The Wayback Machine -
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "mermaids".
229 matches:
1peter_pan - 1peter_pan
2nd_star - 2nd_star
__fantasynovel - for those who read and/or write fantasy novels.
__sortinghat - Get sorted today!
__the7thyear - The Harry Potter RPG Experience
_kinnecting_ - Kinnecting LJ Otherkin Community
_lavenders - { lavender } auras
_lostboys - straight on till morning
_princesses_ - *preTTy*pRincEss*
_sort_me_ - A Hogwarts Sorting Community
_sortafairytale - A Sorta Fairytale
_stardustsouls - wanderwonder
_the_ocean - - Ocean Lovers -
_thefaeries - faerieshimmerdust
a_delinquint - Aristocratic Delinquint
absolute_movies - absolute_movies
adrianwelch - Adrian Welch Fantasy Art
albusshadow - Dumbledore's Shadow
amy_brown - Amy Brown Gathering
artattack - Art Attack
bagoftricks - my notebook
beachbums - Beach Bums
beingsoflegend - beingsoflegend
bellsnfootfalls - lipglossarsonists
betweenrealms - Between Realms
bishoujo_names - Bishoujo Names
brytnees_zine - Wildflowers
cannon_tales - Cannon Movie Tales
capurnicus_com - Capurnicus Welcome's LJ comm.
castlehogwarts - Hogwarts Castle
ch_fanfiction - Castle Hogwarts FanFiction
ch_ravenclaws - Ravenclaws of CastleHogwarts
ch_transfig - tranfiguration - professor ender kou
cher_fans - Living Proof: The Cher Community
cher_o_matic - The Cher Community
city_faeries - City Faeries! Lovers of Urban fantasy...
classy_skirts - classy_skirts
cleverraven - Ravenclaw
common_nonsense - The Butterfly Collection
coney_freaks - Coney Island Freaks! Coney news, info & stories
cornwall_kernow - Cornwall
crabsdoesbites - crabsdoesbites
cusepirates - the pirate ship
cute_cafe - I'd like a dollie with my tea, sir.
d_princesses - Disney's Princesses
damonjager - Insult Swordfight Club
darkfaeries - darkfaeries
darklilkorner - Dark-Lil-Korner
do_me_lucius - Do Me, Lucius
do_me_profsnape - Do Me, Professor Snape
doll_art - Doll Art
dollyheart - Dolly Heart
dreamy_girls - Dreamy girls
dysmertia - Dysmertia
eliza_cypers - eliza_cypers
eternal_footman - dare disturb the universe
ew_gothic - EW! Gothic
fae_tastic - fae_tastic
faeid - faeid
faenaturelle - Fae Naturelle
faerie_art_club - Faerie Art Club
faerie_icons - Faerie Icons!
faerie_wicca - Faerie Wicca
faeriecharm - Ethereal Poets & Dreamers
faeriefashion - Faerie Fashion! Wearable Faery Art!
faery_hill - Faery_Hill
faerycraft - Faery Craft
fairietale - fairie stories
fairymagic - fairymagic
fairytalebeauty - Fairy Tale Beauties
fantastic_ooc - Fantastic Times OOC
fantastic_times - Fantastic Times
fantasy_kingdom - fantasy_kingdom
fantasy_ride - FR Members
fantasyart - Fantasy Art
faraway_land - Folklore & Fairy Tale Fans
feminas - feminas
filthee_beauty - Beauty's Whores
fish_fears101 - fish_fears101
george_fan_club - George's Fan Club
glamourbdays - Glamourbomber Birthdays
glamourbombs - Glamour Bombs
glassvanity - ev er yt hi ng
grrl_talk - grrl_talk
harry_potter - Harry Potter fans
hbmonsters - Here Be Monsters
heartsandblades - the creative ones
hidden_demons - Monster Inside
hidden_realms - Otherworldly realms
hoaxes - hoaxes
hogwarts4sort - Hogwarts 4 Sort
hogwarts_ch - Hogwarts Challenge
hogwartsch - hogwartsch
hogwartssorting - The Original LJ Sorting Hat
house_of_clocks - House of Clocks
housebythesea - housebythesea
hp_addicts - Harry Potter Addicts
hp_adultfans - hp_adultfans
hpfans - Harry Potter Fans!
