Tuesday, December 10th, 2002
3:52 pm - Feeling whacky...
Just thought I would do something different and update my journal! Im soo excited for Christmas this year. But I probably am every year. Half may be cause Kyras at a great age for it. Shes getting into the whole, what should we leave out for Santa, and sending him a letter. Its just a great way to look at Christmas. She doesnt have any of the stress that comes along with it. Most of my shopping has been done. And very little wrapping has been done. But now that Kyra is back in school I have plenty of time. But as I mentioned Kyra is back in school, after 3 weeks off. I hate to say it, but I was so happy for her to go back. Being an only child seems to have made her extremely clingy. Which is fine for awhile. hehe :) So a couple of weeks ago I had my 5 day break from work, and I managed to keep my job! Thank goodness! I really am not ready to job search. And I like how things are going now. I have a part-time retail job that I really enjoy, and the other job pays the bills, well some of them. :) Thats bout it for me! Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday!
current mood: excited
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| Tuesday, September 17th, 2002
2:43 pm - weird things are all about....
Yesterday was weird and I thought I should remember it in my journal. It all started a couple of weeks ago, but last Thursday I found out that I would have to have Surgery the following Monday which was yesterday. I had to have a D&C...which; is gross, but it is when they go in and scrape the lining of your uterus out. So I went in yesterday to the short stay surgery building at Cottonwood hospital....Its the 2nd time Ive had an IV which I don't care for. And the first time I've ever been put to sleep. They wheeled me into the operating room and I moved over on to the other bed and they put a mask thing on me, and the next thing I know I woke up crying in recovery. And I had alot of pain and cramping...So they drugged me up and I woke up, felt better...they took me into another room, where Lee was able to join me. And when I saw him I started to cry again. I just think Im a big boob hehe.....but eventually they let me go home. I slept a whole bunch and thats it. Hopefully things will clear up, and I will be better. I have had enough of being sick this year. But losing 15 pounds during it all hasn't bothered me a bit! But I am so thankful that there are doctors and nurses out there who really want to figure out what is wrong and help you get better. Its been a wonder! so back to work by thursday. And I think I will call Lane Bryant to see is she can train me by Friday, which is grand opening of our store. But who knows I really shouldn't push it. Anyways that was my weird day...
current mood: exhausted current music: Music from the movie CLUELESS
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| Friday, August 30th, 2002
7:44 pm - job
I got me a new job, but only for a 2nd job. I was so nervous deciding to try and get this job, but I called, 2 days later had interview and next day, which was today, they called and hired me. But now Im not sure if I want it. Training is next Thursday. So I will ponder it till then!! Thats all...
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| Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
10:54 am - 3 months later!
Time for my I haven't written in so long LJ. But lots has gone on. Anyways I got an offer on my house today! That is great news, since it has only been on the market for 1 month. But alas my realtor isn't to happy with it, but said we may be able to work with it. I spent last Friday with Alissa. It was good as always to see her, the concert was wonderful, but Mono No Aware was the best part. We also had fun figuring out what to do, we had coffee and went to the cd store. Enjoyed some Dr. Pepper at the park...and ate chinese food. Kyra has started Kindergarten, and has been on break for 2 1/2 weeks, since she is in year round school. And thankfully she goes back on Tuesday! And of course you know WORK SUCKS, nothing new there. I'm in retard training. And of course have heard all kinds of evil things management is doing nowadays, and you know its getting really ugly there. I have no good friends there. But I guess that's a good thing then I can leave easily. I looking at a couple job possibilities, and I will let you know the result of those, one of these days! I'm actually pretty nervous about trying to get a new job...I've been at the REC for 4 1/2 years, that's a good chunk out of my life. oh well life goes on....right?
current mood: bitchy
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| Wednesday, May 15th, 2002
3:45 pm - well I don't know....
