November 7th, 2003: Another strip no one got
©2003-2004 Philip Lagas-Rivera
Posted by Phil on November 7th, 2003: Another strip no one got
signed. sealed. delivered. colour.

i've finally switched over to using Photoshop for my comic (i got it for free with my digital camera) and i've decided to use it not only for pasting friends heads onto porn stars' bodies, but to improve my comic as well. so from now on, the art will suck a little less and all strips will be fully coloured. enjoy :) if anyone has any advice to offer (as i am still very new to photoshop) PLEASE do so.

this is another strip no one understood. i'm a hairy guy. it's been commented fairly requently to me when i walk around my dorm without a shirt, "hey phil, you can take your sweater off, now, you're inside."

still not funny? *sigh* i thought so.

The Shallow End looks best when viewed with Mozilla FireFox at no less than 800x600 resolution (1024x768 best).

©2003-2004 Philip Lagas-Rivera

Powered by: Comic Update Script for PHP (CUSP) Version 1.7.4