hpreviews - Harry Potter Reviews
humanfaeries - life as a canvas
i_dream_in_ink - I Dream In Ink
i_heart_my_rpg - A Community for Lovers of Role-Playing
iconrequest_pp - Icon Requests for Pan or Potter
iconxbrothel - The Icon Pimpress
kiellicons - Kiellicons
labyrinthlust - Masquerades, crazy Bowie factoids, and more!!!!!!!
lambda_lefties - Lavender Wobbly-Trots
leftshoeorg - leftshoe dot org
lionfishfancies - Lionfish Fancies Sketchblog
loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
luchia - luchia
lumos_obscurum - Lumos Obscurum
mad_at_humanity - Serious Art
magicofhogwarts - Magic Of Hogwarts
manamux - Mana MUX
marysue_academy - Mary Sue Academy
megarawannabes - The Megara-worshipers
merbabies - Children of the Sea
mermaid_lagoon - Livejournal mermaids
mermaid_melody - Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch (PURE)
mermaid_wings - 100 x 100 Pixels
mermaidncentaur - Kismet
mightymegan - six sexy girls
miniegg - The fabulous treehouse harem of lovely mermaids-wi
misanthropickin - misanthropickin
monkey_muffin - monkey_muffin
moonmermaids - sea creatures
morbidlyadorabl - The Morbidly Adorable Community
mugglenet_pals - Mugglenet Pals
muses_of_fate - Muses Of Fate
mythical_world - Mythical Creatures
mythicalanimals - Mythical Animals
mythicals - Mythical creatures
mythosdrabble - Mythology Drabbles
narnia_movies - Chronicals Of Narnia Movie & Books Discussion
narnia_rpg - Narnia: The Role-Playing Game
neverlandizzle - neverlandizzle
night_stars - Night Stars
oh_dear_god - oh_dear_god
onequestion - onequestion
onlymermaids - Only Mermaids
ooc_shadow - Dumbledore's Shadow OOC Board
openmindeddorks - OpenMindedQueerDorks
otherotherkin - Other Otherkin - OtherKin Helping OtherKin
pagan_empires - Pagan Empires Campaign
pan_meta - Peter Pan Meta
panfan - Peter Pan Art & Fiction
panslash - the personification of cockiness
pathoftheawoken - Awakening of The Senses and Memory; Otherkin
peter_tink - Tinkerbell and Peter Pan
peterpan100 - peterpan100
peterpan2003 - Peter Pan
peterpan___ - peter pan icons
peterpan_awards - Nominate *Peter Pan* icons_for_awards
peterpan_icons - peterpan_icons
peterpan_rpg - Peter Pan Role Playing
peterpanmovie - Peter Pan the Movie
peters_pixie - The Pan Fan!
pieranimals - Pier Animals
pinkhair - Pretty in Pink
pirates_ship - Hoist The Jolly Roger!
poisonsdarkfics - Sex is the light into Dark Worlds
pp100 - PP100
ppicon_request - Peter Pan Icon Requests
pretty_spuff - pretty_spuff
prettyvixens - prettyvixens
quarto - Mary Sue Academy Year Book
ratemytattoo - ratemytattoo
reflectedvoice - echo
retarded_nation - Retarded Nation
richard_dirt - For people who love Dame Darcy
riddlesdiary - Riddle's Diary
sapphos_muse - of Sapphic Persausion
satyrs_lounge - The Satyrs Lounge
scarofconquest - Scar of Conquest
seadivas - random fans - of mermaids, Josh Groban, Johnny Dep
sean_and_ashley - The Ashley and Sean Foundation = LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seashores - BESIDE THE SEA.
seattledorkgirl - seattledorkgirls
seeking_ophelia - Lovers of Pre-Raphaelite Art
share_the_joy - I'm Not Sure I Understand
she_stuff - Sexy, sassy and sovereign women through the ages!
shivermytimbers - POTC & Pirates in General
silent_embers - All things faerie.
silver_unicorn - The Silver Unicorn
sirenanditsy - We're connected to the comic by long bits of wire.
