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Below is user information for Zaiden. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:zaiden (276640) Paid User zaiden
Location:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status zaiden_09 (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:I love the camera and the beauty that can be captured within a split second. My dream is to shoot fashion oriented concepts and get printed as much as possible. I love to meet new people and travel. I am hoping to travel and expereince the world of fashion in Europe. Please note that if, after adding you to my list, we don't interact with each other on LJ, I will most likely remove you at some point. This is not meant to be unfriendly; but I'd prefer to have people I actually know reading my LJ and conversing with me than a bunch of quiet strangers.

If you use your LJ for inordinate amounts of drama and nastiness towards others, please understand why I don't want to see your updates on my friends list. I strive for the least amount of personal drama possible!

If you add me, please comment, since I don't always notice who's new. Thanks!

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Memories:5 entries
Interests:70: alternative music, anime, art, beer, blue, bondage, caffeine, cameras, cats, classical music, clubbing, conversation, corsets, cosmetics, crossdressing,, dancing, delirium, depeche mode, designing, drugs, electronic rock, fashion, fashion design, fetisch, fetish, film, fishnets, friends, friendships, girls, goth, gothic, gothic clothing, gothic fashion, gothic-industrial, industrial, kmfdm, latex, leather, life changes, lost boys, make-up, makeup, meeting others, music, nailpolish, nine inch nails, nylons, painting, photography, plastikwrap, posing, punkyfish, pvc, red, scorpions, sex, skirts, spiders, synth pop, tattoos, the cure, theatre, thriller, transgender, walking,, zaiden, zaiden_works. [Modify yours]
People242:51peg, _adm, _britta_, _echo, _missmeow, _synthesia, ace_ula, adm_tbm, adoress, agent_retro, air_faiery, albedo_lens, alitzias_domain, andrasta, anestasia, angel_red, aslan_tbm, azraiel, azuredream, badluckcity, bailie, ballistic_angel, be_somebody, beatafd, bettyboop37, bionicles_kiss, bittertwist, blackened_angel, blackroses6669, blackwidowsweb, blakglamour, blue_charlotte, bmonkey13, boababe, broken_muse, brooklyn_hype, bunny_babe, camilledaley, cannibal_candy, canongrrl, celestial_chaos, cenobite_cyborg, cherrybomb_66, circus_grrl, comedypixie, commonperson, composedsilence, crazybuttmonkey, crydeadrabbit, cybergoth, cyn, darkmyztress, darkowlet, deadpromqueen, defcode, devilseyebrows, dez_destiny, deztiny, digitalobscura, disordered, djdarq, dosowan, dragonfyre, dressednaked, durham_red, dusx, echidnadelphyne, elantriell, electro_vice, elusivebev, emaleth_, empyrean3, emulsional, essenceofthemus, everybeast, exsanguinated, fading_enigma, fauxshizzle, feistydiva, ferretboi, fischerspoon_me, funkyjivemonkey, geishaboi, getlostinmyeyes, girlbob, girlparticulare, glazedlife, glis, goman7, good_like_jesus, gwarskitty, heidiho13, hellocatgirl, hootiemcboob29, hybridmisfit, hypnox, i_wish, imagejunkie, inexperience, insanechicky, intercitykitty, iolarah, jadedeath, jesselikesgirls, jester75, jhaesayte, joejiggler, johnnybender, jooolz, josienutter, justred, kinkylittlegoth, kissmedark, kittenflug, kr1stab3ll3, ladylava, lain_serialx, lasherofexile, laurendipity, liky, lindimusic, llalitziall, lolla, lucifer_gomez, luo_bo, lynnze, mackenzievbyrne, maiden_dragon, maize, maniacaljonny, martamanson, maxilla, meeshsmind, meghatron, meshu, metal_baby, mightydoll, mildred_strange, militart, minxclothing, mischabrowneyes, modern_doll, monkeyboy8, moonunit_alpha, mrsdweezilzappa, msfancypants, mulletslayer, mydecay, mykhull78, nattie_dino, nebulous1, nemesis2207, nemesisbyarlene, ness_striped, nighthawk21, noctivagant, nova_zion, nymphnocturnus, palemistress, panic_girl, patiencekills, perfectblueness, pers, phenethaine, photonomy, pingugirl, pixxi808, placid_angel, plasticaction, platinumdizzy, prinsassy, psychedelichand, pvcvirus, ravennoir, ravenousnight, ravensee, raving, redpixiesticks, redrane, redshnoo, resipsa, rhim_jim, rocketbox, rokkitz, rtwo, rubberjenn, rubyredriver, saintsimoncdn, sanderella_, sardonyx, satyriac, scooterchalingo, scootropmeat, sherabob, silk_assassin, simeka, sinfulthinking, sirensummer, siriusjoe, sixamstudios, skeptizodes, slinka, snowgarden, spastik_kitty, spex_, ssymonee, starry_princess, stellrgrl, strangegrrl, sueblue, sugarkill_music, sulla, sweetchastity, switchanmorata, syndustria, tailchaser, tbmchibi, thistoshallpass, tinagravelson, tindronomel, tip_your_hooker, todiefordesigns, toreeena, touch_my_skin, transfatty_acid, traycer, trinity1010101, truffle666, tstrange, vampcheerleader, vampress, victoriablue, videogirl, waterlove, willucry4me, woo_naked, x_iris_x, xusia, zaiden_works, zaidproductions, zen_conundrum, zillylilly
Communities8:chicago_gothic, madcrazytoronto, mygirlyman, newlovearmy, nyc_alternative, thisisfreshmeat, toronto, torontoartists
Mutual Friends:217: 51peg, _adm, _britta_, _echo, _missmeow, _synthesia, ace_ula, adm_tbm, adoress, agent_retro, air_faiery, albedo_lens, andrasta, anestasia, angel_red, aslan_tbm, azraiel, azuredream, badluckcity, bailie, be_somebody, beatafd, bettyboop37, bionicles_kiss, bittertwist, blackened_angel, blackroses6669, blackwidowsweb, blakglamour, blue_charlotte, bmonkey13, boababe, broken_muse, brooklyn_hype, bunny_babe, camilledaley, canongrrl, celestial_chaos, cenobite_cyborg, cherrybomb_66, circus_grrl, comedypixie, commonperson, composedsilence, crydeadrabbit, cybergoth, cyn, darkmyztress, darkowlet, deadpromqueen, defcode, devilseyebrows, dez_destiny, deztiny, digitalobscura, disordered, djdarq, dosowan, dragonfyre, dressednaked, durham_red, dusx, echidnadelphyne, elantriell, electro_vice, emaleth_, empyrean3, emulsional, essenceofthemus, everybeast, fading_enigma, fauxshizzle, feistydiva, funkyjivemonkey, geishaboi, girlbob, girlparticulare, glazedlife, glis, goman7, gwarskitty, heidiho13, hellocatgirl, hootiemcboob29, hybridmisfit, hypnox, i_wish, imagejunkie, insanechicky, intercitykitty, iolarah, jadedeath, jesselikesgirls, jester75, jhaesayte, joejiggler, johnnybender, jooolz, josienutter, justred, kinkylittlegoth, kissmedark, kittenflug, kr1stab3ll3, lain_serialx, lasherofexile, laurendipity, liky, llalitziall, lolla, luo_bo, lynnze, mackenzievbyrne, maiden_dragon, maize, maniacaljonny, maxilla, meghatron, meshu, metal_baby, mightydoll, mildred_strange, militart, minxclothing, modern_doll, monkeyboy8, moonunit_alpha, mrsdweezilzappa, msfancypants, mulletslayer, mydecay, nattie_dino, nebulous1, nemesis2207, nemesisbyarlene, ness_striped, nighthawk21, noctivagant, nova_zion, nymphnocturnus, panic_girl, patiencekills, perfectblueness, pers, phenethaine, photonomy, pingugirl, pixxi808, placid_angel, plasticaction, ...
Account type:Paid Account

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