Sunday, December 8th, 2002
10:17 pm
Well, we got all of our outside x-mas lights up. We still don't have a tree though. I have wrapped presents, and no where to put them. I think we will get a tree soon though.
Gregg and I did some shopping yesterday. We got some presents for my dad, mom and sister (i already got presents for my brother) and then we got his tux, and my shoes :-) Yay! My sister has informed us that for our x-mas present she's paying for our wedding chapel! yay! :-) We also went and checked out the chapel. The outside is kinda ghettofied, but the inside and the minister make up for it. The lady was really really nice and let us know that she will do whatever we need her to do to make our ceremony special :-)
We got our new entertainment center, and gregg put it together. He's did an excellent job :-) He didn't let me help much cause he didn't want me lifting the parts, but i helped hammer in nails with my metal lock box. I also got inside of where the tv goes and rested for a minute or two :-) This new tv is HUGE. You have to stand back to watch it or you will go blind! I like it though, and it will be LOTS of fun once gregg brings that PS2 over here! Hopefully i get spongebob for x-mas! hehehe
Still waiting on a few x-mas gifts for family members to arrive by mail..and they better get here soon! I miss my gregg....oh how i love him :-)
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| Friday, October 11th, 2002
10:09 pm
This journal is now going friends only, because of my pshycotic peeping tom neighbor. All of my imformation is now going private, so if anyone wishes to get my e-mail, or any other info, you should contact me thur livejournal and i will let you know.
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12:55 pm
I turned off my computer last night before bed, and belive it or not, i slept so much better. my computer isn't really loud, but maybe it's the humming from it that keeps me up. I think tonight i'll try sleeping without it.
I'm glad today is my day off, I slept in until almost 11. i was just too comfy and cold to get out of bed. i want to take a trip to the new 99 cent store this weekend :-) I love the dollar stores..they have lots of stationary that i buy, but never use :-)
i still have the bathroom to clean. jen is home today, but i doubt she'll be doing it or helping..well...you never know...she might help. She didn't wake up this morning, because she couldnt' hear her alarm clock..so..she's going to turn it back up like it was and tell the neighbor to fuck off.
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| Thursday, October 10th, 2002
11:38 pm
So..Fox's new lineup pisses me off. I used to be able to watch seinfeld everynight at 11, but now Will and Grace is on at 11. Don't get me wrong, i love will and grace, but they need to put it on at 11:30 so i don't have to stay up that extra hour just to watch seinfeld. If i stay up to watch seinfeld, then that means i have to surf my cable box until i find a movie that just started, and then i have to watch it. I just can't stop myself...the same way i can't stop myself from biting my nails.
I had a pretty decent day at work today. I worked with john, and he's always fun. I love hearing the stories of when he was growing up. He has the funniest stories. Shit, the man has been arrested for solicitation. I bought him a birthday card at walmart today, and the male checker looked at it and said "I don't even want to know" and i said "good, cause it's for a man" and then he said "now i really don't want to know" i suggested they should get things yielding toward gays and lesbians as well as straight people. I had to pick out a "card for her" for John. The walmart employee then said "walmart is a family store" I didn't think about it then, but i'm thinking about it now, and that's pretty damn fucked up. Gays and lesbians are families too. They should be able to go to walmart and pick out a card for their husband or wife just like straight people can. I will never know what gays and lesbians go thru for acceptance from the stupid ones, but i know it must hurt, and i know it SUCKS. They are NORMAL people just like everyone else... Their relationships are no different from straight couples relationships. If only everyone could realize that. ha...a family store...families are supposed to be filled with love, and happiness, and i know MANY gay people who have families filled with love and happiness.
In other rants, i wonder if the neighbor will be calling the police again tomorrow. My sister needs an alarm clock to wake her up, or she doesn't get to work, she doesn't get paid, and she doesn't pay the bills, so...the man can go fuck himself!
Boyfriend will be here tomorrow and i can't wait.. it's been cold the past couple of nights, and i could use a good ol snuggle :-)
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8:08 am
My neighbor is INSANE. The police were at our house at 7am this morning. Why you ask? TAKE A WILD GUESS. The neighbor called yet AGAIN. He will find any little reason to try to get us into trouble. He SUCKS.
