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The right-wing conspiracy just got vaster Wednesday, December 31, 2003Make Up Your Mind, Mike
It seems that Mikey changes his tune about Osama bin Laden quite often. On September 12, 2001, Osama bin Laden was a monster created by the CIA.
WE created the monster known as Osama bin Laden!The, conveniently, on October 3, 2003, he was a harmless man on in a cave on dialysis. Dear “Mr. President,” who attacked the United States on September 11tha guy on dialysis from a cave in Afghanistan, or our friends, the Saudi Arabians?And let us not forget that in Dude, Where’s My Country? Moore speculates that the 9/11 attackers were part of the Saudi air force. I would like to throw out a possibility here: what if September 11 was not a “terrorist” attack but, rather, a military attack against the United States? George, apparently you were a pilot once - how hard is it to hit a five-storey building at more than 500 miles an hour? The Pentagon is only five stories high. At 500 miles an hour, had the pilots been off by just a hair, they’d have been in the river. You do not get this skilled at learning how to fly jumbo jets by being taught on a video game machine at some dipshit flight training school in Arizona.So, we’ve gone from OBL being a “monster” to a guy on dialysis in a cave to the 9/11 attacks being a plot by the Saudi air force. Then, on December 14, 2003, OBL was magically back to being behind 9/11 again. Meanwhile, anybody know where the guy is who killed 3,000 people on 9/11? Our other Frankenstein?? Maybe he’s in a mouse hole.So, it seems that Mike just can’t make up his mind whether he thinks OBL was behind 9/11, whether it was the Saudi air force, whether or not OBL is a guy in a cave on dialysis, or whether he is a “monster” who killed 3,000 people. Why, it’s almost as if Mike really doesn’t have much of a logical, consistent position on this issue, and keeps changing his tune depending on what he perceives is the best way to smear President Bush. Perish the thought. Another Small Link
Here’s yet another sign that Iraq and al Qaeda would never have anything to do with each other.
U.S. forces operating in the so-called Sunni Triangle—the region of Iraq most loyal to captured former dictator Saddam Hussein—found a significant weapons cache that included al Qaeda literature and videotapes, the U.S. military said Tuesday.“The capture of Saddam Hussein has not made America safer.”—Howard Dean “Nothing that happened today (or in the past 9 months) has made us ONE BIT safer in our post-9/11 world. Saddam was never a threat to our national security.”—Michael Moore Well boys, we’ll just see about that, won’t we?
Posted by Lee on 12/31 at 09:28 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Be Safe
It’s the last night of 2003. I want to see you all back here in 2004. Be safe tonight, don’t drink and drive, and don’t shoot any fireworks off in your face. :) Happy New Year, everyone! All the best for a safe, happy, and prosperous 2004! Help Wanted
According to the lefties, even though the economy is booming, people without jobs will never vote for Bush. Well, that number just got a whole lot lower.
The number of people filing new claims for jobless benefits last week dropped to the lowest level in nearly three years, a dose of good news for President Bush who wants the economy on firm footing as he heads into his re-election campaign.Nice bias there, AP. I’m sure that the president wants people to have jobs because it is a good thing, and any benefits to his campaign are a secondary or tertiary concern. That’s like saying “The surgeon wanted the patient to live because he was being considered for a promotion.” The Labor Department reported Wednesday that new applications filed for unemployment insurance dropped by a seasonally adjusted 15,000 to 339,000 for the week ending Dec. 27. Last week’s drop marked the third week in a row that claims fell, and left claims at their lowest level since Jan. 20, 2001 Bush’s inauguration day.Note the highlighted sentence above. Jobless claims are at their lowest level since the day Bush was innaugurated. In other words, they’re as low as they were the day Bush inherited Clinton’s tanking economy. With the economy skyrocketing upward, good times are ahead for the next few years, a boom of Reaganesque proportions. Predictions for 2004
I was going to do this last year and didn’t for some reason. So, not wanting to make the same mistake twice, here are my predictions for 2004.
What are your predictions? Leave them in the comments.
Now this honor is truly deserved.
The inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, has been awarded a knighthood for his pioneering work.I think Sir Tim would approve of the blogosphere, too. He recently told the BBC World Service’s Go Digital programme his invention was “just another program”, and that he originally wanted it to help achieve understanding.The blogosphere might create more misunderstanding that it irons out, but it cannot be denied that it is a collaborative space where information is shared. Congrats, Tim, you deserve it.
Posted by Lee on 12/31 at 04:39 PM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003The Silencing of Dissent
Californians, those from the Bay Area in particular, love to run around patting themselves on the back regarding their belief in free speech. They have the communist America-hating Pacifica Radio Network, they stage a protest every five seconds, and they all have these snazzy yellow “NO WAR” bumper stickers on the backs of their Volkswagens. They’re really big on free speech, and like Tim Robbins they believe that their dissent is being silenced by the conservative, pro-war, Pro-Bush media and their allies in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Well, here’s an example of just that kind of silencing of dissent, from a little city about 15 miles north of where I live. Tim Bueler recently received some unusual advice: His principal and a campus police officer suggested that he stay home from his California high school for a few days.Now, if this were a left-wing student in, say, Texas, whose bleeding heart anti-war club was being “silenced” by a group of fundamentalist Christian teachers, the media would be all over it. (As of this writing a Google News search for Tim Bueler turns up virtually nothing.) Michael Moore himself would be wailing in a new Mike’s Message about how the neocon juggernaut is rolling over the individual free speech rights of a poor, hapless teenager.
Posted by Lee on 12/30 at 06:22 PM in California & San Francisco •
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Indications of Terrorism
Oh. My. God. Give me a break. This is asinine.
The FBI is warning police nationwide to be alert for people carrying almanacs, cautioning the books could be used for terrorist planning.The FBI also urged police to be on the lookout for people carrying spiral notebooks. It has been noted in previous terrorist cases that spiral notebooks were used to plan out attacks, and therefore anyone seen carrying a spiral notebook should be considered with suspicion. Items also designated by the FBI as possible indications of terrorist activity are laptop computers, cell phones, shoes, and newspapers. The Bureau also reiterated that being a young Arabic male is in no way an indicator of possible terrorist activity, but anyone carrying an almanac should be considered armed and dangerous.
Posted by Lee on 12/30 at 04:48 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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The Appeasement Dividend
And now we see all the payoff for Germany’s pacifist opposition to the United States.
Authorities closed off streets around a Germany military hospital Tuesday, saying they had received a tip from the United States that al-Qaida-linked extremists planned car bomb attacks against the facility.When the Islamists blew up the nightclub in Bali, the anti-war folks said it was because Australia had sided with America. Now they have plans to attack Germany, a country that couldn’t have been more opposed to the US invasion of Iraq. What justification will the left manage to divine from this incident? Winston Churchill once said that “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” Well, the Islamic crocodile is on the prowl, and Europe’s pacifist populations are what it wants for dinner.
Posted by Lee on 12/30 at 01:00 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Defending Halliburton
Following up on this post, there’s more debunking of the Halliburton overcharge myth, this time in the New York Times.
The rebuilding of Iraq’s oil industry has been characterized in the months since by increasing costs and scant public explanation. An examination of what has grown into a multibillion-dollar contract to restore Iraq’s oil infrastructure shows no evidence of profiteering by Halliburton, the Houston-based oil services company, but it does demonstrate a struggle between price controls and the uncertainties of war, with price controls frequently losing. ...So much for the giant corporate oil conspiracy.
Posted by Lee on 12/30 at 11:30 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Monday, December 29, 2003Mission Semi-Accomplished
When Jim and I came up with the idea for MOOREWATCH we wanted to achieve two things: we wanted there to be a single site to function as a repository for opinion and links that counter Mike’s lies, and we wanted that site to show up on search engines, so that anyone searching for info on Michael Moore would have a good chance of finding our site as well. It looks like we’ve been successful. Googling the search string Michael Moore shows MOOREWATCH as second only to We’re higher up the food chain than Dog Eat Dog Pictures (Mike’s production company), Mike’s own IMDb page, or even the Bowling for Columbine website! VERY cool! An Electoral Quagmire
The Democrats are screwed, and nobody knows it more than Howard Dean.
Complaining about the torrent of attacks raining down on him from his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination, Howard Dean on Sunday criticized his party’s national chairman, Terry McAuliffe, for not intervening to tone down the debate.If you had strong leadership in the Democratic Party, Howard, you wouldn’t have had your asses handed to you in the lasty two elections by the Republicans. The fact is that McAuliffe is Bill Clinton’s hand-picked boy, and Wesley Clark is Bill and Hill’s chosen candidate. Terry and the Clintons all know that there is no chance of you beating Bush in the general election, so they’re hoping against hope that one of the other candidates manages to clinch the primaries. Don’t expect any strong leadership from the Democrats until after the 2004 elections. After Bush is reelected, and the GOP maintains its Congressional presence, McAuliffe will be thrown out on his ass, and maybe someone better will replace him. If you’re looking for strong leadership, Howie, you should look to President Bush. Dr. Dean also implied that many of his supporters, particularly young people, might stay home in November if another Democrat’s name ends up on the ballot.As Shakespeare would say, “Therein lies the rub,” or “Therein lies the reason the Democrats are up shit creek.” Dean has gathered his momentum by positioning himself far to the left on issues like the war on terror. He’s made himself the anti-Bush. While this has been wonderful at drumming up support among the die-hard liberal Democrats it’s not going to play well with Mr. and Mrs. Middle America. So, if the Democrats nominate Dean they’re guaranteed the left-wing asshat vote, but the centrist swing voters will either stay home or vote for Bush. Or, if they nominate Lieberman or one of the other candidates, they have a better shot at winning the center, but they’re going to alienate the faithful, who will either stay home or vote for the Greens. Why, it’s almost like the Democrats have gotten themselves into a… quagmire. Oh So Brawny
Gee whiz, am I on the cutting edge of pop culture or what? Back in October of last year I posted a link to a contest where you could vote for the new Brawny paper towel guy. Well, the fine folks at Brawny have made their selection.
For the past two years, the folks at Georgia-Pacific Corp. have researched, focus-group-tested and debated the first significant change of the lumberjack look-alike in his 29 years.I guess he did look like a 70s porn guy, huh? Here’s a picture of the new Brawny guy. What do you think, ladies? See, the good thing is, if he gets you hot, you can use a Brawny paper towel to dry yourself off. They’re creating their own demand. Caliente! Oil For Food
Now, the source of this news is someone from the Iraqi Governing Council, so take it with a grain of salt. But this story is tantalizing nonetheless.
Saddam Hussein has given his U.S. captors information on hidden weapons and as much as $40 billion (22.5 billion pounds) he may have seized while he was Iraq’s president, an Iraqi official has been quoted as saying.I believe the part about the money, that makes perfect sense. But Saddam giving up weapons details? What possible motivation could he have for doing that? Ego, perhaps? At any rate, if this turns out to be true it is going to be a huge degree of vindication for us pro-war folks.
Posted by Lee on 12/29 at 10:27 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Sunday, December 28, 2003French Culture
Here’s another example of French tolerance and sophistication.
The saga of Joan of Arc is one of France’s greatest stories but a new investigation suggests her martyrdom at the hands of the English never happened.It’s an interesting article, I recommend it to anyone with an interest in history. However, what I want to draw your attention to, gentle reader, is the reaction from the French who invited him to do his research. Denise Reynaud, the deputy mayor at Clery who commissioned Horbenko, described the Ukrainian as a “very difficult man to work with owing to his Slavic temperament’.Charming, no? Basically Reynaud is calling him an “uppity nigger.”
Posted by Lee on 12/28 at 10:17 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Defending the Dictator
Someone needs to call Johnny Cochran. A bunch of Jordanians are muscling in on his turf.
More than 600 lawyers have signed up to defend captive Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, the head of Jordan’s Bar Association told the Jordan Times newspaper on Sunday.This is why the International Criminal Court is such an abysmal idea. This is the type of crap we would have to deal with on virtually a daily basis. Saddam will be tried by the very people he oppressed, raped, killed, tortured, and murdered, after which he will be—insh’Allah—executed. History's Greatest Monster
Is anyone here surprised by this?
Seven years after Habitat officials launched the only sizable Indiana subdivision made up exclusively of Habitat homes, Barrington Gardens is an experiment some residents say is struggling.This is the same kind of story we’ve all heard time and time again. One of the reasons that the street gang movement from LA has grown into every large city in America is because of people taking their gang-affiliated kids and moving away to allow them to grow up in a gang-free area, when the actual result of the move was the gang kid ended up spreading the gang ideology to the city where he moved. This is undoubtedly the same type of dynamic going on in this Habitat community. Not all poor people are criminals buy any means, but it is a fact that crime and poverty go together. So when you move a whole bunch of poor people into an area, is it any wonder that the criminal element also moves in with them?
Oh, and get this. When you think of someone moving into a Habitat home you think of a dirt poor family, no education, no job skills, single mother with kids, that sort of thing. Take a look at this guy.
Guy and Leslie Camara had high hopes when they moved to their new Habitat for Humanity home in Barrington Gardens five years ago.This guy is a film and video producer? He obviously has marketable job skills, why is he in a Habitat house? I guess he likes to suffer for his art, which is why he’s an “independent” producer. This guy could probably buy his own house if he would “sell out” and use his job skills to earn more money, but that is apparently out of the question. Why make a difficult decision to leave a job you love to take another that pays better when you can get a free house from Jimmy Carter? Sickening.
Posted by Lee on 12/28 at 12:54 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Blame Canada (Again)
Back in Augist I blogged on Canada’s mad cow outbreak. At the time, it was assumed that the American beef supply was safe from mad cow, because we had stopped the agricultural practices that cause it many years ago. When I heard of the mad cow outbreak here in the United states my first thought was “I bet that cow came here from Canada.” I wish I had done a blog post about it so that my thoughts were on the record, because it looks like I was right.
The Holstein diagnosed with mad cow disease may have entered the United States from the Canadian province of Alberta in 2001 with 73 other cows, an official with the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Saturday.So, this is good news. Canada has, I am assuming, taken steps to deal with their mad cow outbreak, as small as it was. And if it turns out that the American mad cow was of Canadian origin, then our food supply down here is as safe as it ever was. So, the disease will most likely remain an isolated incident, and people from both countries can one again safely eat each others’ beef products. (Not to mention the fun we can all have once again making Canada our scapegoat.)
Update: Canada is getting upset.
We used to laugh when Blame Canada was the name of a popular American song.I could make a comment about how “friends” help out when one asks another for help with a difficult task, like, oh, deposing Saddam Hussein and securing Iraq, but that would be beneath me.
Posted by Lee on 12/28 at 12:24 PM in Those Wacky Canadians •
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Saturday, December 27, 2003Trackback
Hey, I have a question for you bloggers out there who use Movable Type. Exactly how does a trackback work? If I link to a trackback URL I usually get a page like this. I don’t get how it’s supposed to work. Can someone explain it to me? Thanks. Update: I guess I should have been clearer in my original post. I use pMachine, not MT, so I don’t have trackbacks. I know conceptually what a trackback is, I just don’t understand what I am supposed to use the trackback URL for. For example, if I want to link to a post on someone’s MT blog, at the bottom of their post is a trackback URL. What am I supposed to do with that URL? If I’m not supposed to link to it, why is it there? That’s what I’m wondering. Mad Dean Disease
Once again, gentle reader, Howard Dean demonstrates to all why he is unfit to be president.
Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said he wants Osama bin Laden to get the death penalty, seeking to minimize fallout from a New Hampshire newspaper story in which he was quoted as saying the terror leader’s guilt should not be prejudged. ...This guy is a lunatic. He’s planning on following exactly the same foreign policy that worked so well for Bill Clinton. When terrorists bombed the World Trade Center, what did Clinton do? He treated it as a law-enforcement matter rather than as an act of war levvied against the United States. September 11 showed us just how sucessful this policy turned out to be. How pathetic that Dean seems to wish to follow down the same Clinton bike path.
Dean also couldn’t resist trying to pin the mad cow incident on Bush.
The former governor, whose state has a large dairy cow population, said the Bush administration failed to aggressively set up a tracking system that would allow the government to quickly track the origins of the sick cow, quarantine other animals it came in contact with and assure the marketplace the rest of the meat supply is safe.Ah yes. Because of one incident—which has not been confirmed yet, mind you—Bush is to be blamed for not setting up a massive beef-tracking bureaucracy. This is the typical socialist mindset. There is not a solution too large for a problem too small. Let’s take a look at some of the figures on mad cow from the UK. Let’s consider some facts. BSE has killed 143 people in Great Britain, the country hit hardest by BSE. That’s about 20 people per year since the outbreak began. Compare that total to these figures from the WSJ: “In 2001 Britain recorded 140,000 deaths from cancer, 3,000 from vehicle accidents and 185 from accidental drowning.”Of course. Mad Cow is much like the flu, a media-driven hysteria with very little basis in fact. Your chances of contracting mad cow disease are infinitessimal when compared to your chances of, say, falling down the stairs in your house and breaking your neck. But which one are the media hyping? Which one is Dean hyping? Coindicence? Howie and the Lord
Good old Howad Dean. He knows how to pander to the Southern Redneck vote.
Howard B. Dean, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination who had said little about the role of religion in politics, yesterday told the Boston Globe that he is a committed follower of Jesus Christ and suggested that this would be a winning campaign issue.Let us not forget that this is a man who left his church over a property dispute. Dean’s own conversion to Congregationalism was a more mundane political affair. He’d been christened as a Catholic and was raised Episcopalian. But he converted to the local Vermont religion as a consequence of his battle to make over the shoreline. “I had a big fight with a local Episcopal church about 25 years ago over the bike path,” he told This Week with George Stephanopoulos in September. “We were trying to get the bike path built. They had control of a mile and a half of railroad bed, and they decided they would pursue a property-rights suit to refuse to allow the bike path to be developed.” Dean eventually talked church leaders out of the lawsuit, recalls Sharp, but other railroad neighbors refused to budge and litigated the case all the way to U.S. Supreme Court.Ah, yes. A dispute over a bike path. Roughly on par with Saul on the road to Damascus, isn’t it? And I would be remiss in not linking to Mark Steyn’s brilliant dissection of what he terms the “bike-path left.” Ask [Dean] serious questions about the president’s key responsibilities--national security and foreign policy--and the passion drains away as it did with Chris Matthews. David Brooks, visiting Burlington in 1997 in search of what eventually became his thesis “Bobos in Paradise,” concluded that the quintessential latté burg was “relatively apolitical.” He’s a smart guy but he was wrong. All the stuff he took as evidence of the lack of politics--pedestrianization, independent bookstores--is the politics. Because all the big ideas failed, culminating in 1989 in Eastern Europe with the comprehensive failure of the biggest idea of all, the left retreated to all the small ideas: in a phrase, bike paths. That’s what Bill Clinton meant when he said the era of big government was over; instead, he’d be ushering in the era of lots and lots of itsy bits of small government that, when you tote ‘em up, works out even more expensive than the era of big government. That’s what Howard Dean represents--the passion of the Bike-Path Left.As with everything Steyn writes, read the whole thing. Prepare Your Coffins
Here’s the latest in radical Islamofascist hyperbole.
A London-based Arab magazine said on Friday that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has vowed to launch a “back-breaking attack” on the United States by February, confirming an earlier message by the militant network.Here’s my prediction: no back-breaking attack will take place by February. It’s either a hoax, or the US will foil it—perhaps this is the Air France plan? Nonetheless, I also predict that OBL will not appear in any videotape, unless one of his henchmen has stuck his hand up Osama’s ass and is working his corpse like a puppet.
