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Nate ripley

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[30 Aug 2004|10:47pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Aaron Carter - Little Bitty Pretty One ]

What Makes You Purr? by bluemystique82
Favorite Food:
You purr when:your master tickles you
You as a kitten:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Im not going to get into what happened tonite, lets just say it had to do with shance and pudding.. read between the lines, but im not going to tell you what ones.. haha....

I gotta get up early in the mornin, so Im of to bed... laer peeps..


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Blah..... Blah.....and one more time... Blah.... [27 Aug 2004|07:38am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Cher- Taxi Taxi ]

Its been a hell of a time gettting use to my new scedule, last night I came home at 6 and was asleep around 7:30, and slept the whole night..... now Im getting ready to go jogging and then to the grocery store, and all this befor noon when I have to leave for work again..

after sept, 3 Im going to be an assistant manager, SHibby, the other day my manager, asked me if I would be interested in the posistion, and I was like "Hell yea".. haha, the new girl thats comming will be the shift manager...

The cher concert was the other night, I was down town when it let out, 10 thousand peopel flooded the street, I wish I could have gone =( but i wasnt going to pay the hundred dollar ticket price... but I know it would have been amazing, Shance is going to get me the concert on dvd so I can watch when ever I want.. Shibby..

i have nothing more to say right now, Ill chat you all latter..


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A rainy night in the City, I call home. [16 Aug 2004|10:37pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Richard Marxx- when your gone ]

Shance and I just got back from AVP (alien Vs Predator). I thought this movie totally rocked, lots Of action and scary stuff. Both Species were protrayed to a T the director( same as Resident evil) did a spit shine job.. BRAVO..

On the way home it started to rain, so we walked from Clayton Park , home under my umbrella, it was kindda romantic.. hehe.... thankgoodness its only a couple of blocks....

Im looking forword to work tomorow, Shibby, no real reason, I just love work....

anyways, Im going to get going and lift weights.. then relax for a bit befor bed..

nite peeps.

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Heres to one hell of a week.... [09 Aug 2004|10:15am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Something Corporate - Space ]

I went to 2 meetings yesterday, and were getting everything set up for the new store, its totally crazy, and I love it.. Mary is our new manager, the manager from halifax, but thats kool, I was kindda scared of the change, but she knows how to get results, and Im totally looking forword to that, She also said yesterday that she could have me ready to be a manager of my own store in 8 months, I was like Holy Shit, I was excited by that, Im gonna work my ass of to get there , this is something that Ive wanted for a very very long time. SHibby...

Today and tomorow I have training meetings, Practical coach and acountability then Ill be full time in the new store, I'll be getting 9.50 an hour with 38.5 hours guarantied which is sweet.... Mary also said that she wants nikki and I to have just as much to do with the store as she does, which ment I can do interviews, and paperwork, call head office for restock stuff like that, Im sooooooooo excited,

I have a whole store to redesign this week, ladies on one side guys on the other, kids at the back.. SO much on my plate.. SHIBBY... and with a 40 % discount now, ill always be buying cloths.. theirs a leather jacket that I want from halifax.. im gonna get it sent over, it looks SO nice..

I just realized that the other day i coudl fit into a 30-31 jean this is good cause Im loosing the weight that I wanted, but bad , cause all my jeans are already way to big, I just tried on a pair of my favorite kakie pants and they fall off me.. *sigh* new fall wardrobe for me .. haha SHibby..

anyways the most wonderful amn in the world has just made me brunch os Im gonna get going and make the best of this cloudy day,

have fun everyone..


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work work work........ all work and no play makes me an upset child... [04 Aug 2004|08:27am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | The Gay Pimp - Soccer Practice ]

well work is crazy, monday i didnt think it was going to be busy at all, and the hord of people came shufling in no more the 10 mins after I opened the gates, and it stayed that way all day... *sigh* yestarday was a little better, but ontop of everything, I have a setup to finish befor tomorow, MEl, comes... Im not scared of her or anything, I just want my store to look presentable, I have to give her soemthing to be proud of, I am getting promoted Duh...

On Thursday Shance and i are going to The Buskers, I cant wait, I lvoe going every year, its so much fun... I should call Csaba and saee if he want to come with us, I havnt seen him in awhile and he needs to get out once inawhile.. haha...

anyways The plummer is going to be here in a few mins, to fix our leaky sink..

So Im outta here...


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LMFAO...... haha.... [30 Jul 2004|08:53am]
your fuck.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

well i didnt think I was this bad, but i was being honest, when answering the questions..

