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[security] FAQ 24 and 102 [Aug. 22nd, 2004|10:42 pm]

This is another one that started off as a simplification of wording, and then grew beyond all control. Most of the same comments from my last entry apply here as well. The one really big change is the moving of a lot of stuff about posting to custom groups from #24 to #102, to try to prevent too much refering back and forth from one FAQ to another (currently 24 says you can post to custom groups, refers you to 102 for information on what they are, which then refers back to 24 for things to look out for when posting to them, and it's something of a mess). There are also lots of assorted other changes and additions.

FAQ 24 )

FAQ 102 )
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[paidaccounts] FAQ 30: text messaging [Aug. 21st, 2004|06:00 pm]

This was originally going to be a minor rewrite for simplification, clarity and such things, but it turned into a fairly major rewrite, with significant extra information, so I'm throwing it out here for discussion. Notable changes are addition of information on sending text messages, and on actually setting the text message option, a change to the subject, and complete reorganisation of its structure. [info]alsatia and I both wrote bits of this. The good bits are probably hers, and the sucky bits are probably mine.

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FAQ 75 [Aug. 21st, 2004|03:41 am]

About three weeks ago, I made proposed a revisal of FAQ 75 here, but hadn't indicated the changes that I made, and was asked for another top level post, so here are the edits, marked by bold.

FAQ 75 Proposal )
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FAQ 62 What are comments? How do I enable/disable message boards? [Aug. 20th, 2004|11:38 pm]

Under the FINDING AND READING COMMENTS section, the last paragraph says:

The full version of your userinfo page number of comments you have received and posted.

I think we need to add "tells you the" somewhere in that sentence :)
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[S2] FAQ 171. Oh joy! [Aug. 19th, 2004|09:27 pm]

[mood |busy]

It's time for editing of *that* FAQ again. here.

Blah blah. New style live. Variable Flow. Needs adding to FAQ 171. I can do it. But plz to be reviewing this. And especially pay attention to what I'm gibbering on about at the bottom plzkthx.

Read more... )

Problematic categories.
Variable flow has some options that FAQ 171 lists as only being available to paid accounts, when in VF they're available to free users. These are:

This has happened before with userpics on recent view, which is *still* showing as a paid only feature. When in fact some S2 layouts support the display for free users. In the past this has been discussed but because no suitable phrasing or markings (# for you need paid account to do this option, and @ this is a paid account layout). There needs to be an option of something like "&" to denote that "Only paid users can use this particular feature in this particular layout. But others in this list allow it for free users! So check it out!!111" kinda thing. That make sense? Want me to make this a new post? :p

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[userpics] #95 - Keywords vs. comments [Aug. 19th, 2004|12:54 am]

[mood | tired]
[music |what good this deafness~trans-siberian orchestra]

So FAQ 95 (What are keywords? How do I use a different user picture?) was recently updated to reflect the existence of user picture comments, and now contains the following sentence:

If you wish to credit the creator of a user picture, you should do so in the user picture's comments, not its keywords.

Maybe it's just me, but as a creator of userpics myself, this sentence bothers me.

First, it could be confusing: it doesn't explain why giving credit in comments is preferable, unless you follow the "Further Reading" link to FAQ 206. And by implying that giving credit in the keywords is, for some reason, undesirable, it could puzzle a lot of users who can't yet use comments. (Worst-case scenario: It could lead to users not crediting at all, rather than credit in keywords, although I should hope most people would be smart enough not to do this.)

(And in any event, I've never noticed that crediting in the keywords is terribly difficult, even with the new restrictions; it only takes up one keyword to say "by exampleusername." But that's beside the point.)

Second, and IMO more important, it appears to take control away from userpic creators. Most icon artists have something to the effect of "Credit in the keywords" in their rules of usage, and the FAQ basically says not to do that. True, many artists will probably revise their rules as comments begin to be used, but at the moment there's a disparity. Furthermore, I think artists should still have the prerogative to set rules for the use of their icons, including where to give credit (although I'm sure most, like myself, will embrace the usefulness of comments). And again, it could confuse the reader: "X says to give credit in the keywords, but the FAQ says I'm not supposed to! Wah!"

I know that this is hardly a major issue, but I'd really appreciate anyone taking the time to consider it. Perhaps a bit of context would help explain where I'm coming from: I'd been looking at several icon journals, and seeing "Please credit in the keywords" all over the place, so when I read FAQ 95 and saw the above sentence, I said, "Whoa, what?" It seemed to imply that icon creators were doing something wrong by asking users to credit in the keywords, which disturbed me.

I think we could do without the sentence, but I understand why it was added, so here's my suggested revision.

Read more... )

What think you?

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41, 61 and 185 [security] [Aug. 17th, 2004|05:59 am]

Based upon [info]aajwind's writeup, this is another draft for FAQ 61. It now incorporates all of the information from FAQ 41, which should be hidden.

