


Justin Hall describes Mogi, a fascinating sounding GPS-enabled mobile phone game running in Tokyo where you collect stuff by actually going to places near where you happen to be in the city. He also links to slides from a presentation by Amy Jo Kim on social trends in mobile entertainment

Filed under:games — Jill @ 22:08 [ ]

1 Comment »

  1. Mogi sounds a bit like 34 North 118 West but the graphics look much better. With 43n118w real life people interact with actors (also real life people) through a GPS gaming system run on laptop computers with headphones. The history and locations of Los Angeles form the spatial mesh of the game.

    Comment by jim — 9/4/2004 @ 23:48

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this season on jill/txt

Je suis prof de la université, dear readers, quite a fresh one too, having earned my PhD less than a year ago. This autumn I'm teaching a grad course on digital culture and I'm trying to write articles about networked, distributed, viral fictions. I'm also starting up ELINOR, the new Nordic network for electronic literature, and helping to organise Digital og sosial, a conference in Bergen on Nov 10-12 that is going to be awesome. Add to this an eight year old daughter, a gorgeous lover abroad and a newfound desire to move to Paris and you have jill/txt: complicated and I love it!



Dr Jill Walker, Dept of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen

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