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Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005
08:08 - Training week
I'm in training at work. Suck.


Monday, March 21st, 2005
13:21 - No Sara
Sara was supposed to show up at my place yesterday afternoon. This is twice in a row that she's blown me off without calling. Unless I'm confused, I think this is her way of saying it's over between us. I really hate it when people do that. If you're not interested any more, just say so. Don't leave someone hanging.

current mood: disappointed

(3 little sheep | bleat)

Sunday, March 20th, 2005
09:56 - What a wierd feeling.
I haven't had a clean-shaven face in years. I shaved off the goatee and mustache. My face feels naked.

(4 little sheep | bleat)

Saturday, March 19th, 2005
20:47 - Sara's ok.
I was worried about her. She said she'd come over on Friday night. When she did that last time, she came in at about 3:00am. So last night, I stayed up until 5:15am, then slept until 7:00am. Couldn't sleep anymore, because I was worried that she got in a car accident or something on the way over.

Apparently she lost her cellphone, and decided not to drive over here. And she didn't have my number anywhere even though I emailed it to her a few times. [sigh] I drove from Fridley to Shakopee to make sure she was ok, which she was, so all is good. I guess I'm a little upset that she didn't try harder to let me know what was going on. Meh. No big deal, I guess.

Peter's life motif: I wish it didn't take (fear of) losing something to make me realize its importance.


Thursday, March 17th, 2005
I need someone to come over and help me clean the house. I will bribe you with dinner. I will *cook* dinner, even.

I need help sorting junk out of the basement and cleaning the theater.

And on that note... the company I ordered the projector bulb from (on Sunday), just shipped it this morning. WTF? Why would someone sit on an order for 3+ days before shipping it? Bastards.

But there are still a few hours left on the current bulb, and I really want to see a movie this weekend. So I'm cleaning the basement. Especially the theater space. And getting rid of a bunch of [info]knitting_grrl's junk.


And since I implemented a dynamic anti-spam module on my firewall, there are actually days where I don't get any email. How odd!


Tuesday, March 15th, 2005
WTF is up with rating communities? 6.5 million livejournals, and how many are wasted with childish cliques? [sigh]

I feel like an old fogie, being in possession of LJ account #34xx, and seeing these new users and communities in the six-millions. I remember when the Internet wasn't competitive. I remember when it was all about doing something new or unique, and building on the success of others. I remember when you could register domain names for free. I remember the time before "the web", when gopher was around. I remember prior to that, even using an email-to-ftp gateway on a freenet host. I remember learning assembly language for DOS and then 386 protected mode assembly. I remember talking with Mitch Waite. I remember a bank of 9600 baud modems attached to a 386 in my basement. I remember I am ooooooold.


current mood: melancholy, nostalgic
current music: central heating & the ceaseless rumble of my acidic stomach.

(5 little sheep | bleat)

16:13 - My mouth will one day get me fired.
Tom is the team lead of a neighboring team of engineers. I've been lent to him, partially, due to his team's high workload and the generosity of my own team lead in, ahem, volunteering time that isn't his own.

Tom: How's your scheule looking the week of 4-4?

Me: I'm free Tuesday and Thursday for an implementation, if you've got one.

Tom: Great. Can we set something up for Tuesday then? How do you feel about that?

Me: My nipples explode with delight.

[everything from muffled clucking to full-on laughter from the cubes surrounding mine]

Tom: Umm, ok, I guess.

(2 little sheep | bleat)

Sunday, March 13th, 2005
Well, I did it. I finally broke down and ordered a replacement lamp for my LCD projector. TVs cost less than this! [sigh] I bought the projector on eBay about 5 years ago, and the bulb had had 1400 hours on it then. The current bulb has 7 hours of life left, and there's a timer circuit in the projector that prevents the unit from working after 2000 hours. Prone to armchair mathematics as I am, it costs me a little bit less than $0.50 to watch a movie (2 hours) with my home theater - including power consumed by the projector, DVD player and amplifier. Not bad.

So I suppose I need to clean out the basement and get ready to have folks over for movie night, or something. Anybody up for a Highlander marathon? How about Dune? Or I could shamelessly solicit people to bring their DVDs, so that I could make archival copies for them, in case they lost their original (after all, according to the MPAA, when you but a DVD. you're licensing the right to view the material, so ownership of a physical copy should be moot).


And if you misbehave, I'll tie you up and force you to watch Battlefield Earth.


Things you learn from video games #14: Ninjas are common and frequently fight in public.

current mood: bouncy
current music: 89.3 The Current

(1 little sheep | bleat)

Had to chuckle while reading this one. Apparently Israel wants to bulldoze renegade trailer parks.


We passed the test. My son and I are both SkyWarn storm spotters. He doesn't have a ham license yet, but the training was good for him. He was going to do a science presentation on barometers, and now he knows a lot more about what happens before and during a storm.