FAQ goes here )

I'd also suggest thatthe following be added to the 4th paragraph of FAQ 185, as I removed it from #61 as I figured that 185 was a more relevant place for it:

If you use the option to show "mutual friends" separately to the rest of your Friends list, then these mutual friends will not be hidden.

(I'm not particularly attached to that wording)

One thing I'd particularly appreciate here would be someone reading carefully through this draft to check for consisten capitalisation. I've tried to be consistent, but might not have been.
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FAQ proposal: Why didn't I get help when I asked a Support question? [Aug. 16th, 2004|02:48 pm]

[mood |productive]
[music |Lightning Seeds: Lucky you]

OK, so this is my first ever attempt to write a FAQ. There seems to be some debate about whether this is even needed, and I know it needs a lot of editing. It's way too verbose; it needs to be [info]rho-ified, for a start! But hopefully it will get the ball rolling, and I'm thick-skinned when it comes to criticism.

draft FAQ )

Edited to add: Can someone write an abusey bit, please? I want to say something about 'We can't necessarily do anything about it if someone is being mean to you. The Abuse team will only deal with violations of the terms of service.'

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faq 156 - comment times [Aug. 15th, 2004|02:54 pm]

now that the first paragraph has been redone in faq 156, the second paragraph seems out of place to me.

you guys might want to include something like "the times vary, but most of the s1 pages are in pacific time and most of the s2 pages are in gmt."

this would help tie in the second paragraph, otherwise it seems kinda funky.
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FAQ Updates, Aug. 5 to Present [Aug. 15th, 2004|03:04 pm]


  • [link] Title of FAQ 184 changed to "How do I play a phone post? What are Ogg Vorbis files (.ogg)?"

  • [link] FAQs 5 and 38 combined into a new version of FAQ 38, "What are the different account types?" FAQ 56 rewritten to make it much more useful for users who don't have a clue what LiveJournal is.

  • [link] FAQ 119 updated with new, revised text, making it clearer and more concise. Title was changed to "How do I edit or delete an entry in a community?"

  • [link] FAQ 131 updated to list which features are available to all paid accounts, and which do not apply to paid community accounts.

  • [link] FAQ 80 updated to remove a confusing sentence instructing maintainers of a closed community to change to a moderated or open community to add members. Sentence was replaced with a suggestion that they invite the user.

  • [link] Title of FAQ 14 changed to "Why can't I use scripting languages (such as JavaScript) or embed objects (such as Flash) on LiveJournal?" to clarify what the FAQ covers.

  • [link] A redundant link to FAQ 2 was removed from FAQ 40. During the edit, the FAQ was also changed to "further reading" format.

  • [link] In FAQ 125, the link to /news.bml was replaced with a link to the userinfo page for [info]news.

  • [link] The paragraph in FAQ 104 stating that you can provide the links to your journal to friends or put them in profiles, but also disclaiming LiveJournal Support's responsibility for assisting with such, has been removed.

  • [link] FAQ 156 was changed to basically state that comment times are not consistent across journals, and also vary by style system.

  • [link] A few sentences explaining the restrictions on /tools/emailmanage.bml were added to FAQ 19.

As always, if you feel that any of the changes you have proposed since the last update weren't handled, please make a new top-level entry to bring the issue up for discussion again.
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FAQ 61 Draft [Aug. 13th, 2004|10:16 am]

[mood |busy]

Seeing as FAQ 61 is on my list of assigned FAQs to simplify/modify, [info]rho contacted me about modifying it according to recent discussions and simplifying it in the process. I am also posting this here because there are changes that require The Huddled Masses to look over and discuss as opposed to exlusively simplification-related changes. I included a list of the modifications I made, as is custom with our policies elsewhere, so you can disregard it if it confuses or annoys you. :) All input is welcome and encouraged.

FAQ Draft )

Edit: As per [info]rho's comment, I've rearranged a bunch of stuff and added a bunch more stuff. Not documenting these changes because I don't wanna. :)

Changelog )

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[Accounts] Email Address change [Aug. 11th, 2004|01:04 am]


Needs a snippet added to "If you would like to remove a previously validated address from your account (so your password can no longer be e-mailed to that address), visit for instructions. "

Proposed Addition - "Please note that due to security reasons, you can only remove email addresses validated after your currently validated email address."

Questions? Comments? Grammar corrections? =)
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[comments] 156 [Aug. 10th, 2004|11:11 pm]


On my journal anyway, S1 comment times are in GMT. S2 comment times are in GMT +7. Had my journal in both during the past few days, and figured it out.

However, the FAQ says:

The timestamps on comment pages shown in a LiveJournal site scheme display in the timezone of the LiveJournal servers, which is US Pacific Standard Time (-800 GMT) or, when applicable, US Pacific Daylight Time (-700 GMT). The timestamps on comment pages shown in the journal's own style display in the GMT timezone.

I really don't think this is accurate. I'm not sure what its deal is, but I know i'm not the only one who's had issues. Maybe this is the wrong place for it and this is a bug.

