Interests: | 94: 1967 jaguar e, american muscle, ang, ani difranco, arrogance, backrubs, becky ro, being a tool, billiards, billy joel, blue, books, bottles, causality, cheap concerts, climbing trees, clouds, coincidence, cookies, dancing, dirigibles, dolphins, easy mac, egocentricity, empire records, fall, feminism, femme fatale, flash fiction, foxx 40, gaiety, harlotry, homemade smoothies, ibc rootbeer, ice cream, indian food, interning, irish boys, italian food, jason mraz, jello, juxtoposition, karate, licorice jelly beans, lisa kleypas, liz phair, long hair, malibu, margaret atwood, naughtiness, night, nixon, objective correlative, piano, poetry, political junkies, pornography, profiling, puddle jumping, quickies, rain, reading, road trips, sailboats, science fiction, sex, shakespeare, shiny objects, singing, sleeping beauty, snow, stripping, swimming, tacos, the burning times, the dog and everything, the ocean, the princess bride, the west wing, thunderstorms, tuna sandwiches, uproarious romping, vendetta red, water polo, weezer, whiskey, winter, writing, xxx, y tu mama tambien, yoga, yogurt, zero hour, zest. [Modify yours] |