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Lynn's Journal

Below are the 25 most recent journal entries.

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  2004.05.06  11.57

I killed my final! He's all now scarred and poisoned by my mechanical pencil. He didn't even have a chance to pin me down with his tricky questions!

Okay, maybe I'm overtly excited and weird about being finished here ; P But I'm a free woman!!!...until I have to focus on my summer online course--- whatever.

Time to enjoy myself, baby!!!

Mood: excited

  2004.05.05  22.47
Still holding my breath

My one and only final is tomorrow! Then I plan to go work out, and then take my dog to the park to play while I bask in the sun : ) Yay!

Hmm...plans so far for summer:
--take an online course
--going to Dallas next Wednesday to stay with family for the summer
--going to New Orleans from Dallas on Thurs. for a week
--look for a job
--work out my sexy body
--train my dog
--possible trip to Hawaii to visit friends
--enjoy myself, have fun, relax!
--do more research on Bhuddism; visit some temples

Mood: awake

  2004.04.24  11.19
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

To some degree, everybody has some sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I certainly have some:

1) I wash my hands incessantly as I'm cooking because I absolutely cannot stand feeling dirty. Maybe it's just my strictness in keeping everything clean as I cook and not wanting my friends to get food poisoning. But still I'm anal to the point where it could be slice of carrot, a chunk of meat, a dot of sauce, a minute mineral of sugar stuck on my palm, and I would get a bit annoyed by the feeling any slight pressure against my my palm. Now if it was holding hands with a person, that's different. I welcome that touch. But when it comes to cooking and just one small, single area of my hand feels pressure, I would suddenly feel dirty.

2) I am very scared to lock my keys in the car for a few reasons: 1. I just don't want to be stranded anywhere and call a locksmith --> requires money 2. I don't know how to break into cars except by shattering windows --> requires money to fix. 3. I don't want to call my dad because he'll make me feel more stupid then I already do. 4. It's a pure waste of time. I would rather be chatting online at home.

So in order to avoid such trouble, the first thing I make sure I do is put the keys in my pocket or purse after I turn off the car. Next I open my car door and check my pocket to see if my keys are still there (b/c you never know, they sometimes can grow legs and run off). I step out of my car and before I lock my door, I pat my pocket to make sure my keys are still there. "Cling, cling, cling." Good they're still there. It becomes such a big habit that sometimes I quickly forget if I put my keys in my pocket, so for a slight second I feel this panic as I dig through my purse or pocket to make sure I have my keys. The uneasy feeling subsides only when I see the keys in my possession.

3) This used to be a problem for me in high school, but not anymore. I'd have a clean, fresh essay sitting protectively inside my folder. I would feel proud of it's simplicity --- 12-pt.,black color, Roman Times font with double spaced lines printed evenly on each white page, no colorful stains or marks. A staple sitting proportionately at the left-top corner would hold this stack of paper together. It's my final paper but there's always room for improvement, so sometimes I would ask a teacher or friend to revise my essay. So then of course I'm going to expect them to corrupt my clean essay with pen marks, which I am absolutely grateful for. But the one tiny action that annoys me most is when they turn the page, and they make it a point to make a large crease where the staple is. It's as if they take pleasure in hearing the sound of cringing paper as they push down that corner. But of course I try to keep my cool by not saying anything. I simply watch in horror as they flip through the pages of my essay. After they're finished editing my paper, I have this insanely annoying, large crease at the left-top corner of my page. So instead of putting it back in the folder, I would just slip it between some books, and toss it in my backpack until I needed it.

But yeah I really don't think I'm too anal in person. Like I said at the beginning, I think everybody has some sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder. What's your's?

Mood: complacent
Music: Laam -- "Jamais Loin De Toi"

  2004.04.20  17.52

The things that my printer can do:
1) store dust
2) act as a foot rest
3) make me look like I'm somewhat up to date with technology
4) eats my papers
5) makes me very mad
6) makes loud, obnoxious sounds
7) act as my punching bag

The one thing that my printer cannot do:


  2004.04.15  01.56

I've been studying some of the bartending materials from class. There's so many drinks to memorize! But it really isn't so bad because sometimes it's simply adding a garnish that changes the name of the drink entirely.

What cracks me up is how there's so many drink names with some sort of sexual context to it. I can see myself say to a customer, "So would you like a slow screw or a slow comfortable screw? Oh, you prefer the blowjob instead? Coming right up!" Maybe I'd get more tips if I added a seductive tone to my voice.