sirens_pirates - sirens_pirates
sirenwhispers - Murky Waters
slithering_away - Let Go
somethingdark - Karen
soul_portraits - Pixie Protection Society
southbay_riders - South Bay Motorcycle Riders
species_of_one - Caitlin R. Kiernan Community
storybookland - the art of children's books, fairy tales, & fables
surfersride - surfersride
tarot_review - The Tarot Review
tguk - UK Transgender
the_kool_losers - we are kool but loser's
the_nether_land - The Nether Land
the_neverlands - We'll never grow up! Fans of Peter Pan
theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
thecraftofart - the craft of art
thehauntedusa - thehauntedUSA
theinkblotfaery - { teh_ink icons }
theneverlands - Never Never Land
theuniques - Uniqueies
thisdrenchedsky -
ticktocktearoom - the tick tock tea room
tradtattoos - traditional tattoos
uberfunljhs - uberfunljhs
unembellished - Unembellished
unicorn_isle - Muses of Unicorn Isle
unicornland - unis,pegasus,dragons,fairies,etc pictures!!
untothefates - [Elen Sila Lumenn Omentilmo; Melamin]
vain_bastards - vain_bastards
vanishedtales - The Forgotten Chronicles of Narnia
violetandclaire - professional tink&ariel
water_art - Water Art
watercreatures - watercreatures
waterhouse_love - Waterhouse Love
we_are_true_fae - we_are_true_fae
wemustthrust - Mission Masturbation
winona_daily - winona_daily
winonafans - Winona Ryder Fans
winonaness - just say noni
wishingonadream - The Tenth Kingdom RPG
womensmysteries - The Beltane Papers: A Journal of Women's Mysteries
zootycoons - Zoo Tycoons
Interested users
The following users are interested in mermaids. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
441 matches:
_e_ - _e_
_xmermaidx_ - Jelisse (JuH-LeAsE)
abaratus - a tiny apparatus' taxonomy dreams
abigor - abigor
actingchick911 - ~!*!~Andrea~!*!~
actionallison - action allison
agonizer - Agonizer
alienspy - Julie
alithium - Chemical Empathy
alvareda - Alvareda
ambulicious - Ambrosia
anarchychick182 - Aria
angelmab - Angelmab
animechicka420 - Kitten
annamossity - Anna Mossity
anorexicmishaps - Jane Refuse
anotherdollpart - Kelly
anotheryourself - my best impression of my best angie dickinson
anthacat - anthacat
ariem - Melsi
artlantis - Artlantica
asrai - Penny
automata - patrice aphrodite
autumn_eyes - Till Human Voices Wake Us
awkwardeyes - K-Dawg
awquamermayde - .sexy.kitten.
axe_fairy - Radio Active Kitten
ayanami02 - liquidx
azalia - Ket
azuratide - Sara
bael - Bael
balletvamp - Miss Kitty
bananer - Lee Lee
barelybalancing - justine
baronessvarla - Baroness Varla
battleghost - I Will Kick Your Buttocks
beautifulpoison - Enchantress
beautifultoxin - m. Shakti
beccaelf - Rebecca
beckmermaid - Becky
beholdtheme - Amber Marie
belledefleur24 - mystery fix
bellflower - someone else's tender moment
blue_faerie - bluefaerie
bluecollarmoxie - ready cassette go
bluelace - dready
bluemermaid13 - Becca
boarderchick - . : : a m a n d a : : .
bunnidarling - Matsyagandha
buttercup_fairy - I'm dancing in my crystal gown
caesium - duygu basoglu
captain_monaco - Captian Horatio Daisy Gustavus MacNiel Monaco
carebear7222 - Caryn
carley - the bee. like, from nature.
casey1979 - mermaid girl
cassian - Katie Lynn
ceili - sad little earth monkey
celestyna - Celestyna [v 1.0]
cheesymoon - moon cheese
chenchen - sharesa
chibigir - Sir Spice-a-Lot HATES YOU SO MUCH
chicakawaii - Anna
clankyrobot - Amandabot back home.
clementine - crowning of a heart
cnicolece - chrissy
colebern - Cole
coralyoshi - Coral Yoshi
corduroy - Gabriel
cosmodragon - Lizz
cosmogonic - Gabriella von Mar
cosmos - Martin?s Univers
coyoterose - Jadzia Dax
crescendo - get the cool shoe shine
czarina_boomkat - The Czarina Boomkaticus
da1nonlykikibob - Of Course I'm a Feminist.
