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[Sep. 17th, 2004|11:10 am]
[music |Sheila E. - Next Time Wipe The Lipstick Off Your Collar]

Because I can't resist a Without A Trace quiz:

Your Without a Trace Episode by mercura
What happens to you?The mafia puts a hit out on you during a crossover with The Sopranos
Who finds you?Some random homeless guy
How long are you missing for?A couple of minutes
Who makes out?Jack and Sam
Who gets angsty over the case?Everyone
How many burritos does Martin eat?621
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Hahahaha. I think [info]alexiablack was right, Martin is going to blow any minute now. Ok, he already blows, but you get the idea.

Ok, going back to my blog now.
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[Sep. 6th, 2004|12:22 pm]
[mood | bored]
[music |R.E.M. - The One I Love]

Because I forgot to do my monthly "stuff that isn't blog worthy" post last month, this will just have to do:

Popular interests among onexbyxone's friends
1. alias (33) 11. fanfiction (13)
2. writing (19) 12. lena olin (12)
3. music (18) 13. farscape (10)
4. movies (17) 14. david anders (10)
5. buffy (16) 15. the x-files (10)
6. dvds (16) 16. sark (10)
7. 24 (15) 17. gilmore girls (10)
8. angel (14) 18. without a trace (10)
9. reading (14) 19. the west wing (10)
10. harry potter (14) 20. csi (10)
Interests gestalt
My most interesting friend is [info]thedorkygirl who has 12 of these interests,
followed by [info]_jems_ (11), [info]alexiablack (11) and [info]girlnorth (10).
Normality Index
My friends are 50.53% normal.
Analyze me !
Popular interests created by _imran_

The most surprising thing? All the Gilmore Girls love. I am a little scared.
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[Jul. 25th, 2004|12:29 pm]
[music |"Barely Legal" by The Strokes]

Because once a month, I dump quizzes here that aren't quite blog worthy:

Quiz Dump )

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[Jun. 18th, 2004|03:54 pm]
[music |Darling Violetta, "Cure"]

I bring you a very funny but not quite blog worthy quiz I stole from [info]starrygirl604:

Disease Quiz )

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[May. 24th, 2004|03:06 am]
[music |Patti Smith, "Dancing Barefoot"]

I stole this from [info]stephdub because I can't sleep and so figured what the hell?

Bad Music Meme )

So all in all, I like 16 of the "bad" songs, but I totally contest 2 of them even being on there.  I am especially confused how the hell The End ended up on that list, but I will just assume they were driven mad by listening to the other songs and didn't know a classic when they heard it.  Pfft.

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Quiz Dump [May. 20th, 2004|05:21 pm]
[music |The Strokes, "Reptilia"]

Just a Kill Bill quiz I stole from [info]wondersheep and a Without a Trace Jack/Sam quiz I stole from [info]alexiablack that I am dumping here:

Spoilery Kill Bill 2 & Without A Trace Quizzes Right Here )

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Mass Confusion [Apr. 29th, 2004|12:01 am]
[music |Jeff Buckley, "Mojo Pin"]

Dear [info]ageofaquarius and [info]cognacgirl,

Please take a look at my Audioscrobbler friends list. You two have practically the same Touching Evil icon. It is just too confusing for my fragile mind. One of you have to pick a picture of one of his other hot body parts. There are plenty to choose from so you should be ok.

And if anyone else joined and I don't know about it, let me know so I can friend you for future stalking.

Thanks for listening,


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Stolen Quiz [Mar. 4th, 2004|11:00 pm]
[mood |Grumpy]
[music |Hawksley Workman, "Smoke Baby"]

A little quiz I stole from Cibby. I thought that I would stick over here instead of my real site because, if I ignore this place for too long, [info]corissaohmy gets mad at me, and I don't want that.

season 04
Season Four - Many people don't like you because
you're dating the wrong guy, but I'll admit to
finding you my favorite. You're still a
college kid, but you're smarter than ever, and
your episodes are turning out better and
better, showing an edge that we didn't know you
had. Your best episode is
"Restless," a perfect cap to the
Scooby dynamic.

Which Season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

That is not true by the way. I am not dating the wrong guy. I am not in college anymore and, um, I would never date a putz like Riley. Damn it.

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Damn My Site. [Feb. 23rd, 2004|06:40 pm]
[mood |thrilled]
[music |Courtney Love, "Mono"]

Of all days for my site to crash, and I mean crash, like I have to move servers crash, it just had to be today. The day of the Sex and the City finale. The day I want to post pictures and poetry and tears and my favorite lines and Carrie/Big forever and ever and ever. **Sniff**

Until my site is up and I can do the loving and the sobbing up right, I will just say that was my favorite series finale ever. I just wish all shows would realize that, in the end, it is ok to give the fans what they want. Seriously. Do it. Then we will love you forever and forgive you all of your sins.

And it took me a long time to get here, but I'm here now. You're the one. **Sob**

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[Jan. 27th, 2004|08:26 pm]
[mood | blah]
[music |Nothing, nothing at all. Move along.]

Dear [info]endsoftheworld,

I haven't been able to get that damn Britney Spears "Toxic" song out of my head all day. Since it is ALL YOUR FAULT, I am just writing to say I hate you and that I don't like the song at all. Not one bit. You can't prove a thing. **Whistles.**

Dancingly I mean Hatefully yours,


And a quiz just so you know what you are dealing with mister: )

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Music and Stuff. [Jan. 7th, 2004|12:36 pm]
[mood | contemplative]
[music |"More Than This" by Bill Murray]

Because [info]stephdub made me, I bring you my two cents on the 105 most influential albums of the 90s behind the cut, if you care to see. )

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[Jan. 4th, 2004|05:32 pm]
[mood | blah]
[music |Stevie Nicks, "Bella Donna"]

Stolen from [info]permissionslip because I have to do something to chase off the post-vacation blues:

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

I couldn't be more proud. No wonder [info]permissionslip and I get along so well, we understand each other. We both took the quiz twice and got Caligula each time. You can run, but you can't hide.