*shakes head* I should sleep.

Mood: amused
Music: Circulous--- Il Sole

  2004.04.09  04.12

I was just checking email and I received an email from a lady who asks the following:

Hello Lynn,
I just read your article about the Hmong new year in Colorado. I am
impressed with your writing skill. My name is K. I am in the
process of coming out with a magazine call Modern Hmong. I am in search of
a writer that can help me with the start up of this magazine. If you are
interested in helping me in this endeavor, please contact me at ###-###-####
or via email. exciting : )

Mood: awake

  2004.04.08  11.31

I got this little test from Joe's LJ. Haha, funny I'm rated as this:

My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?


  2004.04.06  07.53

6AM today! Atleast that's half an hour later than yesterday!

Yes, indeed my puppy keeps me busy. I decided to name her Ping-Ping for "ping-on" in Cantonese, meaning peace/harmony : ) She's the most adorable little thing, but there's times of the day where she's a bit difficult to handle b/c she's so freakin' hyper! I've been trying to train her to go outside to do her business, and Ping-Ping's been good about that. I guess I appreciate her licking my face early in the morning to wake me up so that I can take her out, rather than soaking my bed : P

Today is my Bday---wow! I'm finally 21! But nothing special going on today. I have class all day : P Also a couple of assignments to stress about. Plus I register for my autumn classes! Oh well : )

My dad's taking me out to dinner on Wednesday night. I'm looking forward to that since I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. Then I guess on Thursday, Canh and I are planning to go clubbing. Hopefully I can recruit some friends to come along : ) Saturday: Paul, Gordan, and whoever said they're taking me out to some of the clubs in downtown so that we can daaaannce!!!

Also this weekend, I start bartending classes! I'll be mixing drinks for my friends pretty soon : )


  2004.04.04  15.46
Welsh Corgi

I'm getting a doggie today! I'm very excited. She's an 8 week old pure bred welsh corgi, the same type of dog from Cowboy Bebop! Sheesh shoooo cuuuuute!!!

I want to name her Ein, like the anime : P But we'll see...

I don't have an actually picture of my dog yet, but here's some pictures of puppies from the place I'm getting her from:

Mood: happy


  2004.03.31  23.35
Two things:

1) I now have 7 piercings: 2 on each of the ear lobes, 2 cartilage on right ear, and 1 belly (I got that one done tonight) : P

2) I bought tickets to go to the Quannum Tour on Apr. 25th with my friends! The concert is featuring DJ Shadow and Blackalicious! I'm excited : )

Mood: calm
Music: Tosca--- Sperl

  2004.03.31  09.50
A book shelf

I think I have inherited a bad habit from my mom of picking up old furniture from the streets and thinking that we can refurbish it. With my mom, she starts so many of these projects that most of them don't get finished so then slowly accumulate in our basement : P Hopefully I won't be as bad as my mom : )

I picked up a large, wooden bookcase yesterday that was just sitting outside by the trash cans at our neighborhood. Parts of the case is chipped, and the color of wood is a dark, melancholic brown. I want to do more than just put a fresh coat of paint on it, but I'm not sure what to do yet. I want to make it look more contemporary. Hmm...think, think, think...

This project will have to wait until May though b/c I'm still busy with classes and work. I can't wait : )

Mood: content
Music: Ben Folds Five--- Hospital Song

  2004.03.30  18.28

So I promised my friend that I'd be playing the piano at the MBSA banquet on Apr. 2. No problem, and I'm excited actually. The only problem is I haven't touched the piano in over 2 months! And who knew Apr. 2nd was actually this Friday? I thought it was next week. Time to practice : ( Now is there a piano I can practice on?

I finally received my "Hello, My Race Is" tank top today that I ordered on Damali Ayo's site. So sweet!

Check out Damali's work at her site, She's an African-American conceptual artist whose work is focused on race and racism in the US. Her work is just brilliant! She gave a lecture on campus about two weeks ago, and I enjoyed every minute of her presentation. She's a very captivating lady!

Mood: surprised

  2004.03.29  18.28
An aspect of my life

Cooking, like life, is about transformation. When we cook, we work directly with the elemental forces of fire and heat, water, meal, and clay. We put the lid on the pot and wait for the fire to transform the rice, or we mix the bread with yeast and put it in the oven to bake. There is something hidden, almost magical about it.

