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The Escalation of Income
I am in favor of government efforts to help the small minority of people for whom the escalator does not work. What infuriates me is the characterization of the great mass of affluent America as a victim of "middle-class squeeze" or some similar phony ailment.
Delusions of Moderation
The author on the politics and philosophy of embryonic stem cell research.
Sparring with Libertarian Doves
On a proper understanding of liberty and the nation. The author answers the critics of "Flying with Libertarian Hawks."
Our 'Ally' Egypt
Egypt presents a foreign-policy problem for America.
The NAM You Should Worry About
Richard Tren discusses aligning the non-aligned.
Are We Safer?
Right or wrong, most voters believe that Bush gets credit for making them safer. He took the battle to the enemy.
What Do Steve Williams and Dan Rather Have in Common?
They both might be in possession of something fake, but accurate.
Top Ten Tips for Bush
Grant Dan Rather an interview, debate Nader, focus on western Massachusetts, and much much more!
What Happened to 'Compete, Not Retreat'?
President Kerry's trade policy would spell trouble for free traders.
I Shoulda Had a V-8
Thank you, Wilfred Leland. The author on the birthday of a major motoring innovation.
Fairy Shrimp vs. Man
Why establish a wildlife preserve that will clearly add risk to outbound flights at LAX, the world's fifth busiest...
Politics and the Debate Over Stem Cell Research
Needed: a greater degree of candor, clarity and consistency in discourse.
Book 'Em
The Internet makes it harder for players to indulge their own preferences at the expense of customers.
Learning Economics
It is possible for an economist to draw policy conclusions that differ from those in Learning Economics....
Is More Always Better?
John Kerry proposes lousy new securities regulation policy
VoIP In Your Hands
There's more to VoIP than cheap calling.
Future Shock, for America?
If, as many suspect, the 21st century ends up being the Asian Century, two movies from 2004 will be remembered as early...
The Regional Leader?
World empires have risen and fallen, but East Asia as a whole has never been subsumed within any of them. Until now?
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Don Boudreaux on the sad rejection of science and the Museum of the American Indian.

[ 09/21 4:57 AM ]
What We Can Learn From Canada: Tyler Cowen looks at queue jumping in the Canadian health care system.
[ 09/21 4:51 AM ]

Have you ever thought about learning economics? Well think no longer, Arnold Kling's Learning Economics is out. Reason's Ron Bailey says: "In the 20th Century, a couple of generations learned sensible economic policy from Henry Hazlitt's classic Economics in One Lesson.  In the 21st Century, we are fortunate to have Arnold Kling's astute and highly readable update."

[ 09/16 8:38 AM ]

Last month, before Rathergate, Fred Turner wrote: "What is now happening is that rather swiftly a new Public is forming, self-organizing around Google and link lists and blog chatrooms. And it will demand a new Res Publica." How right he was.

[ 09/16 6:17 AM ]