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Washington Mutual Bank = Assholes!!!!
October 2004
Monday, October 18th, 2004 05:35 pm
Beware the ugly fat broad. :oP

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Current Mood: sick

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Saturday, October 16th, 2004 10:16 am
It is miiiine!

Current Mood: happy

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Friday, October 15th, 2004 07:22 pm nipples are hard...

They have a clip for the LOTR: Return of the King EE on the site.  It's located on the left, towards the bottom.

Me wants it, my precious!!!

Current Mood: excited

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Friday, October 15th, 2004 05:28 pm
Oh brother

If there's a thread of truth to this, he's a fucking dumb ass.  I think Jennifer is WAY better the Angelina.  Yes, true, I can not stand Angelina Jolie.  She's not much of an actress imo, and she's a freak....course so are a lot of people in the "biz".

Current Mood: bored

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 09:40 pm
Woohoo...Sims 2 Shtuff!

Current Mood: excited

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 09:26 pm
I *heart* Lost.  I don't care what anyone has to say negative about the show.  I think it's fun tv.

Current Mood: okay

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 06:54 pm

...because any hate crime is just plain wrong.  I think of him, and the black gentleman who was also murder.  Unfortunately I can never remember his name, and where it happened.  It's a disgusting, hateful world we live in, my friends.

October 12, 1998

Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.

What will you do to end the silence?

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Current Mood: sad

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 03:52 pm
Double HA!

Current Mood: amused

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 03:46 pm

I snagged this one off of [info]katernater.

Jaws:  In 30 Seconds

Current Mood: amused

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 02:43 pm

Never fails...someone famous dies, and someone tries to cash out on it.  Far as I'm concerned, unless she has some solid proof, then she doesn't have a leg to stand on.  If he is the father, there's one solid way to do it.  I'm surprised that she hasn't already gotten a DNA test on the kid.  Seems like a load of crap.

Current Mood: sick

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Monday, October 11th, 2004 06:19 am
Oh no

Christopher Reeve dies of heart failure.

Oh man.  How horrible.  Again, if there's life after death, I hope where he went he's not just walking, he's soaring.  He'll always be Superman to me.  RIP.

Boy, the threes hit it fast this time.  First was Janet Leigh (I'm not sure if I'm spelling that right), then Rodney Dangerfield, and now Chris.

Current Mood: shocked

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Sunday, October 10th, 2004 07:10 am
Beyond the Sea:  Ahh...Mr Spacey returns to us.  For now at least.  I just read that he's going to (or seriously considering) retire from films, and just concentrate on his theater career.  He either owns or runs the Old Vic in England.  I can't remember now.  Anyway, I think it would suck, but it doesn't surprise me.  I know that's where he's been lately.

In other trailer news this looks pretty damn amusing to me.

Current Mood: awake

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Saturday, October 9th, 2004 10:49 pm
Ack...what a day.  I am pooped.  Emotinal exhaustion can just whip a person raw, I tell ya.  Up and down day.  I have this empty feeling inside of me.  Especially when I'm talking/playing with the cats.  Sucks.  It'll take time, but even then, there'll always be that hole from time to time.  No check today for mom.  Something else that sucks.  Hopefully we'll be seeing it Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday.  Well folks, I'm going to crash.  Have a goodnight.

Current Mood: exhausted

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Saturday, October 9th, 2004 01:53 pm
woohoo...I'm a hybrid

She is a hybrid of:
Academic Girl
Girl Next Door

Click on the pictures below to read more:

Academic GirlGirl Next Door
Take the 'What Kind of Girl Is She?' quiz at

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes again.  I appreciate the support.  It's a real tough time.  I'm doing all right.  Every now and then it hits me.  I'll start to think of the little things he'd do.  His little quirks and such.  Then I get teary eyed thinking how I'll never witness them again.  It'll be tough.  It's like I lost one of my kids.  We've always been together, and now our little group is one less.  The others are okay, but Buttons seems more needy then normal.  She's been meowing at me more then she normally does.  I've been trying to give both as much attention as possible.  Right now it seems to be nappy time.  Oh yeah, I had realized earlier that it was around this time of the year that I aquired my little Natas.  It was either the end of September or beginning of October.  I found him on the doorstep of my first apartment.  I had been wanting to get a cat for companionship.  Low and behold he suddenly pops up on my doorstep.  My mom thinks my neighbors may have overheard me talking about it.  They had like two kittens.  Perhaps they put him there.  I never found out.  He was so small.  I couldn't tell if he was a boy or a girl yet.  I think he was seperated from his mommy at too young of an age.  I originally called him Stinky before I changed it to Natas.  I called him Stinky because he had such a bad bought of diarreha when I found him.  heh.  Sorry...I know I'm rambling on about him.  He was a big part of my life.  He was my very first pet I owned when I moved out.  It's just so hard.  Well I guess I rambled on enough.  Guess I'll go back to my Sims game.  It's good for keeping me preoccupied between kitty loving. :o)

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: No Doubt - Hella Good

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Saturday, October 9th, 2004 09:03 am

It seems Natas made the decision for me.  As we were getting ready, the vet called around seven something.  He passed away in the night.  I guess he was just that far along.  I feel horrible for waiting.  I probably should've taken care of it yesterday instead of letting him suffer.  However I wanted to talk to mom.  I didn't know how far she was willing to go money wise and all that.  I hope he didn't suffer to badly.  I just wish I could've said good-bye one more time.  I feel horrible that he had to pass away alone.  I wanted to at least comfort him as he went.  So he knew that I was there.  I'm having him cremated, and I'll be picking his ashes up whenever they contact me.  I want him home with me.  Now I'm done to two kitties around the same age as Natas was.    Soon as the funds are available, Buttons will be going in next.  I want to have her blood work done and stuff.  Just get a check up so in case anything is there, we can catch it now.  If it's early enough.  I'm telling you, though...I'm going to be paranoid with every little thing with these other two.  Bad enough Puck is dealing with his hyperthyroid, and now early stages of a kidney disease.  He's going good though.  He is in good spirits.  Buttons seems like she notices a difference, I think.  After all, he was the first cat she grew up with after I got her.  That was her buddy.  Even if they didn't like hang out together all the time, he was always there, you know?  I hope nothing more happens for a while.

As for my little lion, I love you SO much.  I miss you terribly, and wish I could've been there.  If there is a life after death, I hope to see you on the otherside.  Thanks for chosing me as your owner...the laughs...and the memories.  Wherever you are, I'm happy that you're no longer suffering.

Current Mood: sad

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Saturday, October 9th, 2004 07:35 am
Well today is the day.  We'll be heading over to the vet's to talk to them, and see my little lion (my nickname for him).  I missed him so badly yesterday.  I think the other cats do, too.  When my mom got home last night, I told her to the best of my recollection what I was told.  She wants to have a chance to talk to the vet about it.  Good ol' mom...she's like me...will do just about anything for a pet.  She wants to see about costs and stuff.  Get a clearer picture.  We don't know yet what we'll do.  If we decide against treatment, but he's in good spirits, we may bring him home.  Mom said we can make him comfortable till the time comes.  Now if he's still as bad off as yesterday, I may go ahead know.  Anyway, that's my day in a nutshell.  Mom is on vacation this week, so if he does come home, she can check on him through the day.  At least till I get home in the evening.  Thanks for the sympathy and well wishes.  It's appreciated.  Many of you are pet lovers yourselves, and know what I'm going through pretty much.  *hugs*

Current Mood: anxious

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Friday, October 8th, 2004 03:48 pm
The inevitable has finally come