So I got moved in to my parents house for the most part! It was a fairly painful process....which resulted in several bruises, and one really really bruised finger. Now I need to work on cleaning up my house...and get it ready to sell. And so far it has not been fun! It's a big ol disaster zone! blah I get to go to work soon, and I'm really not looking forward to it, cause last night sucked! And Monday sucked too! hehe So I took my car into get the safety & emissions testing done, and I failed the safety, grrrrrr oh well... Anyways.........
current mood: pessimistic
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| Friday, May 3rd, 2002
2:07 am - I should be sleeping!
Pretty non exciting day here....Slept in too late. Missed Kyra's dentist appt. Took Annie to play with Gracie (my moms dog) Kyra and I goofed off a bit. Had remedial training at work! ohh boy, that is excitement!! And gee that's all folks. There was some interesting conversation at work though, which is always good. But nothing I should share. And I'm really thirsty hehe Goodnight!
current mood: blank current music: Your Mom's CD
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| Tuesday, April 30th, 2002
2:35 pm - Just for fun...
2:17 pm - Hackin it up
I really really don't think that I should go to work tonight! I'm soo incredibly sick...that going to work will only make others sick too. I thought I would only be coughing by now, but apparently this cold that has been going around Utah is pretty hard core. And my cough hurts so bad. And I hate it when people at work can't control their coughing hehe So I really don't want to hate myself. But if I'm absent I will surely get written up, and I have no time to cover it....I guess I just need to do what I need to do...Right? ohhhhh my hellllllllllll Damn the MAN!!
current mood: cranky current music: Boom Boom Ain't It Great To Be Crazy
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1:45 am - Time to sleep!
Well I didn't make it to work today, I still feel way to sick! OH well. I watched Fear Factor, what a gross show...but pretty damn funny. Got absolutely nothing done...I did make spaghetti though. And it was GOOD....as good as spaghetti can get I guess. A new mini-series started tonight on PBS, called Frontier house. I guess you could call it PBS's reality show....Anyways I love it and can't wait to see more. Check it out! www.pbs.org I will let them tell you what it is about, if you're curious! I'm soooo freakin' tired! Goodnight!!
current mood: sick
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| Monday, April 29th, 2002
2:39 am - Just another copycat...
Thought I might as well join the others....maybe it will be interesting.
15 years ago, I:
1. Was 10 years old 2. Lived in Ridgecrest, CA 3. Thought boys were still gross 4. Was in the 5th grade 5. Attempted to learn how to play the piano
10 years ago, I:
1. Was 15 years old 2. Smoked pot for the first time (stopped doing that long ago) 3. Went to my first Cure concert 4. Was learning how to drive 5. Started wearing alot of black (still do)
5 years ago, I:
1. Was 20 years old 2. Had been married for almost 6 months 3. Was pregnant 4. Worked for ZCMI 5. Owned my first house
2 years ago, I:
1. Was 23 years old 2. Got in a car accident, that totaled my car (not my fault) 3. Was very depressed 4. Had been working for the USPS for 2 years 5. Went to dance clubs alot
1 year ago, I:
1. Started to understand and enjoy my responsibilities 2. Lost a friend (not from death) 3. Had the same going nowhere job 4. Tried to sell my house, to buy new one (didn't pan out) 5. Realized that I wanted to become a nurse
Today, I:
1. Still have yet to go to college 2. Feel like Im going to die, from this horrid cold I got 3. Slept through most of it 4. Made sloppy joes 5. Decided not to cut my daughters hair (Its too pretty)hehe
Tomorrow I:
1. Should do some dishes 2. Will attempt to sort through some more stuff (to pack) 3. Might go to work if I feel better 4. Think would be a great day for a picnic (if I wasnt sick) 5. Try not to get pulled over by a cop for my expired tags
Some places I've lived:
1. San Diego, CA 2. Grass Valley, CA 3. West Valley, UT 4. Oklahoma City, OK 5. West Jordan, UT
Top 5 Biggest Worries of the Moment:
1. Will I ever move 2. Will I ever get this house up for sale 3. If I should send Kyra to school tomorrow 4. Which bill needs to be paid 5. How long am I going to be sick.....blah
My Top 5 Biggest Joys of the Moment:
1. Definitely Kyra! 2. Being in a working marriage (even though he is PMSing):) 3. Spring 4. Kyra! 5. Knowing that my life is perfect enough for me!
