Below is information about the "LJ Community Promotions" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | community_promo (42795) |
Name: | LJ Community Promotions |
Website: | The Community Guidelines |
About: |
Revised: 2002.11.07 You must read this bio when you join. I do delete posts, and I do ban people. There is no such thing here as, "I didn't know." Check the memories periodically to keep abreast of revised guidelines.
So, you've created a community! Now you need people to join it! Advertise your communities here! Or maybe you're looking for a community. Join up and follow along, or try asking in community_quest for pre-existing communities.
Tired of people posting four or five times for the same community? Tired of seeing the same ad every single day? Want a community news journal to follow that won't kill your friends page? This is now it.
Here are the rules: join the community, then post (click the three dots after "Update Journal") your community's URL (try <lj comm=communityname> to make it look "cool") and give us a synopsis. Linking to your community's join page (rather than the info page) is a quick way to get banned, as I have said. If you need help with your HTML (how to make a link) check the FAQ. You may post pictures, so long as you limit the dimensions to 500x300; no more than 250kB, total.
If you make any kind of mistake in your post, or forget the URL, you have a few options. You can post the URL in a comment to the post, or you can edit the old entry so that it's complete. Multiple posts will be deleted at my discretion (which means I might delete the one YOU think is better if you don't fix it yourself).
Also, new communities will be limited to one promotion a week (7 days) for their first month, and then one promo a month (30 days) after that. This is to cut down on spamming. I'd also like to request that a given user make only three posts here per week (168 hours). If you have multiple communities to promote, please consolidate your adverts into one entry. Lastly, only livejournal communities may be promoted. Yahoo clubs and the like will not be permitted. Make an lj community for it, then post about the community here! You'll make more friends that way!
Totally lost? Check out the Communities FAQ.
As a reminder, the Terms of Service are no joke. It is a legal document, and violation of it can result in legal action. You probably won't get sued for violations, but you never know. LJ can always use money to buy new servers. Offsite linking is spam and an immediate ban. If a violator has a problem, I can take it to abuse@lj as a terms of service violation, under Article XII:
"You agree that use of your LiveJournal account for posting your own advertisements or promotions is strictly prohibited. Such use of the Service may result in account revocation." That doesn't mean I will take it to abuse. I don't want to have to. I tell you this as a community maintainer, and a member of the community, NOT as a representative. My job entails deleting these posts. But keep in mind, if you violate the ToS, I have full right to go to abuse if you take up the issue with me (and are unfriendly about it).
Got a question? E-mail the administrator. Please don't leave me comments in my journal. If I've deleted a post of yours and you want to talk about it, please e-mail me, and I will get back to you ASAP.
Memories: | 10 entries |
Interests: | 24: advertisements, advertising, awareness, brainstorming, communities, community, fascism, grammar, help, ideas, join, journalling, links, listings, livejournal, making friends, meeting people, no spam, promos, promotion, punctuation, search engines, spelling, spreading the love. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 6873: View Members . |
Watched by: | 1359: 10021, 16stepper, 1russ, 2tru, 774, _______misery, _______yeah, ______grl, ____couture, ___corrupted_x, ___trinity___, ___xxx, __freckers, __godsmack__, __joel__, __main_mod, __x0, _brwnxeyes, _casualty_, _dragline_, _ducati, _gl0ss_promo, _intertwine, _jungleroco, _kissez, _like_woah_, _lost_within, _loveyou, _man_made_, _mannequin_, _materialistic_, _melodramatic, _miaow, _minx, _myowndecember_, _nightelf, _osbourne_kelly, _plasticcastle, _pluvia, _princesspinky_, _queer, _silencetosound, _slip_away, _synister, _thefirstevil_, _virginsuicide_, _x_o_, _xanderlharris_, a_broken_wing, a_fairytale, a_poem_a_day, ablotial, abrient, ac_maintainer, ac_promote, acquiesced, ad_van, adameros, adamgold, admit_it, adore_kisha, adorekisha, adulter, adultramblings, advice_column, aerin_pegadrak, afraidofmoths, agile, agreatermind, agrimtraveler, ahlmora, aibyouka, aiko_sama, aint2nuts, aisle37, ajmgirlloveife, akashic_record, alexisgirl, alexlucard, alhenag, aliasgrace, aliceisdead, all_uncovered, allieb, allmyvoices, allthingscrafty, aloxic, altoidsaddict, amaelwen_04, americanidolw, ames224, amo2004, ana_k, anachick, anaidea, anarchistmonkey, ancillary, andyistic, anesthezea, angel_crazy, angelandhorns, angelsdestroyer, anghella, angrystan, annaka_evans, anne_hedonia, annetangent, annna, anonymous_ghost, anti_clothes, anukk, anya_the_bunny, anycboi, apicturepaints, aquariusfire, aradtech, arakneo, arb45611, archerrich, artcirclemi, ashbdash, ashleybrooke, ashub, asillyruca, askeve, astor, atanvarneroquen, aurorabor, autumnhawk, averagemod, awesomer, ayiko, azn_girl, b_dazzld, baalesh, babydaddydrama, babylon103, badtz_maru_14, balder, bangladeshforum, bassistgih, bayomayo, beach_flipflops, beardy, bearfan, beatlegryphie, beau_mana, beautifuldead, beaver_love, beibehz, ... |
Account type: | Permanent Account |