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Final post. I freaking SWEAR. [13 Dec 2004|02:57am]
[ mood | working ]

The aforepromised image:

Feel free to use it.

Mention me if you like.

Doesn't matter to me.

Just PLEASE don't link directly to it! Host it yourowndamnself.

I saw an open-share image with the same text on other sites, but it was verrrry old and (IMHO) in need of a face lift. So I took it as a five minute personal project. You can deduce for yourself what I've been looking at, Holmes.

In a somewhat related side note: I have an uncanny talent for procrastination. I also have an immeasurable capacity for distractability. The internet is the great vehicle for these faults of mine. BAD INTERNET! *terminates dialup connection for the rest of the night*

~jess disconnected and off-task

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While I'm posting pics [13 Dec 2004|02:33am]
(and I have no idea why I choose to do this while I'm using dialup)

The promised Alyson Hannigan/George Lucas pic for Elvis, and a meme stolen from Syd )

Enjoy. I know I did. In fact, I enjoy every pic of Aly I see. *siiiiigh*

Wow. My posts are all fluff and no substance today. Don't worry, if I finish the graphic I'm working on tonight, I'll post some substance to go along with it.

~jess out
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Are you down with the shortness? [12 Dec 2004|10:38pm]
[ mood | happy ]

I got my hair cut today. It's supercute!

My newly-dubbed Seras Victoria haircut! )

I love the little flipup in the back. ^_^ This is one verrrry satisfied customer. I highly recommend Regis in Lynnhaven Mall. They rock!

~jess out

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Hair ponderings [09 Dec 2004|06:08pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

Most of you are aware that I've been wanting to get dreads for quite some time. Most of you also know that that's not a very popular idea, especially with the people I spend the most time with. While I feel very strongly that it's my body, my hair, my decision ... I also realize that sometimes compromises must be made in the name of peace and happiness.

I have another plan, probably won't be popular either, but it'll probably be more... acceptable.

pictures behind the cut )

So yeah. Fire away, tell me what you think. I really do want to hear opinions. I'm not guaranteeing that opinions are gonna make up my mind, but ya never know.

~jess out

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Just for Elvis [09 Dec 2004|12:01am]
[ mood | goofy ]

Although I'm sure those who know him will find this funny )


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puppy problems [08 Dec 2004|10:14pm]
[ mood | annoyed and amused, both ]

Okay. So, I pick Zwei up from the vet. She's groggy as hell, poor thing. Looks like I felt this morning at 7:30am, to the tenth power. Poor puppy. Bring her home, put her on the couch, and she sleeps like the dead for about four hours straight. Not a twitch.

When she finally wakes up and shows signs of life, she also shows signs of interest (read: licking) in her stitches. So, Elizabethan collar time.

So we thought.

Okay. Elizabethan collars. They're those incredibly goofy looking funnel-cone collars that you put on a dog or cat to prevent them from licking/chewing at a wound. Everybody got that picture in their heads? Good.

Now, picture a corgi. They're built much like Daschunds: low and long. Corgis' legs are disproportionately short when compared to the size of their necks (or pretty much anything else, really). Is anyone seeing a problem yet? If not, I'll elaborate.

The collar that fits her neck size is of a too-large diameter to be supported by her body. The bottom of it, when she tries to take a step forward, catches on the floor--whether it be linoleum or carpet--and sticks. Any further forward movement, and her head is forced down into the floor while her feet hit the collar.

In other words, she can't walk with it on. Now, paint a look of incredible disbelief and disgust on Zwei's face, and you have a pretty amusing picture.

At least, it's amusing for about 2.5 seconds. That's when I realized that I cannot leave her alone until she's healed. So. Either work lets me bring her in with me tomorrow, or I have to stay home with her. I absolutely will not risk her injuring herself. Over the weekend, Justin will be here. It'll just be tomorrow. So, we'll see what happens when my supervisor calls me back.

Yes, yes, you can commence with the Stumpy jokes now. :P

~jess out

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Long day [08 Dec 2004|01:34pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

I got up at 7:30 (!!!) to take Zwei to the vet today. Problem number one: I am never awake at 7:30am. I haven't been awake at 7:30am in MONTHS. Problem number two: I miss my puppy! *sniffle* It felt so horrible to leave her at the vet office. She's done with her spaying now, and I'm picking her up after work. But ... when I went home this morning after dropping her off, the house felt positively empty. I'm so used to her being around. Either she follows me around, or she gets into trouble. With her not at my feet, I kept twitching, wanting to check the other room... But she wasn't there.

She'll be home tonight. With a big funny don't-chew-your-stitches collar on, no less. I hear Elizabethan is all the rage for dogs now.


I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

NINJA FETUS! You never see it coming...

~jess out

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For those of you who play CoH [08 Dec 2004|10:40am]
[ mood | amused ]

...this is why the CoH community RULES.

CoH joke thread on forums

I died laughing. Like, twenty times.

If you don't play, you won't get them. They're all injokes.

~jess out

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Other headlines from the weekend. [06 Dec 2004|05:16am]
[ mood | tired ]

Ran into 0mi at the mall, which was awesome.

Got some holiday shopping done, which was awesome.

Picked up translated compilation of Leonardo daVinci's notebooks, which was awesome.

Always balance out the bad with the good, I say.

My friends love me, which is and always will be awesome.

~jess out

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[05 Dec 2004|10:24pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

I have some really bad coping mechanisms.

But how do you fix something that's been broken all your life?

. . . jess out

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Extremes [05 Dec 2004|06:08am]
[ mood | depressed ]

Pictures of hot girls kissing really do it for me.

How is it possibly to subconsciously construct an entire fictional personality and history of a person based simply on one photograph? I know it must be possible, it's just a mystery how I keep doing it.