He called the police this morning becuase my sisters alarm clock is too loud. LOL> What a fucking freak! I'd like to know how he hears it, considering there is a wall, a fence, and his wall between us. Not to mention all of the yard that keeps us apart. *His windows are NEVER open* He's gone too far this time..this is just outrageous. Who the fuck calls the police because an alarm clock is too loud? He's already awake anyway..he leaves around the time she wakes up. oh wait, i know who calls, sad pathetic karate men who walk around with their bubble asses sticking out and no shirt. Fucking loser. I hope the police tell him to piss off and go fuck himself in the ass, but knowing this town, this is probably a big case for them..LOL
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| Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
1:11 pm
I guess the extra hour last night kicked my ass today. I woke up at 10:30 feeling like complete shit, so i showered and sent the feeling down the drain. I got my lottery ticket, in hopes of winning the lottery, but i'm not old, so i doubt i'll win. I could use a couple million :-)
Back to work i go in about 20 minutes. I don't want to deal today. I don't want to deal with anything!!!!! I wish i could just stay here all day and do nothing. At least i don't have to work an 8 hour shift today, but just my luck, the stupid boss will tell me to stay later. ARGH. He better not..i hate that place, and i want nothing to do with it unless my name and a certain time is on the schedule. I hate putting a damper on my evening plans so i can stay at work longer. I need a job i like.
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| Tuesday, October 8th, 2002
10:52 pm
I had a long long day. I had to work a 9 hour shift, with no OT of course. Bobby told me to put it on the next day, and to come in an hour later..so..i go in at 2, but get paid as if i were there at 1. It's a pretty fucked up way to work things, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I had to stay late because the ports opened back up, and he thought it was going to get busy, but it didn't.
It's fucking hot in this house. I have the window open and the fan on, but it's not cooling down in here. my little dog kept making his "do it now" noises until i finally pulled all of the covers off the bed. He's looking for his chewy. I had to pull each blanket off the bed and throw it on the floor. He then goes thru each blanket in search of his chewy. He doesn't find it, so he makes his noises yet again. Finally i suggest the flashlight to him, and he likes the idea. We lay on the floor and look under the bed with the flashlight. When his chewy is spotted, he gives me the look of "oh no bitch, i don't go under The bed..you better get it" so i get his chewy and he jumps back on the bed satisfied. He will chew on it until it becomes gummy, and then he will fall asleep.
I didn't get to chat with gregg tonight since he was sleeping by the time i got home..we did however chat on the phone for a bit..but of course, customers started coming in, and that was that. He's the only one i really talk to online. Sometimes other people will be on, and we'll talk for a minute or two. The other night i was lying in bed with my eyes closed, and my dog was laying on my chest panting (yes, it was hot then too) I suddenly saw myself from above looking down onto my dog and i..as if i had my eyes open. It felt like i was outside of my body looking down on myself. I wigged out of course seeing myself with my eyes closed, and it went away..Anyone else ever had an experience like that?
I love the geico commercial when he's (the gekko) hanging out with his WOMAN..lol. Too bad geico sucks and raised my insurance because of the bad drivers, so i cancelled their asses!
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| Monday, October 7th, 2002
9:49 pm
9:27 pm
10:56 am
The weekend is over and now it's shitty monday. I guess it's not that bad since i don't have to be at work until 2, but it still sucks cause I'll be gone pretty much all day. I put some temporary dreds in my hair last night. i just use this loreal stretch gel, and stretch them out, then have my dad twist the hell out of strands on one side, then i twist the hell out of the other side...pin them up, then the next day i have long dreddies :-) They wash out in the shower really easily.
Half of the cookies i made last night are gone. I made A LOT of cookies. There is one left on the plate. I still have about 50-60 in the freezer..but still! Everyone loves cookies, i was prancing around the house yesterday singing to gregg that "i am the perfect cookie maker" at least i'm good at something :)
I had a sad dream. I was at some type of summer camp place and people were teasing me because i'm not good at math. They weren't just teasing me, they were getting in my face laughing at me. My old friend Laura was also in my dream, and she was my friend again..maybe that's my brain telling me i need female friends. Who knows.
