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Abra the famous mud wrestler r0xx0rs your s0xx0r!

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Survey time [21 Aug 2004|11:46pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | The Killers - Somebody Told Me ]

After a nice little discussion with my mom, she's apparently decided that I'm too young to have sex. Ok. Why does this stuff always pop up with my mom?

At any rate, yes, I wanna ask you guys what you think the appropriate age to start having sex is. If you think it's different for males and females, say so. And then redirect all your friends over here so I can get a nice wide variety of answers. :D

12 japanese dolls - amidst the sea of bedsheets

The best day of the year! [31 Jul 2004|02:14am]
[ mood | happy ]

Yes, it's that time of year again. National days. The best ones too. I missed yesterday, National Foreplay Day, but not today...National Orgasm Day. So happy National Orgasm Day! I'll try to make some nice banners and crap after I get up.

(also, anyone with herbal essences pictures should send them over)

7 japanese dolls - amidst the sea of bedsheets

I have been scarred for life [30 May 2004|11:47pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Dir en grey - Undecided ]

I was driving to work with my mom and suddenly she goes "do you want me to buy you some condoms?" The first thought that pops into my mind is "oh crap, Morgan", but after that initial shock I asked her why I would want her to get condoms. She said Stacy got condoms for her kids, "just in case", and left them under the sink in the bathroom so they could use them anytime they needed to. Uh huh. She said she figured she'd just do the same thing for us.

First of all, I would never do that in this house. It'd be weird coming into my room afterwards and plus I'd worry that my parents would find out. Besides, my bed's pretty small. :P And second...gah, why is she suddenly bringing that up? When I'm going to work no less, so it can eat at my mind the entire time. Gaaaah.

She said she asked my brother what he thought and he said sure, get them. She supposedly said they'd be more for me, and he asks what I would need them for. Again, nobody has any faith in my ability to hook up with someone. XD It's sad. They all expect me to die alone!

At any rate, gah, that's the last thing I want to be hearing from my mother. It was completely unexpected too, which just increased the shock. I have been scarred for life.

Today at work I was closing with Nicole, which I was fine with cause I don't mind Nicole. Natalie was leaving at 7 so I had started to do the dishes around 6:30 since Nicole said she wanted to do mopping and such. I was fine with that. I don't mind doing dishes as long as it's not for Megan or Becky. At any rate, I was finished half of them by 7, and by 7:10 I was coming out to help her with customers cause I couldn't get much more to wash at that time. She then says that she didn't know that Nat was leaving and she'd finish the dishes for me. Right. So I ended up doing half the dishes, sweeping/mopping, make tables...just about everything besides the bathrooms and the other half of the dishes. I'm actually shocked I managed to make it out of there before 8:30 since I practically did all of the closing stuff. When Nicole decided to go do dishes, only half the chairs were put up. Arrrgh. x_x What was even worse is that nothing was done before we got there. It didn't surprise me cause I knew John and Becky were working, but man, that place was a disaster. I've never seen the make table so not stocked. Honestly, if you're gonna do any work, put that work into stocking the make table. It would've been a really good close had Nicole not switched on me, cause we cleaned everything.

On another note, look! I made a crappy icon for the first time in...months. My computer usually doesn't like to let me make icons, but it's been good tonight. I learned a new thing too, making black&white; with colour pictures. Joy. :D Sadly, I suck at it, and thus icons = ugly. But whatever. I'm catching up to all those icon pros. Sort of.

[12:15 AM]
AIM sn: chus are sexy
Reason for AIM sn: they are!


5 japanese dolls - amidst the sea of bedsheets

[23 May 2004|09:08pm]
[ music | The Smashing Pumpkins - Perfect ]

Made by oohimemiyaoo, much thanks.

Now, think of all those other friends only journals you've seen, and insert rules here. Voila! Standard friends only crap. :P
1 japanese doll - amidst the sea of bedsheets

Oh look, a thing that you should do [22 Nov 2003|02:46pm]
[ music | Fefe Dobson - Take Me Away ]

Post a comment to this post, anything that you want, but post it anonymously.

Anything. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything.

Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like. Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.

So yep, do that. It'll make me happy! Really. And also because...
Bloomy Sakito: because you are a GOD.

18 japanese dolls - amidst the sea of bedsheets

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