Right Thinking From The Left Coast
Now with 20% more infidel

California & San Francisco

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Pit of Vipers

I was down in Santa Monica today.  The last few times I’ve been down there the lunatic leftist asshat brigade has been out there handing out literature for the Lyndon LaRouche presidential campaign, or whatever 9-11/Iraq/Halliburton conspiracy you can think of.  But today there were some people out there with balls of steel:  Republicans.  I was in a real hurry, so I didn’t have time to go chat, but there was a table out there handing out Bush/Cheney campaign info.  It looked like one of the Protest Warrior guys was out there, and if I had had the time I would have gone to introduce myself.  At any rate, I managed to snap this horrible picture with my camera phone.


Also, I went into a store, and there was a stack of children’s books by the door.  One of them caught my eye.  It was called 100 Great Leaders, and featured a picture of George Washington among other people.  I almost shat myself right there in the store when I saw who else adorned the cover.


Yes, my friends, right there next to the Father of our Country is none other than Vladimir Ilych Lenin, one of the most brutal dictators who ever lived.  I guess “leadership” is in the eye of the beholder.

Update: Upon further review the I believe the guy standing on the left isn’t George Washington, but Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson.  The guy on the horse appears to be Napoleon.  (If anyone can say for sure let me know.)

Posted by Lee on 09/12 at 11:00 PM in California & San Francisco • (6) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Friday, September 10, 2004

Cold Ethyl

California is no longer as much of a party state as it used to be.

Having sex with corpses is now officially illegal in California after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill barring necrophilia, a spokeswoman says.

The new legislation marks the culmination of a two-year drive to outlaw necrophilia in the state and will help prosecutors who have been stymied by the lack of an official ban on the practice, according to experts. ...

Lawmakers revived the bill this year after an unsuccessful prosecution of a man found in a San Francisco funeral home drunk and passed out on top of an elderly woman’s corpse.

The new law makes sex with a corpse a felony punishable by up to eight years in prison.

Somwwhere in California right now, a guy is having sex with Cher and committing a felony.

Posted by Lee on 09/10 at 09:29 PM in California & San Francisco • (23) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

To Serve and Protect

There are lots of things to be concerned about living here in Los Angeles.  In the area where I live and work, the west side near Venice, there are hundreds of drugged-out crazy homemess meth addicts.  There is occasionally gang activity; there was a shooting in broad daylight just the other day.  Not to mention the carjackings, mudslides, earthquakes, and race riots.  But the LA City Council, recognizing an imminent threat to the safety and well-being of the citizens of our fine city, have taken the lead in banning a dangerous menace to civilization itself.

"Silly string,” a colorful aerosol foam that children spray on each other, is not so silly after all, at least not in Los Angeles.

The city council voted Tuesday to ban the use of the string-like plastic derivative in Hollywood on Halloween because of environmental and security concerns.

Liberal use of the stringy foam by Halloween revelers had sparked fights in years past on Hollywood Boulevard, officials said.

“People get a little crazed at the end of the evening and they shoot the spray into each other’s faces,” said Jane Galbraith, spokeswoman for ban sponsor Councilman Tom LaBonge.

Whew!  It was only a matter of time before the Bloods and the Crips got ahold of this dangerous silly string.  Thankfully they’ll still be able to get their AK-47s.

Posted by Lee on 08/18 at 12:05 AM in California & San Francisco • (21) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Name Blame Game

Today’s Political Diary covers the priorities of the California legislature.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says he is intrigued by the idea of an initiative on California’s ballot next year to change the state’s legislature to part-time status. “They waste a lot of time on strange bills and they might do better with firm deadlines,” he says.

Exhibit A is yesterday’s vote by the California State Senate to ban public schools from using “Redskins” as a team or mascot name. By a vote of 22 to 10, senators concluded that the term is offensive to Native Americans and banned its use under penalty of law. Schools that fail to comply would face lawsuits and court orders. “You do not have to have a racist intent to have a racist outcome,” explained Democratic Senator Richard Alarcon.

Such sanctimonious nitpicking is typical of the temptations facing legislators with too much time on their hands. GOP Senator Roy Ashburn, whose local Tulare Union High School has used Redskins as its team name for decades, says that even Indian tribes in his district support the name. In a bid to save Tulare and four other schools from having to change their team names, GOP Senator Jeff Denham proposed that students at each school be allowed to vote on the issue. His amendment was shelved and not even allowed a vote.