daisyduck - * WaterSpirit *
dangerouscurves - Jeane
dangeroustype - J
darkhuntressx - Nat
darkkittie - Sher
darkroomman - Get Sirius
daylightelf - the girl with the tasty smile
deadgurl13 - ~poisoned tongue & twisted words~
deadmenwalking - Gidget Gets Her Groove Back
deadsexxy - Nicole
decayineden - kylie jo
deedala - Dee
defchick - xDeFchicKKx
defgirlxtreme - not your babys daddy
defyingstars - mary mary quite contrary
delira - meemoosh!
devilbadtz - A Person of Interest
diana_nguyen - Diana
divalicious - DeMoriel
divamermaid - Lauren
dolphin04 - Meredith
dolphingirl - I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at your desire
dorkvomit - **********
dragonmagelet - dragonmage
dramaqueen555 - Avada Kedavra
dymphina - Elizabeth the Non Believer
dyslexia - dys·lex·i·a
earthangel - Karlee
elizabethawise - elizabeth
elshastorm - Elsha
emerald_faery - starlit fairy
empresskatchan - A n y a // Y o u n g e r
erectnippfetish - erectnippfetish
eryn - citrus
etrigan - The Demon
eulaliacarp - fish bag
eyres2598 - Elizabeth Ayres Ryan
fabulousflamer - Shayne Michael
faeriecat20 - Annie
faeriegirl333 - sierra
faeriequeen - Ophelia
fairstofdemall - ♥sassssssssssy♥
fallendownangel - Fluffy Hula Hoops
femmefrets - a god without dogma
flamingnik - nikki
fleshofamango - fleshofamango
fluxxie - Audrey-hime
flyingoctopus - Bekkah
fmdjgirl - Goddess of Chaos
frackattack - Tasha L.
frannyq - Too close is too far away
freyjasgydhia - Walking Woman
friskypixie - Tasha
fuschia - Drowned Girl Fuschia
gamine - poured out
gelflinggirl - Cass's Princess Gelflinggirl
gingerbreadgurl - gingerbreadgurl
gingerspice420 - Kage
girly123 - The Notorious Blue Fairy
glassmarionette - Rory
glitter_kittie - Eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy
glitterbats - the cyclops diamond
glitterpixie - Danielle Millennium
goldenwings - Disproportioned Malcontent
goldmouthscry - Bonanza Jellybean
graphicsbycriss - graphicsbycrissy
greeneyed_siren - a sexy siren's journal
greyeden - Venus as a Boy
grrretel - A Delicate Flower Floating in the Loo
grunge_fairy - sara
guitargrrl - ~Lay back and never let the wanderer get away~
gummybear - Cherami
guyver47 - Guyver47
gwerath - Gwerath
gypsysp - Jessi
happiergirl - Calotype
harrypotter - Harry Potter
hat_head - i'm a pilgrim on the edge of my perception
hayley - Hayley
hellokittykat06 - *MiSs iNdEpEnDenT*
hentaiqueen - Post-Mortem Beauty
hereiam - JamiE
hislobster - Bahama Momma
honeywine - Naiad Nectar
hydra_spring - ugh be quiet nicole
i_have_teeth - Jessica
iammysoul - VANESSA ROMEA
iceyblueme - Nereid
idiotboy - idiotboy
iisummerwaveii - Brittany Dilts
ikara - Sara May
imalreadybroken - imalreadybroken
immortaleve - Immortaleve
inextricable - naga
infatuated - daniela
iridescent_star - Cerridwen
jacqui - Jacqui
jaded_soul - she-ra princess of power
jadenkun - Jaden-Kun, The Imagi-Knight
jessiefeff - Jessie Feff
jessleigh - Jessica
jewelsofthesea - *the green mermaid*
jmie - Jmie
junefille - [ June Fille ]
junkiepoe - jennifer
kachichan - Kachi Aozora
kait_sith - Kait Sith, The Supar Biatch!