Posted by Lee on 12/27 at 02:54 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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The Missing Thirteen
You know those Air France flights into LA that were cancelled earlier this week? Apparently some of the passengers didn’t show up.
U.S. officials say investigators would like to talk to people who did not show up for the postponed Air France flights—and are still interested in 13 passengers who were interviewed by French authorities.Tipped off by a French authority, perhaps? Considering how anti-American France is, and how Muslim it is becoming, I wouldn’t think it out of the question. But at least this shows that our government, no matter how much I usually think so, isn’t sitting around with its thumb up its ass waiting to respond to the next attack. And kudos to Air France for for cancelling their flights on two of the busiest travel days of the year.
Posted by Lee on 12/27 at 02:46 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Friday, December 26, 2003Whole Lotta Shakin'
There’s been a massive earthquake in Iran.
Entire blocks of buildings lay crushed and survivors lined up blanket-wrapped bodies in the street after a devastating earthquake leveled nearly three-quarters of the Iranian city of Bam on Friday, killing at least 5,000 people and injuring 30,000 others.It’s a shame that the Iranian people are still ruled by the theocrats. I would love nothing more than to have a free, open Iran as our ally, and see the US doing all we can to help its people out. As it is now we’ll send assistance through the Red Cross (or Red Crescent, I suppose). Since the invasion of Iraq much has been written about how emasculating the liberation has been for Iraq’s males. They could not (or would not) free themselves, and it took the United States and its allies to do it for them. Well, look at Iran. They have an earthquake, and they have to appeal to the Great Satan for humanitarian aid. How humiliating is that, especially when we had a massive earthquake in California just a few days ago and there was not anywhere near the death and devastation that Iran has experienced? It’s got to be a bitter pill to swallow, that Allah would protect the infidels and slaughter the faithful.
Posted by Lee on 12/26 at 05:30 PM in Radical Islam/Palestinians •
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Thursday, December 25, 2003Going It Alone
A unilateral decision that inflames the Middle east, sparks global demonstrations, and divides the West from the east. George W. Bush? No, Jacques Chirac.
President Jacques Chirac of France last week lent his support to a proposed ban on the wearing of Muslim headscarfs, or hijab, in state schools. A law banning “conspicuous’’ religious insignia from the classroom will now be put before the National Assembly in February and should come into effect by September, the start of the next academic year.So much for European sophistication.
Posted by Lee on 12/25 at 04:24 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Thank Bill!
I wasn’t planning on blogging much today, if at all, but I saw this story linked by Andrew Sullivan and it’s just too good to pass up.
Democratic presidential hopeful Gen. Wesley Clark said Sunday that his old boss Bill Clinton - not President Bush - deserved credit for forcing Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi to abandon his weapons of mass destruction programs, even though Gadhafi’s turnaround came nearly three years after Clinton left office.Well, Wesley, allow me to retort. “A spokesman for [Italian Prime Minister Silvio] Berlusconi said the prime minister had been telephoned recently by Col Gaddafi of Libya, who said: ‘I will do whatever the Americans want, because I saw what happened in Iraq, and I was afraid.’”— The Telegraph “Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, in an exclusive interview with CNN, acknowledged Monday that the war in Iraq may have played a role in his decision to dismantle his country’s weapons of mass destruction programs. ... Asked about his decision, Gadhafi acknowledged that the Iraq war may have influenced him, but he insisted he wanted to focus on the ‘positive.’”— CNN
So, it seems that, despite Clark’s pathetic election year pandering, Clinton’s diplomatic efforts accomplished exactly dick, while Bush’s show of American force and resolve has achieved significant results.
The retired general added new details to his charge that President Bush was responsible for leaving America vulnerable to the 9/11 attacks, saying that President Clinton tried to warn Bush about Osama bin Laden but Bush wouldn’t listen.Odd, isn’t it, that President Clinton, who did virtually nothing to confront the growing threat of Islamic terrorism during his two terms in office, suddenly had lots of advice for the incoming president. Methinks Clark is playing to his base and being less than forthright with the facts. The former NATO commander said that Bush deserves to be “fired” for not doing more to prevent 9/11.Kind of like how you were “fired” from your job at NATO, right Clarkie? Let us not forget Gen. Hugh Shelton’s comments about your early dismissal. “I’ve known Wes for a long time. I will tell you the reason he came out of Europe early had to do with integrity and character issues, things that are very near and dear to my heart. I’m not going to say whether I’m a Republican or a Democrat. I’ll just say Wes won’t get my vote.” He won’t get mine, either. Pop Goes the Georgie
Check out what I got for Christmas. All the Best
It’s Christmas Day. I hope you are celebrating with your family somewhere nice. May the food be succulent and the wine be plentiful.
Thanks to everyone who participates in this blog, you give it the spirit that makes up its soul. And a big special thanks to everyone who has hit the tip jar recently. That money goes straight to server fees, and it is really appreciated. So, it’s Christmas Day. Turn off the computer, go spend time with your friends and family. Have the merriest of Christmases, and we’ll start preparing for New Year. :) Trees for Votes
Bush is just creating jobs wherever he goes.
The Bush administration opened up undeveloped areas of the largest U.S. national forest to logging on Tuesday, scrapping a Clinton-era rule aimed at protecting the wilderness.So, out of 17,000,000 acres we’re going to open for logging 300,000 acres. Someone do the math, I’m tired—but this seems like a fair trade off to me. Loggers get jobs, the economy gets a boost, and some useless trees get turned into luxury furniture. Where’s the problem? Go Bush Go. Wednesday, December 24, 2003The Season of Giving
Looking for that last-minute Christmas gift for the boyfriend, husband, or lonely blogger? How about a Britney Spears life-size sex doll. Just like the real thing, the head is empty. Perhaps someone should buy one for this guy.
Posted by Lee on 12/24 at 04:12 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Reinventing Frankenstein
I have finally gotten around to writing the mother of all fiskings over at MOOREWATCH. Thanks to everyone who gave me links and info, you guys rule! Tuesday, December 23, 2003From the Horse's Mouth
Well, well, well. It looks like the Democrats were (gasp!) wrong about Libya.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, in an exclusive interview with CNN, acknowledged Monday that the war in Iraq may have played a role in his decision to dismantle his country’s weapons of mass destruction programs. ...So, Gadhafi has stated, for the record, that the US action in Iraq influenced his decision to disarm. This, despite what the anti-war left, Michael Moore, the Democratic presidential candidates, and the diplomatic community have all been saying. How about that—common sense triumphing over doublespeak and leftist hand-wringing. Amazing, huh?
Posted by Lee on 12/23 at 04:13 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Fisking Mikey
I’ve written a detailed fisking of Michael Moore’s latest disgusting bullshit and posted it at MOOREWATCH. Go take a look. Monday, December 22, 2003Would You Like to Touch My Monkey?
Hef is pissing off the PeTA lunatics.
Playboy boss Hugh Hefner is feeling the heat of the animal rights’ group after appearing on MTV’s “Cribs.” During taping, Hugh’s new pet monkey Pinky was seen sleeping in a crib and wearing a diaper. A disgusted PETA spokesman said pet monkeys can “grow up neurotic and lonely."Growing up neurotic and lonely. I suspect that is what turns normal people into animal rights activists. Alphaville
Well, this explains San Francisco.
Alphaville is the biggest city in The Sims Online, a spin-off of the highly successful Sims computer game. As its name implies, players can control virtual people in an online world.What? You mean that a society devoid of morals, accepted societal norms, or laws, will devolve into a morass of immorality and crime? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked! Bad Santa
America, taking the Christ out of Christmas one firehouse at a time.
Firefighters in Glenview have been told to take down their indoor Christmas decorations after some residents complained that they were offended.Astounding, isn’t it, that the mere presence of religious iconography at Christmas is somehow deemed offensive. I’m not Jewish, but I’m not “offended” when I see a minorah. I eat Indian and Thai food all the time, in restaurants filled with Buddhist and Hindu imagery, and somehow I am not horrified or scarred for life. This has much less to do with being offended, my friends, and is more about an all-out assault by the PC left against anything to do with Christianity. I’m not an overly religious man, but I do recognize that Christmas, despite all the attempts to secularize it, is a Christian holiday, and should be treated as such. Americans have a constitutional right to the free exercise of religion, and it’s about damn time we as a society started acting like it.
Posted by Lee on 12/22 at 04:07 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Shake Your Booty
Man, right after I leave all the fun starts happening.
Posted by Lee on 12/22 at 03:01 PM in California & San Francisco •
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Makes Me Wanna Ralph
Yesterday I posted a link to Ralph Nader’s exploratory website. Here’s the comments I left after filling out the survey. Ralph, you represent the last electable hope for we progressives! You MUST run to give us a clear alternative vote! Damn what the Democrats say or do, they’re no better than the Republicans. Run, and we will vote for you. Bush must be stopped, but not by electing someone like Howard Dean, who is almost as bad as Bush is. You’re our last best hope for a more compassionate, progressive, free America. A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush, always keep that in mind. Embracing Bums
I wonder how many of these bums ended up getting $400 a month here in San Francisco?
While Denver’s new Commission on Homelessness struggles to find shelter for what it calls a record number of people living on cold city streets, another state is trying to solve its problem, in part, by busing its homeless here.I love it! The best way to solve the problem is simply to ship the smelly human vermin out of there. Here’s what Roxanne White, the Chairwoman of the Denver Commission on Homelessness, had to say. "Denver never has and never would use such a program,” White said. “Homeless people are part of our community. We should be embracing them and finding them a home and providing for the stranger in our midst, not sending them away."I know she was speaking metaphorically, but the last thing I’m going to embrace is a vile, disgusting, smelly piece of human filth that has been sleeping in a pool of his own vomit for the past two or three days. I wonder, Mary, just how many of these bums you have sleeping in your guest bedroom every night? My guess would be zero, but that’s just me. Rethinking Physics
Anyoner who has ever taken a high school or college physics class has heard of the laws of thermodynamics.
Now, these are the absolute truths of science—laws. Well, it seems that some Scientists in Australia have proved the second law wrong. One of the most important principles of physics, that disorder, or entropy, always increases, has been shown to be untrue.The reason I find this so interesting is because of evolution. I have heard numerous arguments from fundamentalist Christians over the years, who say that macroevolution (all life came out of the sea, man evolved from apes, etc.) could never have occurred because the second law of thermodynamics proves that order does not randomly develop from disorder—entropy always increases. Because the early world was in such a state of disorder, and we now find ourselved in an orderly world (comparatively speaking), the only other explanation is that the order was the doing of God or a Creator. It seems now, however, that the second law of thermodynamics isn’t as set in stone as science has previously believed, and thus the fundamentalist arguments against evolution are weaker as well. Interesting stuff.
Posted by Lee on 12/22 at 11:24 AM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Whither Halliburton, Again
In July I blogged on a NR column by Byron York where he explained how Halliburton was not doing anything nefarious, despite the ridiculous claims coming from the left. Well, since there are now new charges against Halliburton, he’s done it again.
But why did the Corps specify that fuel be delivered from Kuwait? The answer appears to lie with the nature of fuel shortages that swept Iraq in the late spring. After the war, the country’s oil refineries were operating far below capacity. Both gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas, which millions of Iraqis use for cooking, were in very short supply.Be sure and read the whole thing, then bookmark it so that the next time one of your asshat liberal coworkers brings it up you can email it to them.
Posted by Lee on 12/22 at 02:01 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Presidential Weenies
Want to see my impression of Clark and Dean?
“Yes you did.”
In actuality, it went like this.
Speaking in a taped interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Clark said Dean had asked him to be his running mate should Dean win the Democratic nomination in a conversation before Clark entered the race.What a couple of dumbasses. This behavior is supposed to be presidential? They sound like two high school girls arguing over a boy. Elf
I finally got around to seeing the movie Elf. I think the name is rather misleading. Instead of “Elf” it should have been called “Spectacularly Unfunny Crapfest That Made Me Want To Take My Own Life It Was So Bad.” Sunday, December 21, 2003Run Ralph, Run!
Ralph Nader is looking for advice. Stop on by and give him some. Proof of Death?
Okay, so it’s not proof, necessarily, but this still leads me to believe that bin Laden is an ex-terrorist.
The pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Arabiya broadcast a tape Saturday with a voice claiming to be that of Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden.Of course it isn’t. We got Saddam, and we killed bin Laden. We’re two for two.
Posted by Lee on 12/21 at 02:39 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Father of the Year
Remember all the crap about the Bush twins and their underage drinking? Remember the media feeding frenzy? Remember when Howard Dean’s son got arrested for breaking and entering? Remember the virtual media silence? Well, now we can add Al Gore to the list of politicians with naughty children, and the media will undoubtedly largely ignore this incident, too.
The son of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore has been charged with possession of marijuana after being stopped by police while driving a car in a Maryland suburb of Washington.When the police found the partial joint in the car, Gore Jr. claimed that there was actually no joint, and demanded a recount.
Posted by Lee on 12/21 at 02:28 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Victory into Failure
What liberal media? Bush scored a major coup yesterday with his Libya WMD deal. Which, of course, means that the media have to do all in their power to make the victory seem like a defeat, and otherwise belittle the president’s accomplishment. Case in point? Check out this article from the AP.
The White House portrayed Libya’s promise to abandon weapons of mass destruction programs as affirmation of President Bush’s hard-line strategy on arms proliferation and suggested the U.S.-led war in Iraq helped convince Moammar Gadhafi that he should act.So, the threat of massive military force had nothing to do with it? They obviously haven’t been listening fo Gaddafi’s own words on the subject, when he said to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, “I will do whatever the Americans want, because I saw what happened in Iraq, and I was afraid.” Firm diplomacy requires a credible threat of force, and until Bush came along we’ve not had anyone in the White House with that level of credibility since Ronald Reagan. Look at the deal brokered with North Korea by Jimmah Carter and Bill Clinton, where Kim got the goldmine and we got the shaft. Is this the type of “patient yet firm” diplomacy they want more of? "The president is trying hard to portray this as a victory for his strategy,” said Joseph Cirincione, director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s nonproliferation project. “But when you look at this, it’s almost the opposite of the Bush doctrine."If you would like to read the National Security Strategy of the United States it’s available here. It’s a hell of a lot more than the “preemptive war” that so many liberals like to attribute to the doctrine. Here’s one relevant passage: Strengthened nonproliferation efforts to prevent rogue states and terrorists from acquiring the materials, technologies, and expertise necessary for weapons of mass destruction. We will enhance diplomacy, arms control, multilateral export controls, and threat reduction assistance that impede states and terrorists seeking WMD, and when necessary, interdict enabling technologies and materials. [Emphasis added]Preemptive war is simply one aspect to a global security strategy. But there cannot be “firm” diplomacy unless the other side knows that you are willing to play firmly. Bush has established that, American power once again has credibility, and the world is a better place for it. Oh, that liberal media.
Posted by Lee on 12/21 at 01:07 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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The Stars At Night, Are Big And Bright
Deep in the Heart of Texas! I made it alive, half drunk, and tired. I’m hitting the sack, see ya tomorrow. Saturday, December 20, 2003The Dumb American
Don’t miss the latest VDH over at NRO.
I’m sure that the Europeans are light-years ahead of us in the use of public transportation. They probably are wiser in their per-capita energy utilization, and their primary and secondary education may be superior. But there is also something of Calypso’s island about them. For all their professed enjoyment of food, shelter, and lovemaking, the Europeans are bored silly with their listless routine and are increasingly timid this from a great people who should not, but really do, live in terror of their own past. Like Odysseus in his comfy subservience to Calypso, these mesmerized and complacent sensualists sometimes contemplate leaving the comfort of their fairyland atoll and in boredom weep nightly, gazing out at the seashore. But as yet they lack the hero’s courage to finally build a raft and sail rough seas to confront suitors who are trying to crash their civilization.The dumb American takes on the sophisticated European elite and whips its ass.
Posted by Lee on 12/20 at 11:20 AM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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To Be Australian
My uncle in Melbourne just sent me this joke. It could very easily be adapted to the US or any other country.
Two families move from Pakistan to Australia. When they arrive the two fathers make a bet. In a year’s time whichever family has become more Australian will win. Friday, December 19, 2003Back to the Lone Star
Posting will be light tonight. I’m flying to Texas tomorrow morning, so I’m going to be packing and cleaning and otherwise getting everything organized for me to leave. Two weeks at home, good beer, great food… things are gonna be sweet. As A Doorknail
Al-Jazeera television has broadcast an audiotape purportedly from the number two man in al-Qaida that says the terror group is pursuing Americans everywhere.Bin Laden is dead, or so disabled and feeble that he would never appear on videotape.
Posted by Lee on 12/19 at 07:05 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Qadaffi Plays Nice
Here’s yet another failure of the Bush administration’s get-tough policies.
President Bush said Friday that Libya would allow international inspectors to account for all major weapons in the country, a step he said would be “of great importance” in stopping weapons of mass destruction in a global fight against terrorism.Now let’s wait to hear the Democratic candidates spin this one. Dean will say that it hasn’t made Americans any safer, Kerry will say that if it wasn’t for Bush’s bellicosity this would have happened a year ago, and Lieberman will say that it’s a great thing, but that you should vote for him anyway. Lil’ Kim should be peeing in his pants.
Update: Here’s more.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has admitted trying to develop weapons of mass destruction but now plans to dismantle all such programs, President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Friday.Any reaction from the Nine Dwarves yet?
Posted by Lee on 12/19 at 05:55 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Hate Mail
And the dumbass left-wing email of the day comes from
Lee, did you notice that banning someone because he doesnt “contribute” is a completely fascist attitude ?Idiot. Hideous
The Freedom Tower has been unveiled today. It’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. Update: The NY Times story has a slide show with a number of images of the design. I like the general concept for the overall site, I just think that the tower itself looks like ass. It looks like a building that was in the middle of construction and abandoned, with scaffolding on top of it and a huge pointy antenna coming out one side. I realize that the architects faced a conundrum. The people of New York (and America) would expect any new construction to be the tallest building in the world, but there isn’t a chance in hell that any company would rent the top floors of a building that high—look at what happened to Cantor/Fitzgerald. So by building a non-inhabitable tower they managed to solve both problems. I jut think it’s ugly. Protecting Godzilla
You know that missile defense system that won’t work? Well we’ve got our first customer.
Japan decided officially Friday to introduce a missile defense system aimed at shielding the country from attacks using ballistic missiles or weapons of mass destruction.The American left doesn’t understand the need for missile defense, but the Japanese live right next door to two nations who could lob a nuke or two at them any time they like. (Not to mention the fact that Japan knows firsthand what it’s like to get nuked.)
Posted by Lee on 12/19 at 11:11 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Environmental Nuts
This week’s asinine environmentalist scare brought to you by the Guardian.
The brazil nut - a traditional Christmas stocking filler, coated in chocolate - could become an endangered species if intensive harvesting continues, according to British and international researchers.Brazil nuts, just the latest thing that capitalism is going to destroy. Sparing Saddam
Richard Cohen writes in the WaPo that we should not execute Saddam Hussein. He goes through all the usual liberal arguments about how the rest of the world thinks it’s barbaric and so on, then ends with this idiocy.