The bill now goes to the Assembly for likely approval. No doubt Governor Schwarzenegger will be under pressure to do the politically correct thing and sign the bill, but something tells me that he may instead want to make a broader point about the priorities of the California legislature during the state’s fiscal crisis.

I hope Arnie has the balls to fight this one.  This asininity has got to stop sometime.  The country needs a leader with the balls to point out that these types of names are not racist, and any attempt to legislate them out of existence is nothing more than PC liberal guilt pandering to yet another bruised minority ego.

Posted by Lee on 08/17 at 10:35 AM in California & San Francisco • (34) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Monday, August 02, 2004

Bums and Pigeons

See if you, gentle reader, can spot the delicious irony in this article.

San Francisco police are cracking down on the illegal feeding of the city’s pigeon population.
The campaign began two weeks ago and is designed to reduce overpopulation and unsightly property damage.

Overfed female pigeons can breed as many as eight times a year, while healthy pigeons only breed two or three times.

The mayor and public works officials are encouraging residents to call police if they see people feeding pigeons.

Fines range from 45-dollars to as much as 300-dollars. But before authorities start handing out citations, the public works department is stepping up a public education campaign in English, Spanish and Chinese.

The health department says it gets hundreds of complaints a year about nuisance pigeons—which also can carry meningitis and salmonella.

The city of San Francisco is trying to cut down on its pigeon problem by fining people who feed the pigeons, the idea being that pigeons will naturally congregate where they can find a steady suppply of food.  Keeping the pigeon problem under control will cut down on disease and cost to the city, thus it is a goood idea. 

This is also the same city that gives bums $400 a month in free money and benefits, then wonders why they have streets full of disease-ridden, shitting-in-the-gutter, bathing-in-fountains, homeless vermin. 

Posted by Lee on 08/02 at 01:00 PM in California & San Francisco • (20) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Monday, July 19, 2004

Acting Like Girlymen

Arnie stands his ground against the politically-correct left-wing asshat brigade.

A spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Sunday that the governor would not apologize for calling lawmakers “girlie men,” despite criticisms from Democrats that the remark was sexist and homophobic.

Schwarzenegger dished out the insult at a rally Saturday as he claimed Democrats were delaying the budget by catering to special interests.

“If they don’t have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, ‘I don’t want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers ... if they don’t have the guts, I call them girlie men,” Schwarzenegger said to the cheering crowd at a mall food court in Ontario.

The governor lifted the term from a long-running “Saturday Night Live” skit in which two pompous, Schwarzenegger-worshipping weightlifters repeatedly use it to mock those who don’t meet their standards of physical perfection.

Democrats said Schwarzenegger’s remarks were insulting to women and gays and distracted from budget negotiations. State Sen. Sheila Kuehl said the governor had resorted to “blatant homophobia.”

“It uses an image that is associated with gay men in an insulting way, and it was supposed to be an insult. That’s very troubling that he would use such a homophobic way of trying to put down legislative leadership,” said Kuehl, one of five members of the Legislature’s five-member Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus.

“It’s ironic that the governor would try to find a metaphor for weakness when his real problem is that we’re being too strong,” she added.

Give me a break.  What planet would you have to be from to not have heard the term girlyman before, and the Democrats just look like idiots for making a big deal out of it.  They’re trying to pander to the rabidly PC left-wing base (i.e. most San Francisco voters) but those people wouldn’t have voted for Arnie anyway, so all they’re doing is showing to the rest of the state the giant stick that’s up their asses.

Posted by Lee on 07/19 at 01:19 AM in California & San Francisco • (58) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Friday, July 16, 2004

Living in LA

I forgot to blog on this earlier today.  As I left work to go to lunch I notices a gorgeous silver Porsche parked right outside the gate to our parking lot.  There’s a gym right across the street, and the guy getting out of the car was dressed in gym clothes.  As I looked over I realized that the guy in question was Owen Wilson.

It really was a gorgeous Porche.

Posted by Lee on 07/16 at 12:29 AM in California & San Francisco • (28) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Stealing the Sun

Here’s the lates example of radical socialist California environmental lunacy.