karmasutra - Who
katapiller - Kat
katiejolie - Katie Jolie
katrinacobain - confusion with a k
katscratched - God
kawaiiurania - Joanna
kaybanana - rain pouring from a teacup in the sky
keira9198 - deliriousfae
kewpiecat - Lost in the supermarket
khariyah - 21st Century Sha-la-la-la Girl
kickadee - Kickaseltzer Teleneltzer
kielle - ¤ Kielle ¤
kiten - kiten
kittiemyst - <3
kittybrat - Kittybrat
kittysmeow - Alissa
ktpunk182 - Carmen de Ferveo
labrujah - Snidely Whiplash
lachryrose - Pink Ribbon Scars
lady_of_the_sea - Celebrindal
lady_revenant - Lady Syren Revenant
ladycathead - Coffee Ninja!!
ladyetchasketch - Dana
ladyluck1957 - Lady Luck
layoutgirl - Super Layout GrrLz
leahvincent - Jiyu
lecey - hiding in blackberry patches
lethalpinecone - rainbow marker on my hands
lieren - Lieren
life_angel - Broken Wing
lifelike - on the borderline
lilac - pressing your heart against this window
lilitusama - The Lady Lilith
lilmoonbunni - winged pixie
lilypale - Lily Pale
liquidlilith - Alex 2.0
lissalou - Lissa
littlekasino - that cat can walk like a big bad man
littlenova - littlenova
logansmommy - Rainbow Fairy Momma
lonelilyrain - ...::Rainy::...
loozerartist - ¤…Uns†able Jøker …¤
lopsided_heart - lopsided_heart
lorifury - Lori Fury
love_warrior - but every night, I burn..
lovebug - Bug
lovelydae - Vampire Temptress
lovethebrians - ~*Lauren Grijalva*~
lovewastedangel - Mauri
lucyferfer - Geekius Maximus
lunar_shrubbery - Child of the Moon (Heather Geer)
lunatic - Lilith
lunazeed - lunazeed
lushlife - Mi
lyekka - Lakshmi
mab - Jen
magicbean - Erin
magnolias - Sarah
manjari - munchie jari
maradeath - Maradeath
mariahcarey - QueenChop
marifishie - SucrePluie
marle - Marle
marlenahooch - the lonely girl
marley - Soy Bomb
maryjane007 - maryjane
mathematic - Kristin
maxie - Max
meadowgirl - happy phantom...
medancer - Chameleongirl
mediaevalbaebe - Sophia
megolego - Megan
melberrry - Me, here with the watermelon
merbaby - The Rope Maiden
mermaid_angst - mermaid
mermaidmandi - memories linger on like a sweet sad old song.
mermaids_rule - Neri Shields
mermaidsighs - Kestrel
merrini - merrini
meshera99 - Amanda
michirukaiohv - a hopeless romantic
midnightrain - Me - who else would I be?
miss_rowen - vicodin sprinkles
mizurei - Wearing her heart on her sleeve
mj161 - Josh
modboygirl - elyse the peice
momiji - Momo
mommyslilflamer - Muffins and Tea
monkeyteats - Tea Cake
monstarrsoprano - Finally
moonbeam - ~*ashley*~
moonwalker - The Curiously Strong Moonwalker
morgainers - Morgaine
morian - Morian
morna - Morna
motleychic - Altair
mozzarella - Michelle Zarrella
murmur - hands up, who wants to die?
murrlin - Murrlin
mybrain - My Brain
mysticchick86 - orchid fever
mysurial - mercury
nami13 - Nami
nancianna - Penny dreadful
natnee - Smarty
necrodoll - Amy
nefarious - Your favorite distraction
neopixie - Still a Princess...
nihilisia - Nihilisia
ninjalicious - the Ether Bunny
noprize - Marie Antoinette
norrie - false prophet
obeliadeliria - alice in august-rain
oceanbreaz - Oceanbreaz
opheliavane - Seamstress for the band
oriongirl - Princess of Waterfalls
outragechic - Darsee
pale_blue_laces - [[samyutta-nikaya]]
peach_princess - bebe le
pearljam - a proper girl
perpetually - OliviA
petticoat - start on the inside and work your way out
philosopher - give it to God
phoenixdigiove - Someone's Kiki
pieradox - dawnny
pilesofyogurt - Desdemona
pimpincrazy - Pimpincrazy
pinkvalliegirl - PinkVallieGirl
piratebiker - pesi
pixie589 - Me
pixie_trix - Margaux
pixiedrop - joneser
piximush - i am hope well fed.
