Monday, October 25, 2004

Fantasy Football Blues 

May I just say that Priest Holmes sucks? I don't mean that he's not a good football player. Because he's probably the greatest fantasy running back ever to play the game, which is the problem. My opponent used him to good effect this week.

But really, 4 freakin' TDs? Was that gaudy crap really necessary? I mean, I could live with it if he was doing it for the Vikings, but the Chiefs not only mean less than nothing to me (except for the fact that I have Tony Gonzalez on my team) but they don't even have a legitimate shot to contend this year. They're the John Kerry of football: all attack and absolutely no defense. Why bother with all those touchdowns when there's no real chance they'll ever amount to anything?


Homecoming Queen Tackles Kerry? 

The guys at Power Line alerted me to a really, really fun story happening in my own back yard:

Although we are only a week from election day, events at St. Cloud State are overshadowing the political news in St. Cloud. At homecoming festivities this past Thursday, Fue Khang of Minneapolis was named homecoming queen -- the first male homecoming queen in the school's history. (See "To boldly go where no man has gone before" by our friend King Banaian, St. Cloud State economics department chairman.) Gross adds:

By now, you've heard about the guy elected homecoming queen at St. Cloud State. My best friend's wife was quoted in the St. Cloud Times' Friday edition. This morning, the New York Times called and talked with her. The uproar over this event is huge and one can sense the uproar over this is changing votes daily. The bottom line to all this is that, based on this information, there isn't a snowball's prayer in hell that Kerry wins Minnesota.

Is it possible that St. Cloud State's first gender-bending homecoming queen could boost President Bush's prospects of carrying Minnesota? The theory carries great appeal to those of us in need of karmic relief.

I just really, really like the idea that these people who keep pushing the boundaries of good taste and common sense--purely for the sake of seeing how far they can push them--could end up costing their poster boy the entire presidential election.

That would be karmic JUSTICE as well as relief. I'm very much against gay people being beaten up, hazed, or otherwise singled out just because they're gay. I'm also very much against them shoving their gayness in my face. It's too delicious a thought that Minnesota could end up being the pivotal state in the entire election, and this could be a contributing factor in Kerry getting his butt kicked in a state he should have carried by at least 10%.




...won't be a problem. Just as long as we're good little voters and toe the Democrats' line.

Honestly, how is it that there are actually people of good will out there who still can't see that the Democratic party is more like a crime family than anything else?


Separation of Church and State 

Dems love the bogus "separation of church and state" when it suits their purposes (abortion on demand, trashing Christmas and other Christian holidays, etc.)

Of course, they conveniently forget all that when they want to turn a church service into a campaign rally.

Seriously, people, even if you agree with the principles of this so-called "party", given how badly the reality screws everything up for the Democrats, how can you vote for them? The Repubs are sometimes pretty bad, but the Dems make Nixon look like a beacon of sweetness, truth and light.

I want the party of JFK back, so I can have some alternatives to vote for, rather than just a straight Repub ticket. It's been gone for a decade or more, and this is not good for the Repubs OR the country any more than it is for the "progressives".


Saturday, October 23, 2004

Lying Liars 

And the lying screaming lying liars who lyingly lie their lies like lying liars tend to lie. The liars lie like lying liars until lying is truth and truth is lying, the lying liars.
Seriously, the whole Kerry machine's wheels are rapidly starting to come off. I've rarely seen (in America) a more transparent attempt to shout down someone because of their political views.


October Surprise Time 

Well, color me surprised.

I am pretty well sure that the Dems have saved up some sort of juicy tidbit for this week...although I'm guessing that most of the really juicy stuff (old DWIs, drug issues, etc) regarding Bush have already been used up in previous campaigns. I half suspected the Bushies must have something they've been holding in reserve, and this is the first whisper I've heard that something concrete is coming.

I hope it's absolutely DEVASTATING, and causes Kerry to never be able to show his face in civilized company again. Of course, I would never have been able to show my face again if I had said the things he said to congress in the early 70s, so I suppose that's a vain hope. It's never good to be hoping for shame to humble somebody who lacks any discernible conscience.


Friday, October 22, 2004

Antiwar Shitheads 

And the wonderful peace-and-love crowd is at it AGAIN:

I would like to relay to you a disturbing and unsettling incident which happened tonight at the Alverno College debate between Gwen Moore and Jerry Boyle.

Boyle has attended every debate and forum he has been invited to, even ones where it has not been the friendliest of audiences receptive to his Republican message.

Last night's debate at Alverno College was one attended by mostly people which will not vote for him in next month's election, but was a well run and fair debate none the less.

The questions were pointed and thoughtful and the answers were equally to the point. The topics ranged from foreign policy to the economy. The stark contrast between Moore and Boyle was pretty clear to those in the audience. Boyle was to the point and made it evident that although his was not the most popular opinion in the room, this is what he believed in.