Except for the principle, I don’t care about Saddam Hussein’s life. I care about him the same way I care about your more prosaic murderer—not at all. But the principle is important. The death penalty vindicates the killer’s mentality: Life can be taken. When a California killer named Hung Thanh Mai, who had murdered a cop at a routine traffic stop, faced the jury during the penalty phase of his trial, he said he was prepared to die.This is virtually the same argument that the liberal left used against deposing Saddam, that by doing what is right and just we risk retribution. “We can’t execute criminals because they might want to kill us in return,” which completely ignores the fact that the criminal act was what began the process in the first place. In exactly this manner Cohen uses the same argument to support sparing Saddam—we can’t kill him because people like Saddam are killers, as if somehow taking the moral high ground in this case is going to make us safer or prevent future genocidal maniacs. It’s absolutely pathetic. President Bush, Joe Lieberman and much of America will probably have it their way. Saddam Hussein will be tried—probably in Iraq—found guilty and executed. In his reptilian brain, he will understand. He would have done the same thing himself.No he would not, and this is a hugely important distinction. Saddam would not have given anyone a trial. Saddam would not have granted his victims the rights that will be afforded him when he is judged. Saddam will not be tortured. Saddam’s children will not be tortured, nor his wife raped in front of him. Equating the death penalty with Saddam’s genocide and despotism is absolutely disgusting, and only a reptilian liberal brain could even begin to make such a connection. Update: Ramesh Ponnuru weighs in with his thoughts over at NRO. Thursday, December 18, 2003Stupid Liberals
Some company that makes anti-Bush t-shirts and bumper stickers has come up with this brilliant product just in time for the main campaign season.
The reference is supposed to invoke Orwellian themes, but 1984 reminds me of the largest Republican electoral landslide in history, with Ronald Reagan taking 49 states against Walter Mondale. So yes, liberal asshats, you are correct. The reelection of Bush/Cheney is going to be just like 1984. Update: Once he gets the nomination and makes a VP choice, I’m going to make a “Dean 1972” bumper sticker based on this.
Peace and love, indeed. A Foregone Conclusion?
What liberal media? Take a look at the first line of this story from Reuters.
Howard Dean, the leading Democrat in contention to retake the White House in 2004. . .A little presumptuous, no? Dean is not in contention to “retake the White House,” he’s in contention to secure the Democratic nomination for president. Now, call me crazy, but it’s as if the author has already come to the conclusion that the Democrats are going to “retake the White House in 2004,” and the only issue is which Democrat it is going to be. Oh, that liberal media.
Posted by Lee on 12/18 at 07:30 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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Nails In the Coffin
So much for the jobless recovery that the Democrats have been counting on.
An unexpectedly sharp decline in jobless claims boosted Wall Street Thursday, sending stocks higher for a third day as investors grew more confident that the economic recovery was firmly under way.I can’t wait until Dean gets the nomination, and has to explain why he wants to repeal the very tax cuts that reversed the recession. Apart from playing the class warfare card, he’s got nothing. Saddam’s in leg irons, his war crimes trial will undoubtedly be going on within the next year—during the campaign, in other words—which will show the world just who it was that Bush and Blair unilaterally deposed… things are looking good. Flu Hysteria
Guess what? You know that ultra-super-mega deathflu that is currently killing children and murdering puppies with a chainsaw?
Influenza is now widespread in 36 U.S. states and has been found in all 50, but the outbreak is not yet an epidemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.You mean that this is a public hysteria for which there is no rational basis, which is fed by our media to get ratings? I’m schocked, I tell you, shocked! This year’s flu season is worrying many because it started about two months earlier than usual, and began with some highly publicized deaths, including those of apparently healthy children.Health officials don’t know yet whether it will be a bad year for the flu? I thought that we were all just seconds away from death! I thought that if we didn’t get a flu shot we were toying needlessly with our very lives! But many more people that usual are showing up at doctors offices and clinics complaining of influenza-like illness. The CDC said 7.4 percent of all visits were for flu-like illness, compared with a usual level of 2.5 percent.Gee, you don’t think that this increase in visits has anything to do with the media-fueled flu hysteria, do you? “I have a sniffle! Oh my God, it must be the ultra-lethal megaflu! I’m doomed!” Clark on Bush
Wesley Clark is getting desperate.
Democratic presidential contender Wesley Clark said Wednesday that President Bush has shown a lack of will in pursuing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.Actually, Wes, what he did was recognize that this problem is a hel of a lot more than Osama bin Laden. If we were to capture OBL someone else would immediately take his place. What is needed is a total remake of Middle Eastern society, and the cornerstone of that effort is Iraq. Bush is to be praised for seeing the big picture, rather than focusing in on one man who is, in the grand scheme of thigs, rather insignificant. The retired Army four-star general also said that if Bush questions the patriotism and national security credentials of Democrats in the coming campaign, he would not hesitate to match his record against the president’s.Are you sure you want to do that, Wes? You might get more comments like that from your armed forces “teammate” Hugh Shelton who said, “I’ve known Wes for a long time. I will tell you the reason he came out of Europe early had to do with integrity and character issues, things that are very near and dear to my heart. I’m not going to say whether I’m a Republican or a Democrat. I’ll just say Wes won’t get my vote.” He added, “We’ve got a president who will go halfway around the world for a photo opportunity but won’t go halfway across town for a funeral for an American serviceman.This is really a despicable thing to say. Clark knows damn well that there is no tradition of presidents going to military funerals, and to try and slander Bush using the bodies of soldiers is just sickening, especially coming from a retired general. I used to have respect for Clark based on his accomplishments in the military, but from what I have seen of his personality thus far in the campaign I think he’s a vile human being. He simply disgusts me, and this display here is a perfect example of why. Torturing Saddam
Once again I find myself agreeing with John McCain.
Former prisoner of war and U.S. Senator John McCain says he doesn’t think interrogators questioning Saddam Hussein should use any tactics connected with torture.I couldn’t agree more. Torturing Saddam is beneath us. We should provide him with his rights as a POW under the Geneva Convention, interrogate him as much as possible, then turn him over to an Iraqi tribunal, where he will be found guilty, and hopefully executed in a brutal Arabic manner. As McCain says, information gained from torture is inherently unreliable. Torturing for information is what Saddam did to the Iraqi people. Doing it to him is beneath us.
Posted by Lee on 12/18 at 12:48 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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The Padilla Decision
I agree with this decision.
President Bush does not have power to detain American citizen Jose Padilla, the former gang member seized on U.S. soil, as an enemy combatant, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday.There is a big difference between capturing a non-US citizen on the field of battle, and arresting a US citizen on US soil. Like it or not, Jose Padilla is a US citizen, and as such he is afforded certain rights and protections under the Constitution. We, as a free society, cannot give the president the power to simply label people “enemy combatants” and detain them without access to counsel. It’s not so much that I think that in this specific case it wasn’t warranted, but that if we allow it to be done now, who’s to say who this power would be used against 20 or 50 years down the road? The Constitution specifically guarantees our rights and liberties for this exact reason, and without a specific mandate from Congress authorizing it I don’t think that the president should be assumed to have the authority to disregard them.
Posted by Lee on 12/18 at 12:38 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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I'm Still Alive
So I get home last night and all the power is out at my apartment. Aparently some numbnuts drove their car into a power transformer or something. So I ended up reading a book by candlelight and getting an early night. Fun fun fun. Wednesday, December 17, 2003The Trusty Old AP
What liberal media? Here’s some more of the AP’s bias-free reporting.
U.S. troops smash into homes, shops in major raid to hunt for guerrillas in turbulent cityNow, look at the mental imagery you are shown here: doors being smashed down with sledgehammers, explosions that injure babies, screaming women and children. Note that the resolution to the raid, nor what prompted it, are not detailed, thus giving the impression that bloodthirsty US troops are smashing down the buildings of innocent Iraqis in a fruitless attempt to stabilize the quagmire region. It is a “turbulent city.” Oh, that liberal media.
Posted by Lee on 12/17 at 06:11 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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Nothing Succeeds Like Success
You know things are going well in Iraq when even our biased, liberal media have to start improving their coverage.
President Bush has taken a battering on television newscasts since landing on that aircraft carrier with the “Mission Accomplished” banner.This shows what ever conservative in the world could see—that the media here were doing their damnedest to spin the war as being a failure, a debacle, a quagmire, when nothing of the sort was true. Now, in the face of an overwhelming event like the capture of Saddam, even they are going to have to start begrudgingly admit that maybe things over there aren’t as bad as originally reported. Don’t get me wrong, I still expect the media to do all they can to malign President Bush, but they’re going to have to start showing the good in Iraq, because their viewers are going to expect it.
Posted by Lee on 12/17 at 03:43 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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Vaccines and Economics
A couple of days ago I blogged on how the hysteria over the flu is creating a shortage, which can be explained by simple economics. Well, here’s proof.
Unprecedented demand for the flu vaccine has caused its price to skyrocket across the United States, from $40 a vial two months ago to as high as $215 today, leading to charges that companies are price-gouging health agencies amid fears of an unusually harsh flu season.Damn I love being right.
Update: Expect this story to be the next public hysteria.
A man in Taiwan has been confirmed to have SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), health officials said on Wednesday.Okay, let’s recap. An infectious disease doctor, who surrounds himself with various viruses, has (gasp!) caught an infections disease. Big deal, right? But this was enough to cause the Thai stock exchange to drop in value almost a full percent. Health “experts” are “warning” that laboratories could be the source of “a new SARS outbreak." It’s irrational hysteria, folks, and it feeds on itself. Mark my words, this one miniscule incident is going to get a lot of press.
Posted by Lee on 12/17 at 03:32 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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They've Come for your Children
The scum at PeTA are up to their old tricks.
Animal rights advocates will single out small children at performances of “The Nutcracker’’ in the next few weeks by handing out fliers saying “Your Mommy Kills Animals’’ to youngsters whose mothers are wearing fur.They can’t get their point across to adults (expect for the die-hard left-wing morons) so they go after your kids. These people are as much a fascist organization as al Qaeda. Baldwin, Again
Clebrity asshat Alec Baldwin is trying to hook up with the Pope.
Hollywood star Alec Baldwin has appealed to Pope John Paul II asking him to condemn “shocking cruelty” to animals on factory farms that produce food products, activists said Tuesday.In the liberal world, Christianity exists to advange the radical leftist social agenda, unless we’re talking about abortion, in which case Christianity is to be ignored and villified as being anachronistic. I’m pro-choice myself, but I think it’s absoluely disgusting that Asshat Baldwin and PeTA place more value in the life of a fucking farm animal than they do in a human fetus. Our Closest Allies
A Canadian paper worries that Bush is alienating his closest allies.
U.S. President George W. Bush says Saddam Hussein deserves “the ultimate penalty” a call for execution that would rule out any United Nations role in an international tribunal and ignores the views of some of his closest allies.Damn that unilateralist Bush! He’s cut out the UN again, and now he’s alienating his allies again! (Translation: closest allies in this context means Canada.) Note to our supposed allies: if your name isn’t on the list of nations on the coalition, you’re not our ally.
Posted by Lee on 12/17 at 10:44 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Dean Changes His Tune
Saddam’s capture has forced Dean to go a little more hawkish while still railing against everything the Bush administration has done.
The presidential campaign has entered the post-Saddam era. In a political environment transformed for now by the capture of Saddam Hussein, the spotlight Monday was on Howard Dean, the Democratic candidate most identified with opposition to the Iraq war.Dean most definitely does not have what it takes to lead the military, but the rest of the world—especially the terrorists—would love him. Son of Saddam
Good old Baghdad Jim is at it again. Remember, this lunatic is an actual, currently elected member of Congress. We always get a chuckle when we read this type of paranoid delusion over on the DU website, this is horrifying.
Rep. Jim McDermott of Washington, the Democratic congressman who went to Baghdad last year to say that President Bush would lie to the American people in order to justify war, has now accused the president of timing Saddam Hussein’s capture for political ends.When Paul McCartney’s wife Linda died of breast cancer a few years ago, celebrity asshat Carly Simon stated that, “If this was a men’s disease they would have found a cure for it now.” At the time I thought that was probably the most pathetic conspiracy theory I had ever heard. Well, McDermott’s little idiocy here trumps Carly nicely. It’s speaks volumes of the Democratic Party’s current platform when they unleash this numbnuts to spew his idiocy over the radio.
Posted by Lee on 12/17 at 02:47 AM in Politics & Economics •
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A Question of Art
As many of you know, outside the United Nations building in New York there sits a statue of a knotted handgun.
However, given some of Kofi Annan’s recent statements I thought that they might want to replace it with something more appropriate to their current demeanor. The Material General
Wesley Clark’s campaign is rolling like a juggernaut.
FORMER vice president Al Gore may be supporting Howard Dean, but retired army general Wesley Clark has support in his quest for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination from ... Madonna.How pathetic. This guy is a four-star general, former commander of NATO, and he’s managed to pick up the endorsement of the gap-toothed slut. Now all Clark needs are the endorsements of Rick James and Bobby Brown, and he can have the washed-up loser endorsement trifecta. Homer Mater
There’s an episode of The Simpsons where Lisa goes to college, and ends up in a class where all they do is sit around and watch Itchy and Scratchy cartoons. Well, life imitates art once again.
Around 11 a.m., the lights dim in the second-floor classroom at Centenary College, and 14 freshmen lean back in their chairs as the familiar opening credits of “The Simpsons” fill a screen covering the blackboard.I really need to go back to college. I’ve already memorized every episode of The Simpsons, I could ace the class. Tuesday, December 16, 2003Bending Over Backwards
And the award for “Most Monumentally-Full-Of-Shit Statement By Any Living Person” goes to… Kofi Annan.
"I think the UN has done as much as it can for Iraq,” Annan told reporters. “So quite honestly I don’t think today is the time to hurl accusations."The really scary thing is, he actually believes this crap.
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 06:10 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Still So Solly, Again
Following up on this post, anti-American jackoffs and “peace activists” have damaged one of the mightiest symbols of peace that has ever existed..
Grief stricken Hiroshima survivors yesterday confronted the newly restored Enola Gay, the American plane that dropped the world’s first atomic bomb.Yeah, well, if Japan hadn’t attacked the United States and entered the war allied with fucking Adolf Hitler then nuking your sorry ass wouldn’t have been necessary. But their act of remembrance beside the plane, was too much for some museum visitors, who angrily chanted “Remember Pearl Harbor” and “What about the Nanjing massacre?” referring to actions of imperial Japanese forces.Good for them. Everyone knows about Hiroshima, but very few people know about the Rape of Nanking. Fifty-eight years after the Hiroshima bombing, and a second atom bomb strike on Nagasaki, opinion in the US on the first nuclear strikes is still sharply divided.You can always count on the world media to portray the American public as being “sharply divided” on this issue, when the nuking of Japan was one of the most textbook examples of moral clarity in the history of warfare. Days after dropping the bombs a war that had raged for six years was brought to an immediate end. The Enola Gay saved more lives than it took, and these disgusting “peace activists” should go somewhere and die.
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 05:49 PM in Left Wing Idiocy •
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Here’s the latest example of why Howard Dean is unfit to be president.
U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following statement Tuesday regarding a recent statement by former Gov. Howard Dean that the liberation of Iraq should only have taken place with U.N. permission:This is what we can expect from a Dean Presidency, a total abdication of American sovereignty to the whims of France and Germany. The Carrot and the Stick
Score yet another huge victory for the bumbling hick from Texas.
Former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III said he has won agreements from France and Germany on the need to restructure Iraq’s $125 billion in debt.Once again Bush gets what he wants without capitulating, giving in, compromising, or sucking up to those self-interested, gutless Old European pricks. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you’re willing to play a little hardball, isn’t it? Iraq has been liberated, there are fundamental changes going on in the Middle East, al Qaeda is on the run, Saddam Hussein is in leg irons, taxes have been cut, the economy is booming again… Life is good today, my friends.
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 04:13 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Kerry on Howie
If you catch a shark, slit its belly open, and drop it back in the water, it will go crazy eating its own guts. This is about the best metaphor I can think of for the current state of the Democratic Party.
This morning I blogged on Howard Dean’s flip-flopping. Here’s an example of John Kerry flip-flopping in his criticism of Howard Dean’s flip-flopping.
"Dean Supported War Resolution. Until recently, Dean has been able to pull the wool over the eyes of voters in New Hampshire, Iowa and across the nation on his position on the war. The facts are now clear: Dean supported giving the President the authority to go to war. Only when he determined it to be politically advantageous, did he take an anti-war stance."John Kerry campaign “media alert,” Dec. 12, the day before Saddam Hussein was capturedJohn Kerry, who served in Vietnam, has taken more positions than a five dollar whore. Part of this is to be expected—we are in a campaign, after all, and Kerry, who served in Vietnam, is looking for the nomination. But for Kerry, who served in Vietnam, to disparage Dean for being a pro-war candidate, is just asinine. Kerry, who served in Vietnam, is going down on a sinking ship and he knows it, so he doesn’t really have a whole lot to lose, except his wife’s millions. Putting Down the Cat
Never underestimate the Arabic propensity for denial and self-deception.
Saddam Hussein’s family wants the former leader to be tried by an international court instead of a special tribunal set up by the U.S.-installed Iraqi Governing Council, one of his daughters said Tuesday.Yes, girls, that’s it. Well, your lion is not only caged, he’s about to be shot by the zookeeper.
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 03:05 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Read this. Now.
We have enemies that have earned our hatred, and whom we should fear. They are fanatical terrorists who seek opportunities to kill American civilians here and Israeli civilians in Israel. But right now, our national media and the Democratic Party are trying to get us to believe that the people we should hate and fear are George W. Bush and the Republicans.Every registered Democrat in the country needs to be forced to read this op-ed.
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 01:52 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Two Links from Andy
Andrew Sullivan has a couple of links on his site this morning that I simply have to pike. The first is this review of Noam Chomsky’s latest book in the Guardian.
Noam Chomsky is the master of looking-glass politics. His writing exemplifies the ability of the Western Left to criticise everything from the West - except itself. He is immensely popular; but his popularity is mystifying on the first reading. His work is dense and filled with non sequiturs (here he seeks to use the Cuban missile crisis to explain the Iraq war, which is a little like using the first Moon landing to explain the dotcom boom). He claims to confront the comfortable with uncomfortable facts they don’t want to face. Yet his audience is primarily a comfortable Western audience.Read the whole thing, it’s blistering. And now for the second link, which nicely shows Howard Dean’s flip-flopping on foreign policy issues. In March 2000, Dean told a Canadian public affairs program that 98 percent of the public does not vote based on a candidate’s foreign policy views, “unless they are really a wacko.” Now, he says, because of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the Iraq war, national security is the most important issue in this election after the economy. “This president has forfeited our moral leadership in the world because people dislike us so much,” he said.But here’s the money quote. During another 1998 appearance on the show, “The Editors,” Dean said it was not worth trying to woo French support on foreign policy initiatives. “The French will always do exactly the opposite on what the United States wants regardless of what happens, so we’re never going to have a consistent policy,” he said.Amazing, isn’t it? Now check out his cop-out response. Asked about the comment, Dean said he now thinks that because the French “have seen how bad things can get with the United States, they might respond to a new president who’s willing to offer them respect again."So, let’s recap. Foreign policy doesn’t matter, unless it’s Bush. And the French will do the opposite of what the US wants, but when they do it when Bush is in office it’s Bush’s fault. Kofi's Motivation?
Infidel over at Dar Al-Harb blogs about Kofi Annan, Bay Area patriotism, and the Saddam trial.
Often, out of a perverse sense of fascination with the philosophy of the evil, I listen to 88.1 FM (Pacifica Radio) on my local dial. I don’t know if you’re fortunate enough to have a branch of good old fashioned Berkeley Radio in your area, but I for one am happy to have the constant source of entertainment. The ‘reporting’ this evening went along the lines that any trial of Saddam must be international and run by the UN, otherwise the US will make sure that all evidence of it’s supplying Saddam with chemical and biological weapons for his war crimes will never be mentioned.Sounds plausible to me.
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 11:21 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Seconds from Death
Okay, one quick posting. Saddam was almost blown to Allah.