This kind of transformation involves a certain amount of faith. We work hard to prepare the food. We wash the rice, knead and bread, and break the eggs. We measure the ingredients carefully. We mix, stir, blend. But then we have to wait. We have to let fire and water transform the food we've prepared.

But we have to keep an eye on things. We have to be aware of what is going on...

---Bernard Glassman and Rick Fields, 365 Zen

A Struggle )


  2004.03.24  16.19
spring break

Hmm...So now I'm in McKinney, TX right now. My mother and siblings are going to be living here permenantly. My lil' sister started going to her new school yesterday, and I think she's liking it. My parents live in a new neighborhood, and so everything somewhat seems plain. But that's alright, we just need more big trees around here and I think it should look splendid. As for my parents home, it looks beautiful, just missing a lot of furniture right now : P For the past week we've all been sleeping in camping bags. It's a good thing I'm not picky about where I sleep b/c otherwise I think my back would be sore by now.

Overall, I'm enjoying my stay. There are times however I just feel a little bit sad because I know my brother has been having a difficult time accepting the move. I understand that it's especially hard to move away from friends when you're a teenager halfway through high school. But I'm optimistic, and I'm sure he'll learn to adjust. We just all have to be patient. I know my parents worry about him a lot. I can't do much except give them some sort of consolation and remind them that it's going to take time for my brother to open up.

Tomorrow I think I'll be seeing Alisa. I'm excited because I haven't seen her since summer. I guess I'll be going to one of her student group dance, so that should be fun : )

I'll be driving home saterday with my father. A twelve hour or so drive...bleh. That's okay though. I'm a little bit anxious to go back up to Boulder because I'm worried about my plants being all shriveled up by now. No one has been around to give them water : ( Plus, I have some things to take care of for classes and work. I'm already imagining how I'll be a little stressed next week. But that's okay, I think I've been managing my stress level very well : ) It'll also be good to be back in Boulder b/c I miss my friends. It'll be good to see the guys.

Anyone want to give me a little doggy? I'm actually thinking of adopting one from the pound when I get back to CO. I want a buddy to keep me company.

Mood: calm
Music: Bobo Chan-- "Feather"

  2004.03.17  14.27
Child vs. Pet

For March, Washington Monthly features a story entitled “Parents of the World, Unite! How the exploitive economics of childbearing imperil us all.” The aritlce focuses on how the investment of raising children today affects the overall economy of the US. Basically, human consumption of raising children has greatly increased, yet parents receive low rewards with this investment. This has caused birth-rates to decrease to levels that are needed to replace the aging population. This toll eventually affects the benefits available by entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. Furthermore, there is a shortage for ‘nurturing businesses’ because they are underpaid. It is an analysis to explain how the general American economy is undermined by parenthood. It's actually quite an interesting hard-hitting article.

However I cannot help but emphasize one hilarious section of the article: the writer briefly compares the similarities between raising a kid to raising a dog, and then I personally witnessed a mother walk her twin sons this morning, while I was a the gym. She was using a leash, and I overheard her tell her kids to "come":


Mood: amused

  2004.03.17  14.12
Child vs. Pet

For March, Washington Monthly features a story entitled “Parents of the World, Unite! How the exploitive economics of childbearing imperil us all.” The aritlce focuses on how the investment of raising children today affects the overall economy of the US. Basically, human consumption of raising children has greatly increased, yet parents receive low rewards with this investment. This has caused birth-rates to decrease to levels that are needed to replace the aging population. This toll eventually affects the benefits available by entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. Furthermore, there is a shortage for ‘nurturing businesses’ because they are underpaid. It emphasizes the overall affect in which it analyzes how the general American economy is undermined by parenthood. It's actually quite an interesting hard-hitting article.

However I cannot help but emphasize one hilarious section of the article where the writer briefly compares the similarities between raising a kid to raising a dog, and then witnessing a mother walk her twin sons this morning, while I was a the gym. She was using a leash, and I overheard her tell her kids to "come":


Mood: amused

  2004.03.14  23.00

I've been spending a lot of time writing my film analysis paper to the Takashi Miike's Audition, and I'm finding myself utterly unhappy with the content of the paper. Seriously, all I feel like doing is printing the damn paper out, crumbling it up and throwing it into the my trash can---as if a couple of mouse clicks in deleting the file is not enough to satiate my frustration--- because that's how pointless I feel my paper is right now. Damn.