Last night I came home to find my cat, Natas, very listless.  He never snapped out of it.  Even when my mother came into the room (he adores her), he didn't respond like he normally does.  Finally, after ten pm, we rushed him to the only damn Vet ER in town.  WAY expensive.  Anyway, they had to take xrays, and they found either a mass or it was his bladder, enlarged.  The problem was that he couldn't really tell, because Natas wasn't like yowling and stuff.  You know, the normal things cats do when having urinary problems.  He wanted to put a catheter in, and keep him over night....yadda, yadda, yadda.  It was going to cost me close to $500.  I only, at best, had about $200.  They would've taken it, but I had to come up with the remainder balance when I picked him up.  There was no fucking way.  Course the vet had earlier told me it's good to get the cath in, because if it was his bladder, they can start draining it.  If let go, it could explode.  Well I didn't want that, but there was no money I could magically pull out of my ass to pay for it.  We would have if the fuckers at Washington Mutual had taken my mother's check.  I, of course, got all upset.  In the end they were able to bring the total down to $237 (I barely had enough).  What they did is do it outpatient wise.  Put the cath in, but I had to monitor him.  They didn't want to do it.  The vet kept saying something about a favor and shit.  Acted surprised that I wouldn't want to have him in overnight.  Fuck!  What did he expect?  Where was I going to get the money?  I mean really!

We didn't get out of there until almost one in the morning.  I don't know why things took so fucking long.  They weren't busy at all.  Anyway, I couldn't seperate him from the other cats because I had no where to take him.  I laid him out on the bed, and spent all night keeping an eye on him.  We were going to rush him into my regular vet in the morning.  At least my vet would take a postdated check, and I wouldn't have to come up with some obscene amount right away.  I got him in not too long after they opened.  Gave them the stuff the ER vet gave me (urine sample and xrays).  They talked to me about all the possibilities.  They took blood samples, and kept him to keep an IV hooked to him.  God only knows how much this is going to cost.  Well I crashed when I got home.  Woke up around one in the afternoon.  I gave the vet a call to see how he was doing.  Come to find out, they already got the tests back.  He had some kidney disease, but I can't recall if she said it was in the early stages.  Then it got even worse.  It appears he is now a diabetic.  I would have to have dialysis done for who knows how long, under care recommended.  Then I could have to administor insilin shots after every meal.  Bring him back in so often for treatment, etc, etc...and then it's difficult to keep his blood sugar levels a certain way...and she went on.  In other words, "cha-ching" I'm not privy in life to have.

If I chose not to have this all done, you can already guess my only other choice.  My mother is fitting the bill for all this.  She is supposedly getting a new check with her name spelled correctly.  We expect to receiving it this week sometime.  I hope.  I need to speak to her about all this, but I've pretty much decided that I'm going to have to go with my second option.  I have no choice.  I can't afford all that, and I definitely can't give him a shot.  If I were diabetic, I'd probably have to get someone else to give me the shots.  When I got off the phone with the vet, I fell apart as I knew I was.  I had to compose myself somewhat, because I was choking.  You know what I mean?  When you're just wrenched with so much, you can feel your body drying up, and you start to choke?  lol...I wanted my mommy.  Unfortunately she had to leave for Ventura for her aunt's funeral.  I was supposed to go before the kitty shit hit the fan.  I knew I wasn't going to make it.  Not with having no sleep, and my mind would be on him.  My mom is just not going to want to hear this after her day.  For the record, I have the best mom in the world.  She did a lot for me the last couple days, and helping me with this vet bill.