That is all I got, besides love for the Panthers for doing my dirty work and taking out the Cowboys today. I love you guys. You have no idea how much.

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So who to vote for? [Dec. 24th, 2003|05:29 pm]
[mood | good]
[music |Talking Heads, "Take Me to The River"]

This is one way to find out. Stolen from [info]endsoftheworld.

1. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (56%)
2. Bush, President George W. - Republican (52%)
3. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (51%)
4. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (44%)
5. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (44%)
6. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (42%)
7. Libertarian Candidate (38%)
8. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (34%)
9. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (32%)
10. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (28%)

OK, if you are wondering how some of these could be so close, it is because I am more or less a good ole fashionned Southern Democrat. We are right on the fence between the two parties and could fall either way, depending on your manners.

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I need Christmas Gifts! [Dec. 22nd, 2003|05:34 pm]
[mood | anxious]
[music |Phoenix, "Too Young"]

Stolen from everyone and their brother because I want Christmas gifts too darn it!

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 ageofaquariuss a-massaging.
11 alawelshies a-galloping.
10 alexiablacks a-tripping.
9 aliasrlms a-kicking.
8 amyluds a-leaping.
7 corissaohmys a-chuckling.
6 dawnydiesels a-laying.
5 pink mspoohs.
4 gyrating stephdubs.
3 Israeli sullymels.
2 mule trixaliciouss.
And a wondersheep in a passionfruit tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
OK all of these are funny, but I seriously want my gift from [info]mspooh because that is the funniest of them all. Now [info]stephdub and I just have to go out dancing because we clearly have all the same dance moves.
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[Dec. 16th, 2003|10:50 pm]
[mood | happy]
[music |"Planet Claire" by The B-52's]

Pretty much just posting to show off the pretty new icon [info]iwant2believe made for me. Since I am here, I figured I might as well steal this shipper quiz from [info]featherweight.

My Ships in A Nutshell )

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[Dec. 8th, 2003|03:18 pm]
[mood | disappointed]
[music |Love Actually Soundtrack]

Tonight's Alias

Jack, Vaughn, and Sloane: Hell Yeah!

Everyone Else: No, no, no no, hell no, fuck no, just no.

That is all.

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Meaningless Dren [Dec. 2nd, 2003|12:17 am]
[mood | complacent]
[music |"Everything Zen" by Bush]

Basically I am posting today to show off the wonderful new icon [info]the_ugly_girl made for me. See, I am willing to ship Sara with someone besides Grissom, the writers just need to cross the love on over to Without a Trace.

Now a quiz I stole from [info]alexiablack:

The VOLATILE badgirl... Everybody better watch out
for you, Courtney Love. You'll beat them to
death with their own arms. Then you'll go to
work on 'em. You're a bit prone to destroying
the room... literally. Such a fighter, not a

What sort of bad girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I have never been so proud. Yes, I am the last Courtney love fan on earth. You got a problem with that? I'll kick your ass.

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I am a happy fangirl. [Nov. 26th, 2003|07:30 pm]
[mood | content]
[music |Ministry, "Shove"]

So much going on to make me a happy fangirl today:

1. 24 ruled. Kicked ass. Fun times. I will take more of that please.
2. My Space Ghost Vol. 1 dvds got here today. Let the snarkfest begin.
3. X2 and Bruce Almighty should be here any day now. I love both those movies so so much and can't wait to watch them obsessively.
3. Got notice today that Pirates of the Caribbean, To Live and Die in LA (Willem Dafoe and William Peterson goodness), Alias season 2 (Lena come to me), Profiler season 2, and a hell of a lot of No Doubt goodies were mailed out today. Squee to all of those.
4. No Angel or CSI this week to possibly kill the happy buzz. Frankly, I need a damn break from both of them right about now.
5. Pirates of the Caribbean, Alias 2, and Profiler 2 are coming! Yeah! OK, those are repeats but damn it, I am very excited so it bears repeating.

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I am freaking out. [Nov. 23rd, 2003|09:44 am]
[mood | cranky]
[music |Sara McLachlan, "Fallen"]

I just read this bit at Alias Media:

"The Alias wildfeed will NOT be feeding this evening as it usually does. According to my source, it will feed early Sunday AM and will be encrypted. This seems to be the case for most, if not all, of Paramount's programming and the general consensus is that it will be a permanent scheduling change."

This is just too terrible to consider. No early Alias viewings? I have to wait to download it until after it airs in the states? I have to watch it on Monday as opposed to my usual Sunday (I am in different time zone than most)? No wildfeed watch all day Sunday? Well, I just feel like breaking things. I was too dependent on that feed for this to happen.

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[Nov. 18th, 2003|11:33 am]
[mood | apathetic]
[music |No Doubt, "You Can Do It"]

Just a quick that I have a new Gwen Stefani layout at the blog if anyone cares. It really hurt me to take down the Kief, but it really had to be done. I am on a major No Doubt high these days.

And a quiz I stole from [info]ageofaquarius:

You're Wesley. What this says about you: You
present a false persona to the world, one that
is nothing like the lost soul inside. All your
life you've struggled to be accepted and you've
found that presenting a false face helps
maintain that sense of security. You can be
very ruthless when it comes to getting what you
want, especially in love. Try not to isolate
yourself. People do care, despite your

Which Angel: the series Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmm, I wouldn't have picked that answer, but that actually makes a lot of sense. Still, I am the Lilah loving, Faith busting out Wes, not the Wes in WesFred. Just so you know.

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