This morning we conducted a raid with the ING and nabbed a few numbskulls. No fighting though, I would say it went just how we always hope a raid goes. That is swift, quiet, and no problems. When it was all over we loaded up our detainees. They brought one to my vehicle and then asked for anything that they could use as a blindfold for the detainee. I looked around and found A cravat that was still in its package. I thought it was funny when I tossed the damned thing to my bud on the ground with the detainee. My aim was off and it smacked himin the face. I know it did not hurt him but the reaction was priceless. Well we brought them to the drop off point and had to guard them for a while ( damn pogs decided to sleep in ). Yea if any of you pogs are reading this I would like to say "Good job getting out of bed this morning, serving your country well". Guarding them sucked donkeyballs because we had to go right back out there for a patrol. Regardless or how grouchy I was due to lack of sleep the night prior and knowing I would not have time for a cat-nap before we rolled out. I treated the detainees quite nicely. I did not make it an enjoyable experience but I made sure they would not honestly be able to tell tell anyone we mistreated them if they are released back to their normal lives. Ever since that Abu-Gharib shit happened a few months or so back I feel like those stupid asses involved in that shit tarnished our honor and integrity. So whenever I get a chance to make a difference and/or prove people wrong I will. I made sure I offered them one bottle of water, shit it was like seven in the morning and already in the high 90's. We would not wanna have them fucking pass out from dehydration or anything before their processing. Also for some reason they had the green apple platters so fuck we led them to the port-a-shitter before they shit themselves. Goddamn! If a man has got the runs he deserves to relieve himself! If he just had to take a casual shit I would have just smirked and told him to stay quiet. Well when that whole nutroll was over we went out on our patrol. We speantthe first two hours fucking driving around and the longer you sit inside a Stryker on a hot ass day the more irritable you become. We later stopped at a good location and dismounted and watched the surroundings a while then mortars hit nearby. Then a few minutes later a few more hit in rapid succession. By now we already had a good idea where they were coming from. So we mounted up and took off to the location then the locals gave us the scoop on what they saw. Then the choppers reported they they spotted the suspects and were following them. Our faces lit up in joy when we decided to follow in pursuit as well. The chase was on! We finally caught up with them in about 10-15 min due to heavy traffic and fuck! They have been on the run for nearly 15 min now! We kept getting updated on the assholes on the way there, "Be careful! They have AK's!" then we were even more excited. I was dying to dismount after cutting them off the road and fucking aerating them with a heavy spray of 5.56 from my SAW. So finally we get them to stop, the ramp drops and as we are running out we see two cars together and packed full of several wives and who the fuck knows how many kids. Fuck.....That's just like some girl teasing a guy and leaving him with a case of the blue-balls. We went ahead and searched their cars and sent them on their not so merry anymore way. We get back to town and they tell us we need to stay out longer because while we were on the chase there were more mortars fired......damnit.......We then mounted up and went to the same hood as before and freakn' kids are everywhere as usual. One even remembered my name from a past patrol of ours and called out to me. Then this gang of kids wanted to show us something. "This had better be good" someone muttered, and all they wanted us to see was an old trench with barbed wire in it and a few empty shell casings, after that we called it a day......