Nerds' LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Nerds' LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    8:28 pm
    Hi. I am a fscking weirdo.
    *grins madly* Hi!!

    I was looking through a few of the interests things, found this community, and thought I'd join it, being a nerd myself. So, hi everyone. :)

    Current Music: Killing Heidi - Wier
    Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
    1:07 am
    The Fall of Dimn

    This is the story of the tragedy that occurred, the loss that only the ones who knew what it was worth can bemoan. I will tell the tale as it needs to be told, to understand the depth of common human stupidity and cruelty.

    I watched civilization fall, the flames rising to meet the sky. The light reflected in my tears as I thought back to a time before.

    There once was a man. He had a website like many do. It was called "dimn's book juarez" and it formerly resided at

    Dimn was what some might call a hacker. Even that is not for sure. Little is known about him. The facts can only be deduced by his actions. Here they are as they were two years ago. There was a man. He went by the alias of Dimn. He liked reading, and considering his book selection, was probably a hacker. One day, he noticed a need and decided to fill it.

    There were many who thirsted for knowledge. This knowledge was about computers, programming and many other related topics. But it was an arcane knowledge, kept locked in books and sold only for large sums. The masses yearned for knowledge, but as many were young or poor, they could not afford these costly tomes. Few libraries, if any, carried them. Some kind soul decided to encode these books in a simple digital text format so that they could be copied, shared, and read freely by all those who desired to. Whether it was Dimn himself or not is unknown.

    Whatever the case may be, Dimn took these files and hosted them on his website. It was rather simple - a small statement at the top, long forgotten to the ravages of time, and a long list of hyperlinks. Each link went to a book -

    How to learn C++ in 21 days. Tomes on Perl, TCP/IP, Python, Tcl/tk, Cisco routers, Apache server configuration, firewalls, irix, java, debian, linux, rh, solaris, SQL, and Windows NT. Even XML. Every programming resource under the sun and more. Even how to become a high priest! The vaunted position of UNIX administrator was revealed to daylight for the first time to the masses, standing forth in all its power and majesty.

    The knowledge flowed like the sweetest water, quenching the vast and ever-present thirst for knowledge. The aqueduct stretched over the entire internet, open to all.

    And then came the barbarians, to vandalize and destroy what they could not understand. One barbarian, to be exact. That was all it took to destroy the fragile and beautiful palace that was Dimn's library. His name was Kevin Lyda. It all started innocently enough. One trusting person placed a link to Dimn's site on a message board. Kevin saw this, and investigated. What follows is an abriged transcript of the conversation that felled the palace of Dimn to the ground.

    ddd ddd


    everyone take a trip over to and get reading

    email me back your comments


    kevin lyda


    On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 04:10:42PM +0000, ddd ddd wrote:
    > everyone take a trip over to and get reading

    > email me back your comments

    here's a comment: you're breaking the law and you apparently have the morals of a slug. the web site has a number of books available for download. the domain is owned by:

    James Darwin (R0OT4-DOM) thedarkguru@HOTMAIL.COM
    2264 Chapel Hill Ct.

    Edison, NJ 08820 US

    i've cc'd a number of vendors whose copyrights you're infringing, as well as the administrative contacts of all related domains. i've also cc'd some members of the linux media in the hopes that perhaps they'll run a story on ethics... i suspect i speak for almost all members of the irish free software community when i mention that warez suck and that people have the right to pick what copyrights they place on their own work. we might have a preference but authors must have the choice. friends of mine have contributed to a number of those books and while they've made their help and code available for free in other places they chose to make some money on their hard won knowledge in those books. a recent
    news story (on zdnet of all places) had a good quote on this subject:

    Larry Wall, developer of the Perl language, has a similar
    perspective. "Open source should be about giving away things
    voluntarily," he says. "When you force someone to give you
    something, it's no longer giving, it's stealing. Persons of
    leisurely moral growth often confuse giving with taking."

    hopefully other little warez kiddies will note that some people on this list not only disapprove of warez but will actually help get them caught.

    have a nice day,


    ps i have a typescript of a download of the main page, the main page
    itself, your email sent to ilug, my response and some select books
    from your site available to any publisher's legal departments that
    might like them.