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* Sigh...... REALLY BIG SIGH.......* [30 Jul 2004|08:27am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | VANESSA AMOROSI - Absolutely Everybody ]

well today is pay dya and im broke already... after I take out my rent money and get my bus pass, ill have 22 dollars to my name... I really dont want to dip into my other account.. but if I have to I have to...

Yesterday was Joe's last day, Im gonna miss that shit head... he taught me everything I need to know to follow in his footsteps... I know Im gonna be calling him aobut something or another things,...

I worked with one of the new girls lastnite, shes a "Model" I was like yea kool, I have friends that are models.. no biggie.. haha, and when it came time for her to swiffer, she said " can you show me how this thing works, I have a maid, that does it for me" I was almost laughing on the floor ( inside, I would never do that to her face) but I just couldnt believe it.. and I know im gonna have to whip her into shape, her customer service skills are the shits... but shes new so Im going easy on her..

Its just starting to sink in that Im moving up in position in 2 weeks, I ahve alot of training still left to do, but most of it I can learn hands on. which is the best way for me..

The tall ships are here in Halifax , so I think after grocery shopping Shance and i are going to head downtown, and check that out, and enjoy the day, I thank god I have today off, but inturn, Im not, cause I need hours to make ends meet, but with all the newbies, its hard. but I did get an extra 3 hours (thank god).

The village came out yesterday, and Catwoamn is out now, Shance and I want to see both, what to see what to see..???? maybe we'll do a double feature.. Oh but wait, Im broke... meh.... hahahahaha. We'll make it, I know we will.. I just have to hold out till aug 16.. then ill be rolling in the dough, and will have a promised 38.5 hours a week.. SHIBBY, and at 10 bucks an hour, Im happy...

anyways Im gonna go get out of my wet towel.. haha, I went for a run, and when I got back I had a shower, and now my bumm is all soggy, haha... and Im hungry.. so Im gonna go and get something to eat..

later kiddies..


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up at the crack of dawn..... [22 Jul 2004|08:13am]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | A-Teens - A Perfect Match ]

Which Disney Movie Do You Belong In?
Pick One:
Movie You Belong In:
The Amount Of Money You'll Bring In: $119,998,788.12
This Quiz by jump5fan - Taken 21659 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

I just woke up, and I think im gonna go running, I was watting to see if the fog was gonna go away, but it doesn't look like it... but thats ok.. I just made a cd of over 300 of the best of the best 80's tunes.. haha Ill be entertained for awhile..

nate out...
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from awhile to time to time... [20 Jul 2004|08:22am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Start Trouble - Chemical ]

yesterday was a god day, Shance and I went to see "I robot " which was a really good movie, lots of morals and ideas going on... and then for the first time in about a year we had donairs.. Yummy... Sooooooo good.

today I work at 4 today, im closing again.. and I open tomorow.. "sigh"

already today I have been out for my run, and had my shower, I just made breakfast, and soon i will start on lunch and what will be my dinner at work tonight aswell.. Yakisoba Or "Fried Japanese Noodles" to the english people who dont understand japanese.. Yakisoba

its really good and really filling..

Yesterday Shance and i were talking about kids, and if we were going to addopt or find someone to have a baby for us, with no strings attached.....With that I mean artificial insemination, cary for the term and then have no interaction with the child.. but then i thought this might be wrong. However I have heard about women that will do this for gay and lesbian couples or even straight couples who can not bare children.. but I wouldnt even know where to start my search, and even if I did, are we ready for whats ahead of us??

but the question is would we rather addopt? or find someone to cary on our genes?

I have had several woman say that they would cary a baby for me.. Knowing that I was gay, was this to actually have a baby for me, or just get me into bed knowing that I was a great lover??? HAHA who knows.. I know they never will......

anywyas Im gonna head of into the day and find some things to do..

nate out..

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??? [16 Jul 2004|11:03am]
[ music | Love Hina - Sakura saku ]

LJ Username
Favorite RPG
Main Hero nosetips
Annoying Sidekick david0thomas
Hero's Love Interest biggerstaff
The Sexy, Big Chested One david0thomas
Random Monster strangekindaboy
Evil Villan biggerstaff
This quiz by nine3001 - Taken 3392 Times.
New - Help with love and dating!

