launched a campaign to oust him.
Lott said he would serve the four years left in his term, thus helping to insure that the Republican Party maintains its narrow control of the Senate.
“In the interest of pursuing the best possible agenda for the future of our country, I will not seek to remain as majority leader of the United States Senate for the 108th Congress, effective Jan. 6, 2003,” Lott said in a written statement. “To all those who offered me their friendship, support and prayers, I will be eternally grateful. I will continue to serve the people of Mississippi in the United States Senate."
It looks like Bill Frist is shaping up to be the new majority leader. Let the good times roll.
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Lee on 12/20 at 12:02 PM in
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The Continuing GOP Majority?
I just got an interesting email from the RNC giving some interesting figures from the 2002 elections.
- Republicans hold a majority of state legislative seats for the first time since 1946. In the last twelve years, Democrats have gone from 61 percent of state legislative seats to just 49 percent.
- Nationally, the total votes cast for Republicans this November exceeded Democrat votes by five percentage points, marking the first time since 1994 that any party has broken the 49 percent barrier in a national election.
- The Republican share of the Latino vote surged to 38 percent, up from an historical average of 20 to 25 percent. Even with the expected growth in the Latino population, Republicans can continue to win solid majorities nationally by continuing their successful outreach efforts.
The email also contains a link to The Continuing GOP Majority?, an article by Republican strategist Matthew Dowd. It uses 2002 election data to refute some of the claims made in the recent book The Emerging Democratic Majority, by John B. Judis and Rudy Teixeira. Here’s a taste:
In 2002 Republican congressional candidates received more than 54 percent of the vote in 214 districts, while Democratic/Independent candidates carried more than 54 percent in 191 districts. The remaining 30 districts fell between these levels. In the 214 Republican districts there are four seats, mainly in the Northeast, where President Bush received less than 42 percent of the vote in 2000. In the 191 Democratic seats there are five districts, mainly in the South, where President Bush received more than 58 percent of the vote.
Let’s assume for argument’s sake that each party ultimately switches these seats giving Republicans an additional district. So, the breakdown becomes a Republican advantage of 215-190. How do the 29 fairly competitive districts break down? In eight districts President Bush received more than 58 percent of the vote and in one district he received less than 42 percent of the vote. Let’s allocate those again leaving 20 very competitive districts, and the new breakdown is 223 likely Republican seats and 191 likely Democratic seats. Absent a major economic or foreign crisis, the prospect of Democrats recapturing a significant majority in Congress seems dim.
It’s well worth a read.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/20 at 02:01 AM in
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Thursday, December 19, 2002
The Final Word
I just caught this brilliant post over at NRO. It’s written by someone known only as a Southern “professional Republican operative we know,” and it perfectly sums up the situation now facing the GOP over Trent Lott. Here’s a taste.
I am a conservative Republican, in fact make my living as one, but if [Trent Lott stays on as majority leader], the disappointment and embarrassment will make it incredibly difficult for me to remain “proudly” Republican.
Which makes me wonder if Senate GOPers have really absorbed just how significant is the question facing them at present. Bill Kristol today demands they stop being coy and come out and declare themselves. But before that (lest one by one by one they come out for Lott), I’d ask these Senators some other questions: If Trent remains, what does the world look like come January 7th? More pointedly, do you envision a time when the President can again appear in the same room with the Senate majority leader? (I can’t.) Can you then justify electing a leader who subsequently becomes for the president his party’s own Yasser Arafat, with whom he will never meet nor shake hands? Will you put the President in that horrible position?
Forget about the passing of a conservative agenda—can the party or the conservative movement themselves hold together and withstand that strain?
Beautifully and succinctly stated. This is make-or-break time for the Republicans. If Lott stays I’m going to have serious reservations about voting for the GOP in the future. He needs to go. Now.
Posted by
Lee on 12/19 at 08:09 PM in
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Removing the Albatross
As of one hour ago I’m on vacation for two weeks. And not a moment to soon! I leave Saturday morning for Texas, where I’ll be spending the holidays with my folks. But don’t fret, gentle reader, I’ll still be blogging. :)
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Lee on 12/19 at 07:02 PM in
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Boo Fucking Hoo
The utterly inept INS finally did something logical in the war on terror.
Hundreds of Iranian and other Middle East citizens were in southern California jails on Wednesday after coming forward to comply with a new rule to register with immigration authorities only to wind up handcuffed and behind bars.
The arrests were part of a post Sept. 11 program that requires all males over 16 from a list of 20 Arab or Middle East countries, who do not have permanent resident status in the United States, to register with U.S. immigration authorities.
Monday was the deadline for men from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Sudan. News of the mass arrests came first in southern California, which is home to more than 600,000 Iranian exiles and their families.
Seems pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? These people are not citizens, nor are they permanent residents. As you can welll imagine the bleeding hearts at the ACLU are going apeshit.
The head of the southern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union compared the arrests to the internment of Japanese Americans in camps during the Second World War.
“I think it is shocking what is happening. It is reminiscent of what happened in the past with the internment of Japanese Americans. We are getting a lot of telephone calls from people. We are hearing that people went down wanting to cooperate and then they were detained,” said Ramona Ripston, the ACLU’s executive director.
“It is a shock. You don’t expect this to happen. It is really putting fright and apprehension in the community. People who come from these countries—this is what they expect from their government. Not from America,” said Sabiha Khan of the Southern California chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations.
So, now that the images of the Jews being rushed off to Auschwitz in a cattle car are fresh in your head, what justification did the INS have for detaining these people?
INS spokesman Arcaute said those arrested had violated immigration laws, overstayed their visas, or were wanted for crimes. The program was prompted by concern about the lack of records on tourists, students and other visitors to the United States after the Sept. 11 hijack plane attacks on New York and Washington. [Emphasis added]
So, let’s put this in plain English.
- In the wake of 9/11 this nation decided it was in our best interest to keep better tabs on those who reside within its borders. Note that we did not prevent Middle Easterners from visiting or immigrating to the United States, just that we wanted to know who was here.
- Citizens of various Middle Eastern countries were given a specific date by which they had to register with the INS. The people detained waited until the last possible day to do so.
- The people detained are not citizens or even legal residents of the United States. They are guests here, and as such are subject to closer scrutiny by officials.
- The people detained had all broken a law, and thus their arrest was legal and justified. They weren’t rounded up en masse simply because of their ethnicity or country of origin, they violated the laws of this nation and were arrested for it.
You can always count on the ACLU and the compliant liberals in the media to manufacture a racial issue where none exists. Look for Jesse Jackson and/or Al Sharpton to be on the first private jet heading to Los Angeles.
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The Coolest Film of All Time?
According to The Sun, it’s this:
GET ready for what could be the coolest film of all time.
QUENTIN TARANTINO will bring back Vincent Vega, played by JOHN TRAVOLTA in Pulp Fiction, and Vic Vega played by MICHAEL MADSEN in Reservoir Dogs for a spectacular , a prequel to both films called The Vega Brothers.
My source said: Expect the charm to come from Travolta and the crazy stuff from Madsen. It will follow the pairs exploits around a club they own, set in the late Eighties.
There is also an argument between the brothers over a woman.
In true Tarantino fashion, it will be a film full of twists, plenty of action with gangsters a plenty.
Tarantino hopes to complete writing The Vega Brothers early next year so he can start shooting in the summer.
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Lee on 12/19 at 02:07 AM in
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In Search Of...
I swore I wasn’t going to blog on this again, but while perusing the server logs I discovered that this site gets hit when people are searching for gay porno videos. Take a look at this:
Apparently Simon Rex is a gay porn star. I’m hit #8 on the list. How did I get there? The page in question referrs to former California gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon, film critic Rex Reed, and also contains the word jerkoff. So now gay guys searching for jerkoff porno are going to end up at a conservative opinion blog.
The wonders of the internet.
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Lee on 12/19 at 01:04 AM in
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Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Girls Gone Wild!
Any blog post that contains these words is worth a look:
At any rate, we had fun, we didnt study, and we got to play with boobs and duct tape. All in all a good night. In fact, if us poor college girls could afford a couple of beers Id have to call it perfect.
Even better—there’s pictures!
See for yourself!
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Lee on 12/18 at 11:54 PM in
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Clinton Blabs, and CNN Bias
CNN is reporting some comments made by our former disgrace-in-chief, Bill Clinton.
Former President Clinton said Wednesday it is “pretty hypocritical” of Republicans to criticize incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott for stating publicly what he said the GOP does “on the back roads every day.”
“How do they think they got a majority in the South anyway?” Clinton told CNN outside a business luncheon he was attending. “I think what they are really upset about is that he made public their strategy.”
He added: “They try to suppress black voting, they ran on the Confederate flag in Georgia and South Carolina, and from top to bottom the Republicans supported it."
Delightful, huh? Much like Al Gore decided to end the tradition of the loser conceding to the winner in an election, his former boss has totally destroyed the tradition of former presidents to keep quiet and stay out of the way of the current one.
He even began his post-presidential life as a private citizen by breaking tradition. CNN wrote, “Although ex-presidents traditionally make a quiet exit from Washington to leave the stage to their successors, Clinton reminisced in public during an emotional farewell ceremony.” The man simply cannot stay out of the spotlight, and the compliant liberal media is all to ready to jot down his every utterance, which are usually comprised of his excuses for not fighting terrorism. ("We was just ten dang ol’ minutes away from getting that there ol’ bin Laden.")
At any rate, these latest comments of Clinton’s really exemplify what a contemptible scumbag the man is. “How do you think the Republicans won the south? They’re racists! White southerners are racists!” Fanning the flames of racial hatred is a tactic used quite well by black leaders such as Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see the shame rhetoric coming from the first black president.
And now for the CNN bias...
Take a look at the CNN article quoted at the begining of this text. The article starts out with Clinton’s comemnts. It is then followed by this sole sentence:
Clinton’s comments were strongly refuted by a Republican spokesman, who called on the former president to “check his facts."
This is followed by a couple of paragraphs giving a basic rundown of Lott’s comments and the current scandal. Then, for some inexplicable reason, they go off on a tangent about how CNN talking bald head James Carville has accepted Lott’s apology and pledged not to criticize him further. (I guess there’s no time like the present to plug one of your own shows, is there?)
After all this, way down at the bottom of the page, there is a subheading—GOP spokesman points to minority outreach—followed by four short paragraphs. The first two are as follows:
Jim Dyke, press secretary for the Republican National Committee, disputed Clinton’s characterization of the party’s election gains.
“We worked hard to make sure that more people were registered to vote, more people went to the polls and more people voted for Republicans on Election Day. President Clinton should check his facts."
The third paragraph is a rundown of southern races where Republicans defeated Democrats. And the fourth, and final paragraph, belongs all to Clinton.
"I think the way the Republicans have treated Senator Lott is pretty hypocritical since right now their policy is, in my view, inimical to everything that this country stands for,” Clinton said.