I've paid all of my bills, so now i am Poor until next payday. Oh well i guess. I have to figure out what to get gregg for his birthday...november 30th. We also have a halloween party to go to, and i want to make some punch that i read about in a book. It's this green punch made from soda and juice, and it has a floating ice hand in it. Pretty damn neato if you ask me. I want to make that for the party... I'm not sure, but i think it's at zoey's tattoo shop. I better ask mah gregg
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| Sunday, October 6th, 2002
2:14 pm
I made about 12-15 dozen cookies this morning. Fresh baked cookies sounded good. I went to the store and got the stuff i needed for them (everything but sugar and chocolate chips) and now here i sit...all cookied out. I didn't eat too many of them either.
I have my window open so of course i have to listen to the neighbors screaming young frankenstein. "Mommy daddy, mommy daddy, mommy daddy" that is the only vocabulary he has, when he should be speaking already...he's what...5 now? I know many 5 year olds that can speak..and it's not like he's slow or has problems, i just think that's all they've taught him to say. That and i'm sure "shut up bitch" since his dad is an asshole. I could totally see him saying that inside closed doors.
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| Friday, October 4th, 2002
2:15 pm - let's give it a try!
I've done lots today. My laundry, my room and i even scrubbed the tub. Now i only have to clean myself up and we'll be good. Tonight gregg and i are going to modesto to see a movie. I figure afterward we can have jamba juice or something. We are going to see Red Dragon. He's been wanting to see it, and it looks pretty good, so we're gonna see it.
Let's try the LJ Cut shall we?
( Click for pics )
current mood: cheerful
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| Thursday, October 3rd, 2002
11:53 pm
Nevermind about the circus.. It's $45.00-$65.00 just to get in! There aren't even any tigers or elephants! I might as well stick to marine world, at least i can go there for free! lol
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11:34 pm
I want to go to the circus! Boyfriend! Take me to the circus! hehehe :-) Please?
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8:46 pm
I woke up this morning in just my underwear and a bug bite on my stomach. I went to bed with a tee shirt on. The only thing i can think of is that i was in a vicodin induced coma, and a bug bit me, i realized this and flipped out, therefore pulling my shirt off. That's the only thing i can think of..i don't know why else i would take my clothes off while asleep... Hmm.
I took some pretty decent pics last night. I just have to shrink them down..maybe i'll post a couple later on.
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| Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002
11:06 am - Migraines SUCK
Why do i feel like a loser when i call in?! i guess it's that i feel bad for leaving them hanging..but that's what clay is for i guess.
My migraine is still here. It's laying low just waiting for the perfect trigger to set it off. It could be anything at this point. We're on day 2 and something as simple as perfume can make it come back. Carbination will do it..too much wind or chocolate will do it. I had every intention on going to work today, but just thinking about the loud beeps and the stench of cheap cologne, and the stinch of people sitting on their asses for days on end just makes my migraine want to come back fully.
This would be a good as time as any to take something like "imitrex" for the trigger, however..with no insurance i can't take that now can i? It didn't work while i had it anyway. I now depend on vicodin for my migraine pain, but as i told gregg last night..it seems like it just isn't doing the job anymore. I have to get vicodin from other people's prescriptions. Like when my sister got her teeth pulled, she gave me her vicodin. After my mom's surgery, she gave me her vicodin. Laura once claimed she had really bad pains, so she gave me her vicodin.
I've been on prescription pills since the 3rd grade. It started out as half a codeine, then went from one codeine to 6 codeine just to make the pain stop by the time i was in the 7th grade. From the age 11 to 14 i was on verapamil daily. A blood pressure medicane to keep my blood flowing normally that way when a migraine came (and it wasn't supposed to) The blood vessels in my brain wouldn't pinch shut too much, and it was then, at age 14 when they gave me the vicodin as a Just in case. After the verapamil stopped working, i went on numerous other medicanes to make the migraines stop, but they never worked. I just used vicodin for the pain...to this day.
I don't know why i get them. I've gone thru many tests as far as "push my hand with your left foot, push my hand with your right foot" but all of these tests resulted in nothing. It isn't period related. Some women get them around that time of the month..i get them whenever my brain feels like it. I can't smell any incense or that's it for me. That will do it immediately. I remember i once went to a dr. that pushed a certain spot in my neck, and bam..instant migraine. To make it go away, he gave me a shot in my neck, and shot liquid up my nose, and boom..it was gone. Too bad i ran out of medical insurance shortly after that, or i'd definately be taking the liquid that goes up your nose.