Col. James Hickey, 43, also said Special Forces soldiers were seconds from pitching a hand grenade into Saddam’s tiny underground refuge when the fugitive dictator’s hands appeared above ground in surrender.Can you imagine the conspiracy theories the lefties would be putting forth if they’d dropped a grenade into his little cubbyhole? “They assassinated him before he could tell the truth about his connections to the secret Bush military/industrial conspiracy!”
Posted by Lee on 12/16 at 02:19 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Sorry for the lack of posting. I’ve got a killer headache, so I’ve decided to punk out and take the night off. See you in the morning. I’ll be writing my fisking of Michael Moore’s crap tomorrow night. Monday, December 15, 2003Kofi and Death
Here’s the latest reason to tell the United Nations to go to hell.
The top U.N. diplomat said Monday he could not support bringing captured Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein before a tribunal that might sentence him to death.To paraphrase Orwell, if Kofi Annan had had his way the jackboot of Saddam would be stamping on the human face of the Iraqi people, forever. Somehow I don’t think the Iraqis are going to be too upset that he isn’t sanctioning their tribunal. The upside to this is that Bush and the IGC can point to Annan’s statement and say, “See? This is why we can’t send him to the Hague.” It also shows, clearly, why the International Criminal Court has absolutely no moral legitimacy whatsoever. If Kofi Annan ever takes a hard line against a despotic ruler anywhere in the world I’ll probably crap myself from the shock. Seriously. He’s got lots of tough talk for Bush and Blair, but in the face of adversity and struggle he runs like a little girl. Funny, he wasn’t too broken up about all the people in Iraq who where sentenced to death due to his inaction and cowardice. Mass graves are perfectly acceptable if the justification is to prevent war, I guess. Executing a genocidal maniac is beyond the pale. How I loathe the UN.
Posted by Lee on 12/15 at 07:49 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Straight Shooting
Check out the transcript of Bush’s press conference today. The money quote:
I will never forget the lessons of September the 11th, 2001. Terrorists attacked us. They killed thousands of our fellow citizens. And it could happen again. And therefore I will deal with threats, threats that are emerging and real.On domestic issues there are a lot of areas where I disagree with President Bush, but in the areas where it really counts I admire the man like no other. God damn it’s good to hear an American president talk like this, with pride and conviction and a huge set of brass balls. Don’t miss what he had to say about France and Germany, either. The Happiness Is Over
Check out this piece of one-sided reporting from Reuters. As you read the quotes from Iraqis who are uset and defiant about America, remember that these are the same news organizations that somehow managed not to report on a 4,000-person strong pro-democracy, anti-terrorism rally in Baghdad a week or so ago. But, as any good leftie can tell you, the media in this country are solidly pro-war and would never do anything to disparage Bush.
Posted by Lee on 12/15 at 04:04 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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American Goals
Following up on this post, we see yet another example of how utterly delusional Howard Dean is.
As our military commanders said, and the President acknowledged yesterday, the capture of Saddam does not end the difficulties from the aftermath of the administration’s war to oust him. There is the continuing challenge of securing Iraq, protecting the safety of our personnel, and helping that country get on the path to stability. There is the need to repair our alliances and regain global support for American goals. [Emphasis added] When has there EVER been global support for American goals, Howie? Here’s something you might not have noticed, but the rest of the world hates us. You can believe all you like that this phenomenon was created by Bush, but the fact is that it existed well before Bush came to office, he just happened to bring the phenomenon to light. During his eight years in office Clinton never said or did anything that would cause Europe to have to take sides with us, but if he had done so you would have seen this rift revealed much sooner. The only common goal we have had with the international comunity since WWII was protecting Europe from the USSR. The second that goal was accomplished the majority of Eueope told it to jam it up our collective ass. They have no interest in supporting American goals, Howard, because they view American power as a threat. Do You Speaka My Language?
Following up on my post about bling bling, it seems that the Oxford English Dictionary is intent on destroying our language by legitimizing hip-term-of-the-week slang.
Here’s a sign of the times as far as slang goes: The folks at the “Oxford English Dictionary (OED)” are considering adding the phrase “baby momma” to the wordy publication.Not only have I never heard the term “baby momma” used before, but I cannot believe that the OED will actually place language this incorrect within it’s pages. The term “baby daddy” is a black American term that reflects the propensity in black speech to ignore plurals of words. Rather than say, “He is my baby’s daddy” they say, “He my baby daddy,” thus the birth of the term baby daddy. Other new terms being considered for addition to the dictionary include…Fembot? From Austin Powers? Give me a break! -- And the verb “wand” which refers to the act of waving a hand held metal detector over a person’s body, as in “I got wanded at the airport."This last one at least makes a little sense. I fear for the future of English if the very guardians of the language at the OED see nothing wrong with sullying it with asinine terms like “bling bling” and “baby daddy.” Just disgraceful.
Posted by Lee on 12/15 at 01:17 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Forgetting George
Check out Andy Rooney from last night’s 60 Minutes, on Saddam’s capture.
If you made a list of the 10 most evil men of all time - there has never been a woman so evil - Saddam Hussein would be on the list.Okay, Saddam is an evil bastard, we’re all in agreement. He ends his commentary thus: Anyway, we’ve all been looking for the perfect Christmas present, and now we’ve got it: The capture of Saddam Hussein. It’s the best gift we could possibly get, and we thank the men who gave it to us.Note the conspicuous absence of President Bush from his list of thank-yous. Andy needs to be at least intellectually honest to admit that if we had listened to the peace-and-hugs crowd this event never would have taken place. So, getting rid of one of the ten most evil men in history is a good thing, but recognizing that you were part of the group in opposition to it is another thing entirely. I tell you what, Andy. Go back to talking about paperclips and coffee cans and all of the other inane crap you seem fascinated by, and leave the removal of evil men to your political and moral betters.
Posted by Lee on 12/15 at 11:57 AM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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Tasteless Joke O' the Day
Two Palestinians are chatting. One pulls his wallet out and starts flipping through pictures. He says, “Here’s my oldest son. He’s a martyr. And here’s my second son. He’s a martyr too.” After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Palestinian wistfully says, “They blow up so fast, don’t they?” (Thanks to Tom McMahon) Killing the Delusion
Those peace-loving For Israel, he was a menace over the horizon who long bankrolled the enemy and the Iraqi leader rained at least 30 Scud missiles on Israeli cities during the 1991 Gulf War.Not only have they been shown, yet again, that the power of Allah is no match for the United States Armed Forces, but Saddam, a man who has been preaching jihad for the past eight months, punked out and surrendered like a cowardly little bitch. So much for that macho Arab masculinity, huh?
Posted by Lee on 12/15 at 11:26 AM in Radical Islam/Palestinians •
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Quagmire? What Quagmire?
Believe it or not, there’s someone in Canada who understands that Iraq is not a quagmire.
The trick has been to equate Iraq to Vietnam. Al Gore made a point of it last week when he threw his backing behind Howard Dean for the Democratic party’s presidential nomination, describing the situation as a “quagmire”—the emotionally loaded term everyone knows means Vietnam.Be sure to read the whole thing.
Posted by Lee on 12/15 at 10:54 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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The Truth About Dean
Lieberman speaks the truth.
If Howard Dean had his way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power today, not in prison, and the world would be a more dangerous place.He’s absolutely right, and this gets to the crux of why I want Dean to get the nomination. He’s been running around for months energizing the far left with his talk of repealing the tax cuts and his blunt criticism of the war. Well, what we’re seeing now is the beginnings of a huge economic recovery, and the capture of Saddam Hussein, two incidents that would not have taken place if Dean’s policies were enacted. So while the radical left might flock to Dean he’s going to have a hell of a time trying to sell his message to the swing voters. Fisking Mikey, Again
Michael Moore spews more of his bile over the capture of Saddam. I’ll write a fisking of this thing tomorrow, I’m too damn tired to do it tonight. I’m going to need a plethora of links, specifically about just how much France, Germany, and Russia traded with Iraq during the last 20 years compared with the US. Leave all relevant info in the comments, and I’ll compile it into the mother of all fiskings tomorrow evening. Update: Come on, gang! Surely the collective wisdom of this blog’s participants can come up with more links that this! I really need a ton of facts and figures detailing arms sales to Iraq, specifically. I know you can do it! George, Jacques, and Saddam
Don’t miss this priceless post over at Right Wing News. Scroll down to the bottom. Make sure you don’t have a mouth full of liquid. Sunday, December 14, 2003Klassy Kerry
Good God, what a total scumbag John Kerry is.
If we had done this with a sufficient number of troops, if we had done this in a globalized way, if we had brought more people to the table, we might have caught Saddam Hussein sooner. We might have had less loss of life. We would be in a stronger position today with respect to what we’re doing.He forgot to finish with, “By the way, I served in Vietnam.” While his public statement didn’t reflect it, at least Dean had the class to admit that this was a great day for the Bush team. Kerry is just a vile, disgusting human being. Shopping
Just a reminder: If you’re going to buy anything from this Christmas season, doing so by clicking this link first will help out the site. Thanks! Flag Patches
A question for you Army types: I’m watching 60 Minutes right now, and they’re doing a story on Saddam’s capture. I’ve never noticed this before, but all the American flag patches on the right arms of the soldiers are backwards. At first I thought I was looking at an inverted video image, but all the other text on the uniform was correct. The ensign (blue and stars) is in the top right corner of the patches. Am I hallucinating, or is there a reason for this? Bosom Buddies
You know that picture from the 1980s of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam that the lefties and their compliant accomplices in the media have been throwing around for the past six months? Take a look at this.
French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, left, and Saddam Hussein of Iraq are seen prior to a state dinner in Baghdad, in this December 1974 file photo. Much has been made of Rumsfeld’s trip, the implication being that he and Saddam are old cronies. Well, assuming that is a given, what should we make of the picture above? At least Rumsfeld worked to fix whatever mistake he may have made in the past, while Chirac tried to protect his old friend (and debtor) from any repercussion.
Posted by Lee on 12/14 at 07:11 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Baghdad by the Bay
It appears that Saddam Hussein was not found in his native Iraq as media outlets have been reporting. As this photographic evidence shows, Saddam has been hiding out here in San Francisco, living freely amongst the filthy, disheveled legions of homeless, getting his free $400 a month in city funds.
The office of Mayor-Elect Gavin Newsom could not be reached for comment. The Leftward Spin
Jesus, the media in this country just have to find the worst in anything good, don’t they? Check out the first two paragraphs in this UPI report.
What’s clear from the initial video footage of the capture of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is that this is not the evil mastermind at the controls of the resistance organizations that continue to harass the U.S.-led coalition.“Well, Saddam has been captured, but it’s not as big a deal as you might think.” What assholes.
Posted by Lee on 12/14 at 02:39 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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As you can imagine the scumbags at DU are going nuts. Here’s a typically distasteful example.
I hope that now that Saddam is gone, the Shi’ite majority will feel emboldened to rise up and kick out the Anglo/American invader/occupiers and make it politically impossible for the neocon war machine to continue with its plans for military domination of the planet.Charming, huh? “Well, it’s good that Saddam is gone, but now I hope that America loses.” Lovely. Howie on Saddam
Check out the statement from Howard Dean.
"This is a great day for the Iraqi people, the US, and the international community.What a wormy prick. It is this pathetic attitude that shows why this man is totally unfit to be president. We Got Him
What can I say about Saddam Hussein’s capture that isn’t expressed in this photograph?
Update: The other day I blogged on the fact that Iraqi tribunals are being organized to try members of the old Ba’athist regime. I’m sure that Saddam will face the same justice.
Posted by Lee on 12/14 at 01:07 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Black Tail
It looks like old Strom Thurmond was diddling the help.
A 78-year-old retired Los Angeles schoolteacher said she is breaking a lifetime of silence to announce that she is the illegitimate mixed-race daughter of former U.S. senator James Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), once the nation’s leading segregationist. In an interview, the woman said that Thurmond privately acknowledged her as his daughter and provided financial support since 1941.Thurmond was more a political opportunist than a true racist. He invoked segregation and racist politics when that was what was required to win elections, and abandoned it as soon as the tide started turning. If this turns out to be true, this will actually show that the man was much less a racist than his critics have claimed.
Posted by Lee on 12/14 at 04:30 AM in Politics & Economics •
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The Missing Link?
Well, we’ve seen this type of thing before, so let’s not get out hopes up, but this could be a bombshell.
Iraq’s coalition government claims that it has uncovered documentary proof that Mohammed Atta, the al-Qaeda mastermind of the September 11 attacks against the US, was trained in Baghdad by Abu Nidal, the notorious Palestinian terrorist.I think it is extremely naive to think that Iraq and al Qaeda would never join forces—it shows a total lack of any grasp of contemporary world history. I’ve always suspected that a solid link would be found between the two, perhaps this is it. Stay tuned.
Posted by Lee on 12/14 at 04:29 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Saturday, December 13, 2003Secular Best Wishes
Posting will be light tonight. I’ve got my company’s non-religious, non-offensive, secular, inclusive holiday party to go to. See ya later.
Posted by Lee on 12/13 at 09:41 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Howie's Big Plan
Howard Dean should run for president of Fantasyland.
As president, Howard Dean says, he would mold a global alliance that would hunt down and do away with “sleeper cells” of terrorists capable of wreaking widespread damage with weapons of mass destruction.Ummm, exactly how is he planning on building a global alliance? The rest of the world is either opposed to the US war on terror (Muslim countries and their allies) or has absolutely no interest in helping us (Russia, France, and Germany). So just how is Dean planning on building a global alliance with people who don’t want anything to do with us? I can’t wait to hear the specifics, if he even has any. This is just the kind of vague boilerplate left-wing idiocy that plays well with liberals, but is non-specific enough to where he doesn’t actually have to commit to anything. Score One for the Brits
Damn that George W. Bush!
MILITANTS linked to the Al-Qaeda terrorist network plotted to blow up the British Embassy in Yemen, BBC television said on Friday.None of this would have ever happened, of course, had Britain not sided with the cowboy lunatic in the White House.
Posted by Lee on 12/13 at 06:26 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Vaccines and Shortages
In the movie Sneakers one of the characters describes how to make a healthy bank insolvent—you start a rumor that the bank is going insolvent, which causes investors to pull their money out, thus actually making the bank insolvent. Well, virtually the same thing is happening right now in the United States, and it’s been fueled by mass hysteria in the media. I’m talking about the flu scare that’s gripping the nation.
With flu cases now reported in all 50 states and nearly half of those considered hit hard, the government is scrambling to ship 100,000 vaccine doses to combat shortages, hoping to head off what could become one of the worst outbreaks in years.So, what dynamic is at work here? Flu season hits, and there’s a strain that is a little worse than previous years. So the media pick up on it, causing more people to go for flu shots. The media then report on how there is a shortage of flu shots, which causes people to panic and want the flu shot even more. Now we have a hysterical population running around terrified of catching the super-flu, all of them wanting flu shots. Every year 36,000 people in this country die from the flu. That’s twelve times the number of 9/11 victims. Nobody seemed too worried about the flu last year, did they? So, why is there a shortage of flu vaccinations? It’s simple economics. When you have an artificially high demand you will have a shortage. Because of the hysteria over the flu, we have people waiting in line for hours to get vaccinated, which is creating a much higher demand than normal. With the higher demand, and a price that is undoubtedly controlled by the government, we now have a shortage. Just you wait, this shortage is going to be used by one of the Democratic presidential candidates as proof that health care needs to be under the purview of the federal government and not left to the pesky free market. Remember a few years ago when there was that whole outbreak of shark attacks on the east coast? Someone analyuzed the data and it turned out that there was no more shark attacks that year than there had been any other year. The only difference was that, for some reason, the media decided to focus on shark attacks, thus giving the impression of a bigger problem than actually existed. I refused to get a flu shot this year on general principle. If I get the flu I’ll be out for a day or two and then I’ll be better, same as always. Ta Ta Toofy
British health authorities have warned against giving antidepressants to children. And why do British children need antidepressants in the first place? Because they all look like this. Oh, come on, lighten up. It was just a joke. Desperate Times
My God the Democrats are desperate.
Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt demanded Saturday that front-runner Howard Dean release records of meetings and phone calls about tax breaks given to corporate villain Enron, which Dean denies he did.In the 1990s Enron was seen as one of the world’s best companies. Any governor worth his salt would have offered incentives to get business into the state, just like Arnie is doing right now here in California. To try and tie Howard Dean to Enron, as if he should have known they were cooking their books, is desperate and pathetic. But for the radical left wing asshats who make up his base Enron is like discussing Satan or Hitler, and they might take a different view of the issue. At least that’s what Gephardt’s people are hoping. A Boy's Whale
In another successful operation by animal-rights lunatics, Keiko the whale has croaked.
Keiko, the killer whale star of the Free Willy movies has died, his caretakers said early Saturday morning.If Keiko had been transferred to a better waterpark rather than sent back out into the ocean he very well might be alive. Still So Solly
A few days ago I blogged on how a Japanese group was protesting the Smithsonian’s exhibit of the Enola Gay. Well, the opening went ahead as scheduled, and the Japanese are still complaining about it. Take a look at how this BBC article ends.
Three days after the 1945 Hiroshima bombing, the US dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.Debate? What debate? There will always be people who take a contrarian point of view, but that doesn’t mean that their views are the least bit valid. There are those who make detailed arguments that the Holocaust never happened, but does that mean that “a debate has raged ever since”? As I said in my previous post, the Smithsonian should offer to include victim statistics of the bombings, and then announce that they are also opening a new exhibit right next door to highlight the crimes against humanity that the Japanese committed both before (Manchuria) and during (Bataan Death March) the war. Somehow I don’t think they’d be as gung-ho for a full accounting under those terms.
Posted by Lee on 12/13 at 01:15 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Some Constitutional Perspective
Bad news for the Europeans.
Deadlocked over voting rights, European Union leaders failed Saturday to wrap up more than two years of work on a first-ever constitution. . . .The idea of a united Europe grew out of the Common Market, a free-trade organization of European states, designed to facilitate trade and economic growth after WWII. This then became the European Economic Community, and eventually the EU. The EU nations are in the process of adopting a single currency, the Euro. And now they are attempting to draft a constitution, which will in essence form a United States of Europe. It’s just not happening as easily as they had hoped. This is similar to the disputes that were part of the formation of our Constitution. The federalists and anti-federalists, slavers and free-staters, North and South, and so on. We did not have a cohesive national identity at the onset, which fostered smoldering resentment among the disparate groups. This resentment led directly to the Civil War. Europe is heading down exactly path. People do not identify themselves as the singular “European,” they still think of themselves as French, German, Polish, Spanish, and so on. There are still rivalries and jealousies among the European peoples, and any compromises made to ratify the constitution are going to cause the same type of resentment that we saw here in the young United States. Will they ratify the document and eventually lead to a civil war? Time will tell.
Posted by Lee on 12/13 at 12:54 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Back to the Basics
Following up on this post about the California budget deal, it seems that state Republicans might know a few things financially that the national party does not.
With his signature, Schwarzenegger capped a week of bipartisan cooperation rare in recent years, as he and legislative Democrats revived the package considered dead last week and then worked throughout the week to reach a compromise. Once that was done, they had to corral reluctant Republicans, who had wanted a tougher spending limit, to agree.Republicans who want to cut spending? Whod’a thunk it!
Posted by Lee on 12/13 at 02:02 AM in California & San Francisco •
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King Missile
Wow. Just showing that there are readers of this blog in every conceivable branch of the military/industrial complex, here’s part of an email I received earlier today.
