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August 21, 2003
More Thoughts on Ah-nuld

The McDonalds near my house needs to get its act together... but that's neither here nor there.

Before I compared Arnold Schwarzenegger to Bloomberg, but now I'm thinking I'm a sap who fell for the hype that Arnold is too liberal, a RINO (Republican In Name Only), and an empty muscle shirt. Something doesn't jive with that, though. While Bloomberg pretty much was a Democrat until he ran for mayor (and in his winning, gained us nothing more than being able to laugh at the Democrats, "Ha! Ha! We got a Republican elected to mayor of New York three times in a row even though it's a 6/1 Democrat/Republican split!"), Arnold's case is quite different. He is part of the Kennedy family and he works in an industry that will blacklist people for conservative views, yet he's been an avowed Republican long before there was any talk of him running for a political office. That seems to say to me he must have some very core principles that makes him a Republican. I remember a long while ago hearing him explain that the reason he is a Republican is he saw the damage socialism did in Austria, and that seems like a sincere reason to me.

Arnold is an immigrant - he chose to be an American - and he came here and made a success of himself. To me, that indicates that maybe he does have what it takes to be a leader.

Yeah, there wasn't anything funny there; I just don't want to be on the list of people who underestimated Arnold. Stay tuned for my Big Bad Blog War Update which will be coming later tonight.

Posted by Frank J. at 07:05 PM | TrackBack (0)

my feelings on the whole thing is that it is a mess. but i heard something on sean hannity today that convinced me that arnold might be the right guy. i'm more of a social conservative/fiscal conservative, but he is a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. that is what california wants and needs right now. someone to get their budget in shape. that's my 2 cents.

Posted by: briang on August 21, 2003 10:52 PM

We need someone to steer the ship away from the rocks. I don't mind Arnold's social conservatism, though I know some do. But the focus of his governorship will be getting CA in shape fiscally/economically. That's what we need, more than anything.

He's a smart man, with a business degree and business experience. I know he's "untested," but he seems like our best hope. It's time to take a chance; we certainly couldn't do any worse than we are now.

Posted by: Little Miss Attila on August 22, 2003 06:25 AM


Posted by: briang on August 22, 2003 09:19 AM

[...] Arnold's social conservatism [...]

Pardon, but Ah-nuld is a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. He's for gun control, and I don't mean using both hands.

My concern (and I'm in Texas, so what happens in California is mostly entertainment) is that Ah-nuld, like Bloomberg, will forget his 'fiscal conservatism' five seconds after he plants his backside in the governor's chair. Most of the social liberal/fiscal conservative types seem to forget the latter once elected.

Posted by: aelfheld on August 22, 2003 10:16 AM

D---! Frank's going to kill me for hosing up the HTML in that comment. And I used preview and everything, and I still missed it. I'm going to have to change my name and leave the country.

Posted by: aelfheld on August 22, 2003 10:19 AM

I can fix comments if I really care much.

Posted by: Frank J. on August 22, 2003 11:24 AM

Of course! Frank J. can fix anything!

Posted by: dlehflea on August 22, 2003 12:16 PM


Posted by: Frank J. on August 22, 2003 12:59 PM

Amazing! Glad to see your powers are at their peak again! Don't slap that poor guy too hard for messing up your comments. ;-)

Posted by: dlehflea on August 22, 2003 01:02 PM

Though I'm not a Calizoid, I'd still be inclined to let him fully articulate his positions before I passed judgement on him.

I did think it rather amusing that his campaign did a MAJOR turn after Rush fired a spread of six torps at Arnie...the stratagem was interesting: turn left and you're dead meat (few Republicans would survive a 'thumbs-downs from Rush). Turn right and I'll give you a fair shake.

That being said, I'd still keep an eye on his old lady...after all, she IS a Kennedy (by blood). Probably gave Arnie the 'bright' idea to bring Buffet on board (now THAT was a BAD IDEA!).

Posted by: CPT. Charles on August 22, 2003 05:23 PM


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