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Moulin Rouge

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[Apr. 22nd, 2004|06:38 pm]


i was looking at this ewan mcgregor website and i found some mistakes that they had in moulin rouge ; i've never noticed them before but next time i watch it i'll be sure to look for them. but check out a few of these, i thought there were quite interesting. if you want to read more go to enjoy ;D

some moulin rouge mistakes )
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All you need is love [Apr. 21st, 2004|08:01 pm]


[mood | ditzy]
[music |One Day I'll Fly Away]

Greetings fellow Moulin Rouge fans! My name is Desiree and I'm a 15 year old from Green Bay, WI. Moulin Rouge has to be my favorite moving of all time. I love its Romantic/Comedy genre and its just a really well put together film. I probably watch it at least twice a week, but thats all ducky just because its that damn good. So yeah. That's it for now. You can add me if you want, I'll add ya back a course. Later!

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[Apr. 21st, 2004|07:37 pm]


Wow. I feel REALLY stupid asking this, but okay, I just watched Moulin Rouge and noticed in the part where Satine, Christian, and Toulouse are all together and Christian and Satine are going over the play... and he says [as the sitar player] "thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love...' and then he throws money at her feet..." and since that is exactly what happens at the end, circumstances obviously had Christian speaking from his heart; BUT, is he kinda trying to go on with the play, too? I always thought he didn't care about the play by the ending and was just kind of like 'screw it' and did what he needed to do. But now I'm wondering since the Argentinean had become unconscious again [haha] had he decided to finish off the play on his own? Or were his thoughts strictly about him and Satine? Does this make ANY sense? I've just realized there could be a few options, and I would like to hear what everyone else thinks. I'd like to believe that he wasn't thinking about the play at all--and those were all just his actions in going through with his plan of basically telling off Satine. But I really want to know what everyone else thinks.

It's driving me CRAZY! And if this totally makes no sense and I am COMPLETELY overlooking something or a big point, just let me know!
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SCORE MY FAV. SONG [Apr. 21st, 2004|05:28 pm]


[mood | happy]

Elephant Medley
You're: The Elephant Love Medley

What Moulin Rouge Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love this song soo much i could listen to it over and over and over again:)

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[Apr. 21st, 2004|06:18 pm]


Okay I'm watching Moulin Rouge right now and I've noticed TWO things so far... In the very beginning when Satine sings "The French... are glad... to die... for love..." You see a clip of her dying at the end. you also see the same clip while she's singing Gorecki. Also, when The Duke is telling Zidler that he "Doesn't like people touching his things", you see a cute poster of a cartoon of Satine with her name and Absynthe in the background--like a poster for the show. Just little things I JUST noticed. Very cool.
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[Apr. 21st, 2004|02:05 am]


[mood | bouncy]

hi all, just wanted to show you the new icon I made *points at it* you likes?

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^_^ [Apr. 20th, 2004|08:07 pm]


Tango De Roxanne
You're: El Tango de Roxanne

What Moulin Rouge Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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I'm Elephant Love Medley! Yay! [Apr. 20th, 2004|05:43 pm]


[mood | happy]

Elephant Medley
You're: The Elephant Love Medley

What Moulin Rouge Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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[Apr. 20th, 2004|08:33 pm]


[mood | relaxed]
[music |Moulin Rouge]

Here are the lyrics to the song Satine sings after Zidler tells her the first time she has to end her relationship with Christian. Beautiful words.

Artist: Lamb
Song: Gorecki

If I should die this very moment
I wouldn't fear
For I've never known completeness
Like being here
Wrapped in the warmth of you
Loving every breath of you
Still my heart this moment
Or it might burst

Could we stay right here
Until the end of time
'Til the earth stops turning
Wanna love you 'til the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for

All this time I've loved you
And never known your face
All this time I've missed you
And searched this human race
Here is true peace
Here my heart most calm
Safe in your soul
Bathed in your sighs

Wanna stay right here
Until the end of time
'Til the earth stops turning
Gonna love you 'til the seas runs run dry
I've found the one I've waited for

All I've known,
All I've done,
All I've felt,
Was leading to this
All I've known,
All I've done,
All I've felt,
Was leading to this

Wanna stay right here
Until the end of time
'Til the earth stops turning
Gonna love you 'til the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for

The one I've waited for

Wanna stay right here
Until the end of time
'Til the earth stops turning
Gonna love you 'til the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for

The one I've waited for

The one I've waited for

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VOTE FOR MR! [Apr. 20th, 2004|05:34 pm]


[mood | determined]
[music |Les Misérables - One Day More]

Now's the time to do your duty kiddies, MR is nominated in the Top 50 movies for the "Diet Coke Film Fest" (don't ask, cos I dont know, lol ) Anyhoo, it is in the category of "foot tapping" lol and you can vote daily, or well I guess you could delete your cookies or use different computers...hey if you're at a school, vote on each diff computer!

Anyway, linkage:

.: THE Moulin Rouge Message Board :.

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what up [Apr. 19th, 2004|06:38 pm]


if you go to and look up the words moulin rouge , you will see the definition of it...posted by muah!
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[Apr. 19th, 2004|10:21 pm]



My Cosplay competition as Satine and the events surrounding it;) )
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Colorbars Anyone?? [Apr. 18th, 2004|01:18 pm]


[mood | curious]

Hey guys, I've been searching around for some Moulin Rouge colorbars, and I've found a few, but they don't have codes. So I have two questions.
1. Does anyone know where there are any Moulin Rouge colorbars with codes?
2. If not, how do I put colorbars without codes in my profile?

Thanks for all your help!