There you have it, folks. Clinton makes these outrageous charges against the GOP. CNN writes a seventeen paragraph article on it, and this is all the space the Republicans are given to rebut the charges:
Clinton’s comments were strongly refuted by a Republican spokesman, who called on the former president to “check his facts.”
Jim Dyke, press secretary for the Republican National Committee, disputed Clinton’s characterization of the party’s election gains.
“We worked hard to make sure that more people were registered to vote, more people went to the polls and more people voted for Republicans on Election Day. President Clinton should check his facts."
Three piss-ant paragraphs. For way of comparison, the infinitely more important James Carville information was given three paragraphs, earlier in the story. So unless the reader read the entire story they wouldn’t have any idea that the GOP had anything to say in its own defense.
Conservative media my ass.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/18 at 10:49 PM in
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Whole Lotta Flava Going On
The Lotta Flava phenomenon keeps rolling along. I just took a peek at the server logs and I’ve had about 500 people come to my site today from one particular page. It appears that a talk show host named John Carlson from Stattle station KVI has posted the Lotta Flava picture on his website.
Apparently this is the local affiliate for Rush, Sean Hannity, and Larry Elder, so this is definitely my kind of radio station. If you’re one of the recent visitors, welcome!
Update: Well, the picture has ended up at Free Republic. Check out this link, and scroll down for another gut-buster of a picture.
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Lee on 12/18 at 07:11 PM in
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The Fine Art of Apologizing
I got an email today from columnist Steve Young regarding my Lotta Flava picture. Steve pointed me towards one of his columns dealing with, what else, Trent Lott and his umpteen apologies.
The outrage in both Democratic and Republican circles over Trent Lott’s round of apologies for his Strom-Thurmond-shouldabeen-president comments reached fever pitch Friday.
After his first apology, which said that he was “only trying to make the old man feel good,” which he apologized for with “I’m sorry if I offended anyone,” which he followed with the apology, “What I meant to say was that if Lester Maddox had been elected president in ‘48, we wouldn’t have the problems we have today,” he issued another apology that read, “For goodness’ sake, I was telling a freakin’ joke.” Even his barbershop-quartet rendition of Paul McCartney’s, “We’re so sorry, Uncle Albert” failed to stem the flak from his side of the aisle.
While written with a humorous bent, Steve’s point here is right on the money. The whole thing is a farce. The multiple apologies are obviously contrived, and being done solely to save Lott’s political ass.
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Lee on 12/18 at 01:14 AM in
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Today we hit a couple of milestones. I launch this blog on September 7th of this year, and for the first six weeks I averaged about 8 readers a day. As of today we passed 20,000 unique visits and 30,000 page views. Unbelievable! Thanks to everyone who has visited, and I hope you keep coming back. (And tell your friends!)
Also, sorry for the lack of posts tonight. My dad had a six hour layover on his way back to Houston from Indonesia, so I went down to the airport and had dinner with him.
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Lee on 12/18 at 12:00 AM in
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Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Beating Us Over the Head
I’ve been pretty hard on Trent Lott lately, and rightly so. As I said in this post I believe that he has damaged the GOP for years to come in the one area where it needs the most help, and that is in race relations. Rod Dreher says the same thing at The Corner on NRO, only much better than I did.
[T]here are lots of liberals who are convinced that every conservative is dying to put on a white sheet and re-enact Jim Crow. It’s a lie and a slander, but then when we have one of the top Republicans in the Senate play right into the left-wing stereotype with foolish remarks, we see years of hard intellectual labor establishing our bona fides on this issue collapse. And, Lott has handed the Democrats a cudgel with which to beat us all for years to come. That’s where the anger comes from.
The Democrats cry institutional racism, but a growing, successful black middle class begins to disprove that slanderous theory. These are the people that the Republican Party had the best chance of reaching. Now these same middle class blacks can marvel to themselves that the lefties had it right all along.
For better or worse Trent Lott has become the poster boy for institutionalized racism, and he can no longer lead the GOP because of it.
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Lee on 12/17 at 02:36 AM in
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Monday, December 16, 2002
Keepin' It Real
Incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott appeared in an interview on the BET network this evening.
After “givin’ a shout out to his niggaz” Lott answered questions about his recent comments, which some have attributed to support for segregation. “Yo, dat is some wack shizzle. I’s jus’ givin props to mah homie Strom Thurmond, you know what I’m sayin’? I ain’t out to get all up in nobody’s grill an’ shit. I’m a lover, you dig? Much love, baby, much love.”
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Lee on 12/16 at 09:18 PM in
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Gore in 2008
David Frum nails Gore in his column on National Review Online.
Gore seems to have calculated that the risk of losing the nomination in 04 was too great to bear especially in an election year when the incumbent president was looking very strong. So hes decided to do a Nixon sit out the election after his defeat, let some other shmoe get whomped next time out, and start preparing now for 08.
Of course, theres another strong national Democrat with an eager eye on 08: Hillary Clinton. And quite a lot of the psycho-drama of the next six years in American politics will be watching these two strange beasts try to do each other in. And the most exciting part of the psycho-drama will be watching the most popular and prominent of all national Democrats, Bill Clinton, decide which of these people he dislikes more.
Frum is dead on about Gore, and even more dead on about Clinton. 2008 will be like slitting a shark’s belly open and watching it eat its own guts.
Posted by
Lee on 12/16 at 02:09 PM in
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Horowitz on Lott
David Horowitz chimes in on Trent Lott over at Front Page Magazine. As usual he’s right on the money.
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Lee on 12/16 at 01:59 PM in
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Political Chickenshit
In his book Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War, Paul Fussell defines the term chickenshit as
... behavior that makes military life worse than it need be: petty harassment of the weak by the strong; open scrimmage for power and authority and prestige… insistence on the letter rather than the spirit of ordinances. Chickenshit is so called—instead of horse—or bull—or elephant shit—because it is small-minded and ignoble and takes the trivial seriously. Chickenshit can be recognized instantly because it never has anything to do with winning the war.
I cite this definition because it fits so perfectly the attitude of Mitch McConnell, the incoming majority whip, regarding the potential official censure of Trent Lott.
From ABC News:
Sen. Trent Lott’s third apology for racially charged remarks should suffice, the Senate’s incoming No. 2 Republican leader said Saturday, vowing that a move for formal censure would produce a swift counter-attack against a prominent Democrat.
“The first amendment (to a censure motion) that would be offered would be an amendment relating to Sen. (Robert) Byrd’s comments in 2001,” said Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Byrd, D-W.Va., used the phrase “white niggers” in a taped broadcast interview last year. He swiftly apologized at the time, saying “the phrase dates back to my boyhood and has no place in today’s society.”
McConnell, the incoming GOP whip, said in Kentucky that those remarks should be the end of the controversy.
“There are prominent Democrats who have said much worse things within the last year and a half, who apologized one time and it was over,” McConnell said in a reference to Byrd. “And I think that should be our approach here.”
Byrd’s staff had no immediate comment on McConnell’s remarks.
Now, I’ll be the first one to stipulate that McConnell has a point about the double-standard regarding “racially insensitive remarks” uttered by Republicans and Democrats. It sucks, but it’s a fact of political life. But is this the best way to handle things? I mean, how petty could you possibly be?
What McConnell fails to realize (or maybe fails to admit) is that the reason this thing has grown legs and taken off is because of criticism from conservatives, and not from the Democrats. Sure, it would be extected that the Congressional Black Caucus and the racial arsonists from the civil rights movement would call a press conference or two, but it was criticism from the conservative punditry, most notably National Review, that gave the green light for the left to go after Lott as vociferously as they have.
So, what is McConnell’s solution to the problem? Obviously it is to play mamby-pamby bullshit politics. This is leadership? This is what he thinks that conservatives want from our GOP senate leaders? What petty, trivial political posturing. What is the point that he’s trying to make here? Lott’s racist statement is okay because Byrd made one too? Lott’s statement deserves censure, but only if Byrd gets censured as well? I have no problem with people making an issue of Byrd’s “white nigger” statement, nor pointing it out to the public. But why threaten censure of Byrd at this point? If he deserved censure, why didn’t the GOP push for it when Byrd first said it? I guess racist remarks are acceptable as long as both parties make them and neither of them makes a big deal out of it.
Take the lead, McConnell! Defend Lott if you feel it is the correct thing to do, I can’t fault you for that. But cut the quid-pro-quo posturing. You look like a pathetic little child when you threaten to pull a stunt like this. It should be beneath you, but obviously it isn’t.
Chickenshit in this case can be defined as something small-minded and ignoble, which has nothing to do with leading the party. Lott is going to end up resigning. We all know it. Why make the process so drawn out and so goddam chickenshit?
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Posted by
Lee on 12/16 at 02:40 AM in
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Sunday, December 15, 2002
Strangest... Search... Ever.
I’ve posted strange search strings before, but this one beats even “John Travolta Cigar Cutter.” Someone just hit this site after searching Yahoo for (ready for this?)... Gay men at play in suit and ties.
God only knows.
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Lee on 12/15 at 09:17 PM in
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Gore on 60 Minutes
I just caught Gore’s interview on 60 Minutes where he stated that he won’t seek the presidency. A thought occurred to me while watching it. How much of his decision is an altruistic desire to see Democrats win in 2004, and how much of it is because he simply thinks that Bush is unbeatable in 2004? If he went on the ticket in 2004 and lost, he’d be a three-time loser and it would absolutely, unequivocally relegate him to the ash heap of history. By sitting this one out he retains the option of running in 2008 or beyond.
I have to admit that I’m astounded he didn’t run. I figured his ego wouldn’t allow him to sit this one out. However, maybe there’s much more of a method to his madness than I had previously considered.
Update: Great minds think alike.
Posted by
Lee on 12/15 at 08:16 PM in
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A Tale of Two Programs
Owen Courrèges has blogged on a story regarding the success of an absinence program in quelling HIV infection rates in Uganda.
Although some may find this surprising, the African nation of Uganda is an oasis on that continent in terms of its experience with AIDS infection rates over the past decade (link via Jim Kalb). According to USAID, “HIV prevalence peaked at around 15 percent in 1991, and had fallen to 5 percent as of 2001.” USAID credits these drops to a resurgence of traditional sexual morality (i.e. abstinence and monogamy).
You can see for yourself that USAID’s assessment is correct both in their own report and from the agenda of the Uganda AIDS Commission, which emphasizes abstinence but makes no mention of condoms. This case study should certainly serve to refute certain elements such as the UN and Planned Parenthood International who erroneously assume that you can throw condoms at people and lower AIDS rates. It doesn’t work that way.
Now, compare this to am AP news report I
blogged on recently about HIV infection rates in San Francisco.
In the last two years, the number of HIV and AIDS victims in the city has more than doubled, according to an annual report presented Tuesday to the San Francisco Health Commission by the city’s AIDS office.
In 2000, there were approximately 500 cases in the city of people reportedly infected with HIV and AIDS. In 2002, that number increased to 1,084 cases, said James Loyce Jr., deputy director of health for AIDS programs in San Francisco.