I get them in my left eye only. i've gotten them in my right eye probably 2 times out of 1000. Those are the crippling ones. I can't cope with right eye migraines, the pain is 110xs worse. While some people suffer a classic or normal migraine, seeing "auras" right before *lines, little shapes in one eye* i See these things constantly. Without a migraine. I don't see aura's with a migraine, the only things i suffer besides pain is i become "handicapped" as i like to call it. I forget what i was talking about. I can't concentrate on anything, i give people the wrong change back at work, and i seriously forget everything right then and there. You could ask me a question and i could forget it the second you asked if i had a migraine. I could tell you something, and the words dont' come out right, so i have to start over. It doesn't happen with all of them, but it does for most of them.
Most of the time, out of my left eye only i see little things fly by. They almost look like little clear worms floating thru the air or the sky. I see them better if there is a lot of light, but most of the time, in a normal lighted room, i can't see them as good. With a background, such as the sky..they appear very well. Migraines don't come before of after i see them, they just appear whenever they want..just like the migraines.
I don't know how i went from "i'm not working today" to my migraine history..but there they are anyway..lol. So yes, i'm staying home today, and i feel shitty about it..but oh well i guess. Tonight is the lottery..and i can't wait to see if i won anything *just like everyone else in california* And if i didn't, well then..i just contributed to the person who does.
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10:10 am
It's cold and windy. I want to snuggle in a blanket with my gregg. :-(
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| Tuesday, October 1st, 2002
9:10 pm
The cable company switched all of our channels around and added new ones. Now i'm completely lost, and i don't know which channel is what. They added a whole bunch, so now i get VH1 and comedy central, but still no E! I want to watch the damn anna nicole show!
I came home early from work today. I had a horrible migraine. It was just a bad day all together. I felt like i was getting one before i left the house, and once i got to work and heard all of the loud beeps we constanly have going on, it just got worse. Some bastard pulled up on the scale and instead of pushing the button to speak with me, the fucker honked his godamn big rig horn. I gave him a lovely speech over the loudspeaker for that one. To sum it up, i told him never to do that again, to get off his cell phone (they aren't allowed on the scale) and to realize that he isn't the only one in the world that needs service, and that he should wait just like everyone else. I explained to him that i had a line of people while he was being an asshole honking his horn, and he said "oh...you're too busy to weigh me huh?!" When he came in, i wanted to smack him, but i didn't say one word about our screaming match over the speaker, and either did he. He comes in quite often and has never acted like a jerk, so i just let it go.
Speaking of asshole customers, some guy grabbed my promise ring, jokingly and said "can i have that?!" as he's trying to pull it off my finger. Defensively i said NO and he got all pissed off and said "exscuse ME!" it was just funny that he got so mad at something he shouldn't have been doing in the first place. Tell me, have you ever walked into your local quickie mart and tried to grab the cashiers ring whom you've never met before? I didn't think so.
My grandma got a computer and the internet. She's already sent me 2 e-mails today..lol. She's silly. They are just little paragraphs, but i told her i'd send her some pics of gregg and i. They have met before, and the first time she met him, someone asked her a question and she said "oh, sorry, i was watching tv thru gregg's ear" *he has his ears stretched..not sure how big, but i can fit my pinkie in there* She really likes him though. I'm hoping she and grandpa will send us to hawaii for our honey moon later on..lol.
Well, it's about that time again, time to meet mah bayba so i can talk his head off. Vicodin makes me very talkative.
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| Friday, September 27th, 2002
12:23 pm
here is a picture i took this morning at work. The patterson sky at 7am is beautiful.
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| Thursday, September 26th, 2002
10:52 am
Why is it that everytime my parents go out of town, or everytime gregg's parents go out of town..i'm on my godamn period?!??! WHY?!?!!! Every single time..it never fails!
Everyone on LJ seems to be on too...i guess it's just "that time of the month"
Court was a joke. The stupid police dept. here SUCKS. They filed the paperwork too late, and my bro didn't even have court today...the case is still under review! How hard is it to review an underage DUI? He drank, he drove, he got caught, arrest him..put him in AA and take his license away for a year. Soo..no court today. I got dressed up and drove to another town to the courthouse for nothing. I wasted all of my change using payphones calling the police department and home for information. He now has to wait until he receives a letter in the mail...then it's time for court.
i have cramps. I took some women's tylenol but they didn't go away. Pot would be the answer to help the cramps, but i don't feel like doing that anytime soon. Boyfriend will just have to rub my belly to make them go away. He's really good at that :-)
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