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[29 Apr 2004|07:30pm]
[ mood | angry ]

Public post for once, because this is...well, I don't have words. If you care about gay rights, go look. And don't move to Virginia. Here I thought North Carolina had it bad...

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my political commentary for the nonce [22 Feb 2004|10:37pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

Except, as usually happens, it was said much better than I could say it, so if you so desire, see what Tom Tomorrow has to say about Nader in 2004.
To expand with stuff relevant to my situation...I actually did vote for Gore back in 2000, since I didn't then realize that there wasn't much point...we all knew Bush was going to win North Carolina whether I voted for Gore, Nader, or Babar the elephant. This year? Well, I thought for quite a while after 2000 that I'd vote for Nader this year and help support the Greens, but there are a couple of new considerations for me now. First, he isn't running as a Green this year, just an independant. And second, well, there's already a candidate I'm supporting, at least in the primaries. I'm for Kucinich all the way. Is he going to win? Of course not. To be honest, I'm not even sure why he's still in the race...the only people who know about him are the diehard liberal Dems who sought him out, since it's hard to build up a real support base when you're a footnote to the other six or so candidates...and that's if you're lucky.
(In case you can't tell, I'm still a little bitter. Dean got trashed by most of the mainstream media? Sure he got trashed, but at least he got covered. Kucinich didn't even get that much.)
Anyway, in the primary at least, I'd just like to be able to vote my conscience for once, and that's what I'm going to do. As for the general election in November...I'm not sure yet. I really can't stand Kerry. I'm not that fond of Edwards, from NC or not. Hell, Liddy Dole's from NC too, that doesn't mean I'd ever ever ever vote for that woman. But I think I might end up just voting a straight Dem ticket again, because this country cannot afford four more years of Bush Cheney, Rummy, and the rest of the gang. Man, is that depressing.
And on that massively cheerful note, it's back to Juvenal for me.

(Posted publicly for once, just because I felt like it.)

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[03 Jan 2004|04:57pm]
[ mood | guilty ]

I thought I was going to be cleaning today.
Instead, I'm going through my journal very methodically and making all my entries private to LJ friends - or at least as many entries as I have time for.
I didn't make this as an indirect way of telling people how I felt. I made it because I need an outlet. And I got along just fine for years with no one knowing about this except my online friends.
Now some of my RL friends have found it. And, predictably, everything's gone to hell. So there you have it.
What a long, strange trip it's been.

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[06 May 2003|04:11pm]
[ mood | rofl ]

The subject of my latest spam arrival:
? check out various lovely russian brides ??

I am so not kidding about this.

The question of the ages...mail-order brides, or just plain porn? We'll never know...

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[06 May 2003|10:30am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Against Me! - Baby, I'm An Anarchist ]

Hey now, that one was fun! Ultimate Purity Test )
Except now I feel innocent again or something. Anyway, off to campus to pick up some Latin, then off to the Shields to study some Greek. Heh, I really do amuse myself.

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so...yeah. [05 May 2003|08:49pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

For some reason I just felt like posting. Even though I have nothing to say. Cursed LJ addiction.
Anyway, finished the ling paper yesterday, 11.5 pages. Pretty good, actually. Turned that in today, early, so Prof. Melchert will have some more time to grade it and the final. I really wonder how he's going to do the rest of the exams and term papers in 17 hours or so...but hey, he's Hittite Guru, he must have some tricks up his sleeve.
So basically, all I have to do for the rest of today and tomorrow and Wednesday is study Greek. Madly study Greek. But it'll be good to get that focus, I think. Especially since I really know I need to do well on the final...the two hour tests were not fun this semester, and while it's true that I breezed through the quizzes and the homeworks and the class participation stuff...yeah.
Stopped by Murphey today to talk with Maura Lafferty...went there just to look at the sight reading portion of the final, but ended up staying for half an hour, partly because her cute sweet adorable dog Chloe was there, but partly because we got involved in talking about medieval stuff. So now she's left a copy of the letters between Heloise and Abelard for me in her box, and she's also got me about 85% convinced to audit her grad-level class next semester on women in medieval Latin...but still, I'd just be auditing, and it sounds reeeeally interesting, and I love feminist things, and the way things are going I'm probably going to end up writing my honors thesis about something in her specialty, so why not? Even if it is the big scary graduate-level number of Latin 230...oh wait, shit, except it conflicts with French. Hmm, looks like it's time to monkey around with my schedule a bit, yeah.
So I'll do that. And then I'll study Greek. Ta!

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I would just like to say... [04 May 2003|07:27pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way ]

...that [info]theducksy ROCKS.

A whole lot, even. *g*

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[04 May 2003|12:39pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]

Much, much better.

Now back to my paper! 6.5 pages down, 4 or 5 to go...

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[03 May 2003|09:11am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Ani Difranco - Hell Yeah ]

Heh, how I love /usr/bin/w00t.
And now, boys and girls, it's time for STRUCTURALISM PAPER WRITING! Gotta be non-slack today, yes indeedy...

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[02 May 2003|09:39pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Whooo! A in self defense. Not that I didn't expect it. But still nice.

