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    Sleeping With the Enemy
    Democrats and Republicans kicking each other out of bed—literally—during the most heated campaign in decades
    by Matthew Phillp

    Mondo Washington: Nader to Dems: I'm Staying In
    Ralph attacks Kerry, McAuliffe, former supporters, et al
    by James Ridgeway

    Unpopular Vote
    A compilation of electoral college crash courses

    The Ground War
    Hanging with the Florida troops out to win—and keep—a Kerry victory
    by Joshuah Bearman

    Mondo Washington: Et Tu, New Jersey?
    Four formerly stiff states proclaim their right to swing
    by James Ridgeway, with special reporting by Laurie Agnese and Nicole Duarte

    Liberty Beat: Torture as Foreign Policy
    The House Republican leadership authorizes torture in our war against terrorism
    by Nat Hentoff

    Mondo Washington: Bill Clinton Cries Foul
    Former prez says Bush terror talk could keep voters from the polls
    by James Ridgeway

    Mondo Washington: Outcast Ballots
    Evil, mayhem strike early in the voting for 2004
    by James Ridgeway

    Recent Articles ...

    Mondo Washington: It's Not About Bin Laden
    Voters weigh the right-wing blueprint for America
    by James Ridgeway

    Mondo Washington: Pump-Priming, Back-Scratching
    Bush visits Ohio company boosted by tax cuts, war, outsourcing jobs to China
    by James Ridgeway

    Mondo Washington: Kerry Goes Hunting for Votes in Ohio—Literally
    A couple of hundred thousand more ought to do it
    by James Ridgeway

    Reading Voters
    Tagging along on Operation Ohio in pursuit of the college vote
    by Joshuah Bearman

    Mondo Washington: Kerry to Ohio: Vote Your Wallets, Please
    Buckeyes way worse off than four years ago
    by James Ridgeway

    Liberty Beat: Oil Fuels Genocide
    The only chance for the survivors of Darfur may be a mass divestment campaign
    by Nat Hentoff

    Mondo Washington: Bush Tries on Jersey
    Lusting after neighboring Pennsylvania, he gives the freedom speech
    by James Ridgeway

    Mondo Washington: Down With the Flu
    Bush takes a shot at answering the big question about vaccine
    by James Ridgeway

    Mondo Washington: Listen Up, Liberals!
    by James Ridgeway

    Mondo Washington: Say What?
    by James Ridgeway

    Press Clips: Talking Point
    In the Spin Room, even the big dogs start barking—but that doesn't make it worth talking about
    by Ta-Nehisi Coates

    Voter's Digest
    The latest election fraud warnings
    by James Ridgeway

    most popular today

    Bush's Courting of Saddam by Wayne Barrett With Special Reporting by Nathan Deuel
    Wayne Barrett explores the myriad ways in which Bush's business deals intertwine with the CIA

    Mondo Washington: It's Not About Bin Laden by James Ridgeway
    Voters weigh the right-wing blueprint for America

    Free Will Astrology by Rob Brezsny

    Pucker Up: Professor A-Hole by Tristan Taormino
    How public school teachers and a pop music dance show changed my life

    Savage Love by Dan Savage

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