Many people approached him following the debate to discuss the topics and their views and several said although they did not agree with his stance, commended him on making great arguments and being forthright in his presentation.

One man, unfortunately took the opportunity to ruin the evening.

As Boyle was walking from the stage to the reception, a graduate student from UWM spit on Boyle as he passed by.

Boyle, restraining himself, went to the restroom to clean up let this incident go.

I, however, did not.

After seeing Jerry wipe the spit from his jacket, I asked him what was going on and asked the young man why he spit on him.

Although it was witnessed by several people (at least five) he denied it and approached me looking for a confrontation. He walked up to me and got right in my face.

I asked him why he spit on Jerry and he said he didn't but should have because Jerry didn't answer his question to his satisfaction.

He called me an imperialistic pig and said that I was a puppet for an imperialistic regime. I asked him if that was a new term he had just learned in school and that I was very proud of him for using it in a complete sentence.

To make a long story short, after a little more verbal back and forth, he was ushered away by his teacher and escorted from the building.

Please be aware that this little pseudo-intellectual shithead is an acolyte of the same putrid movement that Kerry helped found back in the early 70s. He is Kerry's intellectual and political progeny. I want nothing to do with shitheads like this nonthinking cretin who spit on a man whose shoes he's not worthy to lick, and I want nothing to do with Kerry. Ever.


Paging Ben 

See what you can do about this, willya?


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Democratic Hate 

This blog makes my mom very nervous. She's a centrist/liberal who isn't particularly interested in objective fact, and I think she probably bases a lot of her political evaluations on whether she personally likes a candidate. Witness the fact that Jimmy Carter is, to my knowledge, her all-time favorite political figure.

I followed very much in her political footsteps for about the first 32-33 years of my life. I had it drummed into me in school by my teachers that Democrat = good and Republican = bad, and I never much questioned those equations. I began my first tentative explorations into the conservative side of politics in the summer of '99, and it accelerated with 9/11. Now I can't believe I used to vote a straight Democratic ticket. How stupid was I?

During roughly the same timeframe that I was coming to my senses, the national Democratic party and, to a somewhat lesser extent, our local Democratic party (DFL), has gone completely off the rails. To watch Terry McAuliffe lie, tapdance and slander everybody and anybody he can think of is to wish I had an ice pick so I could gouge my own eyes out.

And now this.

I may never vote for a Democrat again after the officially sanctioned things I've seen in this election season. Mom, if you're reading, please follow the link above. You'll see why I've become so disillusioned. Then just look around at the political ads you've been ignoring. These people are not the ones we want running our country. Not until they at least regain their sanity.


"Homeless, Extinct, Moderate Republican" 

What planet has this guy been on:
For most of my adult life, I was a practicing Moderate Republican. Today, I am homeless, extinct, a dinosaur.

That's because you've been a Democrat all along and never realized it. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

My plight: Nov. 2 ... but not really. Because the positions of Moderate Republicans are being touted and supported by Sen. John Kerry.

Publicly, for now. Later, when he doesn't have to appeal to moderates, we'll find out what he really is...if he wins (shudder).

Positions espoused by such men as Rockefeller, Romney, Lindsay, Scranton; Minnesotans such as Stassen, Judd, Frenzel, Head, Popham, Andersen, Durenberger and Carlson; of social equity and fiscal responsibility;

Sounding very much like a Dem so far anywhere except the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Minnesota (and maybe Massachusetts).

applying the means test to taxes and entitlements; of serving needs of the world at large as well as of our own community;

And "the world at large" can't serve their own needs because...?

of exercising power and might collectively, not unilaterally or peremptorily;

You mean "unilaterally" as in with 30+ other countries? "Peremptorily" as in after 12 years and over a dozen UN resolutions? Sounding more like a Lefty moonbat all the time...

of maintaining the constitutional separation of church and state;

There is no "constitutional separation of church and state", another false Lefty article of faith (pardon the expression). Only a prohibion of establishment of a state religion. When Bush comes out in favor of requiring Americans to convert to the Baptist church, let me know and I'll become a fellow barking moonbat.

of finding international and regional solutions through diplomacy and consultation;

Tried that, didn't work. Why do you think we're having this discussion?

of honoring the dignity of the individual human being to have liberty, good health and full opportunity to achieve.

Nothing Bush's administration has done is contrary to this. In fact, I see the current administration as having been quite helpful in these respects, particularly with regard to providing opportunity to achieve.

So why John Kerry?

I have absolutely no idea, after having searched for many months now.

• He understands the different role the United States must play as the only superpower in a world filled with conflict, hopelessness, bigotry and ancient animosities. You don't turn your back on or abandon friends and allies. And you don't go it alone.