Lee,You’re damn right I’d be interested! I have no idea if these are secret—I’m assuming not—but just in case I’ll keep the sender’s name to myself. Anyhow, these pics are super, super cool, thanks for sharing!
Posted by Lee on 12/13 at 01:01 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Coolest. Gift. Ever.
Christmas is just around the corner. What do you get a 13 year old boy who has everything? How about a bottle of Vietnamese cobra wine?
People actually drink this snake crap, too—see the above link. A friend just got back from a trip to Vietnam and Burma and he brought it back for me. Friday, December 12, 2003Mexifornia
Apparently all across the state today illegal immigrants gathered to protest Gov. Schwarzenegger’s recent decision to repeal the law giving them driver’s licenses. I hadn’t heard anything about it in advance. When I was coming back to work after lunch, however, I saw a whole group of protesters out by my office, maybe 150 people, so I borrowed a digital camera and took some pictures. The area I work in is next to a large low-income Hispanic area, so it makes sense that this would be where the organizers decided to hold the rally. Note: I don’t speak Spanish, so I used Systrans to translate the signs into English. If you speak Spanish and notice an error, please let me know. Also, to make some of the signs easier to read I did a few brightness and contrast adjustments. Apart from that there was no other digital manipulation of the photographs.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 11:35 PM in California & San Francisco •
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He Shoots, He Scores!
Arnie: Kicking ass and taking names.
California’s Senate approved on Friday a plan backed by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to cover the state’s growing deficit with a record $15 billion bond measure to go before voters in March.Note that a tax increase was not a part of his proposal. Oh ye of little faith.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 07:41 PM in California & San Francisco •
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She Blinded Me With Acid
Ya know, sometimes you just have to admire Islamic savagery.
A judge has ruled that a Pakistani man convicted of attacking his 17-year-old fiancee with acid be blinded with acid himself, police said Friday.You’re not going to get any complaints out of me. Here in America the guy would have gotten 20 years, and been paroled after three, with some mamby-pamby liberal lawyer arguing that it wasn’t his fault, because his dad used to smack his mom around. Violence against women, including acid attacks, are common in Pakistan, particularly in rural and deeply conservative tribal regions.Ah, the good old reliable media. They never miss an opportunity to subtly link violence against women and fundamentalist theocracy with being “conservative.”
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 05:52 PM in Radical Islam/Palestinians •
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Cuba Libre
It’s Blog Cuba day over at Babalu Blog. Lots of Cuba-related postings, including one from yours truly. Stop by and check it out. European Defense
While their constitutional convention falls apart, Europe decides on a plan for a joint military force external of NATO. It’s everything you would expect from European politicians.
It was no longer enough, observed Carl Bildt, a former Swedish prime minister, to talk about Europe’s “soft power” versus the “hard power” of an unassailably mighty America. It was necessary to show how and in what circumstances Europe’s power could actually be used, and how an expanded union - soon to have 25 members - could exercise global responsibility commensurate with its economic weight and ambitions.I doubt the Europeans are willing to actually create as robust a force as they are proposing. They simply don’t have the economic ability to spend what is necessary to create, maintain, and deploy this force, all while propping up their bloated nanny-state social welfare programs. So while they make this tough-sounding proposal—despite their lunacy about climate change in the like—ultimately they’ll fall short of what they envision, which pretty much nicely sums up the EU in general, come to think of it. Inevitably, the document does not answer every tough question. If Europe wants to punch at its weight in the world, then surely it should end the anomaly of separate permanent seats at its “top table” - the UN security council - for Britain and France, the nuclear-armed victors of the second world war, and replace them with a single EU seat?There isn’t a chance in hell of the British and the French doing this, especially the French. Nor does it directly address the sensitive question of pre-emption, which lies at the heart of the “axis of evil” security doctrine propagated by the neo-conservatives who surround Bush. And the phrase “pre-emptive engagement” in an early draft became a less threatening “preventive engagement” in the final version.Hmm. Sounds to me like this is exactly the same argument Bush used during his year of playing diplomatic grab-ass at the UN, yet France and much of Europe didn’t seem too much of it back then.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 04:07 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Whipping Dean
I have to admit I find this surprising.
A stunning new poll shows President Bush would clobber Democratic front-runner Howard Dean by nearly 2-1 in politically potent New Hampshire - even though Dean has a giant lead over Democratic rivals in the state.It’s not looking good for the Democrats in 2004, is it? Hardball on Debt Relief
Yesterday I stated my belief that the exclusion list is primarily a tool to use as a bargaining point in negotiations about Iraqi debt relief. Today in The Corner Jonah Goldberg says the same thing.
Isn’t it possible that the stiffing of Germany, France and Russia is simply prelude to Jim Baker’s Iraqi debt-cancellation world tour? It just seems so obvious to me now. He wanted some leverage and to send these countries a signal that we could play hardball before he left. It’s fine with me as a policy or as a negotiating ploy. I mean if I hear the EUniks say this decision was “unhelpful” one more time, I’m gonna go nuts. Look at France last year, or this year, for a definition of “unhelpful."I think this is exactly what the list is about, and I think it’s good to see the Bush team using every angle open to them.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 01:20 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Quincy for Deer
And the latest asinine proposed law to come out of the EU concerns hunting.
Legislation due to come before the European Parliament in the new year would change the rules governing products of animal origin intended for human consumption. It would mean wild game would have to be certified as fit and healthy before being shot and then be inspected by a vet to ensure that no “abnormalities” occurred as a result of the hunting process.Why any independent nation would subject themselves to this sort of crap is just beyond me.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 11:45 AM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Saving France
Can you imagine for a second what the world’s lefties would be saying if President Bush cane out and said this?
Muslim groups are chafing at the core values of modern-day France, the head of a presidential panel said Friday, a day after it called for the outlawing of Islamic head scarves in schools.Remember this the next time you support a “peace plan” for the Middle East that includes the right of return for Arabs into Israel. At any rate, we have Bush going out of his way to call Islam a religion of peace, and to spread messages of inclusivity, and now we have the French making what the left would consider jingoistic and xenophobic statements, yet it will be America that is considered a hotbed of racism and anti-Muslim sentiment.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 11:37 AM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Good news from the world of science: we no longer have to worry about global warming, because the earth’s magnetic field is going to flip, with the typical predictions of catastrophic results.
The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field has decreased 10 percent over the past 150 years, raising the remote possibility that it may collapse and later reverse, flipping the planet’s poles for the first time in nearly a million years, scientists said Thursday.Somehow they’ll figure out a way to blame this on capitalism.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 11:30 AM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Teddy Was Right
The world media simply do not get the exclusion list.
A day after angering European allies over Iraq contracts, the White House said on Thursday presidential envoy James Baker will travel to Europe next week to seek their help in relieving Iraq’s crushing $125 billion debt.And now we can send Baker over to his meetings, where he can speak softly, and carry a great big $18 billion stick with which to remind France, Germany, and Russia just who is holding all the cards in this deal. The exclusion list gives us an incredible degree of diplomatic leverage, and bringing it up in this manner takes the ball firmly from their court and put it in ours. Welcome to the Terrordome.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 02:45 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Another Success
You know that missile defense system that all the liberals said would never work? Well, it’s had another successful test.
A missile from a U.S. Navy Aegis cruiser shattered a dummy warhead over the Pacific on Thursday, the fourth intercept in five tests of the sea-based leg of a planned multi-layered missile shield, the Pentagon said.Now, obviously this is not a working system yet. This is akin to having the goal of reaching the moon, and successfully putting a monkey into space—we’re not there yet, and there’s a long way to go, but it’s still great news. There is no goal that cannot be reached when a serious effort is put into doing so, and with President Bush steadfastly behind this program there is no reason to think that we won’t have a workable missile defense within our lifetime. And for a spectacular shot of the missile launch, see here. Take that, Lil’ Kim!
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 01:42 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Sundiata Acoli
Something to be aware of.
Sundiata Acoli, aka Clark Edward Squire, was born in Texas in 1937. While extremely talented - he began working for NASA as a computer programmer in the 1950s - he threw his life away to join a series of violent extremist groups. On May 2, 1973, police pulled over a car containing Acoli, Assata Shakur (JoAnne Chesimard), and Zayd Malik Shakur, all members of the Black Liberation Army, a Black Panther Party splinter group already responsible for many crimes. As the three were simply being questioned, Acoli and Shakur pulled semi-automatic weapons and began firing at the troopers. State Trooper Werner Foerster was hit twice in the chest; State Trooper James Harper was wounded in the shoulder. According to one account of the crime, Assata Shakur then took the wounded Foerster’s gun and fired it twice into his head, executing him; according to other accounts, either Acoli or Shakur fired the fatal shot. During the shoot-out, Zayd Malik Shakur was killed, and both Assata Shakur and Sundiata Acoli wounded - Shakur severely, Acoli less so. A massive, two-day manhunt was required to bring Acoli to justice.What can you do? Read the page.
Posted by Lee on 12/12 at 01:13 AM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Killing Nazis
Sorry for the lack of posting tonight. I just bought Secret Weapons Over Normandy for Xbox and I’ve been playing it all night. I like it a lot. It’s a flight game that doesn’t require you to be an actual licensed pilot to play it, you can start flying and shooting right out of the box. Great stuff. Thursday, December 11, 2003Risky Business
Yeah, Dean! Hit the campaign trail and make the case for repealing those horrible Bush tax cuts!
Revising its year-end economic forecast sharply upward, The Conference Board today projected that real GDP growth will hit 5.7% next year, making 2004 the best year economically in the last 20 years.In four years Bush and his aggressive tax cuts have not only staved off a recession, but created a better economy than anything we had under Bill Clinton. Remember when the Dow crossed 10,000 under Clinton? It was everywhere in the media, like the speed of sound had been broken. Well, the market closed over 10,000 today. Believe it or not, the media haven’t made reporting this event as much a priority as they did when Clinton was in office. I wonder why that is?
Posted by Lee on 12/11 at 05:41 PM in Politics & Economics •
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A Little History
The Iraqi people should thank Allah that Kofi Annan is a risk-averse coward, because if the UN was running things in Iraq it would most likely end up as successful as Bosnia.
Four years after it was “liberated” by a NATO bombing campaign, Kosovo has deteriorated into a hotbed of organized crime, anti-Serb violence and al-Qaeda sympathizers, say security officials and Balkan experts.The UN. Is there a more inect, incompetent, impotent, useless organization anywhere in the world?
Posted by Lee on 12/11 at 02:44 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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And the Penny Drops
France, Germany, and Russia can get in on the spoils of war. All they have to do is send troops to Iraq.
The World Trade Organisation declined to comment Thursday on a US attempt to exclude countries that opposed the war in Iraq from reconstruction contracts, after the EU said it would examine if the move were compatible with global trade rules. There you have it. If they send troops they get back in on the goodies. I also wouldn’t be surprised if this lock-out is going to be used as leverage against France, Germany, and Russia when Baker goes to talk to them about restructuring Iraq’s debt.
Update: Damn I’m good.
Bush’s policy effectively excludes Russia, France, Germany and Canada—as well as many others. The president said he still hoped those countries would agree to forgive Iraq’s crushing debt burden.There you have it. The big three who are locked out are also the big three who hold all of Iraq’s debt. You want in on the contracts, boys? Mr. Baker will be over to talk things over with you shortly. This is a brilliant piece of political maneuvering on Bush’s part.
Posted by Lee on 12/11 at 01:58 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Crying About Exclusion
The excluded countries are getting upset.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Thursday joined German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and several other European leaders in criticizing the Bush administration policy that limits large Iraqi reconstruction contracts to companies in countries that help militarily in Iraq. The European Commission, meanwhile, said it would examine the contracts to see if Washington had violated its commitments to the World Trade Organization.There is a very easy way for the international community to rebuild Iraq, Kofi. All they have to do is send troops, as the US has been asking for six months. Schroeder, for his part, said that international law must apply and that it was the task of all countries to help with reconstruction in Iraq.Ah, yes. International law. You didn’t seem to care much about international law when Saddam was violating UNSC resolutions, nor when German companies were supplying arms to Hussein in violation of the embargo. The French Foreign Ministry has declined to comment on the U.S. decision. However, the conservative French newspaper Le Figaro said Thursday the exclusion was bordering on provocation.Oh no! France might be infused with anti-Americanism? They’re such pro-American, staunch allies right now, bringing out anti-American sentiment in the French would be a horrible mistake! I love how they think this decision is “petty.” No, France, the whole “freedom fries” thing was petty. This is a legitimate decision by the US government to reward those nations who stood by us and exclude those who chose not to do so. Britain’s Foreign Secretary Jack Straw understands what’s what. The United States Congress is fully entitled to say the tax dollars are spent in one way, which in this particular case is contracts limited to those active allies in Iraq, rather than another way, said Straw. We have talked to them about it but the decision is for them, not ours.Exactly.
Posted by Lee on 12/11 at 11:29 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Rewriting History
Here’s something I bet you didn’t know: American liberals defeated communism. I’m too damn tired to fisk this thing, and I’m sure David Horowitz will have a suitable response up at Front Page Magazine in the next day or two. Marching for Freedom
There was quite a large pro-democracy, anti-terrorism rally in Baghdad today. Instapundit is all over the story, with links galore. Notice the utter lack of attention this is getting in the mainstream media. As any good leftie knows, our media are so gung-ho for Bush and the war that they only report the good things, yet they’re mysteriously silent on this issue. I wonder why that is? Maybe if Bush had been standing there holding a turkey…
Posted by Lee on 12/11 at 12:01 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Wednesday, December 10, 2003A Commitment To Nothing
This shows the UN’s level of commitment to the Iraqi people.
Secretary General Kofi Annan said Wednesday that he had ruled out a swift renewal of a substantial UN presence in Iraq because of the danger there.Ah, yes. The UN, always ready to take on an easy job when there’s very little risk. Don’t worry, Kofi, the US will always be there to lead when you don’t have the balls to.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 10:32 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Check out the new Hummer concept vehicle.
Oh yeah, baby. If this goes into production I am all over it. I can just imagine the looks on the tree huggers as I drive this bad boy around. That would be worth the cost alone. The Punisher
Bush to International Criminal Court: Up Yours.
The United States will hand over key members of the former Iraqi regime to a special tribunal established Wednesday, and Saddam Hussein could be tried in absentia, the head of the U.S.-backed Governing Council said.I wonder what type of death sentences will be employed. Firing squad? Hanging? Lethal injection? Or the more traditional Arabic methods of beheading or stoning? At any rate, expect the lefties to wail like banshees when they hear about this. Also, I promise that this will be my last “Up Yours” post. For now, anyway.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 06:22 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Radioacive Tuna
FDA to whining GM-food maggots: Up yours.
The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday it won’t regulate the nation’s first genetically engineered household pet, a zebra fish that glows fluorescent.The only frightening precedent that this sets is the one where the FDA is not held hostage to the hand-wringing junk science idiots who object to this sort of thing.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 05:22 PM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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BJ in Canada
Bill Clinton is sucking up to the Canucks.
Saying he disagrees with many current American policies, former U.S. president Bill Clinton warned there will be more wars and unrest unless richer nations provide more help to poorer ones.Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. This is such boilerplate liberal crap. If half the people in the world live under despotic, totalitarian regimes, with no rule of law, property rights, or fundamental human rights, then all the AIDS drugs and foreign aid in the world aren’t going to do a fucking thing. The best thing we can do to help people is what we are doing in Iraq—get them out from under the boot heel they’ve been living under, and try and build some kind of a foundation upon which they can create a life for themselves.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 04:30 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Sorry, Georgie
Taiwan to Bush: Up yours.
Taiwan’s President Chen Shui-bian reiterated Wednesday that Taiwan would hold its first referendum on March 20, despite opposition from China and a blunt warning by President Bush.I would have been stronger if I was Chen, saying something like, “It is a shame that the American President does not seem to take seriously our desires to be free and independent nation. Being the leader of the country that brought about the current model of a representative democracy, I would have thought that he would have been more understanding of our desire for self-determination.” Bush is flat wrong on this one. I can only hope that this is the public face of a large degree of backroom negotiating, something that happens all too often in these types of tricky diplomatic situations, where all sides need to appear forceful and face-saving.
Update: Following up on the point I made in the final paragraph above, John Derbyshire writes in The Corner:
The people of Taiwan HAVE self-determination. No substantive matter of Taiwan’s internal policy is dictated by China, nor by anyone else. In this globalized world, I don’t know that they have any less self-determination than anyone else--than the average member of the EU, for example.A fair point. I’m not totally averse to the constraints of realpolitik, I just want to be sure that we’re getting our share of the bargain.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 04:25 PM in Politics & Economics •
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The Canucks are getting upset.
The Pentagon drew criticism from one US ally after formally barring companies from countries opposed to the Iraq war from bidding on 26 lucrative reconstruction contracts.Canadians are not being excluded solely because they are Canadians, asshat. They’re being excluded because when the United States came looking for assistance and support in Iraq the Canadians told us to go pound sand. Well, we did, and now Canada isn’t going to be allowed to reap any financial benefit from that decision. If you’re that upset about it, Jean, why not call up Bill Clinton? For a hundred grand or so he’ll gladly fly up there, badmouth America, and tell you how wonderful and righteous you are.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 01:05 PM in Those Wacky Canadians •
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It's Outta Here!
Believe it or not, I’d love to see this happen.
Vermont may soon vamoose from the United States if a small group of citizens has its way.One of tghe biggest mistakes the Founding Fathers made was not specifically writing the right of secession into the Constitution. It’s blatantly implied—how can you have a “voluntary” coalition of states that isn’t voluntary?—but not specific enough to prevent Lincoln from waging a war to keep the southern states locked into a government they wanted no part of. This Vermont thing sounds like a bunch of goofy idiots, but it’s still a nice idea.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 11:48 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Branch Downloadians
Sometimes the jokes write themselves.
The director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is leaving his post next month to lead the recording industry’s efforts to stop music piracy.Any 12 year olds caught downloading mp3’s from Kazaa will have their house firebombed and their entire family burned alive.
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 02:23 AM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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SF Mayoral Results
As of 9:00pm the far-leftist Gonzalez is losing to the leftist Newsom, 46% to 53%. Update: 9:20, it’s 53-47 Newsom.
Update 2: It’s official, Newsom wins. Shit. Well, at least he’s going to go after the
Posted by Lee on 12/10 at 12:05 AM in California & San Francisco •
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Tuesday, December 09, 2003Bombing Fatboy
Be sure and check out this post over at MOOREWATCH. Jobs and Music
Two people who understand the issues involving song-swapping are me and Steve Jobs. Some highlights:
David Bowie predicted that, because of the Internet and piracy, copyright is going to be dead in ten years. Do you agree?He also offers a terrific insight into record companies and their profits. [T]he music companies aren’t making a lot of money right now . . . so where’s the money going? Is it inefficiency? Is somebody going to Argentina with suitcases full of hundred-dollar bills? What’s going on?Sounds like the pharmaceutical industry, doesn’t it? Read the whole thing.
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 10:47 PM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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The Right Decision?
US to gutless cowards: Up yours.
The Pentagon has barred French, German and Russian companies from competing for $18.6 billion in contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq, saying the step “is necessary for the protection of the essential security interests of the United States.”It’s about time we made it plain to the rest of the world, that there are specific consequences to defying us. As sovereign nations they are free to do what they like, of course, but they cannot expect to do so while enjoying the fruits of our largesse. Choke on it, Chirac. I love it.
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 10:33 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Picking Up the Slack
Why should you non-residents care about California’s financial situation? Because you’re all gonna pay for it.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to ask the federal government this week for a first-ever bailout loan that could reach $1.1 billion to prop up California’s bankrupt unemployment insurance system and continue payments to laid-off workers, sources said.The legacy of Gray Davis. Most of you probably never heard of him until the recall election, but you’ll never forget him now, will you?
