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User:youngcatholic (1146357) youngcatholic
Worldwide Catholic Youth
Name:Young Catholic
Interests:109: absolution, angels, annunciation, anointing of the sick, apologetics, apostles, apostolic succession, archangels, ascension, assumption, baptism, bible, bishops, body of christ, calling, catechism, catechumen, cathedral, catholic, catholic church, catholic youth, catholicism, catholics, charity, chastity, christ, christian, christian music, christian poetry, christian youth, christianity, christmas, church, clergy, communion, confession, confirmation, creation, creationism, crucifixion, easter, eucharist, ewtn, extreme unction, faith, fellowship, god, god the father, god the son, good friday, gospels, grace, heaven, hell, holy ghost, holy orders, holy spirit, immaculate conception, jesus, jesus christ, lent, liturgy, martyrs, mary, mass, monks, new testament, novena, old testament, orders, palm sunday, peace, penance, pentecost, pope, pope john paul ii, prayer, priests, pro-life, purgatory, reconciliation, religion, religious life, resurrection, roman catholic, roman catholicism, roman catholics, rome, rosary, sacraments, sacred heart, saint benedict, saint francis, saints, scripture, seminary, sin, spirituality, the bible, the cross, the eucharist, the holy spirit, the vatican, the virgin mary, theology, tradition, trinity, vatican, virgin mary. [Modify yours]
Members:151: 1800marshall, _adore_, _crossmyheart_x, achillea, addydoll, aegle831, airkizz, allikat16, aorocks_88, archbishop10k, armyofgod, ateran1985, av_chick, avana4, badfish6828, bedofroses614, binary_sunset, blackbrokenwing, bonzaibob, brand_new_fire, butrflyflight, cgan_68, claret__pearls_, cordiggity, cosmo_chiq, crosstrainer, cruzin4u, danjanboe, dantherm, dies___irae, diva86o4, dramaqueen1488, dunmoose, dyana04, edithgeraldine, elbereth_queen, elizabeth17x, fempas, filiolumen, frodoish, fuzzypimp, gaudium_et_spes, geckobird, gfunksouljah, ginger1978, glance_beyond, gmooney, gooniegirl33, graceful_boo, herbsteer, heyjude85, i_have_my_faith, iamprolife, idylls, imatroll, imonlysleeping2, in_my_pjs, inkqbus22, invisible_night, irish3509, jmedium, johnnymoondogs, just_breathe_x0, justasweetgirl8, katherine_v__87, kawaiikwisten, kebba285, kenealy, kitkat8849, kitty_ish, ladykatia, lankylaur, last_niceguy, lipsticnbruises, little_fucker, llbeangirl21, lookingland, lostfromreality, luv4musics, lyjna, macademician, magicalyak, mahanyako, maria_anna, martyne, meat_ball_baby, mhewmhew, misty60, mixedup, mlotom, mrspeachpitt, nakedwars, natus_ecclesiae, newhotness009, odanad, one_last_caro, otaku_pitcher, pdkillian, phoenix412, prettypinkposer, princessbebop53, princesscilla, ra99edyann, redbastard, redhairpinkeyes, robertnojj, robotdan, rockstarter, sariah8706, secret_stuff, sevensswim, shadow_kat, shellunboxed, shizzaroni, silence_roars, silent_longing, sillyinadaze3, singalleluia, sissychiquita, snachodog, spacelover_it, sparklie16, star1brite, stephplum86, sweet_patience, targetcup12, tatica36, tazboxers, testiclearmy, tesubcalle, thehashimite, thepreciouss, thepsychosphere, thexenocide, tinyxpixie, titania13, tmfi, tootsiepops39, tornapart, trivial_sublime, true_hope, twangard, twirler_rina, unspoken_words6, veronica4life, wagirl98, watch_me_pogo, wonderweaselx9, worldyport, xxsdxx, yar_
Watched by:121: 1800marshall, _crossmyheart_x, _tidalwave, achillea, addydoll, aegle831, airkizz, allikat16, aorocks_88, armyofgod, ateran1985, av_chick, avana4, badfish6828, bedofroses614, binary_sunset, blackbrokenwing, blackvomitsoda, bonzaibob, cgan_68, choochiesdiner, cordiggity, cosmo_chiq, cottonjane, crosstrainer, cruzin4u, danjanboe, dies___irae, dramaqueen1488, dunmoose, dyana04, edithgeraldine, elbereth_queen, elizabeth17x, erinkay, frodoish, gaudium_et_spes, gfunksouljah, glance_beyond, gmooney, gooniegirl33, i_have_my_faith, icolleen, idylls, imatroll, imonlysleeping2, in_my_pjs, insanitybites, irish3509, iwannacowboy, jmedium, johnnymoondogs, katherine_v__87, kawaiikwisten, kebba285, kikokrunch, kitkat8849, kitty_ish, ladykatia, lankylaur, lipsticnbruises, llbeangirl21, lookingland, lostfromreality, luv4musics, lynzabeth, macademician, magicalyak, martyne, mhewmhew, misty60, mixedup, mrspeachpitt, nakedwars, odanad, one_last_caro, otaku_pitcher, patron_minette, phoenix412, prettypinkposer, ra99edyann, redbastard, redhairpinkeyes, redlion1904, robertnojj, robotdan, sariah8706, secret_stuff, sevensswim, shadow_kat, shakidira, silent_longing, sillyinadaze3, singalleluia, sissychiquita, snachodog, spacelover_it, sparklie16, star1brite, stephplum86, tesubcalle, themoralmadam, thepreciouss, thepsychosphere, tinyxpixie, titania13, tmfi, tootsiepops39, tornapart, trivial_sublime, true_hope, twangard, twirler_rina, unspoken_words6, veronica4life, wagirl98, wipedout, wonderweaselx9, worldyport, xxsdxx, yar_
Account type:Free Account

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