Hahaha, ironically enough it's turning out to be my favorite assignment all year.

Mood: annoyed

  2004.03.14  16.59
Time should not be wasted, but it is.

It's funny how...
random words such as avaricious or bombastic suddenly pop up in my mind at odd times, and I may not necessarily know the exact meaning of the words until I look them up later. I wonder where I get these words from? Right now, I'm thinking of the word gregarious.

the mood of a song that I listen to can put me into the same mood. And so I wonder, does the song influence what I think about, or does my thoughts influence what I choose to listen to?

somedays I just feel like sleeping in and not worry about the things I have to take care of for the day, such as doing homework or going to work, but then I end up not being able to sleep because I keep thinking about these things.

my friend told me the other day that he loves me-- of course just as a good friend/sister. I feel the same way too about an elite group of my friends, but I don't think there's a need to tell them that.

my one and only fish is still alive despite the fact that I've been unintentionally depriving him of care (e.g. cleaning his fish tank). I think he's alive to spite me.

I almost ate a whole big bag of potato chips today and I'm now feeling guilty b/c I'll be spending the rest of the night sitting on my butt, in front of the computer, writing papers. It's not even like I enjoy eating potato chips anymore b/c I don't like the after-taste, so I don't understand why I had the sudden splurge.

Spring break is coming up and I'll be spending it in Dallas, TX, at my parents new home. My mom and siblings are moving down there for good. My dad will still be in CO trying to sell off our house and finishing up his contracting job. I have to help them move during spring break : ( Wah...I hate moving. *sigh* And the road trip! Gah...I dread long car rides too : ( But yeah, I should give Al a call and tell her I'll be in town soon. Maybe we'd be able to meet up and hang out. It would be nice to see her.

Mood: blah
Music: Black Eyed Peas --- Kharma

  2004.03.10  14.09
At this moment...

I am feeling a bit drowsy b/c I've been drinking to much medicine for my flu.

My nose feels all clogged up.

Updating lj.

I am listening to underground rap artist, Deltron 3030's "Mastermind." Good shit.

Not feeling hungry, but planning how I'm going to cook tonight's dinner:
* rice
* soup: asian mushroom, onion, eggs, corn, seaweed, chicken
* side dish 1: brocolli, beef, oyster sauce
* side dish 2: pickled cabbage, tomatos
* side dish 3: eggs with fish sauce
lots of food that should last me for the rest of the week.

I just don't feel like moving, but I should. I have things to take care of.

Mood: calm

  2004.03.10  01.20
I'm smiling right now : )

Why am I smiling? Not sure, I just feel good.

It's just simple things like walking out to a night of dark-blue velvet skies and a languid breeze that surrounds my bare skin that reminds me why it's good to be alive.

I went grocery shopping around midnight. I like going to the store this late just because no one else is really there, so I'm free to just wander around without feeling the hussle that usually takes place during the daytime.

I'm feeling relaxed...

Mood: content
Music: Sting --- Until

  2004.02.24  22.27
A sigh of relief

The disadvantage about having only Tuesday and Thursday classes is how suddenly all the big papers and exams seem to fall on one day, which is exactly what happened today. But now that I'm done with classes, I just feel so relaxed. The rest of the week shouldn't be too hard for me. I've been doing pretty well in all my classes so far. They just require a lot of writing, which I'm not too bad at. The good thing about all my classes is I actually look forward to working on my projects although I do get stressed with the deadlines.

Anyhow, just going to bum around for a bit more and work out soon. I'm feeling a little bit sluggish for not exercising the past few days : ( All the food and I don't feel like I burnt a calorie b/c all I've been doing is sitting.

I've been trying to decide if I want to go to LA during spring break with friends. Most likely I'll stay home. I don't really feel like spending money, plus it'd be nice to just help my parents pack so that they can get their stuff down to TX. Their house is finally finished. I think my parents are pretty excited about the new home. I'm happy for them.

Music: Anti-Pop Consortium -- Ping Pong

  2004.02.23  14.30

I've been reading a number of parables from Steve's Zen Flesh, Zen Bones book lately. I'm really fascinated with Zen now b/c it really teaches the person to have good mindframe while going through life. There are some teachings that is definitely very difficult to achieve though.