Friday, March 11th, 2005
I must go to sleep ... not tired at all, though. I've got to get up at 6:30 if I'm going to make it to the SkyWarn training in Golden Valley tomorrow at 8. *sigh*. Time to stare at the ceiling for a while.

"beige. Let's paint the ceiling beige." ;)


Thursday, March 10th, 2005
I'm sick today, or so I emailed into work. I'm not hurling or anything, I just feel blah in a generic way.

current mood: ptui.
current music: 89.3 The Current


Wednesday, March 9th, 2005
23:21 - public apology
... to [info]lexinatrix, whom I offended by speaking on the matter of gender-based employment discrimination. I'm adding this topic to the list of conversation topics I should avoid in the presence of folks I don't know well. Neither my observations nor my sense of humor are universally well-received.

(3 little sheep | bleat)

I went to the TC FM Club's meeting last night. There were lots of greybeards there, and only one lady. Amateur radio needs young people, particularly women, to join the hobby. It's dying because of the Internet, and because the FCC is whoring out the lower end of the spectrum to the power compaines for BPL, regardless of its obligation to the community to keep the airwaves clean.

Anyhow, walked in $30 the richer and walked out as the new web/postmaster for and I've got to arrange a transition plan for the site hosting, as well as set up some mailing list software. Once it's all migrated, then I'll work on some new content.


Monday, March 7th, 2005
18:40 - The Draft
On the way home from work, I was babbling along with the guys on the TCFMC 444.10 repeater. The subject of the draft came up, and of the 6-7 guys on at the time, only one supported it, and even then, halfheartedly. Tiny sample size notwithstanding, it seems that the better-educated or better-informed people aren't really keen on this draft thing. It was also mentioned that the armed forces do not contribute to Social Security within their payroll system, another topic that went over like a lead balloon.

I guess I try not to talk about politics or religion on the radio... those topics tend to get people quite heated nowadays, myself included. If I weren't a frothing-at-the-mouth commie pinko godless-heathen satan-worshiping freako, that might not be the case. (Yes, I've actually been called all those things, and more.) I guess I think of myself as possessing a moral compass that dictates compassion and understanding instead of greed and gluttony. Maybe I'm defective. Or maybe the Mayberry Machiavellis need to leave the white house and go back to their insular, neo-conservative backwaters and let America go back to being a nice place to live.


Whoo.... What an exhausting weekend. )


Thursday, March 3rd, 2005
15:18 - 3900 MPR members still needed as of now.
If you can give just $7 a month, you can be a member of Minnesota Public Radio. Support 89.3 The Current!

You've got until Friday at 8pm. Call 800-227-2811 now! I shall beg you mercilessly.


Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005
16:42 - Too busy this week!
Mmm. Lots of moving and shaking this week. I'm spending mornings 6a-9a volunteering for Minnesota Public Radio, which is in their first-ever fundraising drive for 89.3 The Current [listen], as well as fundraising for the network of existing news and classical stations throughout Minnesota. Answering phones is hard work! It's been a long time since I've had to talk on the phone for 3 hours straight, and it's taxing. But fun.

Contribute. Make a difference. And if you can cough up $10 a month, you can get a cool, limited-edition LP pressed on orange vinyl, along with a companion CD (containing the same songs), as well as your name on a plaque of founding members at the station. Call 1-800-227-2811, or visit the website. You've got until Friday.

(1 little sheep | bleat)

Friday, February 25th, 2005
04:41 - iRobots rawk.
Yesterday, I got a Roomba iRobot Red vacuum cleaner. It's cute. It's like a little, chunky frisbee that cleans floors. I put it on the charger last night, and after it inhaled the requisite first-time-charge of 7 hours, it glowed a happy little green battery light. As I stumbled to the bathroom at 4:00AM, I thought, what the hell, why not press "Clean", and let the little fella wander about the house for a while as I doze off again. I've been watching it bop around my hardwood floors for about 15 minutes now, and it does a surprisingly good job of picking up dust, lint, cat hair, etc. It even detects when it needs to work harder on a particularly difficult bit of dirt, and turns on a little blue "dirt detector" light on its lid to alert you to its fastidious efforts. When it has conquored the troublesome bit of cruft, it turns its cool blue LED off, and resumes its wobbly little trek around the room. Since I've got an open floor plan (and about 950 sqft of oak floor) and a cat, there's a lot of sweeping involved to keep my Maine Coon's long fur from making little furry tumbleweeds in every corner of the house. The iRobot Red, so far, is doing an impressive job.

Roomba 1, Longhaired Cat 0

Oh, and if you're in the Twin Cities, Home Depot in Fridley, near I-694 and University has them on clearance for $99. I remember when these first came out at something like $250... So I grabbed one. I'm tempted to get a second one for my dad.

current mood: geeky, sleepy

(3 little sheep | bleat)

Monday, February 21st, 2005
Current project: Disassembling my home furnishings by playing VNV Nation really loud. Did I mention that I don't need a subwoofer, because my front-channel speakers include 15", 350 watt woofers? Sometimes it's nice to have your own house.


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