United Airlines sucks little pointy rocks through pigeon anuses.
The flight to and from St. Louis was on a plane engineered for conveying toddlers and monkies, not adult humans. I wonder at being asked "window or aisle" since my midget-sized seat was
both a window and aisle seat. The storage bins and underseat spaces were probably adequate for keeping, say, a child's lunchbox but not for laptop cases. I had to remove my laptop on both legs to check in its case at the plane. To add insult to injury I spilled my four (4) ounce coke on the floor since toy airplanes and clumsy humans are mutually incompatible. Naturally the laptop got splashed. Fortunately it appears unharmed.
Making us stay in that plane-built-by-Tonka for fifteen minutes while "the ground crew prepared our plane and retrieved door checked in luggage" added insult to injury. I would have preferred to wait for my laptop case outside where I could stand upright, as my ancestors have done for millions of years.
To add further insult to injury, my luggage didn't show. I wasn't alone in this predicament; many of my fellow passengers were forlornly eyeing the carousel for luggage gone missing. I predict that the tiny cargo hold couldn't hold everyone's luggage, and so had to trickle over on subsequent flights. If United used the same airplines, it might take several trips to get all the luggage for that flight across.
If they insist on using that model plane, they should consider having pairs of planes for flights -- one for passengers, another for their luggage.
United Airlines sucks.
It sucks even more for closing the baggage problem counter next to the carousel associated with a flight that obviously was experiencing severe luggage related problems. Making people already pissed off move from one long line to an even longer line across the terminal only further enrages them.
In fact, I was so fucking pissed off that, noting that it would be
already been there an hour and wasn't about to stay another damn minute. I figured that I could just call in the problem from the comfort of home.
United Airlines sucks.
It further sucks because the toll free number gets an unhelpful automated management system. Each time it says "I am unable to help you. I will try to contact a baggage representative. <pause for five seconds> I have been unable to contact any baggage representatives as they are busy helping other customers. Please try again later." It doesn't even hang up the phone. The line just stays open, leaving you hanging. Which is what I was doing, literally, with regards to my missing luggage.
Worse yet, this is delaying a road-trip down to North Carolina. I cannot leave until I have my luggage back in hand.
better not make me drive back to Dulles to retrieve it.
Current Mood: enraged