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Moulin Rouge Trivia [Apr. 18th, 2004|12:33 pm]


[mood | awake]
[music |Zidler's Rap ~ From YOU KNOW WHAT : )]

  • Heath Ledger and Catherine Zeta-Jones were contenders to play Satine and Christian.
  • Various tricks were used to make Leguizamo, John's (Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa) legs appear shorter. Some shots are of his stand-in who was of the correct height, while in others he walked on his knees in special leg braces and wearing blue socks so that his lower legs could be digitally removed.
  • Filming was halted for two weeks in November 1999 after Kidman, Nicole fractured two ribs and injured her knee while rehearsing a dance routine for the film. Many of the scenes where she is seen only from the chest up were shot while she was in a wheelchair.
  • The necklace worn by Nicole Kidman was made of real diamonds and platinum and was the most expensive piece of jewelry ever specifically made for a film. The Stefano Canturi necklace was made with 1,308 diamonds, weighing a total of 134 carats, and was worth an estimated US$1 million.
  • The Paris landscape was digitally produced and the two longest visual effects shots to date appear in this film.
  • The wardrobe department created three hundred costumes and, at one point, eighty people were employed for this task.
  • Both Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor wore harnesses for the sceneson the elephant as they were standing 60ft off the ground.
  • The stage for "Spectacular Spectacular" was especially reinforced to hold the weight of a galloping horse for a scene where the evil Maharaja rides across the stage. The scene was abandoned but the white horse still appears fleetingly in one shot.
  • The movie was clearly influenced by the successful operas Baz Luhrmann has directed: "La Bohème" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream". La Bohème is set in the same place as Moulin Rouge, while A Midsummer Night's Dream used the same Indian theme as Moulin Rouge's play-within-a-play.
  • The large red 'L'amour' sign seen on Christian's building was part of the set of Baz Luhrmann's production of 'La Bohème' for the Australian Opera. It also appeared in Romeo + Juliet (1996).
  • Roxburgh, Richard plays The Duke, who finances a play by the bohemians, the self-labeled "Children of the Revolution," which is also the title of a song on the soundtrack. Roxburgh also starred in the film Children of the Revolution (1996).
  • The "placeholder" name of the Duke (Richard Roxburgh) during the writing of the script was Count Von Groovy.
  • A scene establishing the "Gothic Tower" as a bordello was cut. It involved dancers in S&M gear performing Grace Jones' "Slave to the Rhythm".
  • "Come What May" was written by David Baerwald for Romeo + Juliet (1996). Strictly Ballroom (1992) briefly appears as a prostitute in the opening sequence.
  • Renee Zellweger was next in line after Nicole Kidman to play Satine.
  • So that the dancers didn't slip on the wooden floor during the 'Like a Virgin' sequence, the floor was rubbed in with Coca Cola.
  • Nicole Kidman actually wears a wig throughout the movie.
  • Originally, the green fairy was going to be a long-haired muscle man with a giant zitar, and Ozzy Osbourne was hired to provide the vocals. Eventually it was changed to the current "Tinker Bell" incarnation, played by Kylie Minogue, but Osbourne still gives voice to the fairy's guttural scream when it turns evil.
  • Cat Stevens would not license his song "Father and Son", which was the first musical number in the original script, for the movie. This is why Christian's father's part is so small in the movie.
  • The blood that Satine (Nicole Kidman) coughs up is really a mixture of red food coloring, corn syrup, and water.

Hey guys, I found all of these interesting "Moulin Rouge" facts at Type in "Moulin Rouge" in the search, and then click on "Quotes & Trivia from IMDB" at the bottom of "DVD Features" to access more interesting facts and quotes!  Peace*

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Icons?? [Apr. 18th, 2004|03:42 pm]


[music |Come What May]

Does anyone make, have, or know where I can get Moulin Rouge buddy icons for AIM? I really would like some! Thanks!! :)

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Lots of MR iconage! [Apr. 17th, 2004|09:45 pm]


[mood | accomplished]

Tons and tons and tons of Moulin Rouge iconage! It's mostly bases, but not all. My rules are that if you use the bases as your icon, please comment and credit, but if you take the base and alter it, just comment on which ones you're taking. Credit the non-bases too, please.

Because we can can-can )

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cross-posted with ewan_daily [Apr. 17th, 2004|11:48 pm]


[mood | sleepy]

I found this beautiful poem and realised how fitting it was to the story of Christian and Satine.

For now I know there is no killing a thing like love, for it laughs at Death. )

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[Apr. 17th, 2004|05:54 pm]


alright.. i've got a minor dilemma. my moulin rouge dvd is scratched. nothing horrible, it just stops reading during "like a virgin". but i'm trying to convert a few people, so a nice working disc would be a good thing.

i have the special edition 2 disc set. and i was wondering what, if any difference, there is from the regular edition as opposed to the one i have. money is tight right now, so i was just going to buy a regular copy and slip the disc into my old case. i just wanted to know if there were any special features on that i'd lose if i did that.. thanks for your trouble. ^^
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Satine's Outfits [Apr. 17th, 2004|02:30 pm]


[mood | lonely]

This just happens to be TOTALLY random, but I was just watching "Moulin Rouge" and was admiring Satine's white dress with white cap that she wears while Zilder is giving the presentation about "Spectacular, Spectacular" and the ball and chain crashes through the wall. And I thought of a question, what is everybody's favorite outfit of Satine's? (Sorry about my randomness, but I couldn't resist asking.)

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[Apr. 17th, 2004|02:52 am]


[mood | hyper]

heey everyone! i am very new here. i just wanted to post and let everyone know that there's a new member in the house!! haha wowh yes, i know i'm a loser. but moulin rouge is a great movie! one of the best in a while!

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