A Must See
Posted By: Kevin Connors @ 0432 on 20040906

I advise all to check out AMC’s Rated R: Republicans in Hollywood - just as a reminder that the town doesn’t only breed fools. :)


  1. I met a woman from Northern California recently at a party in the UK. She runs a pretty sizeable business in the US and we had a thoroughly enjoyable and illuminating conversation about all sorts of stuff. The main thing I found interesting (which came after the apparently obligatory unasked-for apology for George W Bush’s very existence, which I seem to get from every American I meet in the UK) was her pretty comprehensive assessment of why Schwarzenegger is the right guy for an exceptionally difficult job. She’s a died in the wool Dem so it was interesting that she was so positive about him.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know if Mel Gibson is actually registered to vote in the US, and if he’s a Republican or not? Just interested as to whether that’s the case or whether AMC were making Christian=Republican assumptions.

    Comment by Al — 20040908 @ 1324

  2. You know, I can’t help but think that Hollywood gets a bum rap. I drive through it every day on the way to work and the first thing I notice is large number of small Momma & Pop-pa stores run by immigrants. Russian, Jewish, Asian, etc.

    The time when the “Hollywood Liberal Elites” actually lived in Hollywood is long past. The majority of homes in Hollywood would never qualify as mansions, and they wouldn’t compare favorably to even the cheapest of new tract homes being built in the suburbs.

    So maybe it’s time to drop the “Hollywood Liberal Elites” bashing and just continue with the “Liberal Elites” bashing instead. Unless maybe you were referring to “Hollywood", FL ?

    Comment by Patrick — 20040908 @ 1738

  3. Hollywood proper has become a very “Bohemian mix” - somewhat like Manhattan’s lower east side. The more affluent are further west, in Beverly Hills, Westwood, etc., or up in the hills. Still, the label “Hollywood” is transcendent.

    But, beyond that, even if your definition of “the suburbs” extends out to Palmdale and Apple Valley, you will find that even the entry level new home is quite palatial.

    Comment by Kevin L. Connors — 20040908 @ 2258

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