03:38pm 03/09/2004
  i added ww to a few top sites.

IF YOU LOVE ME AT ALL, go vote for it >:(

you guys have any other ideas where I could pimp it? I submitted a special submission to RazorComics.net, I joined a few top sites and I pimped it on the lj community "webcomics", so I dunno where else to go. :/

(1 scream + scream at me)

03:04pm 01/09/2004

To write about human physiology and cultures in WW, or work on powerless, or work on that untitled WW fic...

Or.. draw the next page like I was suppose to. >_>;

(12 screams + scream at me)

09:12pm 27/08/2004
  Gee golly it'd sure be nice if I could send emails!  

(2 screams + scream at me)

12:20am 21/08/2004
  gh shit.

part of me wants to talk about it but its the same old thing everyone is sick of.

(3 screams + scream at me)

03:52pm 16/08/2004
  For anyone that was curious, the chapter of Make like a Banana I was working on before it was so uncermoniously yoinked )

There's probably some italics in there that I forgot, but...

Yeah, it was deleted because of the note chapter. Probably reported by one of the people that had harassed me. >_>;

(5 screams + scream at me)

To make a happy post (for once..)   
09:23pm 14/08/2004
  I now have a tablet. :DDDDDDD

that's new. :DDDDDDD

it works perfectly & completely. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

(4 screams + scream at me)

05:27pm 12/08/2004
  also, I'm dropping out of the correspondance high school I'm in.

i'm never getting out of here.

(5 screams + scream at me)

04:28pm 02/08/2004
mood: indecisive
music: Loreena McKennit - All Souls Night
I don't know if I'm going to get that job afterall.

I'd probably get accepted, and it's at Dad's workplace, so he could just take me. But... there are other extenuating circumstances that make me hesitant. Despite the fact I've been out of the loop for the past 6 years, I'm not really fit to leave the house. I'm not going to explain why, it's too personal; but I think that once I do make the jump into the real world, I'd rather do it while living somewhere that wouldn't be condemned by the health authorities.

That, and I have other things to work on. School, and I hate to say it, but the comic. As much angst as it causes me sometimes, I really do love doing the comic, working on that world and telling that story. If I stay home, that gives me plenty of time to do just that and practice my art in general.

It's not a completely lost cause. The main reason I wanted to get a job was money for college. I figured, working full time I could've made about 10k, and since I wouldn't have to pay utilities, most of that could go to college. But supposedly, our house is worth a lot, 100k or some such, plus dad is making more money now after a promotion and lots of overtime. He's going to try selling the store so we're not paying $400 every month, and the car payments are almost finished, giving us more money. He thinks he could take out a loan to pay off the debt (30-40k or so, I don't know how much) and at least pay for half of my tuition (It's about 60k all together for a full degree at the art institute, and I don't think I'm going to find any place else any cheaper.)

I may be able to get a job before I go to college too. I'm not going for another three years or so. Mom has expressed interest in buying a trailer of some sort and putting it on some of the flat land we have (seeing as we have 8 acres we're not using), which would allow me to start living like a normal person so I can get a job, and at least make about a 10k or so nest egg to live off of before moving out.

I don't know what else to do. I can't go out to a job like this. I barely want to leave the house like this.

(scream at me)

10:11pm 23/07/2004
mood: ass-like
well, I'm shit.

(1 scream + scream at me)

woot woot woot!   
11:09pm 12/07/2004
mood: creative
music: Dirty Vegas - All Or Nothing
Thanks to everyone who's visited the site and commented; and now what you've all been waiting for..

(i know I should be nice and put it behind an lj cut, but, eh, it's too small to mess up anyone's layout :P)

The first page. :D

We're aiming for a Mon - Wn - Fri basis, but we are just starting out, so things might be rocky. Encourage us by going to the damn forum and posting, foos >:O

(12 screams + scream at me)

11:49pm 09/07/2004
  And for anyone that was wondering, Denile is now completely, 100% set up and in working order, including the forum and the oekaki.  

(1 scream + scream at me)

it is finished. :D   
02:41am 08/07/2004
mood: accomplished
music: Faithless - Crazy English Summer


denile has also moved to http://denile.worldweave.net

the forum isn't up yet, but I'll get on it as soon as I get online tomorrow.

(6 screams + scream at me)

06:06am 03/07/2004
mood: indescribable
music: birds singing because holy shit, the sun is rising
the reason I never use my g0thm0th sn is because I AM SO GODDAMN TIRED OF PEOPLE IMING ME AND DEMANDING TO KNOW WHO I AM. >_< why the FUCK would you add someone you had no intention of talking to immediately. it is not my damned responsibility to remember who i am in relation to you. it's YOURS. i have no way of knowing how you got my sn, whether it was from my YGO site, from finding my LJ somehow, from my DA gallery, from my fictionpress.net account, from whatever. jesus.

new policy: simply ignore anyone who ims me and proceeds to ask a dumbassed thing like that.

wow, I sure am updating a lot, aren't I?

i miss tenna. :/

drawing ramble )

(3 screams + scream at me)

02:15am 03/07/2004
mood: frustrated
music: The soundlovers - Living in your head
doodles; some nudity )

(3 screams + scream at me)

10:14pm 02/07/2004
  tonight, i spent some time drawing downstairs. i dared to actually show my parents some of the things i drew this time, and i was actually able to talk with them a little about it and we were actually having an enjoyable conversation. but they keep commenting about things i use to draw. They are convinced that I am no different from when I was 13, and that I still draw the things I drew then, dinosaurs and dragons. I said I wasn't, and they started complaining they couldn't know what I draw because I never showed them anything. that's because most of my stuff isn't worth seeing. I just wanted to make the point that I didn't draw the same things I use to draw, and all of the sudden mom started calling me self absorbed, a drama queen, going on about how much I was angsting.


they randomly insult me and wonder why I never show them anything? Why I never talk to them about anything?


(3 screams + scream at me)

Oh yeah   
05:49pm 02/07/2004
  On another note, that job I mentioned some entries ago, it's still available.. I got frustrated for a while because I didn't have any references IRL, but dad said they didn't check for them.

So would anyone be willing to act as my references...? I doubt anyone will even ever call you, especially if it's long distance, I just need names and numbers to put down. I probably should have known you for a while too.

(2 screams + scream at me)

woot woot!   
05:13pm 02/07/2004
mood: hopeful
music: Yami no Matsuei - Akuma no Thrill [Vanessa Mae]
That secret project is slowly comin to frutation..


(8 screams + scream at me)

Strange email. o_O   
03:00pm 23/06/2004
mood: o_O
Since when do gay insects give people a new perspective on linguistics? )

I really don't know how to respond.. just for reference, theose are stories I wrote about anthro insects that were pretty, well, gay. It was a mushy, sappy story written for my own amusement. I first thought this was a generated email, but I looked at the page and it only had a few story listings, all picked from fictionpress.

So... yeah.. WTF?

(4 screams + scream at me)

02:51am 23/06/2004
music: Faithless - Crazy English Summer
My Best Friend is [info]tennathing
Our 18 common interests are: anime, bakura, bakura/ryou, biology, comics, computers, drawing, duel monsters, fluff, gay, girly boys, invader zim, manga, ryou bakura, shounen ai, yaoi, yu-gi-oh, yuri
Who is your best friend?
Created by [info]macoto

hehe, i was just telling her all the reasons I <3 her too. ¦B

some weirdass doodles i did yesterday; nothing fannish or even humanish, so )

(5 screams + scream at me)

01:33am 15/06/2004
  also, this one.


(scream at me)