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Below is user information for ...or a fucking fit of honesty.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:angelyouthxx (805154) angelyouthxx
Like a line of poetry...
your holiday.
Name:...or a fucking fit of honesty.
Location:Corpus Christi, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Antartica lovely (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status my_unsaid_everythingxx (Add User, Send Message)
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Rejection is one thing
But rejection from a fool
is cruel

I hate elbows.

I am in love with Antarctica.

Memories:3 entries
Interests:67: alkaline trio, antartica, arab strap, belle and sebastian, belly dancing, ben folds, blonde redhead, brandtson, cursive, darkest hour, deep elm, desaparecidos, elliot smith, elvis costello, emperor, explosions in the sky, fifteen, frank sinatra, godspeed you! black emporer, her space holiday, hot hot heat, hot water music, hum, i hate myself, indie, irish, jade tree, jawbreaker, jeff ott, jets to brazil, joan of arc, joe strummer, kissing chaos, knapsack, mates of state, my ipod, oingo boingo, photography, pro-life, propagandhi, pulp, rilo kiley, saddlecreek, saves the day, secretary, sleater-kinney, small brown bike, sonic youth, soy latte, sparklehorse, starmarket, sunny day real estate, texas is the reason, the black dahlia murder, the broadways, the cure, the mars volta, the pixies, the smiths, the streets, the unicorns, this beautiful mess, thrifting, trembling blue stars, tuesday, undying, veganism. [Modify yours]
People128:165pls2004over4, 1w1i1s1h, ___calculated, __n, _sihaya, aftonacious, aggiebryan2007, andrewisdead, angel_on_hiatus, awintersrose, badwordlove, betterthanbobby, beutifulsilence, billy1915, billy_feamster, bloodyxvalntine, blueeyedstang, cara_mia, chasing_shadows, cherylheartsyou, chopsuee, cllikewhat, colorofadream, crashintome703, crumboflove, cupids_diary, daterapestylee, deadalleyalways, deadly_pixie, deanburrito, defiant747, doctorpiglet, druzhba02, eepkoalas, empressthimble, far_from_grace, freehugs4sale, friction_less, g3n0c1d3_tasia, givenrevolution, hairylandape, hearwithoutyou, hnp1987, iamthecwb, ihateothergirls, impedimenta, insghtofmymind, irishcarbomb27, irocklikewhoa, isntshegorgeous, joetheasian, k1ss2k1ll, kittensarefun, lethisbeyoursun, letmedowneasy, lightgayfarts, makinbeliever, mestxupxkid, missxmistake, mustard_love55, neatlipgloss, needxaxpiece, nekroarego, neque, nevercomeseasy, notenoughpills, okigaijin, openmyheart, painthisred, peach_moon, peladophobiac, piratepunk77, poisonedfury, punkporvida, qarrett, razorbladewings, redkiss4bliss, rockmusicissexy, rude_reckless, rxcoup, sapatasboas, skanknpikle, smashmypane, socorro15, solarsani_098, solastsummer101, soundspulsate, sourfenders, starrysilence, staying_old13, stealxthexstars, stephanie_leigh, sxekid007, the7thdeadlyzen, thebluchannel, thecalmbefore, thedestroyed, themindofcas, thetornpage, thistimeperfect, timeforsnowcome, tohellwithstars, truestarsfall, trustkillhero, vanishingxact, veganyo, wannabestar06, way_2_nu, wienerface, willowptarmigan, wmisswscarewall, xalivexatxlast, xcavityx, xecksx, xhairymolexx, xheadswillrollx, xonesweetdayx, xpinkxlipstickx, xrocklikewhoa, xsevensuturesx, xsharat, xstarlettheoryx, xthe_recluse, xwindcriesmary, xxsaydeexx, yourdishsoap, yourstorescue, zyklonshaggy
Communities7:alkaline_trio_, arizonaindie, crapus_christi, indiemixtapes, skiba_fans, texas_indie, tucson
Account type:Free Account

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