Genki skins: J-pop/J-rock/Anime Winamp Skins [entries|friends|calendar]
Genki Skins

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[27 Feb 2004|02:55pm]

You know, I'm not one to be a community pimp, but I felt that this one would be nice to pimp.

[info]hall_of_theives, which i misspelt cause i made it around 4am, is a community designed to have those report icon stealers and other good stuff like that. If you're on DJ and are apart of the hall_of_shame, its very much like that. If you wish to join, that'd be great. :)

That's all for now, I think I cross posted this at a few other communities.
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[23 Feb 2004|11:52am]
You know the drill. Download these at my site.

Crossed posted at [info]jrock_winamps! Join if you like jrock!

Requested by Annie from

I make too many of Miyavi O_o;;

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Quick Announcement [20 Feb 2004|02:07pm]

[ mood | fine ]
[ music | "Free" - Powerman 5000 ]

Sorry, no new skin today, just babbling. My latest skin had an error in it, which I've since fixed. I must have been really tired when I posted that one, because the preset button on the equalizer got covered over and I never even noticed. So please redownload if you like it.

Also, the skin I'm currently working on is a Johnny Depp skin. If anyone would like to know when that is finished, please tell me here so I can notify you as to when it's finished, as its not J-pop or Anime-related.

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new skin! [15 Feb 2004|07:16pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Miyavi - Shikenkan Baby ]

It's been awhile since I've postd a skin, but here's one I find worthy of posting:

It's Miyabi of Due le Quartz. I love how this skin turned out ^-^ Crossposted.

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Howdy. [15 Feb 2004|08:59am]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | BoA - Be the one ]

Well, just what everyone needs, another n00b skinner. Lol.

I'e never actually attempted one of these before, this is my first one.. and I don't think it turned out all that bad..

I really love Lain..

Hope someone likes it.. o_o;

If anyone has any suggestions or tips.. that would be great too ^_^

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Izumiiiii [14 Feb 2004|07:54pm]

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Gackt - Uncontrol ]


I used the tutorial at here. Since I did this skin completely by hand. =D *is proud*

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Two New Skins [13 Feb 2004|04:43pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | "Glynis" - Smashing Pumpkins ]


See, I'm not really dead!

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[12 Feb 2004|09:52am]
I will post these on my website later.
More at [info]jrock_winamps

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[06 Feb 2004|12:36pm]
Finally made one of Közi! Posted in at my website.

More at
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New Skin! [02 Feb 2004|12:01am]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Chocobo Jam - Nobuo Uematsu ]

Today I bring you a skin of Jecht from Final Fantasy X. I seem to be getting a mixed reaction on this one (apparently there is much Jecht hate in the world,) but I hope at least someone likes it.

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ello..? [22 Jan 2004|04:29pm]

[ mood | musical ]
[ music | Billy Talent - Try Honesty ]

^^;; hi! I'm uh... new here. But I think you guys can tell. Anyways, I'm DragonSoul. I run Flash Flood and I like pretty boys. XD I followed Labeth here, though I was a member a long long time ago-- then I left, because the community was dead. (I joined way back when it just started, I believe.)

Anyways, to introduce myself, here's my half of a design/skin collab. I'll be sending this design to my partner who'll skin it, while I skin the Kakashi design she sent me.

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[19 Jan 2004|03:36pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Mangetsu - Pierrot ]

two more from me today. one chiaki from kkj, one grungy kirito from pierrot.

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Request Time! [18 Jan 2004|01:01am]

Okay, I finally finished a request for [info]marionettelove... so here it is, Yomi from Nightmare.

Hope it's okay. ^_^* I've only ever made requests for people I knew in real life before, so I'm a bit nervous.
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o.O [17 Jan 2004|02:24am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Dramatic Neo Anniversary - Pierrot ]

For all the lack of time, I only have one new skin. Ah well. Once again it looks best in 32-bit color, because that's what my laptop is! It doesn't even have 24.. only 16&32. I can't help it! Sorry all you 24-bit people.

mm... Kirito.. he's my new obsession xD

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Introduction [10 Jan 2004|11:26pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Silence ]

Oh, is this where all the skinners are? [info]winamp_skins seems pretty much dead, but this community seems pretty lively. ^_^

Hi, my name is Tari, and my friend, [info]aetherangelette and I run an anime skins/walls/avatars site called Have Faith. I came across this community through [info]labeth, whose skins site is bookmarked on my computer. ^_^;;

My latest skin, finished on Monday, actually (features Eyes Rutherford from Spiral):

This is 2.9/5.0 compatible. ^_^ Please comment.

More of my skins can be found at Have Faith. [info]aetherangelette has a lot of skins too, and I think she isn't on this community, so you may be interested in seeing her work too, if you haven't already. I think the one (among mine, that is) that people liked most is probably the Metropolis one.

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Backness! [08 Jan 2004|09:15pm]

[ mood | healthy ]
[ music | "Suteki da ne" - FFX ]

Okay, I've been out of commission the past few days with the flu, then had no internet access, but now, I'm back! I have two new skins today, so I may as well just get on with it.

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ho-hum [05 Jan 2004|10:42pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | [ Radio] Ayashi no Ceres - One ]

Okay, two more skins. If anyone thinks I post too much, feel free to shoot me ^^;; Obviously I have nothing better to do with my time XP

And, as usual, only screencaps are blurry. The quality of the actual skins is fine. And I forgot to mention in the readme file, the font for the playlist in the second one is seraphim. *nods*

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Harro! *waves* [03 Jan 2004|11:26pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata ]

Hi, I'm new to this community and to skin making, so they're pretty ugly. <<;
Here are my first (and only) two skins made. One is a ZIP with all the files and one is a wsz file.
1 - Bad Quality preview // Download

2 - I have no preview ;_; (BUT I think it's really pretty!) // Download

Ya, hope you like them.

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byeeeee [03 Jan 2004|03:19am]

[ mood | embarrassed ]

I didn't really feel welcome, so um, I'm leaving. ^^;;;

Good luck to all. ^^

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whee! [02 Jan 2004|05:18pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Klaus Badelt - PotC - Fog Bound ]

ok. yet another skin.

It really only looks good on plasma screens.. sigh.

Also, I now have a winamp skin site, Loud Voices, though I've only got the seven skins up right now. But if anyone wants to link me, I'd love you! So the previous skins I posted in here are there now, which is why you get big x's for the screencaps.

Well, enough rambling. Just so you know, this skin was meant to be simplistic! Bye!

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