With a perennial energy problem in California, Sacramento lawmakers are now looking to harness solar energy to reduce the state’s burden, but the building industry is wary, saying the plan is built on unsure economics and too much government interference.

“Harnessing the sun’s energy and putting that to good use sounds good, but when you boil it down,” it is not that practical, said Tim Coyle, vice president of the California Building Industry Association.

Last month, the California state Senate passed a bill requiring builders to install on new homes solar photovoltaic energy systems, which are solar cells that capture the energy of the sun. According to the plan, new homes would generate much of their own energy. When the cells generate more energy than the homes can use, the surplus would be sent to the grid. At night, these homes would take power from the grid because the cells would not be generating any energy.

Like that?  If you buy a new house, not only are you going to be forced by law to install a solar panel, but anything ypur panel generates over and above what your house needs will be stolen by the state.  Karl Marx couldn’t have come up with a better state appropriation plan than this.  And just how workable is this idea?
"Energy inefficiency is much more pronounced for homes built prior to 1991,” Coyle said. The state can “accomplish a lot more in aggregate energy savings with caulking windows and energy-efficient insulation than a solar-based strategy."
This is just exactly what happened with the Kyoto Treaty.  Bjorn Lomborg showed that for the cost of implementing Kyoto you could give every person on the planet clean drinking water, which would save millions more lives than by barely reducing greenhouse emissions, yet the environmentalist wackos are still pushing Kyoto.  Why?  Because it’s sexy, just like these solar panels.  California politicians would love to be able to associate themselves with this idea, whether or not it is the most prudent cause of action.

Posted by Lee on 07/14 at 03:32 PM in California & San Francisco • (26) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The More Things Change...

New job.  New city.  Same old left wing asshats representing me in Congress.


Posted by Lee on 06/29 at 09:34 PM in California & San Francisco • (8) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Monday, June 21, 2004

El Voto

San Francisco once again wipes its ass with the Constitution.

In a push to get more immigrants involved in their children’s education, San Francisco officials are considering asking voters in November to give parents who are not U.S. citizens the right to vote in school board elections.

Under the proposed ballot initiative, even illegal immigrants would be able to vote, so long as they are parents with kids in public schools.

If the effort succeeds, San Francisco would become the first city in California to join a growing number of cities across the country that have adopted similar laws in recent years. The move could open the door for other cities or counties in the immigrant-rich Bay Area to follow suit.

The controversial idea is already fueling charges from critics who say allowing non-citizens to vote devalues citizenship. But immigrant advocates and some voting-rights experts believe it’s only a matter of time before the state comes to grips with its new demographic reality: Almost one-fifth of all voting-age Californians are non-citizens.

“It’s almost a necessity for many cities,’’ said Joaquin Avila, a law professor at the University of California-Los Angeles and a voting-rights expert who wrote a 2003 study on non-citizen voting and its potential impact on California. “You can’t have a growing number of residents in your jurisdictions that are not part of the body politic. You want to have everyone inside the tent.’’

And they can be.  All they have to do is become citizens.  If they plan on making the US their permanent residence, they can go through the naturalization process like everyone else and then they’ll have full rights to sit at the table with the rest of the big boys.
For immigrant parents like Miguel Perez, a permanent resident whose daughter attends a San Francisco elementary school, the right to vote in the school board elections boils down to a basic democratic principle: no taxation without representation.

“We want to have the right to choose because this affects our daily lives,’’ said Perez, a member of an immigrant rights group that supports the proposal.

In the 1980s my family lived in Norway and Scotland.  Neither of my parents could vote in either of those countries, yet they paid taxes just like any regular citizen.  The idea that there is somehow some nefarious intent behind the citizenship requirement is just asinine.  Citizenship confers certain rights and cresponsibilities upon the citizen.  These immigrants want to come here and enjoy the benefits of what America offers without taking the step of actually becoming Americans.

My mother recently passed her citizenship test.  If she can do it, these lazy, good-for-nothing illegals can do it too.  If they want to vote they can either become Americans, or they can go back to Mexico and vote all they want.

Posted by Lee on 06/21 at 03:33 PM in California & San Francisco • (64) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

We Are the World

Ah, the peace and love crowd.  So peaceful and full of love.  Some people might be surprised by this, but Los Angeles is a cornucopia of tolerance and respect compared to the homogenized fascist lunacy of San Francisco.