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 10:21 PM in California & San Francisco •
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Merry Holiday
National Review sums up the spirit of the season in their print addition.
As we go to press, a congressional bulletin tells us that: “The U.S. Capitol Holiday Tree is scheduled to arrive at the West Front of the Capitol . . . on December 1.” This year’s Holiday Tree, we are further informed, is from the Boise national forest in Idaho. It will be decorated with more than 6,000 holiday ornaments and 10,000 colored holiday lights. Residents of Washington, D.C., will be able to admire the Holiday Tree as they bustle around doing their holiday shopping. Many of us will, of course, decorate our own homes with holiday lights and holiday wreaths. In our living rooms we shall put up holiday trees very much like the Capitol’s Holiday Tree, though of course much smaller. Under our holiday trees we shall pile holiday presents. To our friends and loved ones we shall send holiday cards. Perhaps we shall take our children to see a holiday show a stage performance of Charles Dickens’s much-loved fable A Holiday Carol perhaps. On Holiday Eve we may be serenaded by carol singers with “The Twelve Days of Holiday” or “We Wish You A Merry Holiday!” Then we shall read the little ones to sleep with Clement Clarke Moore’s classic poem “‘Twas the night before Holiday.” On Holiday itself we shall open our holiday presents and eat our holiday dinner, then settle down to watch the holiday specials on TV. Remember, Holiday comes but once a year, so Merry Holiday!Note that nobody ever refers to Islamic or Jewish religious days in this manner. I wonder why that is?
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 07:51 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Comment of the Day
Left by Ryley Hayes, in the comments to this post.
In my hometown, people have been running around painting “Bush” on the bottom of stop signs. I knew the kid at my High School who was doing it, so me and a friend went to his house one night and painted “Stop vandalizing stop signs” on his car, the bastard.I love it. A Homophobic Culture
Here’s some more insight into the San Francisco mentality.
Jeff Petrie was a closeted gay teenager when he went off to the U.S. Naval Academy at age 17, and he was a closeted gay 25-year-old when he left the Navy eight years later. In keeping with military policy, no one asked about his sexual identity—and he certainly didn’t tell—but living in a homophobic culture and keeping his identity a secret were excruciating burdens at times. [Emphasis added]In the contemporary vernacular, anyone or anything that is not fully suppportive of the gay agenda is immediately deemed “homophobic.” A phobia is defined as “A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.” The military has a policy against gays serving, and there are legitimate arguments both for keeping it and abolishing it, but it is in no way based on an irrational fear of homosexuality. What is irrational is the way that any criticism of being gay is immediately chalked up to someone’s “fear” of the lifestyle. Big In Japan
We’re getting an assist in Iraq.
Japan decided today to deploy ground troops to join the American-led war in Iraq, in what will be its most ambitious military operation since its surrender to the United States at the end of World War II.Good for him. Europe? Are you gutless pussies listening?
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 04:03 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Sloganeering in SF
One time-tested act of In their never ending quest to protect the environment and keep the planet beautiful here are a few pics of what the Gonzalez for Mayor green-pukes are painting on the sidewalks of downtown San Francisco.Let’s take a look. The “Gruesome” being referred to is Gonzalez’s opponent, Democrat Gavin Newsom.
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 11:10 AM in California & San Francisco •
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Stop the Presses!
Some left-wing asshat has discovered evidence of a giant media conspiracy!
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 11:05 AM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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US vs. India
Last month I blogged on Dell returning some of its outsourced jobs from India to the United States. It seems that US workers can indeed provide a value-added service that Indian workers cannot. Well, it also seems that US workers can (gasp!) make a living on Indian wages.
As he thought more about his decision, Jon realized he had a valid business reason to hesitate: As the head of a startup that had been going for less than a year, he wasn’t at all certain he should take the risk of having essential work done at a far-off location by people he didn’t know, and with whom he could communicate only via e-mail and phone. Still, there was that matter of nearly $200,000 in annual savings. Each time he hesitated about making his decision, various confidantes reminded him about the big money at stake.You mean, American workers can actually compete? Perish the thought.
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 11:00 AM in Politics & Economics •
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China Comes to Visit
I’ve said if before and I’ll say it again, we are going to end up going to war with China over Taiwan.
As tensions show little sign of easing, Wen is expected to talk tough on Taiwan in his Tuesday meeting with Bush, seeking assurances that Washington opposes the island’s independence.The US is talking down Taiwanese independence. It’s a tough spot to be in, and I think that we could reasonably requests Taiwan to tone down the rhetoric a little, especially since we’re stretched a little thin on the military front right now. But Nixon signed on to this “One China” policy when he went and visited Mao, and that disaster has fallen squarely in Bush’s lap. If China takes Taiwan we have no choice but to fight the Chinese on Taiwan’s side. Part of this is obvious diplomatic posturing and tough talking, but I firmly believe that the Chinese have the balls to actually try something militarily.
Update: John Derbyshire writes in The Corner:
The big date for the ChiComs is 2008, when the Beijing Olympics take place. The Olympics are critical to the CP for continued legitimacy with their people. Their nightmare is that Taiwan declares independence 6 months before the Olympics. There are probably elements in the military command pressing for action now, so that the outrage will have blown over by 2008.Exactly. Let’s see how it plays out.
Update 2: Bush went too far in his remarks today, and I’m not alone in thinking so.
U.S.-CHINA-TAIWAN POLICY contains a host of formulations, complications, and nuances, all of which (at least most of which!) we are happy to discuss. But let’s not lose sight of the forest for the trees.As I said this morning, asking Taiwan to tone things down a bit might have been appropriate, or at least understandable, considering the situation in Iraq. But the president directly chastising Taiwan for their independence movement? That’s despicable.
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 10:48 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Jews Who Kill
Andrew Sullivan links to this Time story on the rise of anti-semitic and other anti-minority violence in peace-loving Europe. I’m not surprised, considering the British media doesn’t even make any attempt to hide its anti-Israel, anti-American hatred.
Israel trains US assassination squads in IraqYes, my friends, special forces who are trained to take out terrorist leaders are “assassination squads.” Note that the Guardian would never dare to refer to Palestinian terrorists in such a pejorative sense. Palestinians who blow up children in pizzerias are “militants”; Soldiers who selectively target terrorist leadership are “assassination squads.”
Posted by Lee on 12/09 at 01:47 AM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Monday, December 08, 2003ICANN See Through the BS
Last night I blogged on how some of the world’s shithole nations are whining about US control of the internet. There’s an article in today’s New York Times covering this same issue. What’s blogworthy is the attitude of some of these nations. The title of the article is “Nations Chafe at U.S. Influence Over Internet,” and that pretty much sums up the petulant, whining way that these piss-ant countries think the US “owes” them control over the internet.
Because the Internet first took root in the United States, it may be understandable that American interests have tended to prevail. [Emphasis added]Took root? If by “took root” you mean “was invented by” then that sentence would be accurate. To think of the internet as something other than a US invention is simply ridiculous. Yes, the web was invented by an Englishman living in Switzerland, but the network upon which it was built was a US DOD project. "The world should be grateful to Uncle Sam for creating the Internet,” said Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, a Jordanian businessman who is vice chairman of the United Nations’ Information and Communication Technology Task Force. But, he said, it is time for the rest of the world to have a larger voice in Internet governance.We’ve seen this particular sentiment before. Try these on for size. “Iraqis should be grateful to Uncle Sam for liberating them from Saddam. But it is time for the governance of Iraq to be turned over to Iraqis.” “Africans should be grateful to Uncle Sam for developing AIDS treatments. But it is time for the rest of the world to benefit from these treatments, whether or not we have to violate American patents to do so. “Europeans should be grateful to Uncle San for spending trillions of dollars to protect them from the Soviet Union during the Cold War. But it is time for America to step aside as a global superpower and allow Europe to control the tone of global diplomacy.” Sound familiar? This is just a different version of the same rank-and-file resentment of American success that we’ve been hearing for decades. It’s standard liberalism/socialism—You have it, I want it, therefore I am entitled to it. The US government needs to fight tooth and nail to retain control of the internet. Anything less is simple capitulation in the face of unreasonable whining.
Posted by Lee on 12/08 at 11:45 PM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Arnie: The Anti-Davis
If there’s one thing California needs it’s more virgins.
British tycoon Richard Branson says California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants him to base a U.S. cut-price domestic carrier in the state.A governor actively working to get businesses to come in to a state? What a radical idea!
Posted by Lee on 12/08 at 05:14 PM in California & San Francisco •
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Come Into My Parlor...
Oh Lordy! Please don’t be throwin’ me in dat dere briar patch!
Al Qaeda told the Taliban last month it planned to divert a large number of anti-American fighters from Afghanistan to Iraq and cut by half funding to Afghan fighter groups, Newsweek reported on Sunday.So, al Qaeda now admits that they are sending terrorists to Iraq. Kind of hard for the anti-war left to claim that the Iraq war as nothing to do with terrorism, does it? Please, by all means, come to Iraq! We can kill you so much easier there than we can in the hills of Afghanistan.
Posted by Lee on 12/08 at 04:01 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Scent of a Man
If you spend a lot of time by Saks you’ll end up smelling like Wang. STFU White House
Following up on this post, this was a dumb move on the part of the White House.
In a rare White House rebuke of a Democratic presidential candidate, chief of staff Andrew Card called on U.S. Sen. John Kerry on Sunday to apologize for using a four-letter expletive in an interview lambasting President Bush’s Iraq policy.See, Kerry was looking like a real petty jackoff. By asking for an apology the Bush team looks even pettier. They should have just shut up and let him sink. Bill's Balls
I think Bill Maher is a scumbag, but this is still pretty funny.
Bill Maher has made another stab at career suicide.Can you imagine the look on her face? I would have given anything to be there to see it. Odd, though, that Maher, who claims to be a libertarian, would work a fundraiser for a liberal Democrat. I wonder why that is. Hmmm.
Posted by Lee on 12/08 at 01:01 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Where I Be?
I was having DNS issues this morning at home, hence the lack of posting. Apologies. Use the comments to this post to discuss anything you like. Give! Us! Free! (Internet)
Westernized countries to shithole countries: Up yours.
The United States, backed by the European Union, Japan and Canada, has turned back a bid by developing nations to place the Internet under the control of the United Nations or its member governments.The so-called “digital divide” is a misnomer, implying some sort of nefarious intent on one part to keep the other part ignorant and “unwired.” Nothing could be further from the truth. If these undeveloped countries want to be a part of the technological world the formula for doing so is quite simple. Enact a representative democracy of some sort. Give your population property rights, and a court system with which those rights can be enforced. Respect the rule of law. Then, when this system is in place, western telecommunications companies will be beating down your door to win the contracts to wire your country. You’ll be zipping along the information superhighway in no time. Businesses are whores, the best kind of whores there are. If you provide the type of society which is attractive to new businesses, they will invest ungodly amounts of money, all with the expectation of making a profit. You benefit by getting wired, and they benefit by getting the profit. This is how a free market works. It’s quite simple, and can be instituted without the help of the Useless Nations. Clean up your political house, then call the US and invite the corporations over for a chat. That’s all you have to do.
Posted by Lee on 12/08 at 02:13 AM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Everyone But Jesus
Once again the “separation of church and state” means every religion except Christianity is perfectly acceptable.
If a Christmas tree can stand in a school’s halls during the holidays, then a model of baby Jesus and his manger should also be welcomed, contends a Queens, N.Y., mother who is going to court to prove her point.Damn right. In these times of “tolerance” and “understanding” it’s nice to know that the left still doesn’t consider Christianity worthy of basic constitutional guarantees.
Posted by Lee on 12/08 at 01:21 AM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Sunday, December 07, 2003Yo, JP!
Planning on writing a letter to the Pope? Here’s how you end it.
Prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness and imploring the favor of its apostolic benediction, I have the honor to be, Very Holy Father, with the deepest veneration of Your Holiness, the most humble and most obedient servant and son.I almost want to write a letter to the Pope just so I can end it that way. I suppose “Check y’all niggaz later!” isn’t an acceptable substitute. The N is for News
In the face of an idiotic campaign finance law, the NRA comes up with an equally idiotic way around it.
Hoping to spend as much as it wants on next year’s elections, the National Rifle Association is looking to buy a television or radio station and declare that it should be treated as a news organization, exempt from spending limits in the campaign finance law.As dumb an idea as this is, I think it’s good that the NRA is utilizing every avenue open to it. The campaign finance law is so blatantly unconstitutional it’s not even funny, and if this is what the NRA has to do to be able to get its message out then so be it.
Posted by Lee on 12/07 at 10:00 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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Happy Feet
And the war on terror continues.
Special Branch detectives have seized a pair of socks containing traces of explosives during an anti-terrorist raid on a house in England.I don’t know about you guys, but I feel much safer knowing that our racist government doesn’t single out young, Arabic men for closer scrutiny. There’s no need for the public to be vigilant at all, because it’s not like terrorists are still trying to figure out ways to attack us or anything.
Posted by Lee on 12/07 at 08:15 PM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Teenage Wasteland
Not only is the UK turning into a police state, but you can add this to the long line of stupid British governmental ideas.
Teenagers will be given the vote at 16 in a historic move being considered by 10 Downing Street and the Department of Constitutional Affairs.Can you honestly imagine a 16 year old paying any attention to the political process? And then actually voting? This is nothing but pandering by the Blair administration, akin to Gray Davis’ miraculous support of the driver’s licenses for illegals bill when it appeared that he was going to be recalled. Seriously, what issues are 16 year olds going to care about? I wouldn’t trust a 16 year old to choose what to watch on TV, let alone have a say in who the future leader is going to be. Mind-boggling, isn’t it? “Cor blimey! Eye fink Britney Spears should be da Minister of Boobies! Too right!”
Update: A limey reader writes:
Oh Dear Oh DearThis just made my evening.
Posted by Lee on 12/07 at 03:03 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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A Little Touch of Class
Below you will see my latest Mr. Picassohead creation. Entitled “Bowel Obstruction in G-Minor” I present it for your approval.
Want to create your own Picassohead? Just click here. Then paste a link to your pics in the comments below. (Link via Speed of Thought.) Bill in the Bay
Following up on this post, it seems that the Democrats are so worried about losing the SF mayor’s seat that they’re bringing in the heavy artillery.
It was a long time in the making, but word is former President Bill Clinton will be in San Francisco for a final get-out-the-vote pep talk Monday for Democratic mayoral candidate Gavin Newsom.If this doesn’t exemplify how intellectually bankrupt and desperate the Democratic Party is I don’t know what will. They’re about to lose to the Greens, the direct equivalent of the communist party. They’re not liberal enough for the liberals, and they’re not conservative enough for the centrist voters. They’re screwed.
Posted by Lee on 12/07 at 04:41 AM in California & San Francisco •
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The Real Howard Dean
Much has been made in the media of Howard Dean’s alleged fiscal conservatism, as a complement to his social liberalism. Well, my friends, that might not be the case.
In his just-published autobiography, “Winning Back America,” Howard Dean underscores what has become a longstanding central theme of his campaign. He writes: “We cut taxes by 30 percent over the lifetime of my administration.” In Iowa and New Hampshire, his campaign is airing a commercial promoting Dean as a “fiscal conservative who cut state income taxes—twice.”Howard Dean revealed to be a tax-and-spend liberal? I’m shocked, shocked I say! This is yet another reason that Dean doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning. With the economy flying upward at breakneck speed it’s going to be hard for him to make a case with the public as to why those tax cuts need to be repealed, and then to defend his own taxation record. The only angle the Democrats can use to spin this is with the deficit, that the cuts need to be repealed and taxes need to be raised to reduce the deficit. Update: Don’t miss George Will’s thoughts on Dean in the WaPo. Turkeygate
I’ve refrained from blogging on the Bush turkey “scandal” because I figured it was beyond stupid and wouldn’t have much of a life. Boy was I wrong. It’s more or less died out here in the US, but the world media is going crazy, as you can see here. It breaks down like this: he grabbed a display turkey for a minute or two, then served regular steamed turkey to the troops. It is only the world media’s incessant hatred of Bush that causes them to see some giant conspiracy here. It’s simply jaw-dropping to see them try to turn this molehill into a mountain. For more on this non-issue see Tim Blair.
Posted by Lee on 12/07 at 03:30 AM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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Counting the Days
Is Michael Moore ripping off Larry Elder? Ryne McClaren thinks so over at MOOREWATCH. So Solly
The Japanese are getting all worked up.
JAPANESE anti-nuclear protesters have called on the US government to include details of the terrible aftermath of the 1945 attacks on Hiroshima at an exhibition that is to include the Enola Gay.Perhaps we should do what these Japanese ask. Then, right next to this exhibit, we should have a second exhibit detailing the utter brutality of the Japanese during WWII. We could start with the genocide committed at Nanking, then head over to the Bataan Death March. We could also exact testimonials from the comfort women, who were systematically kidnapped and bound into a life of rape and servitude for Japanese troops. We could also regale the crowds with tales from Allied POWs about how they were brutally mistreated by their Japanese captors. On second thought, we probably can’t do this. Pointing out the truth about the Japanese would be racist. Saturday, December 06, 2003Bush vs. Dean
Nicholas Kristof writes that Dean cannot beat Bush in 2004. I think he’s absolutely right, and so does the Bush administration, who are licking their chops at the chance of going head-to-head with the doctor. Kristof’s column contains this brilliant line, which perfectly encapsulates the differences between the two candidates.
You get the feeling that if Mr. Dean and Mr. Bush were stuck together in a small Missouri town, Mr. Dean would lecture farmers about Thomas Paine’s writings, while Mr. Bush would have the cafe crowd in stitches by doing impersonations of Mr. Dean.This is one of Bush’s best qualities: he’s an average guy, and he acts like it. You could picture George W. Bush sitting in the Waffle House restaurant in Odessa, TX, eating with the locals, and being completely sincere about it. Howard Dean, while a genuinely nice guy, would no sooner eat in a place like that, or hang out with the people who eat and work there, than he would vote for Bush in 2004. That type of attitude and approachability plays well with people in the South, and Dean just doesn’t have it. I don’t think Wesley Clark has it, either, despite his obvious military bona fides. Clark is way too cerebral, and he’s much more likely to explain military history or theory than he is telling tales about the time that the US whipped someone’s ass.
Update: Some left-wing asshat comments on the Kristof column:
But what else should we expect from someone who covered Bush in 2000?It’s always a conspiracy, isn’t it? What A Fuck Up
John Kerry, he’s all class.
Struggling 2004 Democratic wannabe John Kerry fires an X-rated attack at President Bush over Iraq and uses the f-word - highly unusual language for a presidential contender - in a stunning new interview with Rolling Stone magazine.Kerry then discussed details of his health care proposal, during which he reminded the interviewer that he had fought in Vietnam. Update: Eye On The Left has the photo. Gonzo for Mayor
The San Francisco mayoral runoff election is coming up on December 9. It’s the battle to see which left-wing asshat voters here are going to pick. They have two choices, Democrat Gavin Newsome and Green Matt Gonzalez. Yes folks, you read that correctly, San Francisco is potentially about to be the first major city in American to elect a mayor from the Watermelon Party. I don’t actually live inside the city limits so I won’t be voting in this election, but if I were, I’d vote for Gonzalez. The guy is a total lunatic. Check out his issues page. His answer to power needs for the area is to close two functioning power plants, increase conservation programs, and focus on solar and tidal power. Homelessness can be solved by spending even more money on services for these human vermin. Affordable housing? “The housing market by itself will not deliver affordability, and badly planned market rate housing development can actually decrease the supply of affordable housing. The City must adopt smart policies that allow the private market, the nonprofit sector, and government to work together to keep the city affordable.” Go read the rest of them, it’s jaw-droppingly ignorant. He is the physical embodiment of every stupid idea that this city has ever produced. He’s also picked up a huge endorsement: Michael Moore.
