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Creating and managing temporary files in a Java application can be a little tricky due to some open JVM bugs. Develop a workaround with some custom code and a clever design.
The release of Java 1.5 finally provides built-in support for one of the most fundamental data structures in programming—the queue. This article explores the new Queue interface that's been added to the java.util package, demonstrating how to use this new support to streamline your data handling.
For years, developers have complained about the difficulties involved in creating professional toolbars, menus, and status bars, notably the lack of flexibility and extensibility in the controls. The flexible and extensible new ToolStrip control in the .NET 2.0 framework promises to solve those problems by changing the underlying model.
Gain a better understanding of how garbage collection in the Java HotSpot VM works, and learn to take full advantage of it when designing, developing, and deploying your Java applications.
The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) provides five different layout managers to help you create complex, flexible user interfaces for your Java apps. Find out about all five of them in this article.
There are five brand new puzzles for September. Can you solve the high challenge of "Omaha Low"? Test your skills and check out the solutions to last month's batch of programming games.
Learn how to use the new Site Counters service in ASP.NET 2.0 to track your site usage.
In ASP.NET 2.0, the new XmlDataSource control greatly simplifies binding XML sources to controls, letting you display hierarchical XML data easily. It even leverages XSLT, XPath, and caching, eliminating much manual coding.
If you've been frustrated when trying to write J2ME apps that communicate with other applications, help is at hand. This brand new J2ME API improves the way mobile devices handle content.
If you are having trouble keeping your distributed system up and running, Jini technology may be just what you need. Learn how Java dynamic networking can help your system help itself.
The Java Language Conversion Assistant (JLCA) enables developers to port legacy Java code to the .NET world. Get an introduction to this tool, along with an explanation of its installation and conversion processes.
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