September 8th

Assault Weapons 101.

[info]krets asked me some questions about the assault weapons ban. My answer was getting  really long, plus I thought it would be a 'general interest' topic, so here's my reply:

[info]krets: I'm curious here about something. I don't want to spark a big debate or  start getting hateful comments or anything. I'm not a gun enthusiast at all, I don't hunt, and  I don't have any need for a gun so I don't have much personal experience with them. So I have  a couple questions:

1.) What qualifies as an assault weapon?
2.) How difficult would it be to get one if the ban wasn't extended?
3.) What valid reason could anyone possibly give for owning one?

One at a time:

What qualifies as an assault weapon? )

Fellow firearms/law enthusiasts, please feel free to correct any inaccuracies in this post and I'll make revisions on the fly.

.... 10:31pm

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Conversations with John.

[mood | amused ]

[info]kitiara: Hi honey, how was your day?
[info]abz6598: Pretty good, whatcha workin' on?
[info]kitiara: Just reading a review of an RPG.
[info]abz6598: (pause) Oh, you mean role-playing game.

.... 06:51pm

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[mood | tired ]

Near my office is an old, beat-up Studebaker pickup truck, sitting there on the corner with a for sale sign in the window. Every day I have to tell myself "you don't need another pickup truck! Especially one that probably won't start six months out of every 12!"  But I sure do love old beater trucks.  I also have a weakness for old muscle cars. They just have character and personality.  My little Ranger is cute and all, but it sure doesn't have personality. That's what all the bumper stickers are for, I guess.

Speaking of the office, here's a way in which my job in no way resembles a John Grisham novel: when my attorney calls and urgently needs documents right this instant, said documents are .... stacks of pages from the Internal Revenue Code. *snore*

On my lunch break today, I picked Darling John up and we headed down the local gun shop, where they were hanging onto The Glock 26 Formerly Belonging to [info]schrathe that I purchased a month or more ago. It had been sitting up in NY waiting for delivery and I'd been hoping to get my FFL in time to just have it shipped to me directly, but since that was happening so slowly, we did a favor for the local boys and in turn they handled my paperwork for me.  This is a sweet little handgun - it's tiny. I've actually only fired one of these a few times before - I passed on getting one as a carry gun because while the little pinky-fnger extension on the magazine makes it comfy to hold and fire, it also means my pinky finger gets a new blood blister every time I slam a new magazine into place. However, as a backup gun, it's quite nice. I'm not likely to care about blisters in the event of a life-or-death reload anyhow. [info]schrathe clearly took excellent care of it, and it's sparkly clean.

John and I plan on starting Date Night off tonight with a trip to the range so that I can try the new baby Glock, and he can try his new SKS. I felt much better today after getting a solid night's sleep, but I'm still feeling run down, so I think I have a mild cold or something. My body's way of telling me I need to slow the heck down, I guess.

With any luck, the assault weapons ban (which does not, I remind you, actually ban any assault weapons) will expire on Monday. That means congress only has a few more days to try and shove a renewal through. The innaccuracy of the anti-gun newspaper articles I've been seeing everywhere is absolutely astounding - it amazes me that these folks don't do five minutes of research before tossing an editorial onto a page. So if you're in favor of extending the assault weapons ban, please, please email me. I'll immediately set aside some time and chat about it with you and make sure you understand the facts. You can still favor a renewal if you want, I just want to be sure your position is based on fact and not what you're reading in the papers this week.

Meanwhile, remember that an assault weapons ban expiration = nudity. :) Just in case you need some motivation. Right now, the only thing I can encourage you to do is write President Bush. The GOA has thoughtfully provided a pre-written letter here. Please do me a favor and take a moment to click-and-send.

.... 06:31pm

16 compliments|compliment me

[mood | happy ]

[info]olegvolk has been busy!  He edited a few more pics for me:

Partners in Life, Partners in Arms.

The rest are in the main gallery.

Now that I'm more rested and feeling better, tonight I think I'll dive into concentrating more on the ones we took of Darling John.

.... 08:45am

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[mood | amused ]

I wrote my mom and thanked her for letting me inherit all of her "good stuff" (I credit her with my attitudes on life and whatnot).  Her reply?

What do you mean GOOD stuff ? I thought all my stuff was good!  :)

And y'all wonder where I get it from. :)

.... 08:35am

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