Announcing the new poster
"Exposing the face of corporate power"
by Bob MacDermid and the CSJ.
Available now, order online.

Newest Publications

An Educator's Guide for Changing the World
Methods, Models and Materials for Anti-Oppression and Social Justice Workshops
Subject: Movement Building
Author: Ann Curry-Stevens
ISBN: 0-9733292-1-1
Price: $30.00
File Size: 3,083 KB

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The guide is a comprehensive resource for both new and experienced educators. The first section offers articles on critical elements of education, such as understanding resistance, the disruptive nature of social justice education and the differences in educating privileged and oppressed learners. The next 60 pages offer tools for use in a variety of educational settings, including a collection of sensitivity tools that educators can use to stimulate an awareness of multiple forms of oppression and privilege. The author has gathered and developed these tools over years of educational practice.

Dying for Trade
Why Globalization Can Be Bad for Our Health
Subject: Inequality
Author: Ron Labonte
ISBN: 0-9684032-5-5
Price: $5.00
File Size: 552 KB

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This paper examines the impact of trade agreements on our health and health care system, and what governments can do to ensure that health and human development are not sacrificed at the altar of ‘free trade.’ It begins with a discussion of how globalization affects our global health through changes in economic growth, poverty, inequality and the sustainability of our environment.

Social Determinants
of Health

Les determinants sociaux de la sante


Consider the real cost
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M6G 1A5
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