    "there's nothing wrong with windows 2000 that linux can't fix." -- va linux t-shirt

    fork()'ed on 37058400

    meatspace place: home


    John P. Looney (Kate)


    Yeah, kick his ass Kevin!



    The words of the unwary are apt to cause needless pain and bloody violence.

    - Zen Master Greg


    Copyright is not now what it once was before the advent of the internet. We have confused duplication with stealing and destruction. Knowledge should not be kept locked away, arguments about how the authors will get paid aside. This has been hashed out a thousand times before, in a hundred forums. We cannot not sit and guard knowledge like it was a material thing, or hoard it like gold. It is not material. Its value increases the wider it is spread. We do not understand this because we still think in terms of the individual good, and not the good of the whole. The thrashing death throws of an earlier institution are still strong enough to harm, but with time, it will die out like everything before it that was not fit to survive past its time. Some still cling to a sinking ship in ignorance, willful or not. The wind of change is coming, and nothing will be as before. The only question is, will we go willingly into the future, or be pulled kicking and screaming?

    Sunday, January 20th, 2002
    3:24 pm
    Hub help?
    I bought a D-Link 4-port USB hub a couple of days ago and now it's refusing to play. I suspect it's the power supply that's died, but I'm not sure.
    Read the rest of the description and suggestions.

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Current Music: Pink Floyd - Coming Back To Life
    Saturday, January 12th, 2002
    3:32 pm
    You know it's bad when you start working in a new building, and you and a co-worker start discussing how to hack the PBX...

    Current Music: The Impossibles - Erin With An E
    2:30 pm
    I decided to join a "Nerdly" community, and this one won the pick;0) The other ones I looked at didn't have as many members, except for "welovegeeks". Hehe, how typical is it that a community for women who love geeks would have four times as many members as the most popular geekly community? Oh well, Geeks need love too as I suppose, eh?

    I admit, I don't much get off on the whole 'calling myself a nerd' bit. I just don't care. I'm not popular, I'm into things that others label as weird and geekish and freakish and if that's a problem with them, then they can go divide themselves by 0 or something;0) However, I'm not a geek posterboy or anything. I'm just a guy who is happy with whom he is regardless of what othes might think.

    Anyway, my hobbies include... Reading, Writing, Roleplaying Games, Computer Games, the Internet in General, People Watching, and the occasional bit of television now and again -- especially the History Channel. I love 80's music, I don't have a girlfriend (though I do have friends that are girls), and I'm only slightly antisocial. I can, and enjoy, speaking in accents -- my Australian accent is the best, but I can do passable German and English as well. I'm enrolled in college and majoring in Psychology; I wanna be a clinical therapist "when I grow up", so I can listen to people's problems and help them. I imagine I'll have to get some experience doing other things first, though...

    Oh, and I occasionally enjoy watching Cartoons;0) Aladdin, Gargoyles, and Hercules in particular. Not too much into comics, though my friend Sean is trying to get me to get more. I've read "Watchmen", though, and it's cool;0) I have a small collection of X-Men stuff.

    That S'me, in any event. Catch'cha later.

    Current Mood: complacent
    Current Music: "We Didn't Start the Fire!"
    Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
    1:22 pm
    *burp* yay nurds *poot*

    Current Music: Sandman - Shockwave
    11:13 am
    *kicks* poor little community. Live..*pokes it with a stick* LIIIIIIIVE DAMN YOU!@#

    Current Music: Iggy Pop + Death in Vegas - Aisha
    Thursday, November 29th, 2001
    2:35 pm
    Nerd nerd NERD!
    So, I've been joining a ton of communities on livejournal lately...oh well. Today I was playing starcraft, and this kid got quite upset with me when I totally OWNED HIS ASS, at which point he threatened to hack me. I proceeded to ask him what my IP was, and he provided the WRONG ONE....mmmhm. skr1pt k1dd1e. So then I asked him what port Telnet usually runs on...he didnt know. How lame is that?

    So anyway, I'm Jay and I help manage the Battlebots forum on Delphi. Jep, I'm not cool.