The vet is open tomorrow from 8-12, so I'll have to go in the morning.  The vet I saw today won't be in, but she'll talk with the one on tomorrow.  What my big fear is that the iv will temporarily make him feel good.  In doing that, he'll seem all perky and happy.  Then I will feel like shit putting him down, when he "seems" okay.  Know what I mean?    We'll see what happens.  If that's the case, I may see how long I would have with him before things got bad again.  Unless they recommend taking care of it right away.  I don't want him to suffer, but I don't want to say goodbye.  This is going to be my first experience being in the room while my pet is being put down.  My mom always did our animals in the past.  I hope he'll be okay until then.  I want to be able to say goodbye, and I want to be there to comfort him as he leaves.  I want to have him cremated, and bring his remains home.  I want him home.  Well I better close this up.  I have a raging headache from crying off and on.  Plus I'm beyond exhausted.  Oh yeah, for the record, this isn't the cat with the hyperthyroid.  That would be Puck.  He seems to be doing all right.  Natas was just fine, and then bam...he's dying.  Sucks man.

Current Mood: crushed

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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004 09:08 pm
Washington Mutual Bank sucks black, stanky toejam

Here's my story (forgive my grammer and spelling)...

A couple months ago, my mom's company (owned then by Target Corporation) was sold to another company.  Due to that, she was going to have to do something with her 401k money.  Either roll it over, etc..  My mom elected to go ahead and draw it out.  We're just needing help right now, and it would get us straighten out.  She finally requested the money online around the end of the month.  She got that check yesterday.  It's a pretty large sum.  Well there's one tiny problem.  My mom's first name is spelled incorrectly.  Her name is Donna, where this company has her name down as Domma.  Mom thought she changed the name a while back, but they never did.  Of course, mom being mom, she never bothered to check back into it again.  Well to get straight to the point, she went to two different branches of Washington Mutual.  Both denied depositing her check due to the name.  Of course they gave her a long old speech as to why and all that.  Course there's a lot of little details I'm omitting, because they're not relevant.  Plus, it would be forever before I finally got this typed out.  Course what pissed me off is they've taken a check like this before, from the same fucking company (with the same fucking misspelled name), back in 2001.  At the time, my mom was over in Arizona taking care to get my grandparents cabin cleaned up to sell.  We could no longer afford to keep it (sadly), and we had to get it sold.  We were hurting very badly at the time.  I was still out of work, and my unemployment check was only so much.  My mom took a loan out on her 401k.  What we ended up doing is I Fedex her the check for her signature, and then she sent it back my way.  I called the bank, told them the situation we were in (Mom in Arizona), about the misspelled name on the check, and so forth.  They told me to come on in with the signed check, approved it with no problem, and even released it that very day for use.  No hold on it what so ever.

Now here it is, 2004, and they're not going to fucking take the check at all.  Despite the fact my mom has done business with them FOREVER (back when they used to be Great Western)...Despite the fact that they've taken a check with the SAME name from the SAME fucking company before...Despite the fact that, on the check itself, it has my mom's address and shit (yeah, like there's a Domma living at that address without our fucking knowledge) with the last name spelled right...Despite the fact that they used to accept direct deposits from my mom's work with the same fucking misspelled name in the past (she didn't realize it until someone said something to her)....Despite the fact that we've deposited some very high priced checks in her account in the past.  None, which I may add, ever had problems getting paid to the fucking bank.  Nothing in the past matters.  I mean, my mom has bounced her account from time to time, but no check we ever put in from someone has bounced.  Know what I mean?

I was very livid.  I called one of the branches she went to.  The one she does the most business with, and the same one that took the check in the past.  I knew it was a waste of time, but I wanted my thoughts know.  However, it didn't go over as well as I would've liked.  Or should I say it didn't go as smooth.  Unfortunately, I have a lot of my mom's genes.  One being when I get very angry, I'm prone to crying.  Yup....I'm even embarrassed to admit it.  I wish I had composed myself before calling, but I was so angry.  Course the bank manager was a total dick.  I really understood his point, but he wasn't getting mine.  Basically he could give a damn about my mother and her business.  He could give a damn that she is back twice with her first mortgage, and back about three with her second.  He could give a damn if our electricity is about to be shut off.  Okay, granted, he doesn't have to care about what goes on in our personal life.  It's not his fault after all.  The point I'm making is the money is very vital to us right now.  That at one time they took a check with the exact same name, from the same company, prior.  Yet now they can't?  Doesn't make fucking sense to me.  Now, if this was our first time we present a check like this, I wouldn't be nearly as upset.  I I wouldn't be thrilled, but I'd be more understandable.  If my mom had this bad record of depositing bad checks, I wouldn't blame them.  None of this is the case though.

