Punk Rock 101 Icons ([info]pr101icons) wrote,
@ 2004-02-23 14:31:00
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Current mood:working
Current music:Robbie Williams - Come Undone

[RE-POST] Good Charlotte "Hold On" set
"Hold On" icon set
Good Charlotte

Stealing = Don't even try it. First come, first serve - if someone else already commented, the icon is theirs.. PLEASE credit somewhere on your journal, keywords would be nice but not neccessary. Roll over for file name and comment with the filename you want.


Lyrics from Good Charlotte and Brand New

joel13.jpg joel15.jpg

paul01.jpg paul02.jpg paul03.jpg

CLAIMED - no longer available!

by [info]kiwicat07

by [info]xbleedxdryx
benji01.jpg benji05.jpg billy05.jpg band03.jpg

by [info]pinktears2night
joel19.jpg chris04.jpg

by [info]xfrozendreams

by [info]support_gc_sp
joel03.jpg joel18.jpg

by [info]converse_girl
joel11.jpg joel17.jpg

by [info]riotangelstar
paul04 chris03

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2004-02-23 20:42 (link)
4th joel - hold on.

please :D

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2004-02-24 00:44 (link)
Yup! :)

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2004-02-23 21:02 (link)
1st benji that says broken and bruised! Thanks you!!

Motivate Me,

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2004-02-24 00:45 (link)
It's yours! :-D

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2004-02-23 21:26 (link)
can i have the last joel one (salvation) and the last chris one? thanks

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2004-02-24 00:50 (link)
Yup! Your welcome. :)

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2004-02-23 23:24 (link)
the first misc :)

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2004-02-24 00:53 (link)
Mmm, one of my favorites. You got it! :)

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2004-02-24 00:38 (link)
the second misc one, billy and the second benji!!! thank you, and have a nice day!!
I've decided that I wanna feel special today...

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2004-02-24 00:54 (link)
HEE! They're yours. *hugs* Speeeeeeecial!

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2004-02-24 19:54 (link)
MY FIRST HUG.. in a while. WOOO I feel extermly special today now!! *grabs peanut butter and GRAPE jelly sandwich* now i will munch away and feel special *tear* specialness never tasted so good.

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2004-02-24 00:44 (link)
Howdy. Just wonderin' if I could have Joel's "The Rise and the Fall", and "One Last Time"? Please? *Opens eyes wide for angelic look. Doesn't work.*

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2004-02-24 00:56 (link)
LOL! It worked! And BWAH, that icon is hilarious! Ok, enough exclaimation points. They're yours. :)

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2004-03-11 21:20 (link)
First and last of the Joel set (11 and 17), please?
*puppy dog eyes*

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2004-04-21 16:52 (link)
You got 'em! (Sorry it took forever to reply....we've been neglectful.)

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2004-03-25 18:08 (link)
claiming Joel17 and Paul 4 if that's okay.

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2004-03-25 18:09 (link)
okay scratch that joel one. Can I claim the chris on that's left? :)

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2004-04-21 16:51 (link)
Sorry it took forever to reply, gah! Yup, the Paul and Chris icons are yours. :-D

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2004-08-31 18:34 (link)
can i take the 2 two paul icons? the one w/ believe & the one that says it sets in.

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