Interests: | 149: afraid, air, air con, alfred hitchcock, alice in wonderland, all that is wonderous, alone, anger, april, art, arthur rackman, barbie, barefoot, beauty, being: breathless, belle, black, blueberry cake, boots, brass, buffy, chai, cold, cooking & baking, cool water, curious, deep, diamonds, diet coke, disney, dreams, enchantment, england, enlightenment, epiphany?s, eye?s, fairy tales, fantasy, fire, florida, frustration, getting mail, god, guests, guy?s hands, h&m;, happy, harry potter, heat, him, hot water, hunger, illusions, imagination, insomnia, into the woods, jealousy, john william waterhouse, kate bush, kendall payne, laughter, learning, life, london, long hallways, longing, love, lying in bed, lyrics, magick, mail order catalogs, manicures, memories, miami, michael jackson, moby, motion, naive, napster, new car smell, ny times mag, oasis, obsession, occult, ophelia, oscar wilde, pale, paranoia, passion, pharmacys?s and supermarkets, philosophy, picnics, poison rings, pre- raphael, psychology, reading, rear window, rebecca, remember, reminiscence, renaissance, respect, ribs, robert frost, roses, sadness, satterday?s, secrets, silence, silver, sinnerman, siren, sleeping, sleeping late, smell of shampoo, smiles, snow white, sorry, summer, sylvia plath, tears, techno, thanksgiving, the 10th kingdom, the beatles, the disney afternoon, the little prince, the middle ages, the tao of pooh, the watcher, thought, thoughts, tom cruise, trust, truth, twas brillig, vacation, vacations, victorian age, vintage, waiting, warm, water, weekends, windsor castle, withdrawl, wolfsheim, words, you. [Modify yours] |