

[devenir parisienne]

I’m moving to Paris. Not toute suite, of course, but one day, oh yes, one day I’ll live in Paris for three months, or six months, or a year, perhaps. For now I’m practicing wearing my hair carelessly elegantly pinned up, a strand here, a strand there. I tell my neck it’s long enough to reach to the stars, and with a lipliner and a brand new totally un-Norwegian silk chemise I softly sing, tu fais tourner de ton nom tous les moulins de mon coeur


I’m going to buy Le Monde every weekend and read French weblogs every day and I’ve already ordered books from Amazon.fr. And I solemnly promise that in the next year, I will go to a conference where they speak French. I won’t dare say a word, I expect, and if I do, I’ll sound unbelievably stupid, but I’ll understand a lot. I’ll learn.

Now: how do I find a French-language conference that has something to do with new media? And that isn’t too expensive. I’ve already used up all my travel funding…

Filed under:General — Jill @ 22:48 [ ]


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  1. Mais ma chere, you host your own. Online of course. Jan Rune Holmevik poura peut etre t’aider. Le monde et le MOO. Jill et la francophonie. Imagine des gens de Tahiti, du Canada et de la Martinique et bien sur la grande metropole — Paris.

    Hankering for sound? Telephony and video hook up? You might want to drop a line to Geoffrey Rockweel at McMaster University – they have some big project to test the application of streaming technologies to scholarly communication.

    Vas-y! Roughly translates as Just Do IT!

    Comment by Francois Lachance — 9/8/2004 @ 04:46

  2. But what about the FOOD and the WINE and the CHALEUR and the SHOPPING? I need all that in order to be able to speak French…

    Still, I should definitely go visit a French MOO.

    Comment by Jill — 9/8/2004 @ 10:37

  3. “At the age of thirty-seven
    she realized she’d never ride
    through Paris in a sports car
    with the warm wind in her hair…”

    from “The Ballad of Lucy Jordan”

    Glad to know that won’t be you. :-)

    Comment by fivecats — 9/8/2004 @ 20:02

  4. Oh dear, how sad. And no, it had better not be. That is, I haven’t actually done the sports car thing. I must make a note to try that.

    Comment by Jill — 9/8/2004 @ 21:33

  5. That’s a beautiful photo, where is it from?

    Comment by suileabháin — 13/8/2004 @ 03:47

  6. The photo’s from the back of my neck. Camera held behind head, and then the contrast and brightness are played with to, uh, emphasise the red ;)

    Comment by Jill — 13/8/2004 @ 09:04

  7. Since I am in France, but i’m not french, and a bit interested in new media, il I have any good news i will let you know … :-)
    I’ll do some research on the subject for you :)

    Comment by yenayer — 14/8/2004 @ 22:53

  8. If you come to Paris, let me know. I’ll be glad to show you around.
    Bienvenue, bienvenue!

    Comment by Martin Dugage — 16/8/2004 @ 21:56

  9. Oh, thank you! :)

    Comment by Jill — 17/8/2004 @ 10:28

  10. […] en I’d be moving to Paris to join my French boyfriend. Good grief. Must have been my I love Paris post set him off, don’t you think? Blogging has hazards I hadn’t even conside […]

    Pingback by jill/txt » fiction and blogging — 25/8/2004 @ 08:08

  11. Maybe not a propos, but ECSCW will be held in Paris next year - alas the conference will (probably) be in English. Or who knows, maybe it’ll be bilingual?

    And there’s IHM2004, not in Paris, though, but definitely in French, but that one starts in 5 days so you’d better hurry.

    Bonne chance :)

    Comment by Sylvie Noel — 25/8/2004 @ 20:06

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this season on jill/txt

Je suis prof de la université, dear readers, quite a fresh one too, having earned my PhD less than a year ago. This autumn I'm teaching a grad course on digital culture and I'm trying to write articles about networked, distributed, viral fictions. I'm also starting up ELINOR, the new Nordic network for electronic literature, and helping to organise Digital og sosial, a conference in Bergen on Nov 10-12 that is going to be awesome. Add to this an eight year old daughter, a gorgeous lover abroad and a newfound desire to move to Paris and you have jill/txt: complicated and I love it!



Dr Jill Walker, Dept of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen

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