Here's one in particular that I can't get my mind off: "Non Attachment"

Kitano Gempo, abbot of Eihei temple, was ninety-two years old when e passed away in the year 1933. He endeavored his whole life not to be attached to anything. As a wandering mendicant when he was twenty he happened to meet a traveler who smoked tobacco. As they walked together down a mountain road, they stopped undera tree to rest. Teh traveler offered Kitano a smoke, which he accepted, as he was very hungry at the time.

"How pleasant this smoking is," he commented. The other gave him an etra pipe and tobacco and they parted.

Kitano felt: "Such pleasant thingsmay disturb meditation. Before this goes too far, I will stop now." so he threw the smoking outfit away.

When he was twenty-three years old he studied 'I-King,' the profoundest doctrine of the universe. it was winter at the time and he needed some heavy clothes. He wrote his teacher, who lived a hundred miles away, telling him of his need, and gave the letter to a traveler to deliver. Almost the whole winter passed and neither answer nor clothes arried. so Kitano resorted to the prescience of 'I-King,' which also teaches the art of divination, to determine whether or not his letter had miscarried. He found that this had been the case. A letter afterwards from his teacher made no mention of clothes.

"If I perform such accurate determinative work with 'I-King,' I may neglect my meditation," felt Kitano. So he gave up this marvelous teachinga nd never resorted to its powers again.

When he was twenty-eight he studied Chinese calligraphy and poetry. he grew so skillful in these arts that his teacher praised him. Kitano mused: "If I don't stop now, I'll be a poet, not a Zen teacher." so he never wrote another poem.

It seems so easy for Kitano to remain unattached to things that he enjoys doing in order to attain his primary goal, to become a Zen teacher. When I try to relate this parable to that my own life, there are times when I can do that: e.g. giving up soda pop because it's bad for my health. But then I definitely find it difficult to stay unattached to things that I would emotions for; it just takes a lot of determination. I think probably the most difficult pleasure/emotion/situation to ignore is love. Kitano must love calligraphy and writing poetry in order for him to be so talented, yet for him to give it up without expressing emotions is a wonder to me. But then again, my life is not focused on becoming a Zen master like Kitano.

Another thing that found interesting about this parable is all of Kitano's recounted experiences occur during his twenties. Maybe I'm thinking too much about this story, but I feel like it's a tease to the readers who are at this age group, such as myself. For one thing, Kitano knows exactly what he wants to do with himself. In reality, being in our twenties is probably the time people go through the most tribulations, feel apprehension and confusion towards knowing exactly what to do with our lives. I'm making this assumption based on my own experiences and the apprehension that I sometimes feel when I am confused about some choices I've decided to make for myself. My friends and I talk about this once in awhile and we all agree that growing up is scary. For most of us, our parents still support us to go to school, but we're living away from home so we have to make decisions for ourselves. We're in college and the next step after graduation is to either attend graduate school or enter the 'real world' and obtain a job. It's scary in the sense that at this age group, we're just floating around because we're unsure of what the future holds. Ah well, I'm going in circles so I'll just stop here.

But then again, perhaps this parable isn't teasing the reader. Instead it's sending the message that I should face my future with confidence. Being in my twenties is a time of self-discovery. The story reminds me that I do have goals afterall--- to graduate from college studying something that I am passionate about. In this case, journalism. It may not be a long term goal, like Kitano's, but it's an accomplishment that I want enough for me to want to focus on it.

The other day, I drove my car to school and parked in a nearby neighborhood. I was getting my books from the trunk of my car when suddenly a cat jumped in. Right away, I noticed the awkwardness of his tail which was half the length of a normal cat-tail. However he had incredibly soft, gold-orange fur. For some reason, he just made me so happy that I wanted just skip class and take the cat home with me. I carried him down the street with me as I was walking to class and finally came to my senses to let him go. Later that day, I was walking to my car when I encountered the same cat again. Suddenly I felt this surge of warm, comforting contentment at the sight of the cat. It's similar to the feeling of going home and seeing a close family member or an intimate friend. Again the idea of taking him home popped up in my mind as I walked passed him. But instead I briefly patted him on the head and continued to walk to my car.

Mood: content
Music: Nothing Better by The Postal Service

  2004.02.19  14.49
A blurb

The temperature was in the 70's yesterday, and today it's snowing. Yes, I guess it makes Colorado all the more interesting to live in.