People of San Francisco! I urge you all to vote for Gonzalez. The disaster that this man and his policies will wreak on your city will create nothing but enjoyment for me. I want to see this city suffer under its own delusions. I want to see the rates of homeless increase to where the moderate liberals start leaving. I don’t want you to be able to go ten feet anywhere in the city without being accosted by someone who spent the last five days sleeping in his own urine. I want the housing shortage (caused by rent control) to become so bad that the buildings here end up being abandoned and become dilapidated slums. In short, I want San Francisco to get what San Francisco deserves, and his name is Mayor Gonzalez.
Posted by Lee on 12/06 at 01:58 PM in California & San Francisco •
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Left-Wing Literature
What’s the difference between Hillary Clinton and Saddam Hussein? Apparently Saddam doesn’t use a ghostwriter.
Posted by Lee on 12/06 at 02:00 AM in Radical Islam/Palestinians •
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A Tale of Two Debts
President Bush has appointed James Baker as a special envoy to try and restructure Iraq’s $120 billion debt. I hope that the rest of you see the irony here.
Posted by Lee on 12/06 at 01:53 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Ronnie On the Dime
Check out this numbnuts. It’s simply horrifying that there are people out there this monumentally ignorant who are actually able to vote.
Posted by Lee on 12/06 at 12:28 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Friday, December 05, 2003Turning In the Joneses
In the days and weeks after 9/11 most Americans realized that life was not going to be the same from that point on. The hijackers and plotters had been living among us for years, and we hadn’t expected a thing. They used our complacency and openness against us, with catastrophic results. Because of this the president urged us to be vigilant, to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, and to alert the authorities of something seemed out of place. This was a hugely controversial move, invoking hysterical shrieking from the left. “It’s like nazi Germany all over again! The government wants us to turn in the neighbors!” These claims, while utterly ridiculous, were strong enough to give the administration pause in its message. Bay Area liberals were among the most vocal with this criticism. So it is with a sense of amusement that I have seen the following signs appearing recently on bus stops all over this area. (Click on the image for a larger version.)
This is a sign from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, urging the public to report any vehicles that are smoking or otherwise giving off more than the normal amount of exhaust. Basically they’re encouraging people to turn in their neighbors for the ghastly crime of having a smoking vehicle. Indeed, you don’t even need to turn in someone you know—if you can read their license plate you can call from your cell phone and turn in the unsuspecting polluter. This is a beautiful illustration of just how far out of whack the priorities are in this area. If you see suspicious behavior and make a report to the police in the name of national security you’re a fascist. If you see a smoking car and report it to the authorities you’re a good citizen. Turning in the neighbors isn’t in and of itself bad, it’s the motivation that’s the clincher. Heh
Someone just hit this site after doing a Yahoo search for Left Thinking from the Right Coast. I hope they weren’t disappointed. One Man, One Vote
Take a moment and go vote for your favorite bloggers over at Wizbang. If I may be so bold as to recommend Right-Thinking in the Best Conservative Blog category… Update: Thank you, everyone, for your kind words, and your votes. :) Laughing at Jacko
Quick, check this out before Amazon takes it down. Smoking Towards Gomorrah
Britain inches ever forward towards becoming an actual fascist police state.
Tobacco should be made illegal and the possession of cigarettes a crime in order to curb the menace of smoking, a leading medical journal will say today.This is the exact same logic that caused the United States to enact prohibition. Then, the realization that it was an utter failure that did nothing but bring about the rise of organized crime prompted the public to demand that prohibition end. Today is the 70th anniversary of the end of prohibition. How fitting that Britain’s most prestigious health journal chose today to call for a prohibition on cigarettes. Britain has some of the world’s strictest gun control laws. Surely since guns are an illegal item, and possession of a gun is a crime, the number of violent gun crimes would drastically fall… right? Wrong. Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to be liberals.
Posted by Lee on 12/05 at 04:08 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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Astounding Swimmer with Large Penis
Speaking of science, check this out.
A newly discovered 425 million-year-old fossil boasts a lurid claim to fame - it has the oldest penis on record.The previous record holder was not available for comment.
Posted by Lee on 12/05 at 11:27 AM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Ideology over Science
As with everything related to contemporary liberalism, the ideological message is more important than the actual science.
Three Maryland researchers have admitted fabricating interviews with teenagers for a study on AIDS prevention that received more than $1 million in federal funds.Subjecting teenagers to a specific program was more important than finding one that was scientifically proven to work. (D.A.R.E. is another great example.) So, I wonder how many of these kids will end up with HIV because of this fraud? And I wonder how many liberals will somehow blame George W. Bush for letting it happen, like they did with Reagan and AIDS.
Update: Speaking of Reagan and AIDS, Andrew Sullivan provides the following quote.
"I hate to be a pill, to piss on smoldering embers, no matter how warming, but the facts are these: it was neither Larry Kramer’s hysterics, the courageous reporting of the New York Native, Everett Koop’s blinding-hot moral flash or anything else that turned the tide of AIDS recognition in America and of AIDS research funding by the American government. It was nothing less or other than Ronald Reagan’s sentimental - goddamnit - feelings for a fellow guy he just happened to like a whole hell of a lot from their Hollywood days, a guy called Rock Hudson who came down with the goddamn thing. And if you don’t think them’s the facts, go look them up. As our story winds down to a close, darlings, in the year 1985, rather than cut AIDS funding by ten million, Ronald Reagan - or more probably Nancy, as Ronnie was already, courtesy of Alzheimer’s, more and more lunching out, though not in public - was upped to one hundred million, and, get this right please, a 270 percent increase in AIDS funding. You see, darlings, all that heaven allows written on the wind by tarnished angels is an imitation of life.” - dialogue from James McCourt’s “Queer Street: Rise and Fall of an American Culture, 1947 - 1985."Why deal with the truth, when you can demonize a Republican? Glowing Nemo
Following up on this post from July, California shows that they’re just as delusional and paranoid as Europe when it comes to icky science-type stuff.
Citing ethical concerns, state regulators Wednesday refused to allow sales of the first bio-engineered household pet, a zebra fish that glows fluorescent. GloFish are expected to go on sale everywhere else next month.There you have it, folks. There’s no real scientific argument, but why go with the science, when you can let pure emotionalism rule your every action? Also, I’d be willing to bet that this guy is a pro-choice leftie. So sucking a human fetus out of the womb is perfectly okay, but selling a glowing fish is “a question of values” and “wrong.” It must be astounding to have priorities so far out of whack.
Posted by Lee on 12/05 at 10:56 AM in California & San Francisco •
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The Tariff Heard 'Round the World
Steel tariffs, they save American jobs! Yeah, in the steel industry. Everyone else gets the shaft.
Dale Congelliere cheered when he learned that President Bush had scrapped the controversial U.S. tariffs on imported steel.See what happened here? To artificially prop up the price of steel and save a steelworker’s job a metal stamper’s family had to do without their year-end bonuses. They government should have just confiscated the bonus money from the stampers and given it directly to the steelworkers. It would have been much more accurate. Now that the tariffs are ending, Congelliere said he was hopeful about his business, which consumes 6 million pounds of steel a year. “I’m excited,” he said.The cost of producing a car will now go down, translating in savings that will be passed along to the customer. Bush’s action was a major victory for California Steel Industries, a Fontana-based steel mill that imports 2 million tons of steel slabs a year.The cost of pipes jumped two-thirds. How much did this affect people’s decisions to upgrade their plumbing, or install new pipes in their properties? By increasing the cost of pipes you reduce the business opportunities for plumbers to practice their trade. By not driving their plumbing vehicle as much the car won’t have the usual amount of wear-and-tear, resulting in fewer trips to the garage. Because he’s going on fewer trips for work the plumber won’t be buying as many sandwiches for lunch, which will mean that the sandwich places will be ordering fewer deli supplies. This in turn effects the warehouse where the sandwich place gets its roast beef and bread. This affects the baker who made the bread, and the cattlemen who raised the beef. And so on, and so on, and so on. You get the idea. Tariffs in one area can have detrimental effects in countless other sectors of the economy. "It’s the right decision,” he said. “The market should dictate its own rules."You bet your ass it should.
Posted by Lee on 12/05 at 03:02 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Good One
On Jay Leno just now: “It seems that one in five American adults has attention deficit disorder. Apparently President Bush has it as well. He doesn’t seem to be able to focus his attention on the deficit.” I Wanna Know... What You're Thinking...
If one of the Democrats happens to defeat Bush in 2004 I wouldn’t be surpruised it one of their first courses of action would be to “unilaterally” cede control of the Internet to those oh-so-competent administrators in the UN.
A global summit scheduled in December may result in a proposal to put the Internet under United Nations control an idea that has met solid resistance from the United States.Horrifying, isn’t it? US telecommunications companies would just build their own internet, and leave the current one to be destroyed by the UN and their socialist bureaucracy. Take a look at the Panama Canal. Jimmy Carter gave it to the Panamanians, and not both ends of the canal are controlled by front companies for the Chinese Communist Party. The old law of unintended consequences strikes again! P.S. 5 points to anyone who can explain the title of this post.
Posted by Lee on 12/05 at 02:29 AM in Science, Space, & Technology •
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Nurse Joe
You are too stupid to know what to eat, according to Joe Lieberman.
Warning: Jelly doughnuts may be hazardous to your child’s health.Astounding, isn’t it, that the epidemic of obesity in this country began in the late 70s and early 80s, precisely the same time that the US government began demanding food labeling and nutritional information on packaging. Because of these government guidelines it provided a set of rules by which food like PopTarts can be deemed “heart healthy.” The government labeling itself is misleading, not the fact that the food companies comply with it. Yet another example of the law of unintended consequences in action, compounded with the liberal belief that the answer to a problem caused by governmental interference is more governmental interference. Thursday, December 04, 2003Another One Bites the Dust
The girls over at Right We Are are exiting the blogging game. Sorry to see you go, girls! All the best! French Power
Speaking of France, Instapundit links to this report about France’s aircraft carrier.
Actually, the French had planned to build a second nuclear powered carrier, but they are having so many problems with the first one that they are quite reluctant about building another one. Britain is building two 50,000 ton conventionally powered carriers, at a cost of $2.5 billion each. France would order a third of this class, and bring down the cost of all three a bit. The new French nuclear carrier “Charles de Gaulle” has suffered from a seemingly endless string of problems. The 40,000 ton ship has cost over four billion dollars so far and is slower than the diesel powered carrier it replaced. Flaws in the “de Gaulle” have led it to using the propellers from it predecessor, the “Foch,” because the ones built for “de Gaulle” never worked right. Worse, the nuclear reactor installation was done poorly, exposing the engine crew to five times the allowable annual dose of radiation. There were also problems with the design of the deck, making it impossible to operate the E-2 radar aircraft that are essential to defending the ship and controlling offensive operations. Many other key components of the ship did not work correctly, and the carrier has been under constant repair and modification. The “de Gaulle” took eleven years to build (1988-99) and was not ready for service until late 2000. It’s been downhill ever since.I link to this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I never pass up an opportunity to laugh at the French. But, more importantly, this illustrates just how delusional France is when it envisions Europe as being a future superpower rival to the United States. These numb nuts can’t even build an aircraft carrier. We have, what, 13 or 14 of them? Our economy simply dwarfs theirs. In 2050 the average European will be 55, while the average American will be 35. Their welfare crisis is going to grow and grow and grow, while the death of the baby boomers will ease some of the load on ours. There is simply no way that a French-led Europe is ever going to be able to come close to competing with the US either economically or militarily. And that really bothers them. "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me.” --- General George S. Patton
Posted by Lee on 12/04 at 10:20 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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I don’t buy this crap for a second.
One thousand and seven hundred U.S. soldiers have deserted their posts in Iraq, with many of them failing to return to military duty after getting permission to go back to the United States, according to the French weekly magazine Le Canard Enchaine.Allow me to remind our valiant French cousins what true cowardice looks like. ARMISTICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GERMAN HIGH COMMAND OF THE ARMED FORCES AND FRENCH PLENIPOTENTIARIES, COMPIÈGNE, JUNE 22, 1940I think I’ve made my point.
Posted by Lee on 12/04 at 10:08 PM in France, Britain, and Europe •
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They're Gone!
With a stroke of the pen one of George W. Bush’s biggest mistakes is no more.
Today, I signed a proclamation ending the temporary steel safeguard measures I put in place in March 2002. Prior to that time, steel prices were at 20-year lows, and the U.S. International Trade Commission found that a surge in imports to the U.S. market was causing serious injury to our domestic steel industry. I took action to give the industry a chance to adjust to the surge in foreign imports and to give relief to the workers and communities that depend on steel for their jobs and livelihoods. These safeguard measures have now achieved their purpose, and as a result of changed economic circumstances it is time to lift them.Note the spin, that the tariffs did their job and are no longer necessary. A classic example of bovine scatology. Nonetheless, I’m glad to see them go, no matter what justification the Bush team puts on it.
Posted by Lee on 12/04 at 06:44 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Sorry for the light posting. I’m going to our department’s “Holiday Lunch” today. See ya later this afternoon. Tim-Ber!
This is going to make the tree-hugging lunatics go insane.
More timber and brush can be cut and cleared with less environmental scrutiny under a law President Bush signed Wednesday. He said the initiative will help protect communities from devastating wildfires.Once again Bush proposes a controversial policy or law, which is fought tooth and nail by his opponents, and gets it passed anyway. Not bad for a smirking chimp, huh?
Posted by Lee on 12/04 at 10:08 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Wednesday, December 03, 2003Bush Lies Again!
And the utter non-story of the day award goes to:
Young Terrance Martin could not let President George W. Bush get away with mistakenly saying he was just 6 years old when he was really 7.The headline of the article? Seven-year-old boy corrects Bush. Oh, that liberal media.
Posted by Lee on 12/03 at 11:11 PM in Media Bias/Media Issues •
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IP Freely
The other day I solicited opinions from readers regarding IP law, and how it relates to both music swapping and pharmaceutical companies. Following up on that thought, Natalie Solent writes:
Why the decline [in HIV research]? Because the drugs companies no longer believe that they are going to get rich out of AIDS research. In fact they begin to doubt they will get any compensation at all. They read the newspapers, they study the speeches of politicians, and they sense that the popular wind is blowing against them. They think, probably rightly, that governments will either force them to sell at a loss drugs that were developed at huge expense or will bypass them and the law entirely by buying generic copies of patent drugs. Governments, after all, are the ones who can change the law when it is inconvenient. One minute the authorities will come down like a ton of bricks on pirate music or pirate videos. The next minute they will say that it is ‘unacceptable greed’ for companies to actually want to profit from patents on medical discoveries. I accept that there are subtleties and genuine conflicts of principle in the field of intellectual property - but the bottom line is that if pharma companies get nothing but abuse for the work they put in they bloody well won’t put in much more of it. Just as for the slaves, it’s no surprise that if people are forced to work for nothing then they don’t bust a gut.Exactly my point, but stated much more eloquently. The same is true with music and movies—if there is no protection of intellectual property then the product will cease to be made, it’s that simple. (Link via Andrew Sullivan.)
Posted by Lee on 12/03 at 10:44 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Death and Taxes
Dear Democrats: Enjoy the election.
U.S. business productivity over the summer rose to heights not seen in two decades, the Labor Department reported today, further evidence of a buoyantly rebounding economy.A year from now the economy will be booming, jobs will be plentiful, and the Democrats are going to be stuck with nothing but Iraq. As I said a few weeks ago: [M]ost of the Democratic candidates are on the record calling for the repeal of most or all of the Bush tax cuts. Now that the economy is skyrocketing they’re going to have to explain why they want to repeal the very tax cuts that spurred the growth in the economy, or they’re going to have to reverse themselves and admit that they were totally wrong to begin with. Heh. No Go Kyoto?
I don’t like the sound of this.
The Russian government declared Wednesday that it is “moving toward ratification” of the Kyoto treaty on global warming despite opposition by a top aide to President Vladimir Putin, offering environmentalists renewed hope of enacting the landmark pact. . . .This last part shows just how stupid the treaty actually is. Russia is actually pumping out fewer greenhouse gasses than they were in 1990, yet that is the baseline by which the credit system is to be determined. Well, the ball is in Putin’s court. All we can do now is sit back and see what he decides to do. Or is it? The White House denied trying to influence “in any way” other nations’ decisions on whether to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.Ah, I see how this works. If America was to lobby Russia not to ratify the treaty that would be bad. But all the pressure being applied to Russia right now by the world’s left-wing asshats, America-haters, and environmentalist lunatics, that’s perfectly acceptable. Queer Eye for the Terrorist Guy
Whew! I feel safer now!
In the past two years, the Department of Defense has discharged 37 linguists from the Defense Language Institute for being gay. Like Glover, many studied Arabic. At a time of heightened need for intelligence specialists, 37 linguists were rendered useless because of their homosexuality.I will refer you, gentle reader, to my thoughts on this subject from last year. When evaluating any policy a cost/benefit analysis must be performed. For example, consider your standard infantryman. They are in plentiful supply. If the “benefit” of the military’s policy against homosexuals means that a few of them get discharged the cost of doing so is not going to hurt the operational readiness of the armed forces, nor the national security of the nation. With Arabic-speakers, however, it’s a different situation entirely. Arabic linguists who can both pass the security checks and have the desire to work for the US government are in drastically short supply. The “benefit” of getting rid of these men, under these circumstances, is far outweighed by the cost of their departure, in terms of operational readiness and national security. Assuming the ban on gays in the military is necessary, shouldn’t there also be a provision that the president can, in the interests of national security, use his discretion to override the ban? This identical argument was made in the case of the homeland security bill, and if the logic of the argument rang true under those circumstances it, in my mind, rings true here. Bush could really win a lot of converts if he came out publicly and stated as much, and had these men reinstated. The GOP won big by rightfully portraying their Democrat counterparts as being more concerned about union bosses than national security. The Democrats can very easily make that same case in 2004, especially if there is another al Qaeda terrorist attack. We now know that there were intelligence intercepts referring to 9/11 that were not decoded until days after the attacks, due in part to a lack of people who could decode them. Will the same situation occur again? Only time will tell. Indeed. Ding Dong Kyoto's Still Dead
Following up on this post, there’s a great column on the death of Kyoto in today’s National Post. Some highlights:
Even Canada, the Boy Scout of Kyoto ratification under Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and David Anderson, his Environment Minister, has abandoned the treaty in all practical respects. Canada cannot and will not meet its original Kyoto carbon reduction targets. And yesterday Paul Martin added to the shakiness of Canada’s support with the observation that Canada still does not have a plan in place, even though the country has spent $3.6-billion working up schemes to control greenhouse emissions.I’m shocked, I tell you… shocked! You want to know what is happening in Canada, my friends? A huge game of climate poker. With the US not ratifying Kyoto it cast doubt onto whether it would ever get enacted. So countries like Canada voted to ratify the treaty to placate their environmentalist lunatic voters, but didn’t do anything to implement it. Now that it looks like Kyoto is dead they can shrug their shoulders and say, “Hey, we tried.” The U.S. Senate recently handily defeated a bill sponsored by Joe Lieberman and John McCain that would have introduced Kyoto-style mechanisms to control carbon emissions.I had not heard of this. I like a lot of what McCain says, but it’s crap like this and his campaign finance reform legislation that would prevent me from ever supporting him as a candidate for president. Whatever Russian voters think of Kyoto, they may know a thing or two about the need for economic growth and their country’s long road to catch up with the West. The country needs growth rates of up to 10% a year to make real progress, and endless dickering over Kyoto emissions and credits with UN officials and global climate regimes is widely seen as a growth killer.The Greens don’t care much about growth, because that helps everyone. They want everyone to be poor, so that government can take money from the rich and redistribute it to them. But it’s absolutely true that implementing Kyoto will destroy economic growth while doing virtually nothing to address climate change (not that there’s anything to be worried about there, anyway). The Warblogger Awards
John Hawkins over at Right Wing News has posted the results of the 2nd Annual Warblogger Awards, which I participated in. Surprisingly I got an honorable mention in the “Best Blog Overall” with four votes. Cool! Minting Ronnie
Now this is a movement I can really get behind.