    Current Mood: Victorious!
    Current Music: Smiths - How Soon Is Now
    Friday, November 23rd, 2001
    8:37 am
    what the hell
    i was at a friend's house waiting for Q to wake up and pay me back some money.
    E was already up playing everquest, and N was sleeping.

    E left, but before he did he asked me if i wanted to play EQ. i did, and i had an account already waiting for me through that account, from an earlier visit.

    to begin with, i am not interested in ever quest. i like muds, sometimes, and if i want to play a RPG on my computer i try to find something really engaging like a rogue clone. once again a group of my friends totally hated me because i saw absolutely no merit in a game system that you have to rent expensively and have little to no power over your account. there are hundreds of various reasons, non-arguable, that i don't really want to play everquest. but finally their pressuring 'just play dude you'll like it play DUDE YOU'LL LIKE IT PLAY THE FUCKING EQ' was enough to get me to use one of their server game slots to make a monk character.

    i played around, wandering lost around south keylos (or wherever) for hours, having a blast, being a monk. i showed some girl how to get ot the bank. i went on a beautiful cruise vacation.

    while i was playing i set some of the options to get rid of annoying crap that i wasn't interested in seeing, changing settings so game reaction time is faster, changing the volumes to a comfortable level, doing various things. i played for awhile longer.

    then N wakes up, bitches a lot, and obviously wants to play EQ at my chair but doesn't want to ask for it. just bitching, bitching... they have two EQ ready workstations there... but i said 'hey. do you want to play EQ at this station?' and yeah, he did.

    so he plays, and pretty soon he's totally bitching about the settings being changed.


    now, as a nerd, i tweak shit all the time. i've grown accustomed to other people around me tweaking shit all the time. like all nerds, i've grown accustomed to tweaking any given thing at any time, knowing that the owner can easily tweak it back. at least, i've never had a problem tweaking anything to where i want it. i don't worry about whether somebody else changed the settings, or i did, or when they were changed, i just set them to where i want them. click, click, click, click, click, twitch, dial, nub, nub, snap. i set settings.

    anyways, he nearly got in a fistfight with me over this. i simply would not apologize at this point, because in no way am i going to allow into my personal ideology that it's wrong to do what amounts to rotating the dials under the TV screen.

    i mean, it's a game. i didn't departition his NTFS or change his security profiles. and this guy and i have shared games before with no problems... so i didn't get it, not at all.

    when he finally started foaming at the mouth and saying totally paranoid psychotic shit, i said hey, man, i apologize. what the fuck ever.

    his final argument was that i shouldn't touch it because he doesn't touch it (the settings) because it's not his computer and he doesn't wna tot fuck it up.

    basically everybody in the house, except for the guy who owns the hub machine, are at very very low levels of aptitude and confidence concerning computers. i would call them computer illiterate but it's hard to tell where that standard is today... they can 'do email', play 'ee kew', and change their desktop background.

    anyways, my question to the general nerd community is, did i do anything wrong? if i did, what the hell was it? was it really worth blood-curdling screaming at me over, making threats, accusations, and the like?

    and isn't there a restore defaults? what the fuck.
    Tuesday, October 9th, 2001
    7:43 am
    from angela
    I'm the PEZ poster child. I've gotten sent more PEZ than any human being should ever have to deal with in their whole life.Oh man! Every time I had to eat one in a scene, I usually had to eat about a thousand. They're good, they're tasty. And they come in their own packaging. Very clever, very environmentally sound. You don't have to buy a new box, you just have to refill the container, and you don't throw it away. That's environmental brilliance. I even gave Rosie O'Donnell a dominatrix PEZ, when she played...doing that movie? When I did her show I put a little whip and a little Rosie head on a PEZ and gave it to her.
    Sunday, September 30th, 2001
    12:45 am
    Why is a bean made out of jelly?
    ever wonder who invented socks? or if the president ever has a craving for a big gulp/slurpee? I do..maybe its just me.?'s running through out my mind. Im sucha dork...


    Current Mood: indescribable
    Current Music: Sweetness-Jimmy eat world
    Thursday, September 13th, 2001
    11:55 pm
    Here is a consolidation for the vast majority of the pictures in an Ars Technica UBB thread.

