The Holy Bible, English Standard Version

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  • ESV web service - Using our unique XML web service, the text of the ESV can appear on your site with minimal programming. (Show me the API...)
  • RSS syndication - Verse of the day, verse lookups, and daily reading plans are available. If you have a weblog or a type of software called a "news aggregator," you may be interested in this service.
  • Javascript syndication - Use one line of Javascript to display any passage.
  • More resources for webmasters - Start here if you want to link to the ESV or put an ESV search box on your site.

Other ways to use the ESV online

  • Favlets - Several easy-to-use links that you can copy to your Favorites folder to access the ESV from anywhere on the Internet.
  • By email - Email with a passage in the subject line (e.g., Gen 1) and receive the text of the passage by email a few minutes later.

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