Most of those infected were between the ages of 18 and 30, he said.
Loyce said the reasons for the increase was complex, including a belief among some that new drugs and drug treatments will keep HIV and AIDS patients healthy longer.
“Yes, they will keep you alive,” he said. “But when you use those drugs you have to follow a very strict regime, you must follow to the letter all the instructions.”
He pointed out that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in the city also has risen in recent years.
My comments to this report are doubly correct in light of the Uganda information.
San Francisco, with its substantial gay community, was one of the first areas where HIV struck in a big way. People in this city are bombarded with print, billboard, and television advertising reminding them about the risks of HIV. A case could be made that the San Francisco gay community is the most AIDS-aware in the nation, with almost a quarter-century of firsthand experience with the disease. If a city like San Francisco, with an educated and aware gay community, has a doubling of its HIV cases, what hope is there for a continent like Africa, with a largely ignorant, uneducated, and superstitious population?
AIDS activists and left-wingers in general decry abstinence/monogamy programs as being anachronistic and ineffective. But nothing succeeds like success.
Posted by
Lee on 12/15 at 07:23 PM in
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A Perfect Example
This perfectly exemplifies why we consider Moore to be dangerous. I’ve stated ever since I saw Bowling for Columbine that it had a blatant anti-gun message. Moore has stated repeatedly that this is not the case, but he has a long history of saying one thing on the record and then qualifying it at a later time.
Take a look at this review of BFC, written by a high school sophomore. The review itself is pretty mundane, simply a synopsis of what Moore presents to the viewer. The closing paragraph, however, is the clincher. Now, as we all know from high school, the closing paragraph is where you provide a summation of the overall message of what you have written. As far as this review is concerned, this is what the reviewer took away from the film.
"Bowling for Columbine” is a memorable, important film, and anyone interested in the current state of our country should see it, but it isn’t flawless. It is rather long and slow-moving, as Moore seemed compelled to make the same point over and over again. Ultimately, it doesn’t say anything that can’t be summed up right here: Guns are bad; guns kill people; America has way too much gun violence; and we need to get rid of guns. [Emphasis added]
There you have it, folks. After watching Moore’s movie this teenage reviewer concluded that guns are bad, they kill people, we have too many gun deaths, and that we need to get rid of guns.
Michael Moore should be appalled that someone could get this message from his film, and should correct it immediately by issuing a “Mike’s Message” on the subject. Somehow I don’t think this is going to happen.
Posted by
Lee on 12/15 at 06:19 PM in
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Gore OUT in 2004
Drudge has a link to a CBS News story which claims that Al Gore has decided not to run for president in 2004, and will make that statement tonight on 60 Minutes.
I’ve decided that I will not be a candidate for president in 2004,” Gore told Lesley Stahl. “I personally have the energy and drive and ambition to make another campaign, but I don’t think that it’s the right thing for me to do.
“I want to contribute to ending the current administration. I think the current policies have to be changed. I think that my best way of contributing to that result may not be as a candidate this time around."
Now, refer to
my Dec. 11 post on this subject, where I wrote:
This is going to be really interesting if he indeed decides not to run. It will be very telling on what type of man Gore is if, after deciding not to run, he still keeps himself plastered in the media. There is an unwritten compact in this country which states that previous administrations stay the hell out of the way of the current one. They come out for the occasional interview, but by and large they fade into history, where they belong. Not so with Clinton and Gore, who never give up a chance to slam the Bush administration over one policy or another. If Gore is planning another presidential run I can understand his media presence, but if he’s going to bow out then he needs to bow out completely.
Obviously Gore has no intention of staying out of the spotlight. This is actually pretty smart on his part. Because of his notoriety as a former VP, and the guy who lost the 2000 election, he’ll be given much more media access during the election cycle than just about any other pundit. And during the interviews that the fawning liberal media will be granting him he won’t be constrained in his message as he would if he were a candidate. (Note the speech he gave earlier in San Francisco. He never could have given that speech as a viable candidate.)
Gore wants to play spoiler. It’s going to be an interesting two years. See ya in ‘04, Al.
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Lee on 12/15 at 05:47 PM in
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Covering His Ass
Our illustrious former president, Bill Clinton, is now claiming that he had plans drawn up to attack a North Korean nuclear reactor as far back as 1994.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said Sunday he had warned North Korea in 1994 the United States would destroy its nuclear reactor unless it agreed to freeze its operations.
Speaking at a dinner for Dutch businessmen and public figures, the former president said it was more likely North Korean would use the nuclear issue to bargain for more aid, rather than put weapons on the market.
“We had a tense situation with North Korea in my first term,” Clinton said. Pyongyang “was planning six to eight” bombs a year.
“We drew up plans to destroy the reactor,” Clinton said, and he told Pyongyang the facility would be attacked unless it were frozen.
Isn’t this truly pathetic? If I was a Democrat I would be absolutely humiliated to be associated with this man. Shortly after 9/11 he was out in the press talking about how he was just “10 minutes away” from getting bin Laden. Now, in the face of irrefutable evidence that yet another one of his foreign policy “successes” (one which also helped Jimmy Carter get the Nobel Peace Prize) has helped to destabilize world peace, he’s talking up about how he
could have done something but didn’t.
History is not going to judge Bill Clinton well. And for a man so wholly consumed with his legacy, this must be burning a hole in his soul. In addition to being remembered as the man who stuck a cigar into the vagina of an intern young enough to be his daughter, he’ll also go down as the president most responsible for the turbulent state of world peace in the early years of the 21st century.
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Lee on 12/15 at 04:04 PM in
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Saturday, December 14, 2002
Light Posting Tonight
I won’t be posting much tonight, I’ve got the company Christmas party to go to. Depending on how drunk I am I might get some more posts up later tonight. If you just can’t wait to get some new info, there’s a couple of good arguments going on over at MOOREWATCH that you can take a look at. See this one and this one.
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Lee on 12/14 at 07:25 PM in
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Republican Fools
The Republican Party has blown it. Totally, utterly blown it. I’m pissed off, disillusioned, and disgusted. I’m sitting here working on the computer and I have CNN Headline News on in the background. Understandably they’re running the Trent Lott story on regular rotation. Here’s the gist of their report:
- Trent Lott apologized again for his remarks which some have interpreted to being pro-segregation.
- Senate Democrats have called on Lott to resign, where Senate Republicans have stated that it’s time to move on.
- Civil rights leaders such as Jesse Jackson and NAACP President Kwesei Mfume have called on Lott to resign.
- So far Lott has has stated that he has no plans to resign his post.
No matter what happens now the GOP looks like racist, opportunist, pandering assholes.
The Democrats have a great campaign issue all around, whether Lott stays in office of not. Let’s take a look.
Lott stays in power: The Democrats can rally the black vote by pointing out that a segregationist is leading the Republican Party. They can also remind voters how the Democrats and civil rights leaders called for his resignation but Senate Republicans were more interested in “moving on” than they were about expelling a racist and segregationist from their midst.
Lott resigns: Because the GOP has thus far done everything but unconditionally support him any resignation from this point on is going to be seen as a huge win for the Democrats and the civil rights establishment, and a big slap in the fact to President Bush. Even though Bush came out and repudiated Lott’s words he didn’t call on him to resign, which means he may as well not have said anything at all.
The Republicans have a golden opportunity to once and for all demonstrate to black America that they are not the party of racists that the Democrats portray them to be. The blew it. And the truly sad thing is that the Democrats are right on this one. The GOP is going to rightfully deserve every piece of criticism hurled at it. During the Clinton years the Republicans went after the Democrats and their “circle the wagons” mentality as they sought to protect their leader. Rightly or wrongly the Republicans are being perceived as doing exactly the same thing.
GOP senators should have come out with a clear, unified voice of condemnation from the outset, which should have culminated in a call for his resignation. This is exactly what the conservative press has done, not to mention the conservative blogosphere. We’ve been virtually uniform in our call for Lott to go. Unfortunately CNN Headline News is not going to report that most Republicans want Lott to go, only that the Republican Party has not called for him to resign. The Republicans have marginalized the voices of those who vote for them. Sitting watching the story on Headline News I simply felt sick to my stomach, that I, being a Republican, am going to be placed in the same category as supporters of an inept segregationist.
The Republicans are their own worst enemy, and it makes me sick.
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Lee on 12/14 at 01:39 PM in
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American Violence
Michael Moore likes to make much ado over America’s culture of violence, and holds up other nations like Canada, England, and Australia as examples of nations who are doing things right. Unfortunately the rest of the world isn’t the crime-free utopia that Moore makes it out to be.
From The Economist
Feb. 22, 2001
BRITAIN may have slipped down many world league tables over the past few decades, but it beats all other rich countries except Australia in one activity: crime. According to a new victimisation survey of industrialised nations, people in England and Wales are at greater risk than anywhere else of having a car stolen. And apart from Australia, people who live in England and Wales are at greater risk of being assaulted, robbed, sexually attacked and having their homes burgled than are people in any other rich country.
The results of the 2000 International Crime Victims Survey, published by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, are deeply embarrassing to a government which has promised to be “tough on crime and the causes of crime”. That perhaps explains why the Home Office, which co-operated on the English part of the survey, says it has no plans to publish the findings.
The survey, which asked 34,000 people in 17 countries about their experience of crime, divides the nations into three groups. England and Wales are in the worst group, along with Australia, the Netherlands and Sweden. America—which although way up the murder league is quite moderate in other sorts of crime—is in the middle, with Scotland, Denmark and France. Among the most crime-free countries are Finland, Switzerland and Japan.
There are no obvious reasons why England and Wales should have one of the worst crime records in the developed world. The study points out that violent crime is higher than average there, but the overall pattern of offences is not unusual. Heavy drinking, particularly among young men, is certainly responsible for some of the violence.
Lax sentencing policies cannot be to blame. England and Wales imprison a higher proportion of their people than any other country in Western Europe apart from Portugal. Nor can high rates of burglary be attributed to lack of precautions. More houses in England and Wales have burglar alarms or special locks than do those of any other rich country.
Criminologists, who find the survey results as difficult to explain as ministers, tend to blame the “get-rich-quick” attitudes of the 1980s. Other possible factors, put forward more in desperation than belief, include increased social mobility, and urbanisation.
The home secretary, Jack Straw, says that almost half of all crime is committed by a hard core of 100,000 offenders. The government has already legislated to introduce longer sentences for persistent burglars. It is now proposing to introduce special drug courts for drug offenders, who are responsible for more than a third of all property crime. But whether any of this will change this country’s position in the crime league tables remains open to doubt.
(Link via Owen Courrèges. Post mirrored at MOOREWATCH.)
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Posted by
Lee on 12/14 at 12:45 PM in
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Friday, December 13, 2002
Trent Lincoln
With all the brouhaha regarding Trent Lott’s racist statements currently occupyingthe blogosphere, a number of pundits have used the phrase “the party of Lincoln” to describe the Republicans. Indeed, the GOP takes a great deal of pride in pointing out that it was the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, that fought the civil war to free the slaves. It is a badge the Republicans wear proudly.