Shit, we've deposited checks from like mortgage companies, loan checks, etc...all kinds of high amounts.  What makes Target Corporation any more suspicious then say a check from Beneficial?  I mean, c'mon!  The fucking check has my mom's damn address on it!  Like my mom said, if the last name was spelled incorrectly, she'd understand that a lot better then her first name.  The guy told me I have a commen last name (news to me).  There could be a Domma out there.  Fuck...I did a quick google search for my mom's name spelled that way.  Nothing.  You put it in the correct spelling, and all kinds of things come up.  Is Domma that commen of a name?  Anyone?  Shit, if you're that damn scared, then why not put a hold on it until the check clears??  I thought banks had that option?  They used to in the past.  Anyway, I choked out how I'm glad I no longer bank with such a company (this is the second time they fucked me over...well, this time they fucked my mom over, but you get what I mean)...blah...blah...blah....that I'm going to recommend to anyone not to do business with them...blah...blah...blah.  Like I'm sure he cares.  Which is evident that he doesn't.  At one point, I explained to him how we need this money for this and that.  Then as he goes on, he told me that unless she had the money in her account to cover said check...then snobbishly adds, "Which obviously she doesn't, since you just told me that it's needed for bills...".  It was just the tone he said it.  Pissed me off.  Snobbish mother fucker.  Just because we don't have thousands of dollars in the bank doesn't make us any less then anyone else that banks there.

I told my mother what happened, and she agreed that it's time for her to start looking for a new bank.  After talking about it, I think we're going to get her on my account.  I mean we're always writing checks back and forth to one another.  To help cover bills.  Why not just add her on?  I'm going to look into it.  I think it would be a good idea.  She's going to contact Target Corporation to see about having the check name changed.  Hopefully we won't have to wait forever, and we won't get any hassles there.  Mom doesn't think she should, but the way our luck is going, I'm nervous.  As for fucking Washington Mutual...well...they not only lost out on this money here, but the possibility of a large some from my mom's aunt's estate.  I mean, we don't know for sure.  She may get diddley, which is fine either way for my mom.  It's whatever her Aunt and Uncle wanted.  If we do, well tough shit WM.  You can go fuck yourselves.  I can't wait till my mom closes the mother fuckers out.  I'm hoping she doesn't change her mind.  I personally think it's bullshit to be treated this way after being with them for so long.  I'm trying to decide, once mom closes up, if I should write a letter to the main company to complain.  I don't expect anything out of it, and I'm sure they'll stick by their policies.  I just want to give them a piece of my mind on our treatment and so forth.  If anyone ever asks me about Washington Mutual, I'm going to be sure I do my best to have that person running someplace else to invest their money.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: 'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry (Single Mix)

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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004 07:56 pm
Washington Mutual Bank are fucktards

There's a lot to get into, but I'm tired beyond belief.  If I get perky, I may explain more to my header there above.  Until then, if you've ever considered banking with them, don't.  Don't give the fuckers the business.  They're a bunch of hypocritical, snobbish ass munches that ever did work in the fucking business.  When you hear my story, you may still side with them.  Fine, but I hope you'll see where I'm coming from.  Fuckers just lost a customer in my mother.  Being a long standing customer doesn't mean fuck to them.  Especially if you don't make a whole lot of fucking money.  Fucking snobs.

Current Mood: pissed off

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Monday, October 4th, 2004 07:28 pm
Me thinks it's time for a certain someone to retire.  He's just been bitchier then normal.  If not retire, take a very, very long break.

Current Mood: amused

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