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[02 May 2003|07:29pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Ani Difranco - Both Hands ]

lyrics posts are fun, yes they are! )

Pretty song. Check it out. Anyway, I'm in a pretty good mood, since Talbert's exam went fairly well, I ran into Amanda on the way out and chatted with her for half an hour or so, and I proved my proactiveness by chatting with Matt on his way out and mentioning, with the subtlety of a 2x4, that I lived around here, so if he got bored over the summer...yeah, someday maybe I'll have to develop social skills or something, but hey, it's rather fun floundering around too. See, doubters, I am capable of taking action!
Yeah, and now I've been slacking off all day, or all day since then, anyway, when I ought to be writing my Structuralism paper. Naughty Joy! Anyway. Hehehe again, my mom's so cute. She's yelling at the dude on Jeopardy in German for being stupid...although I have to say that saying boiling water makes ice is indeed pretty stupid.
So in my great slack-off-ness I was rereading some entries from the Floridian months, and y'know what? I was really fricking slack back then! Wow, I think I'm slack now compared to Sonia and David and Jonathan and alllll the grads, but on earth did I get out of Florida with six A's and an A-?
It's going to rain soon I think, and I'm tired of just sitting here, so I think I'm going to go walk around for a little while in a search for inspiration on Saussure. At least I can kind of pronounce his name now, eh?
How I love LJ. What would I do all day otherwise?

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[01 May 2003|11:12pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Yay for sleep! Sleep is good. Even though I haven't studied enough Hist 53 yet. I'll just get up tomorrow kinda early or something...yeah...
Out, out, damned nerves!
Yeah, feeling kinda weird tonight, in case you couldn't tell. Sleep will probably help with that. And then tomorrow I'll be alll ready for exam-taking and CGS-talking and paper-writing and the like. Yeesh.

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[01 May 2003|09:50am]
[ mood | nauseated ]

Oh, now this is charming, isn't it. It's so comforting to know that folks like that are running around upholding our freedoms.

But hey, I shouldn't complain. At least I didn't get shot when I was protesting the war.

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[30 Apr 2003|11:13pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | classical from downstairs ]

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! I just checked Student Central for only about the third time today and my Medieval Latin grade is up, and I got an A-! This is soooooo cool, since our grade in that class breaks down as follows: class participation 20%, each of 2 midterms 25%, final 30%. And my grades on the two midterms were 90 and 86, so...even considering that I never missed a class and thus probably got the full 20 points for participation, that means I got at least a B+ on the final, the one with the sight translation that I thought had cremated me and danced upon the ashes.
Yes, okay, so now I'm feeling a little manic. Especially since I finished the phonetics final earlier today and just spent a good hour or so getting about 40% done with the structuralism final. So I should be able to finish that up tomorrow with no problem and still have plenty of time to do some mad Roman History studying. And then that exam on Friday finishes up at 2, so that'll leave me the weekend to hopefully write the structuralism paper, turn it and the final in on Monday, five days early, and have the majority of the workweek to do nothing but study lots and lots and lots of Greek.

UNC, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

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[28 Apr 2003|08:29pm]
[ mood | crazy ] work work. Yeah, it's an exciting life I've been leading for the past few days. And a life I will continue to lead for the next week and a half or so. Le sigh.
Latin exam today...hmm, well, while I feel okay on the translation, I have a sinking feeling that I made my usual mess of the grammatical stuff. And that I slaughtered the sight passage. That's what I get when the sight isn't easy Latin, I guess.
Oh oh oh! But I stopped by Jen's office to pick up my last phonetics problem set and guess what! I got an A! My first A on a problem set, and it made me very very happy because, since my average before that was an 89.4 or so, if I pull off a decent job on the final exam, I can get an A- in the class! My GPA may yet be salvagable!
...Yeah, I guess it's kinda sad when you're all freaked out that your GPA will dip below a 3.6, huh. Gotta get that A in Greek...must study Greek...and other things. Probably also pretty sad that, having just taken my first exam at 9 AM this morning, I've already started my end-of-semester ritual of checking Student Central for grades several times an hour. :P Time to go off and work more now.
Oh, but congrats to [info]lonejaguar for getting the job!!! :)

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[26 Apr 2003|07:54pm]
[ mood | mellow ]

Pretty damn cool quiz. )

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[24 Apr 2003|02:51pm]
[ mood | working ]

Yeah...I figured I should drop in. Just to point out that the next two weeks are going to be extremely busy and extremely stressful. So I won't be around much.

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[24 Apr 2003|09:13am]
[ mood | awake ]

Hmmm...that night of "watching the meteor shower" did not entail much sleep, and I think my hair still smells like smoke from the bunkhouse. And I forgot that I was still wearing my pajama top as a sort of jacket, so I look pretty funky. And um, yeah, I didn't get any work done at all, so it'll be mad Greek translation time as soon as linguistics is done.
But that was still fun. And I did see a meteor. And we made s'mores. All in all, an enjoyable night out.
Oh yeah, and y'know, that laurel wreath from the last Greek quiz still has me floating on air. Yay for [info]jaina for this snazzerific icon.

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[21 Apr 2003|05:36pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Ani Difranco - Asked You First ]

Oh, and incidentally, all frustrated lyrics postings to [info]ta_appreciation aside, this has been an excellent day. I got me a snazzy new icon courtesy of my wonderful snazzy Moosiechicka [info]jaina...I found some old jeans that I reeeeally love (mainly because they look good on me and are actually comfortable)...oh, and we got our last Greek quiz back. And happily enough, my 95 was was enough to tie me for first place, getting me another laurel wreath! Good stuff.
Now I just need to shove my selective shyness into a closet somewhere and chat up the grad student, and all will be good. But I have to say, things are pretty damn good as they are.

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I would just like to say... [20 Apr 2003|09:52pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

w00t! For no particular reason other than the fact that I'm almost done with the frickin', or I guess non-frickin', Aquinas. There's only so many pages of people talking about being and essence and rainbows that I can take, mmkay?
Heh, Sarah had a great quote a little while ago, when I commented that the latest 'organ enlargement' junk mail I'd gotten at least had a creative title: "The world would be a more peaceful place if people weren't so worried about the size of their little friend." How true it is!
Oh, and Davis Love won his golf tournament today, yippee! So in general, lovely nice day today. We even had chocolate fondue with strawberries for dessert...twas verrah tasty.

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