I think, under the circumstances, a little education about Lincoln is in order. Consider the following quote:
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the White and Black races--that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people, and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and Black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race. . . I give. . . the most solemn pledge that I will to the very last, stand by the law of the State, which forbids the marrying of white people with negroes.”
-- Fourth Debate with Stephen Douglas at Charleston, Illinois
Lincoln was more interested in implementing the old Whig platform of mercantilism than he was about freeing slaves. He was from the Henry Clay school, and the Cival War was fought solely to achieve that end. Consider his words spoken after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation:
"I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as our equal. . . We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable."
Lincoln used the emancipation of slavery as a tool to implement his own policies. If it was convenient for him to use emancipation he would do so. And in this regard he sounds a lot like the current Senator from Mississippi, Trent Lott.
The right to document history goes to the victor, and Lincoln, rightly or not, has been virtually deified in the American historiography. In this context it is wholly appropriate for the GOP to refer to themselves as the “Party of Lincoln.” But a serious historical examination proves that Lott may indeed be more like Lincoln than we would like to admit. While Lott is undoubtedly nowhere near the dedicated racist that Lincoln was he is just as surely not the courageous emancipatory figurehead that history descibes Lincoln as being. Both were happy to use blacks to benefit themselves when it was convenient to do so, and for this reason alone Lott must go. Now.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/13 at 08:26 PM in
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Remember Hanoi Jane?
Wouldn’t it be great if the last thing we ever saw of Sean Penn was from the camera in the nosecone of a 5,000 lb. laser-guided bomb?
The actor and director Sean Penn arrived in Baghdad on Friday morning at the start of a three-day visit to Iraq.
“By the invitation of the Institute for Public Accuracy, I have the privileged opportunity to pursue a deeper understanding of this frightening conflict,” Penn said in a statement released in Washington and Baghdad on Friday. “I would hope that all Americans will embrace information available to them outside conventional channels. As a father, an actor, a filmmaker, and a patriot . . .
Note the way he always refers to himself as a “patriot.” I can refer to myself as the Sugar Plum Fairy but that doesn’t necessarily make it so.
. . . my visit to Iraq is for me a natural extension of my obligation (at least attempt) to find my own voice on matters of conscience."
Sean Penn, in his quest to prove to the world just how liberal he is, has become the equivalent of Hanoi Jane. Perhaps he’ll stand at an Iraqi gun turret and remark how he’d love to shoot down a US plane.
What a dick.
(Link via Instapundit.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/13 at 08:58 AM in
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Thursday, December 12, 2002
Believing the Norwegians
Jimmy Carter, having swallowed hook, line, and sinker the bullshit abotu him being a “peacemaker,” has offered to netogtiate peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, “but only if they and the U.S. government asked him to.”
"We would go immediately and with great alacrity,” the Nobel Peace Prize laureate said during a speech to students at the University of Uppsala.
However, Carter gave no indication he had been asked to mediate.
Well, yeah, no shit. If we’re going to send someone to negotiate peace (and let’s be real, there is
never going to be peace in the Middle East until one side vanquishes the other,) why would we want to send someone like Jimmy Carter, who’s just so damn
bad at it?
It is widely known that Carter was merely the facilitator at the Camp David accords. Begin and Sadat had their deal worked out long before they ever approached Washington; all Carter did was serve cookies and smile for the camera. Carter worked wonders in Haiti—his negotiations have turned the impoverished nation into a wealthy bastion of western democracy. (That was sarcasm. It’s still a corrupt, AIDS-infested shithole.) He coddles terrorists, and would gladly blow PLO terrorist leader Arafat if asked to. Carter decided to remove US support for the Shah if Iran, who was overthrown by the Islamofascist mullahs, giving theMiddle East the spark that led directly to the Gulf War, and eventually to 9/11.
In short, Carter is utterly incompetent, and has done more to destabilize world peace than any president in recent memory.
"Until President Bush, every president, Democratic or Republican, has in my opinion played a balancing role as a trusted mediator,” he said. “Now, though, it seems obvious that the present administration in Washington is completely compatible with the Israeli government and they have completely ignored ... the Palestinian Authority."
Because they’re fucking terrorists, Jimmy! They want nothing less than the destruction of the State of Israel. Then Israeli PM Barak offered Arafat about 99% of what he was asking for and he turned them down flat. Negotiating won’t work when the only acceptable offer you can make is your own destruction, and only a noted anti-Zionist like Carter (or a terrorist like his buddy Arafat) would find that acceptable.
In short, Jimmy Carter should shut his fucking mouth, go back to Peanutville, and build free houses for crackwhores.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/12 at 10:51 PM in
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Shape of Things to Come
It seems that the shape of things to come is “rotund.”
Bowling for Columbine has been named the Best Documentary of All Time by the International Documentary Association. Yes, gentle reader, you read that correctly… the best documentary of all time. Obviously the members of the International Documentary Association have no idea what the word documentary means. According to it is “Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.” The same site defines polemic as “(1) A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine; (2) A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation.”
Which one of these sounds more like Moore?
It’s also quite a shame that an organization devoted to the art of documentary filmmaking chooses a film so easily and often refuted. Think, folks. The IDA has just named BFC the best example of its craft. It’s comparable to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences naming Kazaam the greatest film ever made.
And, on top of this, BFC has been nomicated for Best Documentary at the Independent Spirit Awards.
I’m going to make a prediction. BFC is going to be nominated for an Academy Award, which it will win. Moore is going to get up to accept the award wearing a tuxedo jacket and pants, tennis shoes, and baseball cap. He’ll also be unshaven, so as to solidify his faux “man of the people” motif. He won’t find any irony in being given an award by a huge, capitalist media industry that has done more to glamorize gun violence than any other in history. No, he’ll get up, win his award, then piss and moan that nobody wants him to “get his message out.”
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Posted by
Lee on 12/12 at 08:35 PM in
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My local UPN station has been showing The Simpsons from 11:00 to 11:30 every night since I first moved here four years ago. On Monday that started showing that colon polyp of a show, Will & Grace. Who actually watches that shit?
Look, I’m not much for grass roots activism, but I’m contacting that fucking station. How dare they take off The Simpsons and put on 30 minutes of mindless drivel?
Update: I found a comments page on the local UPN station’s website. Here’s what I left.
When you switched the schedule around and started showing Will & Grace in the evenings instead of The Simpsons I learned to adapt. I told myself not to worry, that I would always be able to watch The Simpsons at 11:00. But now you have taken away my lone half-hour of daily sanity.
Look, I know Will & Grace is a hot show on NBC, but let’s be real here—it sucks. Bad. It sucks snot through a sock. It’s one of the worst shows of all time. It’s horrible. It’s simply, utterly unwatchable.
I have been a faithful viewer of your station for years during the 11:00-11:30 time period. This week I’ve been switching to Fox to watch Seinfeld. If the Simpsons doesn’t come back on I’ll be making that switch permanent.
Please. PLEASE. Give us back The Simpsons. Have mercy. Don’t leave us with Will & Grace. Suicide is a more palatable alternative.
Update 2: “Last’s night Itchy and Scratchy was without a doubt, the worst episode ever. Rest assured, I was on the internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the world. Worst episode ever.” — Comic Book Guy
Posted by
Lee on 12/12 at 12:00 AM in
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Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Radio Ga-Ga
I wake up every morning to Howard Stern. I listen to him on the way to work, too. Occasionally, if Howard is doing something boring (like this morning, he had Carly Simon on the show - ugh!) or if the show is a repeat, I’ll tune in to Rush Limbaugh. I can’t get any radio reception at my desk, so the next time I get to hear the radio is at lunch. My local talk station, KSFO, has Sean Hannity on from noon to 1:00, and that useless twat Dr. Laura takes over the airwaves from 1:00 to 4:00. So most days I get to hear a little bit of the Hannity show when I am driving to and from lunch. I’d describe myself as a big fan of Hannity’s—he’s much more in tune with my political views than Limbaugh or Michael Savage. But the way he’s been sucking up to Trent Lott really makes me ill. Check out the transcript of their conversation and make up your own mind.
Hannity needs to put aside the excuses for a second and see Lott for what he is: an inept Majority Leader, and someone who—intentionally or otherwise—has just portrayed the GOP as a party of apologists for segregation. Lott needs to go. Let the voters of Mississippi decide if his words are worthy of his ouster from Congress, but I don’t want him representing my party on the national stage.
Update: Check out what Andrew Sullivan had to say, he’s on the same page as me.
Update 2: The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism has set up a page through which you can contact your senators and urge them to boot Lott. I used their default letter, but added this paragraph at the end.
I am a Republican and did not vote for you. I have no plans to vote for you in the future. I do, however, trust that partisan differences can be put aside in this instance to remove this man from his position of power. Anything you can do to further that end will be appreciated by Republicans everywhere.
Posted by
Lee on 12/11 at 11:30 PM in
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Spreading Like Herpes
MOOREWATCH is really taking off. We got linked on Instapundit, so we probably ended up with thousands of visitors from his site alone. If you haven’t visited MOOREWATCH yet, take a look. And if you’re a blogger and want to become a contributing member of the site,
Posted by
Lee on 12/11 at 10:40 PM in
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Gore Out in '04?
From Matt Drudge:
A half-dozen friends, advisers and close associates of Al Gore tell the NY TIMES’ Adam Nagourney they think the former veep has decided not to run for president again and will announce in early January that he is stepping aside to allow a fresh face to challenge Bush in 2004...
I have a hard time believing this. Al Gore has been constantly in front of the cameras lately, running his yap on every subject on the political spectrum, including the recent Trent Lott disgrace. Why would he do so, if not as a precursor to another presidentian bid? I suppose he could simply enjoy playing spoiler to the man who he views as having stole the election from him, but even I would like to give Gore more credit than that.
This is going to be really interesting if he indeed decides not to run. It will be very telling on what type of man Gore is if, after deciding not to run, he still keeps himself plastered in the media. There is an unwritten compact in this country which states that previous administrations stay the hell out of the way of the current one. They come out for the occasional interview, but by and large they fade into history, where they belong. Not so with Clinton and Gore, who never give up a chance to slam the Bush administration over one policy or another. If Gore is planning another presidential run I can understand his media presence, but if he’s going to bow out then he needs to bow out completely.
Posted by
Lee on 12/11 at 10:23 PM in
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Those Wacky Japanese
Show Me
Show You
This has to be seen to be believed.
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Lee on 12/11 at 08:14 PM in
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Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Drudge Scoops Everyone, Again
This is yet another example of why Matt Drudge rules.
After a fiery speech by Strom Thurmond at a Mississippi campaign rally in November 1980, Lott, then a congressman, told a crowd: ‘You know, if we had elected this man 30 years ago, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today’... MORE… Quotation appeared in an account of the rally on Nov. 3, 1980, in Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Miss...
