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Front page / Russia / Economics
Terrorist acts damage Russia's tourist business - 09/09/2004 15:33
The situation will stabilize only in several years
Recent terrorist attacks have caused considerable damage to the tourist business in Russia. About 20,000 foreigners refused to go to Russia. Tourists started declining their intentions to visit Russia after two airliners flying to Sochi and Volgograd crashed
Yukos to send 40 Russian regions to the bottom: Collapse of the colossus - 09/03/2004 17:17
A Moscow court arrested 76 billion rubles on accounts of Yukos's basic enterprises Seventy-six billion rubles on Yukos's accounts have been arrested.... More...
The Federal Government is favoring companies that have taken advantage of tax havens - 08/31/2004 18:21
In something that can only be classified as bizarre, the US government is actually favoring companies that have transferred their headquarters to countries... More...
The Swiss Court of Arbitration takes Megafon away from Alfa - 08/26/2004 18:42
The Russian communication market may experience serious problems The Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce made an important decision... More...
Oil giants sell out assets - 08/19/2004 13:43
Lukoil and Yukos sell their stakes at branch companies The board of the Russian oil giant Lukoil decided to sell 100 percent of its participation in the... More...
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What makes gas prices go up? - 09/02/2004 18:15
Some experts claim that federal politics aimed at acquiring as much profit as possible from exporting raw oil is to blame for high oil prices in Russia.
This is practically the only source of income for our economy; there is a chance to find common grounds with the so-called free world market - major consumer of hydrocarbon raw material, Western companies and China.
Russian arms to flow to Iraq - 09/01/2004 15:54
The US administration supports the lifting of embargo on arms deliveries to Iraq Russia lifts the embargo to deliver arms to Iraq. President Putin signed... More...
The "gas crisis" between Russia and Belarus has been settled - 08/27/2004 15:08
The "gas crisis" between Russia and Belarus has been settled Now Western Europe can count on some benefits from the agreements signed by the two Slavic... More...
Gazprom to deliver Russian natural gas to USA - 08/24/2004 18:39
Deliveries are scheduled to start before 2010 Gazprom seriously considers an opportunity to deliver natural gas to the USA. The Russian giant reportedly... More...
Russian deputies crack down on beer advertising again - 08/03/2004 22:45
New amendments impose very tough restrictions on the advertising of beer The State Duma gave the third reading to amendments to the Federal law "About... More...
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Russian scholar told West on the anatomy of Russian capitalism - 09/10/2004 21:23
12 years ago professor of Moscow State University Stanislav Menshikov came to the Netherlands to deliver lections on the economy of the post-Socialist countries.
All this time he has been watching closely the situation in Russia, and his observations resulted in the book "Anatomy of Russian capitalism".
Secret recipe for Russia - 09/08/2004 11:56
Almost 90% of Russians consider that quality of the imported goods goes down as the industry moves to Russia. Market analysts of major transnational... More...
Are we getting rich or dying out? - 09/07/2004 16:26
Russian government established the living wage for the first 6 months of 2004. For the second quarter of 2004, the government established the living wage:... More...
Russian food companies provide 70 percent of national needs - 09/06/2004 16:32
Russians eat less now in comparison with the eighties Russian food manufacturers have been providing only 70 percent of the national need in food stuffs... More...
Russia to resume serial production of its famous air-giant "Ruslan" - 09/03/2004 13:16
Federal production agency (FPA) of Russia adopted a resolution to resume serial production of the famous airplanes An-124 "Ruslan" "Aviastar-airplane... More...
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98% of Russians distrust banks - 09/01/2004 12:14

Russians have completely lost faith in the Russian banking system
According to a study conducted by the All-Russian Center of Public Opinion Poll, 98% of the Russian population are not ready to deposit their savings and prefer to keep their money safe and sound under their mattresses.

Russia to experience ecological disaster because of budget 2005 - 08/28/2004 12:55
If the current variant of the budget is approved, such articles as 'environmental protection' and 'agriculture and fishery' will suffer most Details of... More...
Russians named those guilty of terrible economic crisis of August 1998 - 08/17/2004 13:16
Remembering the default of Russian rouble in August 1998, Russian Center of Studying Public Opinion decided to analyze whom Russians accuse of that financial... More...
Capital outflow from Russia likely to reach $8.5 billion - 08/16/2004 12:10
Nobody knows at least the approximate volume of the capital outflow from Russia German Gref, the Economic Development Minister said the outflow of capital... More...
Latvian businessmen to construct Alpine skiing resort in Siberia - 08/12/2004 15:20
While the companies from the EU countries continue purchasing businesses in Latvia, Latvian businessmen are eager to invest abroad. A group of Latvian... More...
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Front pagebriefly
Russia: Government dwells upon increasing national security costs
Science and Health: UFO clouds abduct humans
World: Scandinavian countries suffer from 'periscope syndrome'
Hot spots and Incidents: Former hostages on verge of suicide
Opinion: Pain felt on both sides of the ocean today, 11 September 2004

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