You do if it's the right thing to do. I'd rather not have a president that just rubber-stamps whatever the crowd of dictators and despots that is the UN says.

• He recognizes that life and politics and government are colored gray, seldom black or white. And compromise is the art of the doable; inflexibility precludes modifying your view or position, particularly as change occurs.

Bush could compromise more than he does. Kerry is prepared to compromise us out of existence. I'd rather have not quite enough compromise than way, way, WAY too much.

• He is naturally curious -- why? when? what? where? who? -- an attribute you want in a president to insure that the best decisions are forthcoming.

An attribute YOU want. I can take it or leave it.

• Kerry has unimpugned integrity and character -- not always correct, not always consistent, but whose actions and votes reflect his core values, his best thinking, his legislative experience and sound judgment.

USUALLY not correct, NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES consistent, he utterly lacks any discernable core values, I haven't yet been able to follow much of his thinking for long before he takes a sharp turn (usually Left), and I don't think much of his record-free "legislative experience" or the judgement that led him to tell vicious lies about our troops in Vietnam to congress. Nor do I want a gold digger in the white house.

• His vision for this country: to restore our geopolitical capital that has been almost depleted;

What is this mythical "geopolitical capital" Lefties keep mushmouthing about? I suspect they made it up to have one more impressive-sounding epithet to throw at the administration.

to provide an equal educational field for all children growing up;

As opposed to the current administration, who goes personally to pick out particular children and lock them up to be sure they don't get an education.

to eradicate the anxiety about inability to access the full spectrum of health care without becoming indigent;

That's a nice vision. When Kerry achieves it, he'll be the first president in history to get there...hopefully not by changing us against our will into a full-fledged socialist country.

and to secure a full-employment society in a world of unparalleled change.

A full-employment society like the Soviet Union or Cuba, you mean?

• And finally because this country, as it has from time to time, needs a strong but thoughtful constitutional check upon the legislative branch, which today is a Republican-controlled Congress.

That last is the one and only reason I've found to vote for somebody other than Bush, but it sure as hell wouldn't be Kerry. Maybe the Libertarian. But the current situation is too precarious, with too many Judicial appointments and other stuff in the next 4 years at stake, to spend my vote on Gunz-n-Drugz-R-US.

Do I have reservations about John Kerry? Of course! Shouldn't I?

Only if you love your country.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Why It's Such a Close Election 

Over at InstaPundit, Glenn Reynolds ponders how this election and the last presidential election could be about such different issues and yet seem (for now) as though the outcomes will be virtually identical.

I don't think this is by accident.

This is a point I happened on during the Democratic primary season as I was wondering why the Dems seemed to refuse to put up a centrist candidate that I could at least consider as an alternative to Bush. Bush would not necessarily have my vote locked up if the Dems had put up Lieberman, for instance...but Joe never had a chance.

The Dems used their primary not to find the best candidate for the presidency, but to find the candidate that would pull the country as far as possible to the Left while still having a chance of winning. Lieberman was out from the get-go because he's far too much of a centrist for today's wild-eyed Democratic party. Howard Dean would have been a dream come true, but there was just no way that, when push came to shove, enough sane people would pull the lever for the man.

So they gave us the man who can instantly adjust his opinions and positions to fit ANY circumstance, with a constant tug to the Left in the absence of a reason to stay put.

Thanks for nothing, Dems.


Monday, October 18, 2004

A Perfect Example 

...of God trying to tell us something.


Sunday, October 17, 2004

The Debates 

Since I was on, er, sabattical, I didn't do any blogging about the debates while they were going on. I thought I'd just use this post to point out that the media is full of crap on their scoring of the debates.

Yes, Bush lost the first one, and rather badly. He was really off that day, though I've wondered if it wasn't deliberate in order to show a progression through the debates of getting better and better. Regardless, the first one went decidedly to Kerry.

The second one was about a tie. Both scored points, both got scored on. Bush showed a little more balance and a lot more fight. Yes, he "bullied" the moderator. Absent from Democratic critiques, and most Republican ones that I saw as well, is the point that such a biased, snotty moderator should be bullied. I would have done worse with that little twerp.

The third debate went hands down to the prez. He mopped up the stage with Kerry. No contest. Kerry was shown for the drooling moron he is by the end of the bout. The only question is whether Bush beat him worse than he was beaten in the first one, and that's not a question I can address with any confidence.

I'd say overall the debates as a series of events came out as a tie...which is only fitting for a set of events that have no meaning and never had a chance to affect the outcome much in the first place.

As a final note, Den Beste has (sort of) come out of retirement with some interesting observations regarding poll numbers and such.

I think Bush is really going to win this thing. And that, should it actually happen, is a very good thing.


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