Hopefully this will prove to be the catalyst that undoes Trent Lott. Personally I don’t think that Lott is a racist, but anyone willing to make these type of statements is—at the very least—too stupid to be heading the Republican party in the Senate. If he has any integrity he’ll resign his leadership position tomorrow.
Update: When I said “the catalyst that undoes Trent Lott” I referred to this being the event that finally gets rid of a man who shouldn’t be majority leader for a host of other reasons. In his usual style Arthur Silber says exactly the same thing, but much better than I did. Take a look.
Posted by
Lee on 12/10 at 10:23 PM in
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Crimes Against Nature
A few days ago I blogged on Bill Clinton’s recent speech to the Democratic Leadership Council. In that post I referred to him as “our illustrious former president and cigar sodomizer". Hazehead, one of my leftie readers, took me to task in the comments section over the definition of sodomy.
You need to learn which oriface is which… you don’t sodomize someone in the vagina. (that where billy stuck his blunt) This is a common confusion for Republicans however, so don’t feel too bad.
Slate is offering
a quick guide to sodomy. If you’ve ever wondered what constitutes legal sodomy this article will answer your every question.
And for the record Hazehead, I was right. As usual.
Posted by
Lee on 12/10 at 09:58 PM in
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Stranger in a Strange Land
This is just too damn funny.
A Gambian man unused to Germany’s winter weather woke up to find his car had gone completely white overnight and called police to complain vandals had painted it.
Police in the central German town of Hildesheim responding to investigate the crime discovered the man had mistaken snow on his car for paint when he looked down from his apartment window.
“To him it looked like paint when he was looking down on the car from the fifth floor. He was really worried and it wasn’t a hoax, otherwise he would have been fined for it,” police spokesman Walter Wallott said Monday.
Posted by
Lee on 12/10 at 01:59 PM in
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A Little Extreme
Some drunk was running his mouth off about the president, according to CNN.
A man who made a remark about a “burning Bush” during the president’s March 2001 trip to Sioux Falls was sentenced Friday to 37 months in prison.
Richard Humphreys of Portland, Oregon was convicted in September of threatening to kill or harm the president and said he plans to appeal. He has said the comment was a prophecy protected under his right to free speech.
Humphreys said he got into a barroom discussion in nearby Watertown with a truck driver. A bartender who overheard the conversation realized the president was to visit Sioux Falls the next day and told police Humphreys talked about a “burning Bush” and the possibility of someone pouring a flammable liquid on Bush and lighting it.
“I said God might speak to the world through a burning Bush,” Humphreys testified during his trial. “I had said that before and I thought it was funny."
Now, I’m all for laws against threatening the president, but doesn’t this seem a little extreme to you? Consider that there are violent criminals who don’t get 37 months. Some drunk running his mouth does not, in my mind, make a credible threat against the president. Don’t get me wrong, the Secret Service should have drug his ass into an interrogation room and kept an eye on him while the president was in town, but sending this poor bastard to prison for three years is a
tad over the top.
Posted by
Lee on 12/10 at 10:09 AM in
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MOOREWATCH Has Arrived!!
For the past couple of weeks I have been working feverishly with Jim Kenefick and Rachel Lucas on a new website devoted entirely to Michael Moore. The site is called MOOREWATCH, and it is finally ready to go online. Here’s the mission statement:
MOOREWATCH is dedicated to unearthing the truth behind the doublespeak and falsehood that spews from the mouth (and keyboard) of Michael Moore on a regular basis. Moore is a disingenuous danger to this country, and his assumptions and assertions should not go unchallenged. The collective expertise and research abilities of the entire Internet are more than enough to debunk most of the nonsense Moore regularly puts forth as fact, and we at MOOREWATCH hope to be the clearinghouse for this information
Ready to take a look? Here’s the URL:
We’re looking for contributors for the site, so if you’re a blogger or just feel like writing the odd Moore critique, feel free to sign up.
You can run but you can’t hide, lard ass. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool everyone. Your every utterance will be pored over by the collective genius of the internet, it will be run through the ringer, critiqued beyond anything you can imagine, and you will be revealed for the lying, disingenuous, pathetic blowhard that you know yourself to be.
Posted by
Lee on 12/10 at 12:53 AM in
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Monday, December 09, 2002
Legends in their Own Minds
It seems that a whole new buch of Hollywood lefties are taking on the president over Iraq.
Mike Farrell and Anjelica Huston will release a letter Tuesday signed by a hundred celebrities who want President Bush to stop his war rhetoric toward Iraq.
The letter reportedly is signed by stars including Kim Basinger, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Lange and Martin Sheen, publicists for the event said Monday.
This is such a reflection on the tendency of our society to place great value on the opinions of entertainers. Would you care what Kim Basinger’s opinion was on planning for your retirement? How about Matt Damon’s input on whether you need a root canal? Would you seek the advice of the ever-brilliant Jessica Lange on how to get your daughter’s math grades up? No?
Then why the fuck do we care what these people think about US policy on Iraq?
Now, you may disagree with me. “Lee,” I hear you saying. “These people are all private US citizens, and they are merely exercising their right to free speech.” On this I agree, they have as much right to speak as anyone else, and I support their doing so. My main problem is in the weight that we as a society place on their opinions.
If this identical letter was released to the public and contained the names of one hundred houseviwes from Boise, or one hundred New York City cabbies, or one hundred Las Vegas casino workers, would the public give them same amount of attention? Of course not.
I like music and movies as much as the next guy. Many of the people who have signed this little screed are undoubtedly going to be some of my favorire actors and entertainers. I wish I could say “Who the hell do these people think they are?”, but the sad fact is that the American public cares. We’re fascinated by every aspect of the lives of celebrities—who they’re screwing, why they were arrested, what their homes look like, and so on. It is truly unfortunate that these celebrities can use their fame for activities like this.
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The Joys of Socialized Medicine
A woman in England is suing the UK’s socialized medicine system for the right to go to France to obtain a hip replacement surgery.
A woman is suing the NHS after she was refused permission to seek hip replacement surgery in France in a test case that could determine the right of British patients to go abroad for treatment.
In what is believed to be the first legal action of its kind, Yvonne Watts, 72, is suing her local NHS primary care trust for the right to be treated straight away by doctors on the Continent under new European Union rules.
Ms Watts, of Queen’s Park, Bedford, has to use a wheelchair and is in constant pain but has been told by local health managers that she may have to wait up to a year for a hip replacement on the NHS.
Did you catch that? A wait for up to a
YEAR? Oh yeah, this is a wonderful idea, let’s implement it in America right away! But here is, what I think, is the most telling paragraph:
Last week, EU ministers agreed a formal declaration enshrining the right to be treated anywhere in the union. Patients will be able to travel to other countries for treatment if their own country cannot provide it “within a time limit which is medically justifiable”.
Obviously this is enough of an issue with the various systems of socialized medicine in Europe to where the EU has issued a formal policy on it. What a wonderful system to emulate!
Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 02:08 PM in
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Suck On This
According to a new European survey, smokers would rather give up sex for a month than stop smoking.
Most smokers in Europe would find it easier to give up sex for a month than cigarettes and many view even bungey jumping or parachuting as less difficult than kicking the habit.
Nearly 80 percent of British smokers, almost 70 percent in the Netherlands, France and Germany and more than 55 percent in the Belgium and Spain would forgo sex rather than live without cigarettes for a month.
On the surface this would seem to indicate just how addictive cigarettes are. However, unless sex was as easy to obtain as cigarettes the comparison is pointless. If I could go down to the little Israeli corner store by my house and buy a pack of sex I might be a lot less tempted to give it up for a month. And, let’s face it, unless you’re involved in a healthy relationship or look like a fucking movie star getting sex multiple times a month is a pipe dream for most people. It’s a lot easier to “give up” something that you weren’t going to get anyway. If it was a choice between giving up smoking for a month and, say, not winning the Nobel Peace Prize, it’s not much of a decision, is it?
Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 01:44 PM in
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Quote of the Day
“You know how at the end of It’s a Wonderful Life George’s little girl, Zuzu Bailey, says, ‘Look, Daddy! Teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.’? Well, keep in mind that if that happened today the ACLU would hunt down that teacher and sue her.”
-- Jonah Goldberg, NRO
Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 09:47 AM in
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The Coca Cola corporation has finally released a diet version of Vanilla Coke. My life is now complete.
Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 02:24 AM in
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Commentaires d'un idiot
Some guy has written a critique of one of my posts. He’s apparently an American living in French Canada, which I suppose is roughly comparable to being banished to the eighth ring of hell.
In this post over at Right-Thinking from the Left Coast is what I suppose is intended as an example of why the European opinion of America (and its politics) can be safely ignored. My question is this: why should any country (European or no) follow the lead of a country that can spawn and sustain the likes of Jerry Springer? I mean, doesn’t that invalidate all Americans (and our opinions). If you follow the logic of that post, it must. Yeah, I know, Jerry Springer doesn’t really have anything to do with any of this, does it? I guess anything that supports your argument is fair game, even if it doesn’t make any fucking sense.
I believe a post this monumentally ignorant deserves a response.
There are a number of excellent reasons why we should ignore the opinions of Europe and, for that matter, Canada. My post, however, was to point out that on the very same day that the media was reporting on how America’s approval ratings have gone down in much of the world, they also reported that the UK was welcoming Jerry Springer—an opera about Jerry Springer, no less! They don’t think America should fight to protect the world from terrorists and tyrants, but they sure love the sleaze that this country produces. You don’t find that an interesting dichotomy?
To directly answer your question however, the fact that America produces Jerry Springer is completely immaterial. America produces some of the most relevant art, science, music, and culture of any nation on earth. And, because of the nature of our society, we also produce much of the crap. The amount of money this nation gives in foreign aid to shitholes the world over dwarfs that given by anyone else, yet we are given no credit for that by Europe, Canada, or any other country. All they do is choose to perpetrate their idiotic notion of America being an oil-crazed gunslinger nation headed by a slack-jawed bumbling cowboy. If Europe chooses to ignore the good that comes from America and focus only on the bad, why should we care what they think?
And, I could turn around your preposterous assertion and ask why America should follow the lead of Canada, a country that could spawn and sustain the likes of Celine Dion, or Paul Bernardo and Karla Homulka? Every nation produces good and bad aspects of their culture. It is places like Europe and nations like Canada that focus only on the bad, then use it as a justification to look down their nose at the United States. And for that, their opinions lose much of their value.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 01:31 AM in
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MM for President
There is a petition online to try and persuade Michael Moore to run for president. You might be surprised to find that I think this would be a great idea. Every leftist lunatic who might otherwise vote for the Democrats will vote for Moore. In addition to the Green party the Moore fans would strip precious votes away from whomever the Democrat candidate ends up being. Any vote that doesn’t go to the Democrats is a vote for the GOP. If you would like to see four more years of George W. Bush, take a moment and sign the petition.
Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 01:11 AM in
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For Those Who Think Different
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but I’m a Mac guy. I’ve been using one since 1985. Before that I had two computers from Commodore, a VIC-20 and later a 64. At school we had a computer lab full of TRS-80’s. But I’ve been a loyal Mac guy ever since my dad first brought home our first little toaster Mac in 1985. I’ve used Windows at work for years, and right now I do my work on a PowerMac G4 and an old UNIX workstation, which will (hopefully!) soon be upgraded to some sort of Linux box. But I digress.
Earlier tonight I was checking the web stats page, and I noticed I was getting a large number of hits from the website for a company called Ranchero Software. Intrigued I took a peek. It seems that they make a website browser product called NetNewsWire, which is a MacOS-only app which allows you to browse weblogs and similar sites to see if they have been updated. it does so by checking the XML feed. Most sites run by pMachine (as this site is) or Movable Type (Rachel Lucas, Instapundit, and a zillion others) allow you to syndicate the site using XML. You can find the link to my XML feed in the gray bar on the right side, or by clicking here.
For more info click on the links above to visit their site. I mention this only because this seems to be a really cool product, it’s MacOS X native, (sorry Windows users! I’m sure there’s something similar out there) and I felt like giving them a plug.
And if you’re not using a Mac with MacOS X… what’s wrong with you? :)
Posted by
Lee on 12/09 at 12:45 AM in
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Sunday, December 08, 2002
Poetic Justice
One of the world’s most notorious internet spammers has become the target of organized revenge by rank and file internet users.
West Bloomfield bulk e-mailer Alan Ralsky, who just may be the world’s biggest sender of Internet spam, is getting a taste of his own medicine.
[H]e says he’s been inundated with ads, catalogs and brochures delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to his brand-new $740,000 home.
It’s all the result of a well-organized campaign by the anti-spam community, and Ralsky doesn’t find it funny.
“They’ve signed me up for every advertising campaign and mailing list there is,” he told me. “These people are out of their minds. They’re harassing me."
In this day and age he’s lucky that someone hasn’t parked a Ryder truck full of fuel oil and fertilizer outside his $740,000 home.
(Link via Ryne McClaren.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/08 at 08:03 PM in
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The Blix Is In
If anything truly shows what an utter farce the UN weapons inspection is, it’s this article in The Telegraph.
Iraq yesterday handed the United Nations a 43-volume 11,807-page declaration on its weapons of mass destruction as America reacted with fury to a ruling that it will not be allowed to see the full report. The contents of the document will decide whether Iraq faces war.
An Iraqi official shows documents on Iraq’s arms programmes to journalists in Baghdad
Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons inspector, has told the 15 Security Council members that they will be given the report only after sensitive information about weapons manufacture had been removed.
The purged details are expected to be the most sensitive - precisely the information that America most needs to compare with its own intelligence.
There you have it, folks. The UN is denying the United States—a permanent member of its own Security Council—access to the Iraqi report
precisely because it knows that the US has intelligence that will prove the Iraqi’s are in material breach of the terms imposed on them. The UN is apparently much more concerned about restraining the cowboy Bush and curbing American hegemony than it is about such trivial matters as, oh, disarming Iraq.
What a useless, morally bankrupt organization the UN is.
Posted by
Lee on 12/08 at 05:53 PM in
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Moore Down Under
The Sydney Morning Herald has one of the most sycophantic articles about Michael Moore and Bowling for Columbine that I have ever read. It repeats every lie Moore has ever told. If a newspaper article could be rationally compared to a sex act, this one is a big sloppy hummer.
Tim Blair, as usual, comes out with both guns blazing.
Posted by
Lee on 12/08 at 02:00 AM in
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Kiddie Porn, Eh?
So, Canada doesn’t like America, Americans, American values, or our president. According to the bleeding hearts in our media this should carry some significance. Well, for a nation that seems to take great delight in lecturing us in morality they sure seem to have a soft spot for people who like kiddie porn. Facts gleaned from the story:
- Last March a British Columbia judge declared that a defendent’s stories, entitled Kiddie Kink Classics, had artistic merit, even though they were “morally repugnant.”
- In the wake of this decision the Ottawa justice minister is introducing legislation to “narrow” the definition of the artistic merit license for child pornography.
- In January, 2001, the Canadian Supreme Court “upheld the law banning possession of child pornography but broadened the artistic merit exception by saying it should encompass any work with objectively established artistic value, however small.” [Emphasis added]
- The Ottawa justice minister “will not ban possession of child pornography outright because he fears it could violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee to freedom of expression.” [Emphasis added]
- The same Ottawa justice minister is rejecting calls to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16.
Now, just like with Europe, can someone please explain to me why we should give a damn what Canada thinks of us? They permit terrorists to enter their country, they permit Hezbollah to raise money, and they think child exploitation should, in some instances, be covered by “artistic merit.”
Sounds like a real paradise. Good thing they have free health care and no gun crime.
(Link via The Ville.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/08 at 12:02 AM in
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Saturday, December 07, 2002
Sneaking In Through the Back Door
It appears that Rice University, in my home town of Houston, has figured out a sly way of considering a potential student’s race during the admissions process, even though technically they are not permitted to do so.
When a federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled in 1996 that the University of Texas Law School could not legally consider race in admitting students, lawyers at Rice University, a highly selective private college here, reluctantly decided that the ruling applied to it, too.
Like that? “Awww, shucks. We can’t continue our illegal shunning of qualified white applicants in favor of unqualified minorities. Damn that pesky Constitution!”
The university feared that openly defying the federal court could cost it $45 million annually in federal aid, about 15 percent of its budget.
But like other colleges, Rice says it remains fiercely committed to having a diverse student body, so in the years since, it has developed creative, even sly ways to meet that goal and still obey the court. Thus the admissions committee, with an undisguised wink, has encouraged applicants to discuss “cultural traditions” in their essays, asked if they spoke English as a second language and taken note, albeit silently, of those identified as presidents of their black student associations.
Translation: “If we obey the law we get to keep our federal grant money, but if we keep up our illegal, unconstitutional race-based admissions policy we’ll lose it. What we need is some way to circumvent the law without technically
breaking it, which will still allow us to keep suckling from the government teat.”
But ultimately, what is the end result of pandering to minorities? I couldn’t answer that question better than these two young women.
Some minority students at Rice said that the university’s abandonment of affirmative action, at least in its classical definition, has made them feel an enhanced sense of pride at getting in.
Vanessa Costilla, 18, a freshman from Anton, Tex., who is Mexican-American, said her admission to Rice probably meant more than her admission to two Northeastern colleges, Smith and Wellesley, which still give a lift to minority applicants.
“I don’t think that just because I was Hispanic-American I got into Rice,” said Ms. Costilla, the valedictorian of her 25-member high school class and president of “everything except the Future Farmers of America.”
“I got in,” she added, “because I earned it.”
But Kristin Dukes, 19, a sophomore from Greenville, Tex., who is black, said that many of her classmates were unaware of the university’s admissions policies.
“At Rice, probably in the back of their minds, kids are still thinking I was privileged to get in because of the color of my skin,” said Ms. Dukes, a psychology major. “Just because they have new standards at the university doesn’t mean the students at the university feel the same way."
In the lexicon of the left
self esteem is all important. Telling a minority student that he is not qualified enough to get into a school like Rice would hurt his
feelings and therefore would be
damaging to his
self image. But the end result is that those minority students who possess the intellectual and scholastic skills to
earn their way in are tarred with the brush of ignorance, because it is a fair assumption that they are only in because of some minority set-aside. (Damn that pesky law of unintended consequences!)
How is this supposed to help their self esteem when everyone thinks they are in there solely due to the largesse of some self-serving liberal?
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Posted by
Lee on 12/07 at 10:56 PM in
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Bombs Away, Eh?
As many of my regular readers know I’ve been pretty hard on the Canadian government for their anti-American attitude, and their cowardly appeasement of terrorists and Saddam Hussein. Yesterday, while perusing Matt Drudge’s site, I came across this report that a couple of Canadian women have gone to Baghdad to act as human shields.
Irene Vandas and Jennifer Ziemann of Vancouver are heading to Iraq on Friday. Vandas, a 32-year-old registered nurse, and Ziemann, a 30-year-old home-care worker, will fly to Amsterdam, board a plane to Amman, Jordan, then drive into Iraq all the way to Baghdad where they will live with Iraqi civilians. There, they will join friends Linda Morgan and Irene MacInnes, two Canadians who travelled to Iraq in mid-November.
The four Canadians, sponsored by an anti-war organization called Voices in the Wilderness, have volunteered to be human shields in an effort to dissuade American-led forces from attacking Iraq. Im not too scared, Vandas told CBC News Online the day before she left. I think it will be a powerful experience.
Now, this goes to show that Canadians, in general, have the same degree of balls as anyone else. Unfortunately they just don’t show it all that often, and their government is run by people who should be disinfecting shoes at an all-night bowling alley. But it cannot be denied that placing yourself in harm’s way in a war zone takes courage; it’s unfortunate that that courage cannot be channeled into removing the tyrant that tortures and gasses the people of Iraq. However, I think these women are suffering from some serious delusions of grandeur.
Jo Wood, a psychology professor at Carleton University, says groups across Canada are raising money to fund a national peace coalition against a war on Iraq. As for the Canadians going to Baghdad, Wood says,
they are prepared to risk their own lives by standing with the Iraqi people and positioning themselves at important public facilities, such as water plants and hospitals, in an effort to protect these against the bombs.
Protect these facilities against the bombs? Do these idiots honestly think that the United States is going to restrict bombing specific targets because a bunch of dopey Canadian broads are standing in front of them? Apparently so. Now, those kind of tactics may work against trembling, whimpering cowards like, say, the Canadian government, but if they honestly think for a second that Uncle Sam won’t plant a 5,000lb. bomb right up their asses they have another thing coming.
Take a look at the article. Nowhere is any of these women quoted as saying that they were willing to die. It seems to me that they believe that their presence there will prevent bombing. This may have worked under Bill Clinton, but I assure you that George W. isn’t going to hesitate to vaporize these women if it’s in the interests of the United States. And while I admire their conviction, they have to be prepared to give their lives. The article quotes one of the volunteers as saying, Im not too scared. I think it will be a powerful experience. A powerful experience? Sorry honey. Watching one of your children being born is a powerful experience. Gazing at the splendor of nature is a powerful experience. Voluntarily placing yourself in the path of a US bomb is what is commonly referred to as “suicide.”
As for those who condemn Saddam but profess support for the Iraqi people, Wood told CBC News Online that the Iraqi people get hurt either way. All efforts to hurt Saddam hurt the Iraqi people much more and weaken them so that they cannot find their own resources to make a better world for themselves, she said.
This is truly astonishing. The Iraqi people live under a dictator as bad as Stalin. In his book
1984 George Orwell wrote of fascism, “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” If these “peace activists” want to enable the Iraqi people “find their own resources” (whatever that means) and “make a better world for themselves,” then removing Saddam’s boot from their face is the best way to do so.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/07 at 08:03 PM in
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I'd Like To Thank Muhammad...
