ms. becca's classroom

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December 1st, 2004

11:31 pm - i wonder....
i wonder what i have to do to get jeff to post pix of my hair alllllll done up....damn it!!!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] curious

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11:08 pm - bah....
i made it through today without dozing all...not even once!!! this is major for has been a while.

we have a stupid staff meeting tomorrow after work, yay. i can't wait for that one. it's been all sorts of crazy there, so who knows what's gonna go down.

my braids are coming out tomorrow after work. i am just afraid that if i wait any longer i am gonna look like i am losing my hair.

it's funny how someone can say one little thing, and not even mean anything by it, but it will totally affect your mood.

thank you sooooo much to craig and amanda for allowing us to invade the homestead and making us a fabulous dinner!!!!yummmmmmmmm.... sorry if i seemed to ignore you guys, i hadn't planned on doing homework with cierra the whole time, she was just being her stubborn self. you!!!

i am glad to have my pillows back! oh and....hehe...they smell like craig, who apparently, smells like an old italian guy...i don't know about that.....

mouse is doing very well in her new home...she has adjusted nicely. mr. anderson is still a little bitchy, but she's old, it will take time.

time for bed.
Current Mood: [mood icon] blah

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November 30th, 2004

10:41 pm - hahaha..
okay, the first one said,' threesomes'....last one said this....

s&m; is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

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10:21 pm - more randomness...
i just got an email from this amazinghottalentedtallblack man i made me laugh and cry at the same time. god, i miss you!!! i declare that five months is far too long without seeing you. and what little time i saw you on saturday was not nearly enough...damn it! we need to remedy this situation, pronto!

my bailey's pie gets better every time i make it! yummmmmmmm! i wish i could get away with taking it to work....hahaha, maybe then there wouldn't be so much hostility there.

okay, that's all...i am off to finish my pie and take some meds for my lingering sinus crap.

goodnight everyone!
Current Mood: [mood icon] determined

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09:32 pm - randomness....
blah...still doing laundry...being sick off and on for the last few weeks has created a monster again. not to mention the fact that my child has more clothes than everyone in the house combined....and she changes her clothes twenty times a day and as soon as she wears something for more than a second, it is considered dirty. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

i bought clumping litter for the kitties, i love it!!! the smell is reduced, or so it seems to me. but the problem needs cleaned daily!!!! no if we would all work together the kitties and everyone around here would be much happier.

jeff and i seriously need to de-stress.....but how??? simplify our lives??? tackle major issues together??? we seem to do well until every day shit builds up and then we are at eachother's throats, and our kid's, and then she gets on our last nerve, rather quickly.

it's so strange how it seems when we are away from the house for an extended period of time, that is when it gets the most cluttered...why is that??? we aren't here to use up dishes or throw things around, so this doesn't make sense to me.

cierra told me that she is getting all a's except in science she is getting a b. do i believe her??? i want to, in the worst way...she has been doing better on getting homework done. we will see, i suppose. now if we could fix her attitude problem.

some one asked me today if i was going to dread my have contemplated it....but i don't think i want to deal with that hassle. my head is already itchy and i am so ready to take all the braids down. but what to do with it when i take them out??? obviously baby my head for a week or two, but then i am gonna want to do something else...maybe color it...growing hair out is such a pain. but i cannot wait until my hair is past my shoulders again....which will be a long while.

okay, done rambling...i think i will have some bailey's pie!!!!!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] calm

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07:30 pm - and how was your day????
one of our staff members was attacked by a parent...well, not the parent, but the parent's sister. over something rather stupid. she went to the er, nothing fractured or broken, but the docs told her to expect black eyes nice. she pressed charges and as of right now they are still looking for the person who attacked her.

this happened at work, in the building.... HELLO!!! there are children in there. i wasn't in the area when it all went down, but supposedly there were two staff members holding the attacker and two holding our staff member that got attacked.

kinda makes you wonder where you are safe?? and who you can trust??
Current Mood: [mood icon] distressed

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08:04 am - mmmmmmmmm....
pot roast, cooking in the crock pot....

i can't wait for dinner!
Current Mood: [mood icon] awake

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November 29th, 2004

11:03 pm - blah....
time for cold medicine and bed....

i can't breathe
Current Mood: [mood icon] sick

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10:05 pm - oops!!!
i forgot that i put my cell on vibrate...

apparently, everyone was trying to get a hold of me tonight.

oh well.
Current Mood: [mood icon] cold

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09:50 pm - raaahhhh....
i hate the winter time....

my mother reminded me today that i should be sleeping with a humidifier...damn it! i hate those things, they are too much work.

but my nasal passages are all clogged and dry and they hurt....ouch!!!!

i just took a nap, i woke up unable to breathe out of my nose, jeff yelled at me to take medicine.

i took two emer-gen-c things and i plan on taking two every day until i feel better. i had stopped taking them last week when i was puking and i just didn't start taking them again until today...damn! i won't forget to take them, ever again!

stupid winter heat....dry...ick...
Current Mood: [mood icon] annoyed

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03:51 pm - bwahahahaha!!!
i got so many compliments on my it's sooooo funny to see people's reactions to it.

most can't believe that a white chick knows how to even do extensions.....

i even got compliments from a couple of the dads...

maybe i will keep them in a little longer, after all.
Current Mood: [mood icon] amused

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07:20 am - well....
i am glad that i am up and ready this early then....

a definate answer would have been good, last night.

off to take cierra to school.
Current Mood: [mood icon] annoyed

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06:56 am - why???
why do i do this to myself???

i didn't sleep at all last night, and for no good reason other than i slept all day yesterday.
Current Mood: [mood icon] annoyed