FDR, get off the dime!It’s about damn time we get Ronaldus Maximus on an American coin. And getting rid of Franklin Delano “Father of the Welfare System” Roosevelt would be an appropriate touch. (Link via The Angry Clam.)
Posted by Lee on 12/03 at 03:23 AM in Politics & Economics •
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D is for Dumbass
Howard Dean, being interviewed by Chris Matthews.
Iran is a more complex problem because the problem support as clearly verifiable as it is in North Korea. Also, we have less-fewer levers much the key, I believe, to Iran is pressure through the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is supplying much of the equipment that Iran, I believe, most likely is using to set itself along the path of developing nuclear weapons. We need to use that leverage with the Soviet Union and it may require us to buying the equipment the Soviet Union was ultimately going to sell to Iran to prevent Iran from them developing nuclear weapons. That is also a country that must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons much the key to all this is foresight. Lets act now so we dont have to have a confrontation which may result in force, which would be very disastrous in the case of North Korea and might be disastrous in the case of Iran.Can you imagine for a second what the media in this country would be saying if Bush had uttered this rambling, incoherent nonsense? Had referred to Russia as the Soviet Union, a country that hasn’t existed since 1991? But since it’s the Golden Boy of the American Left he gets a free pass. Oh, that liberal media.
Update: Andrew Sullivan comments:
I’m on the road so forgive me for not elaborating further on Dean’s “Soviet Union” gaffe. No, it’s not the end of the world. But it’s hard to come down hard on the president’s linguistic difficulties while ignoring Dean’s. But what is serious is that Dean seems to think that we can prevent proliferation by buying the stuff from North Korea, Russia, or whoever. But what’s to stop rogue nuke states selling to Iran and to us? Is Dean that naive? And isn’t it true that the real source of Iran’s nuclear material has recently been Pakistan anyway? My bottom line: I don’t care if a presidential candidate commits a gaffe in foreign policy. I do care that his instinct is to buy off enemies, rather than confront them; and that he’s not on the ball about where the real threats are coming from. Dean is making me more nervous about his foreign policy ideas, not less. Hillary is far smarter (if predictably slimy).Absolutely. Hypo-Critic
A reader emails.
Quick question and some comments. You’ve repeatedly discussed your aversion to downloading copyrighted music on both economic and moral grounds. You also mentioned that a few days ago you went to see Bad Santa. While you were waiting, you snuck into The Cat in the Hat and caught 20 minutes of it and decided it was a lousy movie and that you were glad you didn’t waste any money on it. Why do you consider what you did to be different then someone who downloads a few songs from an album to sample? You purchased the right to see movie A and decided to see some of movie B, though you had not purchased the right to see movie B. You effectively “stole” from the both the theater showing movie B and the creators of movie B.This is a good point, and I’m more than happy to address it. I really don’t have any problem with someone downloading a few songs to sample. I’ve admitted that I download songs all the time, that numerous times I have bought CDs because of those downloads, that I often don’t buy the songs I download, and that I think downloading music without paying for it is stealing. (As it stands right now I have 4,725 songs on my computer. A huge, huge portion of these are rips of CDs I own, and 530 of them are from the Apple Music Store. The rest are downloads.) I do think that there is a huge distinction to be drawn between downloading a song as a preview and downloading songs to keep without paying for them. There’s not a lot of practical difference between downloading a song to preview it than there is borrowing a CD from a friend to give it a listen to decide whether you want to purchase it. What I object to in regards to music downloading is the justification that people provide for doing it, to try and somehow convince themselves and others that it’s not really stealing. This attitude is nothing but a dilution of the property rights of the creator, and I don’t think that this is in any way a good thing for our country and our economy. As far as going into the movie goes, I look at that like the taping of records or the radio was ten or twenty years ago. Because I had to drive to the movies, actually purchase a ticket, and go into the theater, there are natural physical constraints that limit just how much my actions are going to affect the bottom line of the theater. Now, imagine what would happen if 500,000 people showed up at the movie theater, walked in without paying, then sat and watched the whole film. That is more or less what is happening in regards to online movie piracy. Another distinction is that I’m not going to somehow sit here and try to legally justify sneaking in to see The Cat in the Hat. I think that your attitude is more or less similar to mine. Music consumers want to be able to (a) preview songs before they buy them, and (b) not be forced to buy a whole album full of crap for one or two good songs. This is a legitimate market force, and the music industry is reacting to this demand, through businesses like AMS, Napster, and so on. But just because there is a legitimate market desire does not provide justification for the large scale theft of music. Coonass Dumbass
You want to know why kids can’t learn in school? Because schools are filled with adults that are this ignorant.
A 7-year-old boy was scolded and forced to write “I will never use the word `gay’ in school again” after he told a classmate about his lesbian mother, the American Civil Liberties Union alleged Monday.Un-fucking-believable. It kills me to have to be on the same side as the ACLU, but this is beyond ridiculous.
Posted by Lee on 12/03 at 12:41 AM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Explaining Bums
More on San Francisco’s wino crisis in today’s Crapicle. Some highlights:
San Francisco has become a city of political and social enablers, as psychologists would put it.There aren’t enough programs or housing to help all of the 8,600 to 15,000 homeless get off the street—and there haven’t been since the crisis began in the early 1980s. Most of the chronically homeless get just enough to survive on the streets, but not enough to move into a healthier life.Note the tone of the article: the city just hasn’t come up with a “plan” for dealing with it. It was their plan that created the problem in the first place, but they can’t seem to admit that. They haven’t been able to get grants, as if giving bums more money is the solution to a problem created by giving bums money. The situation evolved out of the city’s liberal character and temperate weather, both of which made it attractive to drifters. A bad economy, the high cost of housing and decades-old cuts in support for the mentally ill made it worse.Not to mention the $400 in free cash, and the fact that these people have absolutely no desire to help themselves. The only solution is providing the homeless with “supportive housing,” meaning a room and enough on-site counseling to cure the substance abuse, mental illness or joblessness that rendered them homeless in the first place.Not to mention immediately ceasing the cash handouts that enable their lifestyle. Mary Concannon and Michael Mee, visiting from Ireland in July, were panhandled six times in six blocks on their way to shop for baskets at Pearl Art and Craft Supply near Sixth and Market streets. They also watched crack cocaine dealers hawking and smoking drugs in the open.What these tourists failed to realize is that this is a city that does more than any other city in America, and they have the highest rates of homelessness. The problem is caused by people “doing something,” not by people doing nothing. Read the whole thing.
Posted by Lee on 12/03 at 12:29 AM in California & San Francisco •
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French Flu
Another socialized health care success!
PARIS The French government, criticized for reacting too slowly to a deadly August heat wave, has urged hospitals in Paris to take swift emergency measures to fight an epidemic of flu and gastroenteritis. More than half a million people in France, including many children, have contracted flu, gastroenteritis or bronchitis in recent weeks in an unusually early winter outbreak, and experts say the epidemic has yet to peak. Media coverage of crowded hospital waiting rooms and off-duty health workers being recalled to cope with the influx may have exacerbated the crisis, prompting more people to bypass their doctors and head straight to the hospital. The health authorities have added beds and made staff come back to work. They are all scared stiff, said Patrick Pelloux, head of the Emergency Hospital Doctors Association. We are in a permanent state of crisis, so as soon as there is a problem, the system explodes, he told the daily newspaper Libération. The situation comes as France battles to plug a gaping hole in its health budget. Pelloux and other doctors have criticized the government for failing to improve hospital resources since the August heat wave, which killed 15,000 people, most of them elderly. [Emphasis added]I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The only thing socialized heath care accomplishes is providing the same level of shitty service to everyone. Tuesday, December 02, 2003Driving Is Not A Right
Score another one for Arnie.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger scored a major political victory Monday, as the state Assembly followed the Senate’s lead and repealed a controversial law allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.I have a feeling there will be. Arnold’s got the momentum.
Posted by Lee on 12/02 at 10:48 PM in California & San Francisco •
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Watermelon Man
Ralph Nader has not yet decided whether to make another run for the White House, but he’s authorized a new exploratory committee to raise money for a potential bid.Anything that will steal votes away from the Democrats is okay in my book. Go Ralph, go! Deathmobile Update
So I took the Deathmobile in this morning. I told the guy that I suspected that the problem was going to end up being a short in my steering column. Well, I just got called by the dealership, and the problem is indeed a short in the streeting column. The problem is that on my particular model the part they have to replace controls all the circuitry, and it’s about $650. So add in a couple hundred bucks labor, plus tax, plus whatever the hell else and I’m looking at a grand or so. Fuck. Update: Total damage: $782.34. If you were on my Christmas list I wouldn’t expect much this year. :) Ding Dong Kyoto's Dead
Following up on this post, it looks like Russia has officially decided not to ratify the treaty. The world’s socialists, environmentalist lunatics, and America-haters are all gathering and praying that it isn’t so.
Russia, whose vote will decide the fate of the landmark Kyoto environmental pact, will not ratify it because doing so would threaten its economic growth, Kremlin economic adviser Andrei Illarionov said Tuesday.Sorry, junk science kooks and Watermelon Party extremists! You’re just going to have to sit back, watch the US and Russia belch out greenhouse gasses, and notice in 20 or 30 years that all your global-disaster predictions have failed to come true.
Update: Not so fast, says Jean Chretien.
The Kyoto environmental accord is in jeopardy according to a senior adviser in the Russian government, but not according to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien.Putin is not a stupid man. He’s not going to hamstring the Russian economy before it even has a chance to take off.
Posted by Lee on 12/02 at 04:26 PM in Politics & Economics •
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Fiddling While Rome Catches AIDS
This is the inevitable end result of the sexual liberation of the 1960s.
[Washington D.C.] health officials, who every day confront the nation’s highest incidence of AIDS, will soon install plain white condom dispensers in select government offices and begin distributing the contraceptives for free.The problem here is the total lack of any sort of fundamental morality, compounded by the “if it feels good, do it” mentality that pervades liberal thought. Look, I’m not a prude by any means, but the problem here is caused by people sticking their dicks in any available hole, not the lack of the availability of condoms. You know how the liberals always whine about how we need to attack the “root causes” of crime, or the “root causes” of terrorism? Well, they won’t dare look for the root causes of AIDS transmission, because the root cause is liberalism itself. Lights! Camera! Iraqtion!
I wonder how this is going to turn out.
Art school dropout Odai Rasheed is directing Iraq’s first feature-length movie in more than a decade with film he “liberated” from Saddam Hussein’s culture ministry after the dictator’s fall.This could go two ways. It could be a stark, honest dramatization of what it is like to live under a brutal dictatorial regime, followed by a bombing campaign, and subsequent occupation. These are situations that the vast majority of people in the west have no experience with, and I think that this film could be an interesting exploration of these issues—the joy at finally being free coupled with the shame of knowing you couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do it yourself. I just hope that it doesn’t turn into a blatantly anti-American screed, designed to impress and play to the Hollywood left, because the only reason this guy is able to make this film in the first place is because of American and allied blood.
Posted by Lee on 12/02 at 11:05 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Let There Be Light
Sorry about the light posting this morning. I have to take the Deathmobile into the shop at 8:30. One Good Thing
After my crappy day with my near death experience in the car, I had one good thing happen. I called my mom today, and my brother happened to be over at her house, and he answered the phone. He asked me if I had bought my ticket home for Christmas yet, and I said no. He travels internationally for work, and has about a zillion air miles on every major airline. He said that he had 48,000 miles on United that he had to use by January 1 or he was going to lose them, and asked if I wanted him to get me a ticket. Of course I said yes. So, not only did he get me the ticket, but he had enough miles to get me first class both ways. Sweet. I had to pay a $10 processing fee. Not a bad price for two first class tickets. :) Monday, December 01, 2003Is It Stealing?
We’ve had numerous discussions on this site regarding the downloading of MP3 files. Many people do not regard it as theft, while I most certainly do. So I’m quite curious to find out what those of you who justify song-swapping think about this.
The World Health Organisation yesterday predicted that Aids drug prices will drop to levels once thought impossibly low, as it rolled out its new strategy to get treatment to three million in the developing world by 2005.So, to recap, American pharmaceutical corporations spend millions of dollars to develop a drug. Indian pharmaceutical companies, which have different rules covering the production of generics, take the formula and reproduce it, completely eliminating the ability of the American company to reap profit from its investment. Is this stealing, or is this simply yet another example of IP law gone wrong? If you should be able to legally redistribute unlimited copies of a song you happened to purchase, why should India not be able to take the work product of an American company and make unlimited copies of it? And what will the long-term effects on AIDS drugs be? Should US companies be expected to pour R&D money into developing new drugs, knowing full well that India is going to turn around and steal their IP? Update: Here’s another wrinkle for the discussion. Pirate copies of Microsoft’s new operating system, Longhorn, are available for sale on the streets of Malaysia. (Knowing China as I do, I’ll be willing to bet it’s all over Shanghai, too.) Now, does Microsoft have a right to their IP? These are obviously developer CDs, given out at MS’s last developer conference. So, since MS gave the OS to users, does this give the users the right to freely redistribute the software, even though it violates the terms and conditions agreed to as a prerequisite of the exchange? Here We Go!
We all knew this was going to happen, I’m just surprised it happened so quickly.
A lawyer for a Utah man with five wives argued Monday that his bigamy convictions should be thrown out following a Supreme Court decision decriminalizing gay sex.The gay marriage issue is going to get ugly before it’s resolved, specifically because of potential side-effects like this.
Posted by Lee on 12/01 at 10:37 PM in Decline of Western Civilization •
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Bang Bang at the UN
There’s weirdness afoot at the United Nations.
A body was found inside United Nations headquarters on Monday, a U.N. spokesman said. U.N. security and the New York police department are investigating the matter.Please allow me to remind you, gentle reader, of the piece of art that sits outside the UN building in New York.
I would also ask you to take a look at this post. It seems that guns are bad, unless they’re being used to protect Kofi Annan. Or kill anonymous people inside the UN building, it would seem. Near Death Experience
So I’m driving home for lunch as I do every day. It’s raining, cold, and wet here today. I’m driving along at the speed limit when all of a sudden my car lurches forward. My cruise control decided to engage even though it was turned off. I popped the car in neutral and coasted to the shoulder. The engine was revving like crazy, as was my heart, which was about 240 bpm. I turned the car off, waited a few seconds, and turned it back on again. Everything seemed fine, so I continued home. As I pulled into my apartment I felt the cruise control kick in again. So I won’t be going back to work, I’ll be taking the damn car into the shop. Just what I wanted to piss away $1,000 on right before Christmas. Fuck. Marching for Evil
Gee, guess what? The British anti-war movement is dominated by communists and socialists.
The peace movement could be destroyed by the takeover of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Stop the War coalition by Trotskyist groups and the Communist party, according to allegations circulated by a leading campaigner.What? You mean leftists are willing to compromise with thugs, tyrants, and dictators in order to do anything to see the west lose? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked! Leftist anti-semites? Perish the thought. Seriously, this comes as a surprise to no right-thinking person. I refer you to Frederick Forsyth’s excellent letter of a couple of weeks ago. The British left intermittently erupts like a pustule upon the buttock of a rather good country. Seventy years ago it opposed mobilisation against Adolf Hitler and worshipped the other genocide, Josef Stalin. It has marched for Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov. It has slobbered over Ceausescu and Mugabe. It has demonstrated against everything and everyone American for a century. Broadly speaking, it hates your country first, mine second. And now it can march for Osama and Saddam. How proud they must be. King Missile
This is alternately humorous and horrifying.
It was Saddam Hussein’s last weapons deal—and it did not go exactly as he and his generals imagined.So while it is kind of funny that Saddam got screwed by Lil’ Kim, it shows that he wasn’t playing around about building up his weapons systems. Should we have waited until he had a whole fleet of missiles, armed and ready to go, to justify an “imminent” threat? You be the judge.
Posted by Lee on 12/01 at 10:45 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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It's About Time
Bush has seen the light.
The Bush administration has decided to repeal most of its 20-month-old tariffs on imported steel to head off a trade war that would have included foreign retaliation against products exported from politically crucial states, administration and industry sources said yesterday.I will refer you to my comments from a few months ago. Honestly, I think Bush could score a lot of points with his core constituence (i.e. people like me) if he got up there and said, “Look. At the time we enacted these tariffs they sounded like a good way to help protect the American steel industry, but things simply haven’t worked out that way. We’ve actually hurt the economy by causing jobs in other areas to be lost, industries that depend on steel. And these tariffs haven’t gone over well with the rest of the world, either. The World Trade Organization has found these tariffs to be in violation of international agreements. So, I’ve decided to rescind the tariffs. When you look at the balance sheet the costs to keeping them in place are greater than the benefits, and keeping them in place simply isn’t good for the country." Be sure and check out this post, too.
Posted by Lee on 12/01 at 10:37 AM in Politics & Economics •
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Nuclear Black Market II
A couple of weeks ago I blogged on attempts by individuals to sell components for a “dirty bomb” to terrorists. Well, here’s another example.
Inside Makeria’s boxes were two capsules of highly radioactive metals—strontium and cesium—of a type that terrorism experts say can be used in a dirty bomb, a device that spews radiation but does not trigger a nuclear explosion. A third container held a vial of brown liquid that Georgian police identified as the substance used in mustard gas, one of the earliest chemical weapons. Only later did police learn Makeria’s role in the affair. He was a courier for criminals trading in components and materials for weapons of mass destruction.It’s going to happen, folks. And those setting it off will feel emboldened by doing so, so much so that they will pursue a full scale nuke. I figure I’ve got 40-60 years left on this planet, and I am positively convinced that I’ll see that full nuke detonation in a major western city sometime before I kick the bucket. The dirty bomb will probably happen in the next year or two, if not sooner.
Posted by Lee on 12/01 at 03:18 AM in War on Terror/Axis of Evil •
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Use Your Delusion
Earlier today I blogged on how liberal activism (or more specifically, its motivations) meet the standard to be called a delusional disorder. And now, proving my point, we get this tale through Drudge, proving to the world why he rules.
Top Hollywood activists and intellectuals are planning to gather this week in Beverly Hills for an event billed as “Hate Bush,’ the DRUDGE REPORT has learned!Go to the site to read the names. Nobody of any real great import is there, which makes this all the more pathetic. The characteristic common to all delusional orders is “the view that the world is a hostile place, filled with persecutors and conspirators, a world where the writer holds a special place as victim, savior, or both.” Once again, this fits this Hollywood Asshat pow-wow. They view the world as a hostile place, that Bush is the one making it so, and thus they must use their (minor) celebrity to overcome the shackles of their Ashcroft victimhood and become the saviors of America by doing all they can to oust Bush, thus achieving the exaltation of mere lesser liberals. Like a glove, my friends. |
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