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[14 Jul 2004|11:25pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Underworld - Cowgirl ]

How many people love you on LJ?
LJ Name
Many people consider you Nicest person ever
How many people LOVE you 112
How many people hate you 60
Amount of money people would give you $399.92
Jebus Says (8) - It is certain. - (8)
You are loved - 38%
This quiz by DiWolfe - Taken 55 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

first I would like to say that I am closing the stoe like a pro now, my timeing is down awesome, and I dont even miss my bus, SHIBBY

tonite at work was good, had lots of good sales and made my goal, but Im still down on my week, by 2 hundred bucks, but thats easy to get, (crosses fingers)

I get paid in 2 days, and I think its spent already, I have to pay bills and rent, "sigh" rent... Im also going to get Shance, and persent, I think Im gonna get him another snow globe, he likes them, and hanst gotten one in quite along time, so as a treat... I think Ill get him the Lilo and Stitch one from the Disney store.. hehe He'll love it..

me on the other hand Im gonna invest in some new shirts, we got some awesome polo's at work today, and I lvoe, I tried on one, its so nice, and comfie...

anywyas Im of to bed, Im gonna get up early and go running,

later kiddies..

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" these sounds swirling through my mind" [12 Jul 2004|08:05am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Royal gigolos - Caifornia dreamin' ]

well its been a bit since I worte anything in here, nothing new is really going on, Same old shit just a different day, went to see spiderman 2 which totally rocked my world, I loved it to boot.

been working out alot more lately, I dont know whats getting into me, but I feel like a milloin bucks, cept that none of my clothes fit me anymore, all my jeans hang of me, even with a belt im always pulling them up??
I got a bunch of new tees the other day from work, so Im set that way, as for pants and shorts, I'm gonna wait and see if we have a buy and save for BTS(back to school). in a month Rickies will be finished moving upstairs, and Bootlegger will have the whiole store to its self, its gonna be a wicked store, SOOOO big, i just hope we get the product to fill it up...

yesterday I made Yakisoba - Fried Japanese Noodles and it was totally awesome, im gonna make it alot, its really easy and fairly cheap, along with that I made tempura shrpim, mmmmmmm .

today im gonna make a bean sprot salad, with a rice vinaigrette... I dont have to work till 6 so I want to go out and enjoy the day, and so far it looks like its gonna be a really nice day.

This week is pay week, Shibby, extreme. I love pay weeks, haha, and I have big plans for this pay too, Im gonna get a new tv, Or maybe just get mine fixed, depends on how much it will take to get it fixed. I miss watching atleast some movies and playing videogames.

but Im gonna go to the gym , so I can get back here befor Shance wakes up, so I can make him breakfast.

later kiddies

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[02 Jul 2004|11:29pm]
You're Jessica Rabbit!
Jessica Rabbit

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Shibby, Im the sexiest of sexy in the cartoon world, woman.. Swing to the max.. HAHA..
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thunder and Lighting [26 Jun 2004|07:31am]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Ozone - Dragostea Din Tei ]

while I was sitting here bitching that I couldnt go jogging thismorning, I saw lighting and then a few mins later a huge clap of thunder let go, I WANT TO GO RUNNING, BUT NOT IN THE RAIN =(

anyways, its been a shit ass week at work, everyones lucky if they make their goals each day, sevral of us are down like 700 bucks, im just hoping today is a better day.

The situation for Sahnce and I went from looking good to looking in a tolet, We found out yesterday that hes got no status in canada and needs to go to the border and basicly walk acrossed then come back, WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP, then we have to fill out our forms and give a big long explanation, about how hes been here for over a year, and that we have beening livivng together and have a lease togetrher , and that kinda of shit, but then whos to say we'll get excpeted ?? and the fees for it all reach well over a thousand bucks, and if he doesnt get excepted we loose it all.

WHAAAAAAAAA *-* I just want to cry sometimes, its so frustrating.... and Im running out of money,

but I just have to hold my head high and look for the silver linning, in a few months ill be woking full time and be making almost 10 bucks an hour,

anywyas Im gonna get going and find something to do ...


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What a great weekend.. [21 Jun 2004|06:42pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | janet jackson - All Nite (Don't Stop) ]

This weekend has got to be one of the best in awhile,

yestarday shacne and I hung out with Csilla and Csaba we were all over down town halifax, and csilla draged us down scary got-a-gun st. Blah, but anywyas, we had a blast... just talking and fooling around like kids our age do...

today Shacne and I have been doing a few things, I did luandry this morning, I know it doesnt sound like fun, but when your an individual like myslef, I can find great pleasure in small things, I also set out to make Kim-chee, its a korean pickle dish, consisting of Won Buk (korean Cabbage) alot of water, salt and alot of time.. its almost time fot the second stage.

Shance and I also had a really nice bar-b-q hotdogs, Corn on the kob, and a nice salad. and some after dinner excitment followed.. haha Im not going into details..

now Im just waitting for the kim-chee to enter second stage, and im going to draw some manga, a few people at work have said that my drawings are awesome, and want to see where Im going with the story....

anywyas Im gonna get going, and putter till i find something to do, Shance wants to play The Sims, hes been trying for the last few hours, but everythign he gets up from the puter I snag it..