pokeyxx - nicole
ponderosa - ponderosa
poopers - Kait Sith/Kat Najera
preciousthin9s - Almita
princessy - Melissa
print_is_dead - Alicia
prosaic - bobbie
prosewitch - The Foxy Folklorist
psychochik3001 - Not Quite Good Enough
punkpixiecat - yr chaos
puppyfeet - Puppyfeet
purplefaery - A*n*n*i*e
purpleglitter - lake
purpleiris69 - Purple Iris
pussygalore - Circe
pyschoticbarbie - ~*Lux*~
quaesta - Alex
quasyangel - winged angel of breasts
raeangel - Rachael
rainempress - Keryn E. Kwan
rainfire - like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean
ralenu - Laurensophia
reginas_reign - Love Me, or Exit My Mind
rhiannonfaery - Holly
rhiannonscave - Rhiannon
rinimoon - Ericka
rockgoddess - Jenn
romperace - acer racer
rose_red - Rose Red
ryospacepirate - The Got-No-Green Lantern
safox - アマンタ"
sairie - sarah
salad1257 - Samantha Nicole
samslife - Sam I am
sanctityangel - chloe
satinsiren - julie.
schkatie - SchKatie
scream1227 - Kate Margeson
sea_demon - Zaaly
seaurchin - Sea Urchin
seine - ++ infante, dilettante
selie - Selie
senora - miss lisa love
sesshoumaru - Sola
sewermermaid - <3 Danielle <3
sexy_siren - SeXy_SiReN
sexydruidess - keri
shabonmerc - sara
shackledflufgrl - Satans 'lil FLuFFGirL
shadowpixie - Betha Pyxie
shadowrose - Michelle
shanna85 - Shannon
shortymcgee - Heather
shurtqt146 - Maria
sighaneyed - ash-a-leigh
silent_selkie - Ceilede
silentfever - Maeve
silentmorgan - Morgan
silentphayze - 冥
silhouette - Flame Burning Bright
silph - akina.
silverdeath - Danielle
sirena - Julie
sirenita - Adriana
skullluver - My perception of REALITY
sleeping_orchid - gretchen sordid
slytheran - Pandora Incognito
smittygirl - Trapped in a Drum Case! AGH!
smurfsurfer - ~Lil Virgin~
space_camp - WaifMermaid
spacetweezers - Sun-Tarred Space Tweezers
sparklingsatine - miss r.
spiderbeetle - Borghal Rantipole
stargal62889 - Lily
summerchic - Anat
sunmoonstar - *~* Sprinkles*~*
sunnyshine - *KARA*
super_geek - Lucy
sweetxpea - Sugar and Spice
taesafae - Taesa Mahnee
tainted_love - tainted_love
tallula97 - Inseguimento del Sogno
tamsanger - Tam
tasteslikecandy - daniara
teenagedeathgrl - Lyra Luminara
tendency - a diva complex in the making
tenshiaishiteru - Dilandau-Sama
thatsthewayiam - paper doll
the_duchess - The Duchess
theglitterqueen - Jessica
thehotpinkheat - gone south
therealsugshady - sugar shady
thestodman - thestodman
tiani - Absentia
tiehl - Hil
tink - Tinkerbell
tinkerbell917 - jamie, believe me, I won't let you down...
trashydiva007 - NONA X
trillium_flower - trillium_flower
tripindipular - Simply Chrissy
unkelphready - The Tym
urbanmermaid - urbanmermaid
usagi_ - Natalie
vampiressangel - vampiressangel
vampryss - meg
velvetpixie - Temporary Insanity
veneficus6 - Missy
venimagnum - Renee~Nicole
venus_satin - Domina
venusflesh - I defy you stars
vetala - vetala
watercolors - Erica
watercolorstain - Alicia
waterlove - holy hand grenade
waterstar_las85 - Lindsay the Leftie =^._.^=
wirestars - wirestars
wisp - nothing but PORCELAIN underneath her skin
xhelplessx - Linzi
xnessakakesx - mean grrl
xssy - Xssy
xylia - Elise
yargh - Yargh
yoiko - Yoiko
zarasynn - Zara Synn
zenlikeintense - pour chats et chatons
zyryne - Zyryne