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Below is information about the "dumpster diving" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:dumpsterdiving (572885) dumpsterdiving
I dig through the Garbage!
and i love it!
Name:dumpster diving
About:A community to share your dumpster diving expierences. Share what you have found, tips, suggestions, websites, or anything else related to it.

This community was created and is maintained by [info]chrisholifield

co-moderator is [info]dewaltgirl

NO OFF-TOPIC POSTS! THEY WILL BE DELETED WITHOUT WARNING! (this includes posts about veganism, animal rights, politics, activism ect. posts can have stuff about these things in them, but the main point of the post needs to be about DUMPSTER DIVING!...a good example is the Vegan Potluck dinners that [info]napalmandroses posts about. they're about vegan food, but they're mainly about getting the food from a dumpster). I'm not kidding. I will not put up with even ONE off-topic post. They will all be deleted. I don't want to be a bitch, but seriously, if people wanted to read about those things than they would be in communities for those things. if you want to post about those things, than find a community for them. People in this community might be interested in those other topics, but if they are, than they'll be in those other communities as well. this community is about dumpster diving. so posts WILL be about dumpster diving. thank you. -Dewaltgirl

p.s. this IS NOT a community for stealing and/or vandalism. I'll delete any post that has to do with either of these things, even if it has something to do with dumpster diving as well. i can not edit your posts, i can only delete them, and i will. (i'll give you a warning, asking you to edit it yourself first, but if you fail to do it, i will just delete the entire entry).

If you want to promote a community here, emial me @ Dewaltgirl_ut at hotmail dot com with a DIRRECT link. and than wait for me to reply back to your email. most of the time i get to my email with in 12 hours or so. but even if it takes a week, do not post a link to your community until you hear back from me. if i find that you've posted before i tell you it's okay, i will delete it, even if i would have told it was okay. even if you're community is dirrectly related to this community, do not post a link to it here with out emailing me and hearing back from me first.

I'll allow off topic posts for a few things. if you're writing a paper or need stories or whatever and you think that people in this community might be able to help you out (for instance, stories on traveling with little to no money or how to live with out a job, or whatever other thing) EMAIL ME FIRST! and wait for me to reply back to you telling you it's okay to post. and when you do post, be sure to put everything behind an LJ CUT. if you don't email me first, i'll delete it... no questions'll just be gone.

Memories:3 entries
Interests:83: abandoned buildings, activism, anarchism, anarchy, anti-capitalism, anti-consumerism, anti-government, anti-society, anti-war, being poor, bike not bombs, bikes, clothes from dumpsters, computers, crimethinc, dumpster, dumpster diving, eating from dumpsters, economy, equality, everything for free, experience, fanzines, fascination, finances, flowers, folk music, food, food not bombs, free clothes, free food, free stuff, free thinkers, freedom, frugality, goodwill, green party, hippie, hitch hiking, homeless, homelessness, hunger, jobless, liberal, libertarian, living wage, living within your means, low-income housing, lower class, minimum wage, mod, money, police, poor, poor people, poverty, practicality, punk, punk rock, recycling, reducing waste, savings, second hand, self-sufficiency, socialism, squat, squatting, surviving, thinking, thrifting, trash, trash digging, trash picking, travelling, treasures, under stars, unemployed, unemployment, united states of embarrassment, wage slave, wageslavery, welfare, zines. [Modify yours]
Members:1596: View Members .
Watched by:1079: 10yearsgone, 11111111111, 1843, 1stworldproblem, 29usc151, 3_tone_shoes, 5sorry5, 667, 7dayspast, 8bit, 9minute_romance, ________nothing, ______xrobot, ___opaline, __clobberella, __lovebuzz, _a_m_y_, _automobiles, _balancebeam, _discommunicate, _electro, _evenstar_, _fallenbomb, _lucy_, _pagina_, _woody__, a_simple_wish, a_wags, abarnabas, achleigh, adamas, adjective_noun, afreakinninja, aggiecore, aglobalthreatcv, agnigounoticed, agsux, ahimsa517, aintgotacent, alephomega, alfawolph, alicenjavaland, alicexmonroe, alien_joseph, altoidsaddict, amandafever, ambienteye, amelia, amy_trixie, anarcheesucks, andyfukpunk, andywiggum, anencephaly, angrydyke, annahal, annievil, antischism77, antischiz_liz, anxiouslobster, apassionplay, apoidea, artichoke, artsabotage, ashevillian_ann, ashmortufairy, askunk, askwarren, asmalldemand, aurorafaery, automata, autopsy_scar, avenray, avocado, awfulthoughts, baka_kit, bananimals, bandvamp01, bantling, baresoulsurfer, bav, bdbarnett, beamishgirl, beanochavez, beat_ho_, beautyofsilence, beccadaisy, beeblism, beee007, bellamy, bemydestruction, bentspoke, berdo, bestcaserecords, bestfaceforward, bethalizardv, bette, bettie_bondage, betweenthebars, bezsmertni, bialmighty, bigxdumbxrocket, bikesandbridges, bingowings, bit_bit, bizarredelusion, bjschaefer, black_bloc, black_vegan, blackfyr, blackthorned, blank_horizon, blasphemytrick, blaurosen, blessedmess, blodeuwedd, blood_water, bluenihilistic, bluesbodger, bobeink, bobsapunk, boirozzlyn, bongurl, bookish_sunny, bottled, boywithbike, breakingkeys, brightbluestuff, brother_boh, bubblegumfaery, bubbly_bubbi, buckleupdorothy, bunnyedge, bureinato, butterbee, caffinecolleen, calcman, caliprea, calliek, candyfish, candywarhol, cantbreakme, caruh, caseofyou, cassorelli, cast_into_stone, catacronic, center, chaoticerotic, charisma, charmaine, ...
Member of:2: an_albatross, iloveroadtrips
Account type:Free Account

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