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User:texasaggies (122092) texasaggies
Texas A&M University
Prospective Students/Current Students/Former Students
Name:Texas Aggies
Website:TAMU Homepage
Location:College Station, Texas, United States
About:The first L.J. community for students of Texas A&M; University in College Station, Texas.

Layout by [info]artsyaggie.

Created and maintained by [info]quadmonkey.

Spam will be deleted. I will determine what is and is not spam, within reason. If you are promoting a university related event or a charity of some kind, great. If you are trying to sell weight loss products or the like, please, go elsewhere.
Interests:19: aggie band, aggies, agriculture, bonfire, college station, corps of cadets, duddley's draw, elephant walk, engineering, football, george bush library, mad hatters, military walk, muster, northgate, texas, texas a&m;, the chicken, whoop. [Modify yours]
Members:283: 0xdeadbeef, 5h4wn, 80sbreakfast, _thebedismade, _uncle_rico_, afitchemopunk86, aggie_faro, aggieanne04, aggieashley2008, aggiebabe04, aggieengineer, aggieerin, aggiegal114, aggiekris, aggielize, aggiemoonlite, aggieprincess, aggiesml, aggiesoccer, aggiesteph06, allinagain, alluringpsycho, amandalinn, amandasbored, amberprice, americancowboy, americanjack, amyf_tx, amyspencer4, andyreah, angelofmercy, annan, anoneknewmoose, apolonia, arelyn530, artsyaggie, aslan02, athenaspin15, autumn_whispers, b_phil, banaggie, barbedbutterfly, basebawplaya, bassmonkey, baylei2, bdzombie, beadle, bernietheaggie, biogems_dfndr, bluebird179, bradfiveone, brazilian_touch, brucette, buzzmonkee, caesar2075, cancerat, canney, capncrisco, carmulo, catgurl24, chabela, chadbert, chara_05, chasingamy04, chiquitabna, chrischerry, chrispina, cmaaggie06, cmhenson, countrydoll06, cowboypirate, cpr_cortez, crashandblur, crayon_goddess, crmsn_vxn, cujo1809, cyanotok, d2jday, daemonnoire, daisyfyre, davidthompson, ddpizzaboy, deputysnabbit, devlcutelilangl, dirtstar, dixiecowgrl86, dorkyturtle, dropofjupiter, dsc1110, ducktapedboy, dumbintelectual, dunbar, edibleghandis, eewhite, eeyoreama, emo_dreamo, emziepie, enanareina, ethancw, fakethepain, feistydamsel, femi, fencer_x, fiberguyr1, fidelus, finemakefunofme, firefairy00722, fly_evil, four_alarm, funbrat, genemachinememe, geojaguar, gregsplacelive, grimpenguin, grunny, gsthomas606, gustheduckie, hachiroku, hakk_a_lugi, hear_you_me012, icanbecooltoo, iliketohugtrees, jack_maisie, jadedsapphire, jaina268, janamag1e, janinerodriguez, jay08pc, jazzyjess, jessieo502, jezebeljade, josiewallace, joyangel11, jpbeato, jr281, jspurlin, julesdwit, juliannetx04, julie248, junior586, kerubim, kiddo81, kimberry182, kingofbrits, kinslayer, kittikattie, knucklemonkey, koupob, kourtney, krunchy67, ktleed, kviol, lcd7383, lettuce_prey, lilaznfoot, lilgirlsweetie, lilspunk, lindsay22, littledg, livingdeadpan, loganwhy, lolareina, loneangel04, lonely_october, luka01, lurkz, magikateball, mallory5, malloryjochen, mantic, matt_hammer, mcfart, megabeast, melanie1211, melissajuice, meredithashton, mereparker, messwithtexas, mffnqueen, mikemonk, minimel, miriellegirl, moachaen, monarch1984, mongol, monica, moonpounce, morph77, mousekinn, movin2paris, mr_awesomepants, mrg, murkyangel, musicalaggie10, mynameisdaniel, neptune609, onelargecat, operantfailure, orthancstone, ovary, paladin3, phedre_verreuil, plinko, poeticgenius, prissypop, pseusie, pumac211, punkelement, punkyaggie07, puppiesloveme, purpledaisy524, purplekangaroo, purplepanda5, pykerag06, quaddonk, quadmonk, quadmonkey, quirrilia, rabidcat, rachelkathryn, radicallindsay, radioactivedj, random_normalcy, renegaderogue, ricajean, rocketman574, role_thecredits, sailingpaula, seasleepy, shakexhisxhips, shop1442, skittl1321, snow_teddybear, somepuertorican, southern_girl31, spaztaz013, spinner391, spinning_mirror, spyndisguise, squirrelsgnwild, stardustag, starztimehalo, stephanometra, swimfreestyle, swimim216, teecez_turmoil, teradia, texaskitten, texasraver, thatwasandy, the_mad_lab_rat, the_stray_light, thellano, tigervet, tittybitch, tlknfrgs, tooty2, trip03, tristy07, trixiefish, tsl_aggie, tutto_o_niente, tx_bucephalus, tx_cowgirl06, txaggie07, tycheaggie, vadra, vaxocentric, vermouthbianco, vinnygimpy, volkris, waffletamu, weahawk, wendy_w, whip_lash, will_lloyd, wompa164, wondrousbeauty, x_g_x, xena112383, xpunkrokchickx, yeuxverts, zaithat
Watched by:236: 5h4wn, _uncle_rico_, afitchemopunk86, aggie_faro, aggieanne04, aggieashley2008, aggiebabe04, aggieerin, aggiegal114, aggiekris, aggielad, aggiemoonlite, aggiesml, aggiesoccer, aggiesteph06, allinagain, alluringpsycho, amandalinn, amandasbored, amberprice, americancowboy, amyf_tx, amyspencer4, andyreah, angelofmercy, annan, anoneknewmoose, arelyn530, artsyaggie, aslan02, athenaspin15, atmjo, autumn_whispers, b_phil, barbedbutterfly, bartley, basebawplaya, baylei2, bdzombie, beadle, bernietheaggie, biogems_dfndr, blondiegirl2287, blujeanbaby, brazilian_touch, brucette, buzzmonkee, caesar2075, caitelyn, carmulo, catgurl24, catherinehenry, chadbert, chara_05, chasingamy04, chiquitabna, chrischerry, cmaaggie06, cmhenson, corny04, countrydoll06, cowboypirate, cpr_cortez, crashandblur, crmsn_vxn, cujo1809, cynicalpsycho, daemonnoire, daisyfyre, davidthompson, devlcutelilangl, dixiecowgrl86, dorkyturtle, dsc1110, ducktapedboy, dumbintelectual, dunbar, edibleghandis, eeyoreama, emo_dreamo, erzuli, ethancw, fakethepain, femi, fencer_x, fiberguyr1, fidelus, fly_evil, funbrat, genemachinememe, geojaguar, grimpenguin, grunny, gsthomas606, gustheduckie, hachiroku, halcyonriver, hear_you_me012, hoaggie, icanbecooltoo, iliketohugtrees, jack_maisie, jadedsapphire, janamag1e, janinerodriguez, jay08pc, jazzyjess, jezaheran, jezebeljade, josiewallace, joyangel11, jpbeato, jr281, jspurlin, julesdwit, juliannetx04, kerubim, kiddo81, kimberry182, kingofbrits, knucklemonkey, koupob, kourtney, kviol, lightbringer83, lilaznfoot, lilgirlsweetie, lilspunk, lindsay22, littledg, livingdeadpan, lolareina, loneangel04, lonely_october, longl3gz, lurkz, malloryjochen, mantic, matt_hammer, mcfart, megabeast, melanie1211, melissajuice, mereparker, messwithtexas, mffnqueen, mikemonk, minimel, miriellegirl, mongol, ...
Member of:1: just_looking
Account type:Free Account

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