So, it seems the much maligned Miss World Pageant is finally over. The winner? Miss Turkey.
A 21-year-old Turkish model and dancer took the Miss World crown on Saturday in a contest moved to Britain from Nigeria after deadly Muslim-Christian riots sparked by controversy over the pageant.
“I am so happy and excited,” Azra Akin told Reuters after winning the 2002 title and 100,000 pounds ($157,000) prize money ahead of Miss Colombia, Natalia Peralta, in second and Miss Peru, Marina Mora Montero, in third place.
“I hope to represent the women of the world in a good way,” Akin said.
Now, does it strike any of you as just a
tad suspicious that a woman from a Muslim country ended up winning the prize? There’s no way to prove this, of course, but given the recent slaughter in Nigeria by followers of The Religion of Peace, I can’t imagine that Turkey’s religious orientation could have been far from the minds of the judges. To me this seems like something a beauty pageant judge would think: “Maybe if we let a contestant from an Islamic country win it will show the world that we’re not such bad people!”
I’m not trying to malign Miss Turkey in any way. I didn’t watch the pageant, so perhaps she was so superior to all the other women that it was no contest. But imagine this: a beauty pageant is being held for the first time in the deep south. Local racist groups riot over the fact that there are non-white women included as contestants. Eventually the pageant gets moved to New York City, where the black contestant from Alabama ends up the winner. Wouldn’t you smell a rat under those circumstances?
I would, and I smell one here, too.
More Weird Searches
Checking my webstats page I’ve been gettng a ton of hits for people searching for some variation of “cat looking at eminem’s house”. Come for the cat humor, stay for the brilliant, insightful conservative political analysis.
Also, I had someone from Finland hit this site after a search for “clitoris low blow”. I just tried this string and, as expected, it came up with about 14 trillion porno sites, so how this guy ended up here I have no idea.
Posted by
Lee on 12/07 at 05:02 PM in
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Friday, December 06, 2002
The Art of Death
If there was ever anything that clearly demonstrated just how asinine the concept of “performance art” is, it’s this. (Not to mention that this story is riotously funny.)
Visitors to a off-beat Berlin arts center thought a dead woman on the ground was a performance art act rather than a suicide, police said on Thursday.
“A group of visitors to the center at first thought the body lying on the ground at the art center was part of an art performance,” said police spokeswoman Christine Rother. “It took a while before anyone realized it was not an act but a suicide."
Considering the penchant for the wine-and-cheese dumbasses that staff the
National Endowment for the Arts to fund performance art, I think this is an avenue we should explore. If the NEA wants to use my tax dollars to encourage performance artists to jump off buildings and die, well, I say that I’m all for it.
Posted by
Lee on 12/06 at 07:55 PM in
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The Tip Jar
To the anonymous donor who just kicked in $5 towards the site… THANKS!! Every little bit helps to pay the bills. And if you like what you see here and would like to help out with a buck or two, click here.
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Lee on 12/06 at 12:25 AM in
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Thursday, December 05, 2002
Ah So
Things that cannot be kept apart: teenagers in love, Michael Moore and Jelly donuts, and Al Gore and Chinese money. (To convert Chinese yuan to American dollars, divide the yuan by 8.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/05 at 10:19 PM in
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The Real Slim Kitty
I wish this was a joke.
- See Eminem’s house for sale on eBay.
- See a picture of a cat looking at Eminem’s house for sale on eBay.
- See a picture of a cat looking at a picture of a cat looking at Eminem’s house for sale on eBay.
Posted by
Lee on 12/05 at 09:44 PM in
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Our Best Friends
I think these two headlines speak volumes:
Bush fails to win over sceptical Europeans: Poll on war with Iraq shows France, Germany and Russia opposed, UK divided, and Jerry Springer Opera Gets London World Premiere.
What do these people like about America? They don’t like the fight against terrorism, but they love Jerry Springer. Can someone give me one good reason why we should give a fuck what Europe thinks of us?
Uncle Saddam
If you want to see what a wonderful, peace-loving man saddam Hussein is, take a look at this website.
(Link via I Am Always Right.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/05 at 01:07 AM in
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A Mint on the Pillow?
This is just unbelievable.
TOURISTS to Russia can now experience one of the horrors of Soviet life and spend one night in a Stalin-era gulag, local media have reported.
Russians may still shiver at the name of the Perm work camp in the Urals, but tourists can now voluntarily stay the night, eat prisoner food, and feel what it was like to be a political prisoner in Soviet times.
According to Western historians, up to 30 million people died from repression under Lenin and the brutal Stalin regime, many in the infamous network of forced labour camps known as the gulag.
Perhaps they can open a
Saddam’s House of Horrors in Baghdad after the 101st Airborne gets through demolishing it.
(Link via Tim Blair.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/05 at 12:54 AM in
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Wednesday, December 04, 2002
The Latest Michael Moore Sucker
So, yet again we have another writer spewing forth Michael Moore’s lies and distortions without bothering to check their veracity. Most recently it was a columnist for a college newspaper. This time it’s a writer for the Smoky Mountain News named Hunter Pope, who has written a fawning review of Bowling for Columbine. I’ve debunked in previous posts much of what Pope has written here, but there are a few points I want to address.
Before you roll your eyes, or accuse Moore of being anti-gun, digest these facts. 1) Moore is a lifetime member of the NRA and was a champion marksman as a teenager. He even thought about running for president of the NRA against Heston, but he became consumed with Bowling.
This is truly one of the most amazing non-facts that gullible writers throw forth with great abandon. Take a look at
the NRA membership page.
Anyone, for $35, can become a member of the NRA. There’s no oath you have to take, no positions you have to agree to adhere to. And, for $750, you can become a
Lifetime Member of the NRA. So, when Moore says, “When I was a kid I won a marksmanship contest, and I’m a lifetime member of the NRA,” he gives the viewer the impression that he’s been a card-carrying member his entire life, when all he has done is pay his $750. Since his audience is undoubtedly going to be comprised of non-NRA members, this distortion gives him a great deal of caché with those who pee themselves at the sight of a firearm.
2) Three quarters of the movie was finished before 9-11.
I fail to see what significance this has. It seems to be just like the many non-facts that Moore pads his films with, leaving the viewer to fill in the holes in his logic.
3) Countries like the UK, Switzerland, Germany, and Canada show the same amount of violent movies as the U.S.
That’s not true. The UK and other countries routinely edit violent scenes out of films. When I lived Scotland as a teenager there was a big deal about the number of “kills” that were edited out of the Rambo films.
This article talks about how certain scenes had to be edited out of the
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie to get a “12” rating in the UK. And
this article discusses the film censorship process in Britain.
Their teens are depressed just like their U.S. counterparts.
According to who? (Another non-fact not supported by anything other than pure speculation. But hey, it sounds great, doesn’t it?)
Canada has 7 million guns in 10 million households and their death total due to gun violence was 165.
I’ll quote my own words from
a previous post:
According to the Canadian Department of Justice 22% of all Canadian households own a firearm, compared to nearly 49% for the United States. Of those Canadians who own a firearm, the vast majority (95.1%) own a long gun—a shotgun or rifle. Only 12% of gun owners owned a handgun, which is the preferred weapon of criminals due to its concealability. Canadians are also more likely to own a firearm based upon where they live. People living in small towns are more likely to own a long gun (33.6%) versus those living in a large city (1.2%).
Since the majority of America’s gun violence takes place in our large cities by criminals with handguns, comparing rates of gun homicide with a country where most gun owners own long guns and live in rural areas does not make a lot of sense.
Switzerland law requires a gun in every household and their death total was 80.
Everyone in Switzerland is part of a citizen militia. Perhaps the secret to the gun problem is to make every person in the United States part of a militia, arm them with an M-16, and train them in its use? Somehow I don’t think Moore, nor the rest of the hysterical anti-gun left, would go for that.
The U.S.s death toll was over 11,000.
You might want to compare the populations of the US and these other nations, as well as how they tabulate their gun homicide rates. (Here’s a hint: in America, anyone who dies because of a gunshot, for any reason, is considered a gun homicide. Therefore criminals who shoot each other as part of doing business are included in that number.)
As exploitive as television usually is, no network or station played those tapes, Moore told Peter Howell of the Toronto Star. Why is that? My only answer is that whats scary about those tapes is the normalcy of them. It looks like any bunch of suburban kids in any suburban high school and, wow, thats just too close to home. We like our monsters to look like monsters.
Actually I think it just might have had a little to do with class, a characteristic that Moore has demonstrated time and time again that he has none of.
The author continues to repeat Moore’s lies ad-nauseum. I am never astounded by the willingness of liberal journalists (a redundant distinction to be sure) to accept everything that comes out of Moore’s mouth without the slightest effort at critical thinking. Refuting Michael Moore is as easy as typing a few keywords into a Google search, but having journalistic integrity is obviously not as important as spreading the left-wing agenda.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/04 at 10:43 PM in
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Tuesday, December 03, 2002
What Did They Expect?
A new report reveals that cases of HIV in San Francisco have doubled in the past two years, according to the AP.
In the last two years, the number of HIV and AIDS victims in the city has more than doubled, according to an annual report presented Tuesday to the San Francisco Health Commission by the city’s AIDS office.
In 2000, there were approximately 500 cases in the city of people reportedly infected with HIV and AIDS. In 2002, that number increased to 1,084 cases, said James Loyce Jr., deputy director of health for AIDS programs in San Francisco.
Most of those infected were between the ages of 18 and 30, he said.
Loyce said the reasons for the increase was complex, including a belief among some that new drugs and drug treatments will keep HIV and AIDS patients healthy longer.
“Yes, they will keep you alive,” he said. “But when you use those drugs you have to follow a very strict regime, you must follow to the letter all the instructions.”
He pointed out that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in the city also has risen in recent years.
You have to realize that, from the very first days of AIDS in the early 1980’s, this disease has been treated more as a civil rights issue than a public health issue. In order to get the support and cooperation of the gay community in San Francisco the CDC had to agree not to use its standard disease containment practices, among which is contact tracing. (To this day many of these practices are still not done.) Initially the gay bath houses were closed down, but they have since reopened, and there are a number of sex clubs in the city where anonymous sex is on the menu.
AIDS first came on the scene in the early 1980’s. I became sexually active in the mid-80’s, and this I was part of the very first generation to have the specter of AIDS hanging over us for our entire sexual lives. Many of us had older brothers and sisters who had to worry about nothing more than a case of crabs. Ever since I first began entertaining sexual thoughts I’ve had to remember to stick a balloon over my dick before I did anything about them. It’s a drag if nothing else.
