September 17, 2004
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The "war is lost"
By Sidney Blumenthal - Salon - September 17, 2004
"Bring them on!" President Bush challenged the early Iraqi insurgency in July of last year. Since then 812 American soldiers have been killed and 6,290 wounded, according to the Pentagon. Almost every day in campaign speeches, Bush speaks with bravado about how we are "winning" in Iraq. "Our strategy is succeeding," he boasted to the National Guard convention on Tuesday.
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In Address to Guard, Kerry Says Bush Isn't Telling Truth on Iraq
By Elisabeth Bumiller - New York Times - September 17, 2004
LAS VEGAS, Sept. 16 - Senator John Kerry said at a National Guard conference on Thursday that President Bush was living in "a fantasy world of spin" and that the president had deceived them when he presented an optimistic picture of the war in Iraq at the same conference two days before.
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This Is Bush's Vietnam
By Bob Herbert - New York Times - September 17, 2004
ARLINGTON, Va. The rows of simple white headstones in the broad expanses of brilliant green lawns are scrupulously arranged, and they seem to go on and on, endlessly, in every direction.
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Kerry Hurls Essence of Report on Iraq at Bush
By Dana Priest - Washington Post - September 16, 2004
Citing a new classified intelligence report predicting serious troubles ahead for Iraq, John F. Kerry yesterday accused President Bush of living in a "fantasy world of spin" and refusing to speak honestly about mounting casualties, indiscriminate killings and chaos in Iraq. "Stability and security seem further and further away," Kerry said.
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The war was illegal
The Guardian - September 16, 2004
The declaration of the United Nations secretary-general, Kofi Annan, on the Iraq war was shocking in its simplicity. He described it for the first time as "illegal". No caveats. No equivocation.
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From bad to worse
By Editorial Board PI - Seattle Post-Intelligencer - September 16, 2004
The three possible scenarios for the situation in Iraq reportedly laid out by the National Intelligence Estimate can be summed up as tenuous, bad and downright ugly.
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Kerry: Bush misleads on Iraq
By Anne Q. Hoy - Newsday - September 16, 2004
LAS VEGAS -- Beaching his campaign on the very sands from which George W. Bush attacked his character two days earlier, Sen. John Kerry yesterday accused the president of not telling Americans the truth about how serious conditions are in Iraq.
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Pre-emptive Paranoia
By Maureen Dowd - New York Times - September 16, 2004
Here's how bad off the Democrats are: They're cowering behind closed doors, whispering that if it should ever turn out that Republicans are behind this, it would be so exquisitely Machiavellian, so beyond what Democrats are capable of, they should just fold and concede the election now - before the Republicans have to go to the trouble of stealing it again.
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Kerry Mounts Fierce Attack on Bush's Economic Policies
By Elisabeth Bumiller - New York Times - September 16, 2004
DETROIT, Sept. 15 - Senator John Kerry lashed out at President Bush's economic record on Wednesday, saying that Mr. Bush had created more excuses than jobs and that in the closing months of his term he could no longer refuse to take responsibility for the failures on his watch.
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CBS Says It Will Check Questions on Bush Files
By Jim Rutenberg - New York Times - September 15, 2004
CBS News said for the first time last night that there were legitimate questions about the authenticity of documents it presented in a "60 Minutes" report last week that raised new issues about President Bush's service in the National Guard - and said it would aggressively investigate them.
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CBS Guard Documents Traced to Tex. Kinko's
By Michael Dobbs - Washington Post - September 15, 2004
Documents allegedly written by a deceased officer that raised questions about President Bush's service with the Texas Air National Guard bore markings showing they had been faxed to CBS News from a Kinko's copy shop in Abilene, Tex., according to another former Guard officer who was shown the records by the network.
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U.S. Plans to Divert Iraq Money
By Jonathan Weisman - Washington Post - September 15, 2004
The Bush administration asked Congress on Tuesday for permission to transfer nearly $3.5 billion from Iraqi water, sewer and electricity projects to pressing security, economic and electoral programs, acknowledging that increasing violence has forced a sharp shift in its rebuilding effort.
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Lawmakers concerned about shift in Iraq reconstruction funds
By Ken Guggenheim - New York Times - September 15, 2004
WASHINGTON (AP) The Bush administration's plans to divert $3.46 billion in Iraq reconstruction funds for security could increase dangers in the long run, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Wednesday.
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Kerry Asserts Bush Has Misled Voters
By Jim VandeHei - Washington Post - September 14, 2004
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 14 -- Sen. John F. Kerry, stepping up his campaign to convince voters President Bush is dishonest, told a group of seniors Tuesday that the White House attempted to conceal government statistics showing the elderly will soon pay a much bigger share of their Social Security income on Medicare expenses.
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Chronicle of a Life Untold
By Michael Shellenberger - Alternet - September 14, 2004
While Bush's life story is widely known, follies and all, in the public imagination Kerry's life appears to start at Vietnam - although his choices before that moment speak to his character.
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