    It's very uplifting proof that we aren't alone in our grief and that there are actual humans behind the condolences given to us by the leaders of the world.

    Pass this around, put it on other boards, email to everyone you know. This is powerful stuff and we should all acknowlege, if not heartily thank, the entire Human Community for their condolences and support.
    Friday, August 24th, 2001
    1:20 pm
    [eat WEEN]

    kids? kids? anyone up for a dean and gene WEEN sandwich? yum. slurp.
    come to thepod. bring your sporks. or your spork necklace, both are acceptable.

    Current Mood: irritated
    Current Music: K & D
    Sunday, August 19th, 2001
    4:35 am
    This shit's just weird.....

    I got into this online game, Majestic... where you have to be 18 or older to play.. it's caption is "Majestic: Its playes you..... [ You only use 12% of youre brain.. mind if we play with the rest?]"

    This fucking game calls me on the phone, sends me AIM messages.. I can't tell people from the characters.

    I mean.. its fun and all.. but I have to ask people if their from the game or not. It is supposed to fax you.. but I didn't set that up.. I gave a fake credit card # and still go in.. it doesn't charge you.. just has to make sure you're 18.

    the game

    I have clues to whats going on... some sort of arsin.. and a list of people I can contact.

    if you get on.. look fo rme.. JoyProject
    Sunday, August 5th, 2001
    6:51 am
    dawn sprung forth, and so did she. she did not even give off a shiver when she had every reason to. she sat on the dusty ledge, her legs curled under her but her forhead rested on one knee. can u picture it?
    her arms hung limpy next to her. as tired and sleep-deprived she was, she refused to let the serenity in the atmosphere escape past her. over the horizon, yes it was the sun. who could possibly mistake those warming orange morning rays for anything else? she had the subtle of smiles on her slightly quivering lips, an action only anime could capture. she parted the disarray-formed hair from her face to rejuvinate in the sun's early morning.

    [it was a very beautiful song. in perfect harmony w/ matching serenity]

    "Rain fell down
    You were there
    I cried for you when I hurt my hand
    Storm a rushing in
    Wind was howling
    I called for you, you were there
    Beside the sea
    When the waves broke
    I drew a heart for you in the sand
    In fields where streams
    Turn to rivers
    I ran to you, you were there..."

    Current Mood: artistic
    Current Music: B*Witched - "To You I Belong"
    Friday, August 3rd, 2001
    1:57 pm
    Hey Folks
    Hi! I just thought I'd join this community because I saw that Battlebots was one of the interests. Thats my favorite sport! Hehe, well feel free to check out my journal.

    Current Mood: hyper
    Friday, July 27th, 2001
    12:47 am
    Hello Fellow Nerds
    Just stopping in to say hi...This is my first day on Livejournal and am busy adding myself to all my interests, but I am nerd at heart so I wanted to stop in and say hi.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Live at Energy
    Wednesday, July 25th, 2001
    11:52 pm
    *thanks carl*

    they were right i am a woman.

    but my answers could've led me to be a man coz i fell right in between the scale.
    1)men would prefer falling than drowning -->i chose falling
    2)women hate the word used --> i hated the other word, moist. i chose that.
    3)women are more likely to choose being lonely over bleeding to death -->i chose the death


    Current Mood: amused
    3:31 am
    i am such a dork!! my friend gave me this URL to take a crush quiz. the only questions were

    1)whats ur name
    2)whats ur crush's name
    3)how old are you
    4)wats ur favorite hobby?
    5)whats ur email add?

    and they have me send the URL to 10 other email adds (i put moki, carl, baki, and ana from the turfies) before i could get my results. then i had to fill out these things about getting free CDs and it felt like BS and im clicking and clicking and i finally see the icon "CLICK HERE TO KNOW YOUR RESULTS" and i click and it says "you and your crush are compatible! you should talk to each other more often."

    and that was it. i felt like a heel...<-- in singsong voice

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Thursday, July 19th, 2001
    4:52 pm
    me and erica went to funcoland and i bought teenage mutant ninja turtles and a gun for NES>.. so we can play duckhunt......score....i bought TMNT as a present for Rob... and erica is kepeping the gun.. so its all cool
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