So anyways, got sick on Friday...thankfully I stuck out work...almost left sick...Kyra's birthday party got rained out, went to McDonald's to celebrate there. It turned out to be quite fun...None of the kids from her class showed....none had even called when the weather was nice to say that they would be coming. And in actuality Im referring to the loser parents. I was truly disappointed. One mom did talk to me at the (kyras spring concert on Friday)to say they would try and come, but of course didnt try due to rain. But called later that night just to chat. A 5 year old on the phone has got to be the cutest thing ever. I had fun with Alissa Saturday night. Even though I was sicker than a dog.....blah.....And I felt pretty good until really late, when I started getting a fever, and my body wanted to fall asleep. So I made up for it by sleeping until 4:30 in the afternoon. I really like sleeping when I'm sick, I don't want to be awake and miserable. OK enough for now....
current mood: sick
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| Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
1:18 pm - Raining mud?
Is that possible! Well I have to say that Monday was one of the creepiest weather days in my life. The wind was funny for awhile, because it was blowing northeast and I live in a townhouse (2 in the front and 2 in the back) and I live in the northeast corner so I was protected....and it was trash day so everyones trashcans were blowing by my house...but then it started blowing east and bam the doors were creaking, my car got covered in mud. And overall there was a really creepy mood to the day. Very eiree! The sky was all brown....and then it starts snowing while Im at work. And the power was out around work so the parking lot was all dark and creepy! I didnt like it!!! So anyways...I hope that doesnt happen again! Im working on moving out of my house. It's kinda hard...I've been here for 5 years and that is the longest I have live anywhere (and I mean in one house) And that ties the longest I've lived in one city. That sucks! Well Kyra missed dance once again, cause I can't seem to ever wake up at the right time! She will be 5 on Friday! She is really excited!
current mood: dorky
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| Friday, April 12th, 2002
3:02 am - One more time....
2:52 am
2:18 am - Stuff...
Good things bout yesterday...... 1. PAY DAY 2. PAY RAISE 3. Listening to my book on tape at work.....Voyager.....book number 3 of the Outlander series. These are very very long! And this last one is taking the longest, but I love it!!! 4. Getting to see my friend Jen at work! 5. Spending the day with Kyra and eating lots of junk food!
Bad things about yesterday...... 1. REMEDIAL TRAINING...ok I'm getting really tired of being in "my error rate is too high so they are torturing me with training that no longer resembles the job we do" grrrr 2. Realizing how many bills I have to pay 3. Realizing my check....its already gone 4. Dealing with my crazy dog 5. grrrrrrrr 6. Noticing that my lj entries are almost always depressing
Well maybe Friday will be a better day!! hehe Of course it will, It's FRIDAY!!!!!!
current mood: amused current music: Aida
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| Friday, April 5th, 2002
3:58 am - I still suck....but oh well
I need a good friend that live near me!! Someone to go shopping with, and to go to lunch with. Someone I can act totally lame around and not worry bout how my hair looks. Someone to bitch with, to be crazy with. Wow I'm a pitiful thing now aren't I! So Kyra is starting Soccer on Saturday. I'm thinking that it should be fun for her! She really wants to play but has never played....so it doesn't really matter as long as she has fun! My baby will be 5 in a couple weeks. I can't believe that Kyra is getting so old! She had her Kindergarten checkup yesterday. Shes average in her height and weight. She has great vision! And everything checks out! yippy! She managed to get through 2 of her shots before the 3rd one just made her lose it. But alas we went and got her the "Mom feels guilty that you had to go through that pain toy" hehe I got some new training at work tonight. It was fairly interesting, and I guess after doing the same thing for 4 years it was a nice escape, if only for a little while! Thankfully it is Friday now!! Long damn week!
current mood: exhausted current music: Notta dam thang
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| Thursday, February 21st, 2002
1:25 am - I suck....