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November 28th, 2004

09:02 pm - waaahhh....
i believe i left my pillows at mr. craig and ms. amanda's house...which means...

road trip, after work...soon! we will get to visit mouse and see how she is adjusting to her new house and see if mr. anderson has gotten used to her.

cierra will be happy!

but i can't sleep well without my pillows.....
Current Mood: [mood icon] crushed

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04:46 pm - oh lord.....
what a weekend!!!!

we dropped our kid off at the parentals and headed to cleveland so that jeff could show his work at ms. lori's hacking the mainframe show....

we got up to cleveland in the early evening, dropped our stuff off at our friend's house, thanks craig and amanda for letting us crash at your place! we also brought mousey kitty to see if she likes their house. she adjusted quickly but mr. anderson was being a crotchety old lady, hopefully she will warm up to mouse soon.

fun fun!!! friday night was rain. we got there, set up, hung out with mr. geo and drank....thanks to all of our friends who came out to support us!! we packed things up there and headed to our friend's house for the night. alot of fun was had by all and i think i rolled into bed around 7:30. was awakened by jeff at 11:30 telling me it was time to get up and get he even got up at that time i will never know.

we hopped in the shower and headed to bwp so that jeff could get poked i am really scared!!!! after that we went to ms. molly and mr. mike's house for some wonderful appetizers and wine....yummmmmmmm!!!! got to see mr. franklyn after what seems like years!!! damnit! i miss you!!

we ran around to a few stored to get some stuff we needed for last night's show. stopped into the mission, ended up being very disenchanted....i guess jeff and i are out of that whole goth/fetish clothing phase. got to the phantasy and set up. hung out with friends, again! got to see ms. valerie!!!! it's been too long, dear!!! somehow i got dragged into a fashion show. i squeezed my fat ghetto ass into a rather small pair of black jeans that said fuck all over them and a tee that said, 'shut the fuck up!' hahahahahahahhaa! that was my saying all night, i think i need that shirt. i beat up mr. michael and made out with mr. colin on stage...woot!!!! how funny! sorry michael for being a little too rough! i hope your arm is better!

after that we packed it up and jeff and i were ready to go home and sleep!!!! much needed sleep.

got ambushed by two very drunk friends who were trying to convince us to stay in cleveland, yet again. i ended up just walking away, i don't tolerate people being drunk and aggressive well. mr. michael and i made the trek home and stopped by the grocery store for some food. thank you michael for the mac and cheese!!! jeff was able to pull himself away from the crowd and was home very shortly after us. we ate and went to bed.

i am literally just getting up. i feel much better, but we still have so much to do today. we have yet to get our kiddo or unpack the car. we have to get jeff's dad's suv back to him and pick up both of our vehicles.

ughhhhhh!!!! where did the weekend go???? i had fun, but i feel like i missed it!!!!

i am very tempted to take my hair out, but damnit! twelve hours is ALOT of time for just two days of a hair do. i will probably try to keep it until next weekend. it just sucks cuz some of the extensions keep falling out.

don't worry! i do have pictures! jeff just has to get them developed and whatnot!

so that was the busy weekend in my life. i hope everyone had fun!

now i have to be productive.
Current Mood: [mood icon] calm

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November 26th, 2004

04:16 pm - friday/saturday
Tonight...i hope to see alot of you at Rain for the event. Craig and i have put together a really cool slide show of images from past and present. Something like 500+ images. I cry eveytime i view it. Im such a little emotional girl. Tomorrow i get my second frenum done and then tomorrow night is the same thing but at the Phantasy. Lots of great local dj's spinning and bands. I think i may see just about everyone. I really cant wait. Will be alot of fun.

Becca got her head/hair done. She is all ghetto/fetish. Its bizarre. But nice.

Ok...i gottta pack the car for the long weekend.

jeffrey l. klaum
Current Mood: [mood icon] anxious

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03:58 pm - finally....
livejournal has been an ass to me all day....*sniff sniff* oh well...

cierra is all better, the germies are gone. she woke up and ate a piece of pumpkin pie and kept it down, would figure that she chose that to try first, it would have really sucked if she would have thrown it up, she wouldn't want pumpkin pie ever again!!!

my neck and shoulders hurt, badly, i am guessing from the braiding, sleeping funny and, not to mention the extra weight of the hair...i promise pictures soon!!!! i am sure jeff will snap some off tonight.

we are outta here for the weekend. i hope that laura comes home so that the animals aren't lonely.

have a good weekend everyone!!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] awake

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01:09 am - I'm done!!!
i finished braiding!!!! woot! all by myself. i just hope the back ones don't fall jeff just cut a bunch off, but i think i need more cut off, it's still a little long. oh well...i can at least do stuff with it! yay!!!

now i am going to take something for my headache and climb into bed...hehehe.
Current Mood: [mood icon] accomplished

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November 25th, 2004

09:11 pm - wahhhhhh....
i only have like a fourth of my head left to do.... but its the back, the part i cant reach. laura is gone, avoiding the sickness and cierra is to dizzy to even sit up....

jeff is on his way home but i don't think i can convince him to even try to braid it....

i don't want to call anyone and have them come over to help for fear that they will end up sick....

i guess i will still braid...slowly and hopefully i can get it looking okay in the back...

i just want to get it all done so i can cut it to a normal length.
Current Mood: [mood icon] cold

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06:41 pm - silly boy....
jeff posted the kitty picture in my journal on accident, and didn't delete oh well, i just found it. unless he was trying to make a point....hrmmmmmmm......

anyway....jeff posted a pic of a kitty, go check it
Current Mood: [mood icon] amused

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