Just finished ranting about the latest rape issues with our football team here at CU. I was supposed to respond to the following article:"Talbott: CU winked for years, record shows", but I sort of went off on a different tangent. My response:

Talbott's article is interesting in that it points out how women in the past (1997) who have voiced themselves were silenced in order to save the reputation the football team. It just reminds me that despite how far America has gotten to promote equality between genders (women in the work force, women being able to vote, women in a high status position at work, women in sports, women in politics, etc.), there will always be some sort sexist conflict within our society as long as the media promotes it.

So with football, why is it just now that women who have been raped are finally heard? It makes me question about the other academic institutions across the country, as well. Have there been similar situations where women are simply silenced? And what makes it okay for officials to overlook such situations? I believe that what we see in the media for years and years play a big role in what is happening today. If we think about movies, or TV shows dating back to even the 60's, the general image of football players are portrayed as the big, tough, handsome guy that every girl would go for. They are the winner. Furthermore, football itself, has become such an ingrained tradition within the American society. Fans rave about their favorite football team, their favorite players, the amazing records that players have made, etc. I remember when the Broncos won the Superbowl years ago, the headlines were something like (correct me if I'm wrong), "Broncos are the Heros of the World!!!" Wow, the world! Funny b/c I can't imagine people in China wearing Bronco jersies, chugging down beer, and screaming "Broncos won!" Okay, I'm going a little bit overboard here. But what I'm trying to say is, football is a valued sport in the American society and I think generally people hesitate to find flaws about a whole team. Also, every football team has a cheerleading squad attending their games. Majority of the cheerleaders are gorgeous women who wear short skirts and tight shirts. People mix that with the rest of what we see in media where women are portrayed as sexual objects (music videos on MTV, "the Man Show," Playboy Magazine, etc.) that somehow, people may perceive cases like rape as somewhat minor. As for CU, I think even now it's a difficult case because football is an important sport at our school. We do have many fans because it is a strong team. Therefore when a case is addressed to the entire team, officials hesitate for fear of hurting the reputation of the team. And in a way, the reputation of CU b/c the football team is a major component of what the university is known for.

Yeah...I think I lost focus there b/c there's so much I wanted to pull in in regards to this issue : P

Other random thought: I prefer having lunch at Sweet Tomatos over Souper Salad b/c there's more soup selection and their baked goods are better. Okay...time for class.

Mood: content
Music: Kill Bill Theme (It helps pump me up for class : P )

  2004.02.16  13.15

Did I ever mention how I don't like my room? Maybe it's because it's embarassingly trashy right now. Seriously it dampens my mood everytime I see it. Time to clean my room. Perhaps rearrange a bit?

I'm feeling so tired today because I worked last night and didn't get home until 3AM. I remember being so tired driving from Denver to Boulder last night that I had to stop midway and take a short nap in an empty parking lot, otherwise I could have gotten myself into a nasty car accident. But then again, I could have been mugged by some stranger while sleeping in a precarious lot : /

Seriously I really enjoy working at the club on the weekends, but it's honestly screwing up my sleeping schedule for the rest of the week. I'm finding myself just more tired. It's worse with other things going on with my life right now. Maybe I should just learn to organize my time a little better so I can start sleeping early during the week. And I really should accept the fact that I'm only human and not superwoman. last post didn't work obviously. I'm disappointed b/c I want to share my photographs. Oh well, sorry folks! I want to learn how to use my school account so that I won't violate anymore rights : P But it would be nice if someone can show me how to do that. *cough**cough*Joe?*cough* : )

Okay, time to clean my room, and then...homework! Be jealous, be very jealous ; )

Mood: tired
Music: Utada Hikaru -- Simple and Clean

  2004.02.13  14.43
Flatirons and Vanilla Sky

I'm currently taking a visual art writing course, and though I don't think the professor is to fond me, I still enjoy the class very much so. Currently we are studying comtemporary photographers, and I chose to do research on James Fee. For some reason his photographs, esp. the Peleliu Project, enthralls me. This inspired me to take up photography as a sort of hobby. I started carrying my camera around with me to almost every place I go because there's bound to be one of those moments where it provokes some sort of special thought or feeling that I'd like to capture.

But yeah, so far I've been taking pictures of landscapes. I also have an affinity for the different cloud patterns. Anyway, enjoy!

This one was taken this morning, when I woke up around 7. No colors altered, this is exactly how it looked this morning. The site was awesome : ) I'm lucky to have a good view out my window.

More to Enjoy! )

Mood: calm
Music: John Lennon --- Imagine

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