Honestly I don't understand people sometimes. And I'm going to stop trying. I was soooo depressed at work tonight, as I have found I have NO, none, zip...friends there. I thought I was hanging out with some nice girls, but the last couple days I've got the go away vibe from them, and so I have. I don't get it. And the one friend that I got to know them through is off on maternity leave, and she is truely my last friend there. Even my ol pal TJ did the same thing too me.....just stopped talking to me, and started avoiding me, and now him and all the others just seem to smile at me out of pity. So I will give all the fuckers a break and just ignore them all myself. I really hate the fact that my two bestest friends in the world dont even live in Utah. Its days like today that I wish I could kidnap them, bring them to Utah and make them live in my closet (hehe j/k) but I seriously miss them. Thankfully I do have my best bud Nikki in town, but I hardly get to see her. She had a party the other night, which was alot of fun! And it was my first completely sober party EVER!! And guess what I had tons of fun! Most of Nikkis friends rock. I saw my friend Pan, boy was that akward.....once again dont know why exactely. Do I smell funny? Am I fake? Or annoying? Or bitchy? What the hell is wrong with me???? oh well, atleast my husband rocks, and my daughter is the coolest, and my little family is doing well. And I guess that should be my main focus!
current mood: aggravated current music: the Olympic theme....grrrrrr
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| Thursday, December 13th, 2001
2:00 pm - Im as white as they come...
b>I am 0-20% Ghetto
 I don't even know what ghetto is? Fuckin Preppy. I better hop in my beamer - head for the hood and get some chicken, watermelon, and neports.
current mood: amused current music: Alissa Tape
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| Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
1:35 pm - Fucking dick....
That's what I think of Lee right now. He sure knows how to kill the holiday spirit. Every fucking year, every fucking god damn year!! Im so sick of it, and he just chill out and enjoy it! NOOO he can't cause good hell, we woundn't want to spend any money on something fun, like giving gifts.....its always, let's pay bills. And you know thats fine and dandy, but Christmas comes and it goes, and its not that big a deal, the bills will still be paid!! BLAH!!!!!!!!! I live with SCROOGE! Christmas it like my favorite holiday, and he just has to ruin it for me, and to top it all off, my sisters cat who we've had for 16 years died yesterday!! And fuck, Im so tired.....work is exhausting....no sleep sucks, and not having enough money blows!! And Im having a break down!!!!!!
current mood: sad
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| Wednesday, December 5th, 2001
1:43 pm - Running around
So much to do, not enough time....I kinda like keeping busy, but you know Im lazy and I don't always like to move, hahahaha j/k Theres a mouse in my house still, we got one, but one is still around, I don't ever hear it but Lee saw it this morning, yuck! It will die, oh yes it will!! That's all....
current mood: busy
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2:07 am - forever tired....
That's right, it is me again. Decided to put in a quick note for all those who want to know...hmmm I think thats about 1 of you, and Im doing it for myself of course. That's what journals are all about. Im so tired, so whats new? Im so tired that Im going to bed before 3am....thats damn tired. Found out tonight, on December 17th, just one day, I get to be scheduled for 12 hours...starting at 2pm ending at 2:30am....And I think it SUCKS!! DONT WAIT TO SEND YOUR STUPID FUCKING CHRISTMAS CARDS UNTIL THE LAST WEEK!!!! blah So I spent last week, in California, it was pretty good! I had so much fun at Disneyland....I'd call it disgusting how fun it was, hahaha but alas I had to come back to freeze my ass off here in good ol' Utah. Coming home tonight I noticed that they are putting up special signs by the freeway signs for the Olympic venues.....can I vomit now. Im pretty sure it will suck living right next to one of the venues...atleast they are not closing my road down for 3 weeks. grrrrrr......damn olympics...they can take a stick and shove it up, you know where.... I was so happy to see Alissa. We had a great visit, but far too short. I even enjoyed going to Sanctuary. Shocking I know!
 | If I were a work of art, I would be Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. I am extremely popular and widely known. Although unassuming and unpretentious, my enigmatic smile has charmed millions. I am a mystery, able to be appreciated from afar, but ultimately unknowable and thus intriguing. Which work of art would you be? The Art Test |
current mood: cranky current music: damned if I know
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