This is part of the reason that gay HIV cases are on the rise. The latest generation of young gay men has been living with the AIDS albatross around their necks since grade school, and many of them are sick of hearing it. They want to “bareback,"which is gay terminology for unprotected anal sex. (To be honest, I don’t blame gay men for this. I hate wearing a condom. You can’t feel anything, it’s disgusting, and it totally kills the mood.) The success of anti-HIV drugs also contributes to the rise. Many of these young men in their late teens or early 20’s see gay men in their mid 30’s who have been living with HIV for 15 years and seem outwardly healthy. The combination of youthful arrogance, a desire for “unwrapped” sexual activity, and the success of HIV medications gives you a situation where more and more young men are just saying to hell with it, and engaging in unprotected sex with many anonymous partners.
Why do I bring this up? World AIDS Day was December 1, and the usual activists from the gay and human rights organizations were bemoaning the fact that the Western world (the United States specifically) was not doing enough to fight AIDS on a global scale. When I hear these plaintive wails I think of what is going on right here in the city where I live.
San Francisco, with its substantial gay community, was one of the first areas where HIV struck in a big way. People in this city are bombarded with print, billboard, and television advertising reminding them about the risks of HIV. A case could be made that the San Francisco gay community is the most AIDS-aware in the nation, with almost a quarter-century of firsthand experience with the disease. If a city like San Francisco, with an educated and aware gay community, has a doubling of its HIV cases, what hope is there for a continent like Africa, with a largely ignorant, uneducated, and superstitious population? How is more money going to get primitive people to take a “drug cocktail” to fight their disease? These cocktails are only useful when they are taken regimentally, and that type of dedication does not strike me as a trait found in the world’s poorer nations.
I’m not for a second suggesting that the West has no business fighting AIDS around the world. But when the same whining activist piss and moan about how little we’re spending on AIDS education in Africa or Asia, I wonder how effective our money will be there when fighting AIDS in a city like San Francisco is an uphill battle.
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All Quiet
Sorry for the lack of posting today. I’ve been both under the weather, and busy on another project. (This new project will be revealed here in the coming days.) If anything else catches my fancy tonight I’ll pop up another post, but otherwise I recommend any of the sites in the blogroll to the right. See ya!
Posted by
Lee on 12/03 at 09:38 PM in
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Rally the Troops
It seems that our illustrious former president and cigar sodomizer, Bill Clinton, spoke at a meeting of the Democrat Leadership Council today. Unlike most former presidents Clinton feels the need to run his yap at every possible opportunity. As the first true Rock Star President he simply cannot be outside of the limelight for more than five minutes. Ar any rate, he said a few things today that were surprisingly honest and accurate.
The former president said the Democrats lacked appeal to voters insecure after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The party also failed to attract those looking for a way to revive the economy, he said.
The voters saw through the Democrats’ bullshit. They know that the main function of government right now is to protect the country. A thriving economy cannot occur with the threat of planes being flown into buildings, or nerve gas on subways, or nuclear bombs in the backs of vans.
"When people feel uncertain, they’d rather have somebody that’s strong and wrong than somebody who’s weak and right,” he said.
Which probably explains why, during his presidency, he had high approval ratings even when the public, by and large, thought he was a scumbag who couldn’t be trusted.
"We have a heavy responsibility to cooperate in uniting this country on security issues, and also to come up with better ideas across the board,” Clinton told a gathering of the Democratic Leadership Council, a national network of elected officials and community leaders.
Clinton is no dummy, and he’s right on the money here. The Democrats will never win by going against the president on national defense.
"We don’t have to be more liberal, but we do have to be more relevant in a positive way,” Clinton told the audience of about 200 at New York University.
They’re going to have to be more liberal in certain areas if they want to stop losing voters to the Greens and, to a lesser extent, the Libertarians. But it looks like Pelosi is going to try and energize the Democratic base by going further to the left, which is exactly what I hope they do.
Going after terrorists should be the first concern in the Democrats’ national security plan, Clinton said—even above pressing for weapons inspection in Iraq.
“Al Qaeda should be our top priority,” said the two-term president. “Iraq is important, but the terror network is more urgent in terms of its threat to our security."
This is rich. The man more responsible for the events of 9/11 than any president in history is now lecturing the Democrats on national security priorities. His overall message should simply be
don’t do what I did.
The Democrats are screwed. They think they should go more leftward, they think they should go centrist, they think they should side with the president, they think they should be a clear party of opposition. They don’t know what the hell to do.
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Posted by
Lee on 12/03 at 09:17 PM in
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Bias From Back in the Day
I got out of the Navy in 1992, and began contemplating what the hell I wanted to do with rest of my life. I got myself an entry-level job job doing CAD work, and I began taking a few courses at the local community college in Houston, North Harris County College. One of my classes was basic freshman Political Science, and I had a professor named Warren Anderson.
Anderson was a noted leftie. At the time I was still rather ambivalent politically, but I most definitely had a noted leftward tilt. (How leftward? I donated money to the ACLU, Greenpeace, and used to hang Handgun Control Inc. propaganda on the walls of my office. No shit. Yes, me. I did that. Yes. No, I’m not kidding.) I found Anderson’s class interesting, mostly because my political ignorance had given me nothing substantial to compare it to. However, the main textbook we were assigned to read, Democracy for the Few by Michael Parenti, really didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t fully comprehend why at the time, but the neo-Marxism inherent in the text went against some internal instinct I had, even if I then had no way of accurately rationalizing it.
With the power of hindsight I can see that Anderson’s class was the first of my baby steps towards becoming a full fledged member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. As I began to develop an interest in politics and social issues I began to question more and more the default liberal antisocial tendencies left over from my teenage years and slowly realized (reluctantly, at the time) that I was much more conservative than I wanted to be.
Why do I bring this up? Sitting on my couch with my Titanium PowerBook on my lap, watching The Simpsons and surfing the web, I decided to pop my head into, “a non-profit, non-partisan organization that collects and disseminates information to promote the importance of multiple and contrasting points of view in higher education.” Students are encouraged to report any instructors with a marked bias—guess who has had a report filed about him? You guessed it, Warren Anderson. Here’s a summary of his style.
We were supposed to be taught the basics of state, local, and federal government. Instead we were imposed with marxism, nihilism, and sexism. As a veteran of military service, I was appalled by his liberal biased tyranny. He used the sanctity and privacy of the classroom along with his authority over us to force his views down our throats if we liked it or not. He even went so far as to not allow us to use tape recorders only to keep himself out of trouble. He also told us to not take him “seriously”...well sorry jack..I like to take my education SERIOUSLY!
Our textbook was We The People, 3rd Texas Edition. We used the textbook for simple vocabulary quizzes. We were forced to read agitprop material from Michael Parenti ... Parenti believes the CIA is controlling peoples minds through sattelites...dont forget to wear your tin foil hat!
Good to see that the old fart hasn’t changed a whit in 10 years. I just checked my bookshelf and I still have my copy of
Democracy for the Few from when I was in his class. Reading the student’s description posted above I think that this is a fair assessment of my experience in his classroom. It just goes to show that even in gun slingin’, murderer executin’ Texas there is still room in the Halls of Academe for those who would pollute the minds of the young with their Marxist claptrap.
One final anecdote. Anderson was lecturing on the role that geography can play on the history of a nation, and used the British Isles as an example. He asked the class, “When was the last time than an invading army actually set foot on British soil?” Immediately and instinctively I blurted out “1066” from my seat in the back row. The entire class—about 60 students—turned and looked at me like I was nuts, when Anderson quieltly muttered, “That’s correct.” After class he pulled me aside and told me that in his entire career of teaching political science I was the first freshman student of his to ever correctly answer that question.
I got an “A” in his class.
Update: Check out this Stanley Kurtz article on NRO for more info on
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Posted by
Lee on 12/03 at 12:19 AM in
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Monday, December 02, 2002
Canadian Health Care
Canada’s health care system is held up by most of the American left wing as the ideal to which we should aspire. I’ve done a number of posts pointing out the massive shortcomings in Canada’s system. (Take a look at this great article on NRO by David Frum for some blunt facts.) According to the Regina Leader-Post a new internal report highlights a number of deficiencies in the Canadian way of doing things. Facts gleaned from the article:
- Many patients wait longer than three months for treatment, but since the government controls the entire health care system there is no alternate method for them to receive treatment. (Other than, one presumes, coming to America.)
- Patients are routinely denied treatment because the system “fails to live up to its commitment.”
- There is a drastic shortage of health care workers in Canada.
- One third of all Canadian families have difficulty accessing a family physician.
- More than half of Canada’s doctors are foreign-trained.
- There is a shortage of CT scanners, MRI machines, and other diagnostic equipment.
Yeah, this is the system that we need to aspire to in America. Even though 85% of the population in this country has access to the world’s best health care, the leftist punditry would have us create a behemoth like Canada’s, which promises universal shitty health care for everyone.
(Link via Owen Courrèges.)
Posted by
Lee on 12/02 at 09:58 AM in
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The Dark Side of Freedom
Reader Bane alerted me to this story a couple of days ago. It appears that the turbulence of post-Taliban Afghanistan has enabled the reintroduction of an apparently-accepted practice of child prostitution, according to Pravda.
The Taleban gone, the tradition of sodomy returns to Kandahar. Bearded men, accompanied by their ashna (beloved boys) are again openly visible on the streets.
The Taleban had forbidden the Pashtun tradition of ashna, the grooming of favourite boys for sexual pleasure ... [T]he streets of Kandahar are now full of bearded men (usually married with families), walking openly accompanied by 15- or 16-year-old boys.
The ashna are approached in the street, in cinemas or football stadiums, and are coerced into sex by the offer of a drink, a piece of clothing, jewellery, money or a fighting pigeon, with which they can make a comfortable living. In the poverty-stricken world of Afghanistan, survival is the order of the day.
In their quest to help feed their brothers and sisters, these boys are marked for life by the paedophiles who prey on them to raise their social status: a poor man seen with an ashna is considered to have increased in social level.
I realize that change does not happen overnight, and I do not expect miracles, but this is a practice that needs to be discouraged and prevented with all available means, especially before it manages to regain a permanent foothold in Afghan culture. We as a nation have an opportunity to truly help the Afghan people build a lasting, open society, and permitting this type of activity to go on in the open is going to undermine that effort.
I understand that every nation on earth has child prostitution to one degree or another, so I harbor no illusions about it being completely eradicated from Afghanistan. But if an open and free society is to evolve from the ruins of that nation, allowing men to rape boys and achieve social status from it simply cannot be allowed to occcur.
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Lee on 12/02 at 02:03 AM in
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Sunday, December 01, 2002
If the Shoe Fits...
A week ago I began re-reading Dinesh D’Souza’s brilliant book The End of Racism. One chapter therein deals with Afrocentrism and the “academics” who promote it. D’Souza quotes a scholar named Mary Lefkowitz who said, in a critique of Afrocentrism, that it was “one part fact, two parts speculation, and three parts outright falsehoods.”
I can’t think of a better thumbnail definition to describe the work of Michael Moore.
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Lee on 12/01 at 01:30 AM in
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