Edit: Potential change to italicized part:

The timestamps on LiveJournal comment pages display in a timezone that is based on the server on which the individual journal is located. This will vary with the individual server.
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[accounts] How do I create an account? How do I get started? [Aug. 10th, 2004|07:44 pm]

I'd like to propose completely removing the following paragraph from FAQ 104 (How do I create an account? How do I get started?):

You can give these links to your friends or include them in other online profiles. Please note that LiveJournal Support volunteers cannot assist you with inserting these links into programs or profiles outside of LiveJournal. If you need help adding links to third-party (non-LiveJournal) profiles, you should consult the documentation or support department of the third-party software or website for assistance.

This bit of information is tangential at best, not really relevant to the rest of the FAQ, reads awkwardly, and generally doesn't contribute anything but clutter to the FAQ. I'm fairly sure that it was only added with the specific purpose of being referenced in support, but last I checked, support policy was to repeat the information and not just to reference the FAQ, which makes it rather pointless.

So can we get rid of it?
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Why isn't the capitalization of the word "friends" consistent? [Aug. 10th, 2004|12:21 pm]

It's not even consistent within individual FAQs!

Read more... )

Yes, I know, it's a little petty, but it's starting to drive me batty.
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Missing info: friends page goes back only two weeks [Aug. 10th, 2004|04:15 pm]

I just tried to find the information that friend pages go back only two weeks somewhere in the FAQs, but I couldn't find it. Perhaps it should be added to How do I manage my Friends list?.
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[site-nav] What are the options when I log in? [Aug. 10th, 2004|04:12 pm]

I've been meaning to do this for a little while, but somehow keep not getting around to it, so I figured I'd just poke my thought up here in the hope that someone else would write it for me. I'd like to expand and slightly change the scope of FAQ 135, changing the title to something like "How do I log in? What are the login options?" and adding basic information about how to log in, and probably also about the no JavaScript version of the login page which I can't actually remember where it is right now.

My motivating reason for this is that I think that having login.bml in the further reading section of FAQs looks silly and annoying, and I want to be able to point to a FAQ instead, but I also think that this is useful information to actually document somewhere anyway.

Thoughts? Rewrites?
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[about] 125 - Sponsored LiveJournals [Aug. 10th, 2004|03:08 pm]

    For example, the News journal ( is a closed shared journal to which only staff may belong, but anyone can and should watch it, because its entries announce events and issues that are relevant to the entire LiveJournal community.

I have a problem with the use of the news.bml link in this paragraph in 125. I only use news.bml when talking about catch-all situations where "one or more of the official news journals" need to be referred to.

As all of the other journals linked to from news.bml are actually mentioned and linked to in 125 anyway (except [info]lj_test - would someone like to write a paragraph about that?), I believe the link should be changed to directly link to news's userinfo page. Thoughts?

Edit 16:23: Now I'm back and re-reading the rest of this FAQ, a few other things spring to mind. (Please note that the first two comments to this entry do not reflect this edit, and should not be regarded as an agreement to this section.)
  • helpscreening's description as "a place where people without Support privileges can post and ask questions to get advice and feedback" is misleading. The community isn't just for screened volunteers, interims post there too if not to [info]support_interim. I also believe the description should clarify that advice and feedback will only be given on your answers or other support policies, and that policy clarifications and helpful hints on how to respond to issues are also posted there by supporthelps.

  • "* howto: Contains tutorials on customizing the journals of both paid and free users using overrides and styles using the S1 style system." Wow, that sentence looks icky. Barring objections, I'll reword it (similarly for the s2howto description) to (Edit 19:15) "Contains tutorials on how to customize the journals of both paid and free users, using overrides and custom styles within the S1 style system."
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FAQ #40 [Aug. 10th, 2004|03:29 pm]

[music |James Lavelle - DJ Shadow featuring Roots Manuva - GDMFSOB]

This FAQ links to FAQ #2 twice in a row see for yourself )

Why not put it like this, or something along those lines? suggested change )

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#14 JavaScript/Flash/blahblahblah [Aug. 9th, 2004|11:32 pm]

The content of FAQ #14 "Why can't I use JavaScript or Flash in my styles or entries?" has just been updated. However, the poor FAQ desperately needs a new title. Not only does it describe other restrictions beyond JavaScript and Flash, but those restrictions apply to all user-created content, not just styles and entries.

We (aka. the people who are insane and rewriting all the bloody FAQs) think that the title should be more generalized to reflect all the restrictions discussed in the FAQ, but also make mention of JavaScript and Flash so that people who've heard of those but don't have a lot of technical knowledge about them will still recognize it as being relevant.

Two possibilities so far:

Why are scripting languages (such as JavaScript and Flash) and some HTML tags forbidden on LiveJournal?

Why are JavaScript, Flash, and some other scripts and HTML tags forbidden on LiveJournal?

Please comment if you have alternative suggestions, or if you like one of these choices.
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