Posted by Lee on 06/15 at 11:45 PM in California & San Francisco • (89) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

You Got Served

Oh my God!  I just got in from work, and the Lakers are getting their ass kicked! Sweet, sweet revenge for beating the Rockets in the first round.  Heh heh heh.

Posted by Lee on 06/15 at 09:39 PM in California & San Francisco • (37) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Thursday, June 03, 2004


Once again, California shows why businesses are leaving the state in droves.

California’s Senate voted Thursday to support a bill to limit a new e-mail service by Google Inc. over concerns it could threaten the privacy of users.

California’s state Senate approved the first-of-its-kind bill by a vote of 24-8 to restrict how Mountain View, California-based Google’s upcoming free “Gmail” service could work once it is available in wide distribution.

The No. 1 Web search company’s Gmail service, which will be supported by advertising and free for users when it launches for the public, is currently in beta testing.

Google had intended the service to scan e-mail for key words and concepts and use them to place targeted advertisements in personal messages.

The bill by Democratic state Sen. Liz Figueroa would require Gmail to work only in real-time and would bar the service from producing records.

The bill also would bar Gmail form collecting personal information from e-mails and giving any information to third parties.

Figueroa’s bill now goes to California’s Assembly.

How about, ya know, letting consumers decide whether or not they want Google collecting information on them.  If I was Google I’d pack my shit and move to Nevada, and make sure that everyone know it was Liz Figueroa and the Democratic Party that prompted it.  The Gmail service is, from what I have heard, awesome, and it’s going to be free.  So if Google wants to collect information on me based on keywords, I honestly couldn’t give a crap.  But thanks to the intrusive government policies of California liberals I may not get the chance.  Hopefully the Governator will veto this piece of crap.

Posted by Lee on 06/03 at 01:20 AM in California & San Francisco • (49) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Monday, May 31, 2004

Comment of the Day

Oh my God, this is brilliant!  From MBruce:

Completely OT,but hilarious by my count.I have been trying the on-line dating world,and I got an email today as a response to one of my"Hello" contacts,and she googled my email address and found that I have posted replies “ON a Republican,Bush-loving” site,so she couldn’t possibly consider dating me.Yes,my postings here have weeded out my possible dinner expenditure with a moonbat.Praise be,thankya Lee!
I’m always happy to learn that I’m doing my part to save the world from liberalism.  Trust me, Brucie, you wouldn’t have wanted to go out with that skank anyway.  Here’s her picture.

Posted by Lee on 05/31 at 11:22 PM in California & San Francisco • (77) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink

Thursday, May 27, 2004


Here’s the latest child of California hippies to embrace the Religion of Peace™ and make war against the United States.

Adam Gadahn had a decidedly unconventional upbringing, with parents who farmed goats in Riverside County and shunned the conveniences of the late 20th century.

Yet at 17, he seemed to fit the profile of an average American boy. He loved watching television, listened to music his family disapproved of and drove his parents nuts by keeping his room a mess.

About that time, however, he discovered Islam. And Wednesday, federal authorities labeled him an enemy, saying he was one of seven suspected of being al Qaeda operatives who may be working to mount a terrorist attack this summer in the United States.

Gadahn, now 25, has attended al Qaeda training camps and worked as a translator for the terrorist group, the FBI said. Authorities said he may be using the names Adam Pearlman or Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki.

And what of his transformation?
In a 1995 Web posting attributed to Adam Gadahn, entitled, “Becoming Muslim,” he wrote that he had turned to Islam after listening to Christian radio programs preaching about the “Islamic threat.”

He called the Christian belief in the Trinity “ridiculous’’ and “gradually realized I could not be a Christian.’’

“Having been around Muslims in my formative years, I knew well that they were not the bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists that the news media and the televangelists paint them to be,” the statement said. “It was really a natural progression."

Not all of them are, but their leadership sure is.  And the moderates in the religion are too afraid to speak out against the radicals, thereby painting the whole thing with the terrorist brush.

Posted by Lee on 05/27 at 08:39 AM in California & San Francisco • (42) Comments • (0) TrackbacksPermalink
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