On the other hand, I had forgotten how annoying I find self-congratulatory intellectual masturbation. After all, using big words makes me a big person! Riiiiiight.

Intelligent conversation that isn't overblown is much, much better. Little words are nice, too. They pack a mean punch sometimes.

Someday I'll realize that it is simply not possible to make everyone happy. Until that day comes, I'll continue to stretch myself thin and arrange my priorities badly.

And yet, somehow, I still manage to be self-centered and thoughtless. I finally understand how I can be both too giving and selfish all at once: I'm human. A reason, not an excuse, as I like to say. There's really no excuse for being human... (And yes, I mean that both literally and sarcastically)

Today, I learned that Stephen King loves Green Day. Life just keeps getting better. I really enjoy the man's writing when it isn't about bloody, twisted death and pain.

I miss Busch Gardens.

~jess out

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More WoW stuff [02 Dec 2004|11:05pm]
[ mood | jonesin' ]

I'm an addict and I don't even play yet! XD

Okay. So. I have characters planned out.

Horde RP: Undead Mage. Called Felle. She'll be specced for Fire, with Arcane secondary. I'm getting a pretty interesting concept in mind for her. Professions: probably Enchanter and Tailor.

Alliance RP: Night Elf Rogue. Name of Vex (or some variation thereof). I want to spec her out for Stealth primary, with the idea of being a scout/magekiller, if that fits the party needs well. Professions: Whatever needs doing, although I was thinking about Skinning/Leatherworking.

Solo RP: Night Elf Druid named Leith. Probably specced for Balance, with a secondary in Shapeshifting. I may reverse those though. She'll be the more conveniently-named version of my Beta main, and my "when I'm bored with other things" character. Professions: I'll go with Herbalism/Alchemy this time around. It fits the character concept better.

Yeah yeah, that's two NE characters. My license plate isn't ELFGRRL for nothing, you know.

~jess out

[EDIT: Added profession choices.]

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Here it is, the newest silly meme thing. I'm so unoriginal. [02 Dec 2004|05:55pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

But I wanna KNOW! (and I'm bored)

Who wants to make of the out with me? I've got it set to screen comments, so it's confidential. I'm hoping for lots of hot ch1xx0rz, so a high turnout is expected! Who wants a piece of the oldsk00l redheaded geekess supreme?

Gimme gimme gimme!

~jess out

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More postwhoring [02 Dec 2004|02:02pm]
[ mood | loved ]

I am a member of 3 cliques of size 10

Find the largest clique containing:

(Enter your livejournal username here).

Those three cliques look almost exactly the same. :P But you know, that describes my life, since all my groups of friends kinda overlap each other. Some moreso than others.

Now to take the trash out! Whoohoo!

~jess out
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Interesting articles [02 Dec 2004|01:42am]
[ mood | calm ]

Oakenfold on vinyl vs. laptop DJing


Ummm... Yeah. So that would make, what, four updates within the same waking cycle? Egad!

I have three new favorite words: Shite, Fabulous, and Egad. I use them a lot. Expect me to wear them out. As in:

Egad! Smirnoff Twisted Raspberry is fabulous. Oh shite, I spilled it.

There exists within my brain a renewed fascination in Final Fantasy VIII, TMNT, and music in general. For instance, it's come to my attention that APC and NIN released stuff without me knowing about it. What the HELL kind of fan am I, anyways? I'll tell you what kind: a BAD one. A very, VERY bad one.

I'm also bad because I didn't do NaNoWriMo this year like I PROMISED myself I would. All things considered, this is probably a good thing; November was hella busy. But still... I feel like I let myself down on that one.

You know, I'm on Trillian regularly again (ICQ and AIM for those of you not in the know), but few people are on any more to talk to. I chat with the Westbrookian and Ria often ... Where'd everyone else go? *pouts*

~jess out

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OOH OOH I HAVE AN UPDATE!!!! [01 Dec 2004|07:47pm]
[ mood | silly ]

But it's still totally frivolous. ^_^

An absolutely silly AIM convo with Ria )


~jess'iquanda out

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Ah. One more thing I can think of. [01 Dec 2004|05:56pm]
[ mood | PINING I tell you! ]

I am pining away for World of Warcraft. No, really. Every single day taht goes by, I wish I had that game. It's ridiculous. At least now I know it's not an impulsive ADHD "I want it now" thing. Someday... By the end of the month, at the very least, it WILL be mine.

Undead mage for playing with Jonathan, and as for Alliance ... dunno yet. I'm given to understand that there's already a Night Elf Druid in the local group, so my Druid will probably be a solo character. For group play... I'm thinking maybe a Human Rogue, or a Night Elf Warrior. We'll see.

~jess out

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Time? Whassat? [01 Dec 2004|04:14pm]
I've been working pleeeenty of overtime. In fact, I'm working some right now. But I have good reading at hand, so I'll handle it somehow.

You know ... this is pathetic, but I can't think of anything else to say.

Maybe later.

~jess out
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na na naa, na na na, na, na na naa [26 Nov 2004|12:29pm]
[ mood | pensive ]

the day the whole world went away

psychology is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

I still kinda feel stuffed silly from yesterday.

Mom's coming over in a few to help clean. I installed Sims 2 last night, and I find the game absolutely infuriating... Yet somehow, I keep going back to bang my head against the walls.

This has been a nothing update.

~jess out
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gobble gobble [25 Nov 2004|09:44am]
[ mood | content ]

Happy Eating-Lots-of-Food Day! :) Have a safe one, and if you plan to go shopping tomorrow or this weeked... Well, all I can say is wear riot gear.

I am thankful for life and all its rich intricacies. Even when I say I'm bored, I never really am. Thank you, life, and whatever power lies behind it.

~jess out

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