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 83%
Kissing Skill Level - 52%
Cudding Skill Level - 73%
Sex Skill Level - 78%
Why They Love You You pleasure them first.
Why They Hate You You won't take your socks off.
This Quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 23401 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz


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How To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity [17 Jun 2004|08:19am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

How To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity

1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars.
See if they slow down.

2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.

3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "in"

5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has Gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.

6. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors".

7. Finish all your sentences with "in accordance with the prophecy."

>8. Don't use any punctuation marks

9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.

10. Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.

11. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go".

12. Sing along at the opera.

13. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.

14. Put mosquito netting around your work area. Play a tape of jungle sounds all day.

15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.

16. Have your coworkers address you by your wrestling name, Rock Hard Kim.

17. When the money comes out the ATM, scream "I won!", "I won!", "3rd time this week!!!!!"

18. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "run for your lives, they're loose!!"

19. Tell your children over dinner. "due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."

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some cool stuff [14 Jun 2004|09:46am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | janet jackson - All Nite (Don't Stop) ]

How to make a ripley

5 parts pride

3 parts arrogance

1 part beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum!


Personality cocktail

ripley's LJ stalker is garyjr!
garyjr is stalking you because they saw your picture and fell in love.. They are also prank calling you regularly!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
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Play sausage! Who has the longest? [14 Jun 2004|09:44am]
{length:38}-{[info]nightway}-{[info]mr_false}-{[info]cherita}-{[info]goldy_kin}-{[info]besyonya}-{[info]alexej}-{[info]ivand}-{[info]ta_tochka}-{[info]gosha}-{[info]candelabra}-{[info]nikon_nlg}-{[info]dziro}-{[info]ven_ture}-{[info]xnrrn}-{[info]allegroconmolto}-{[info]soulscode}-{[info]glassapples}-{[info]earthmagik}-{[info]shaenie}-{[info]baggers}-{[info]fox1013}-{[info]altoidsaddict}-{[info]karmabreeze}-{[info]joedecker}-{[info]mactavish}-{[info]metaphorge}-{[info]chaoticerotic} - {[info]katwinx} - {[info]koschei23} - {[info]perpetual_gb} - {[info]junoimelda} - {[info]synabetic} - {[info]wire_mother} - {[info]missreagan} - {[info]jakerain} - {[info]imflying} - {[info]allofmyprophets} - {[info]ripley}
To join, enter your nickname and press the button. The sausage will post itself automatically.
You have to be logged in and have Javascript enabled.
created by [info]nightway
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Halifax Oh how I love this town. [13 Jun 2004|01:30pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | janet jackson - All Nite (Don't Stop) ]

its sunday and its sunny and nice, Shance and i are getting ready to go downtown or somewhere.. Im not sure, were out for an adventure..

this week starts the 20th Annual Nova Scotia Multicultural Festival, here in halifax, and I cant wait.. I loved it last year and I know its going to be sweet again this year.

Korean Dancing

check this and the other stuff going on by going here 2004 Nova Scotia Multicultural Festival

anywyas kidds were outta here

chat you later


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Balloons are the internation Sign Of " PARTY OVER HERE" [12 Jun 2004|08:28am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Tiffany Gayle -do you wanna dance ]

This weeks been great , got lots of work done, I had my yearly review and got a raise, SHIBBY,
we did find out that Joe isnt going to be the manager of our new store, Hes decided to go back to school, and study for his fire fighters stuff, I figured it was going to coem sooner or later, this is his life long dream, hes a volounteer and has been saying that he wasnt to do it full time.

So now Im a bit scared, Im so use to joe and the way his is, but New people can be scary, I just hope they are as crazy and nice as joe.

Caroline also put some new responcabilites on me, Im going to be coaching Alicia trying to bring up her average sale and upt. it wont be a hard task, Im going to be shift manager in the new store and caroline has said that Ill be great.

Jeri is back in town, and were going to party at her house tonite Shibby, I miss that girl...
I work till 7 so by the time we get to her place it should be jumpin'.

Sahnce is still sleeping, he stays up late playing the sims, we just downloded it a few days ago, he so cute, i love him so much. Tomorow I think were going to spend it down town enjoying sunday the best we can....

Oh I totally Forgot, Cher is comming to Hlfx, and Im going to get tickets, they go on sale monday mornring, Thank god I have monday off, I want to be the first to have tickets.. SHIBBY,

and Harry Potter is in Imax at our theather so I think shance and i are going to see that aswell maybe tomorow, I donno.. we have both ben dying to see it..

anywyas Im gonna go running,

nate out.

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