Wednesday, October 20, 2004

They Are Off

I am turning comments off because I’ve had enough of rude people.  Rudeness is one of my biggest pet peeves and I think I’ve had enough of that shit here.  I’ve had plenty of rude comments or emails over time, even by those who think they are my friend, or a blog buddy or whatever the hell they think.  Welp, congratulations.  I received my final rude comment today and now they are off.

You don’t like what I do?  Then go somewhere else.  Do not sit there with your smug self and tell me that what I like and what I want to do is wrong.  Fuck you.

You don’t like my opinions or beliefs?  Then go somewhere else.  Do not sit there with your smug self and tell me that what I think is bullshit or brainwashed or paranoid.

You tell me not to listen to other people and do what I want to do yet you don’t realize that you are sitting there, with your smug self, telling me what the fuck to do as if I hadn’t figured that out yet.  Has it occurred to some of you that there are reasons for doing things the way I do them and just because you would not do it that way does not mean that I am wrong?  Had that fucking occurred to you before you wrote me your snotty little email?

Girls don’t cuss.  Girls don’t get upset.  Girls don’t fire guns.  Girls don’t talk like guys.  Girls aren’t to do anything but sit there, look pretty and talk about the butterflies or nothing at all.

Fuck you I cuss, fuck you I’m pissed, fuck you I shoot guns, fuck you I’ll talk however the hell I want to talk, fuck you I will look how I want, talk how I want and do what I want.  If you don’t like that, go the fuck somewhere else.

I do not need your smart ass, rude and/or negative comments.  I do not need you to sit there and think you have me all figured out.  And I most certainly don’t need you to sit there, pat me on the head and tell me what to do.

Normally at this point I would say something like, no this isn’t directed at everyone but you know what?  You’re all adults.  (Well, most of you.) You know damn good and well if I’m talking about you. 

Yep, I do have a lot of awesome readers but guess what folks?  There are some out there who have been complete jackasses, and I’m not talking about trolls...I can handle trolls, I’m talking about so called “decent” people.  You know what?  You are not decent if you come on to a blog and talk to someone the way some of you talk to me.

Think I should be crying myself a river right now?  Wanting to know if want some cheese with that whine?  Guess what?  If that is what you are thinking at this moment, you can go the fuck somewhere else.

I’ve had enough of this negativity.  And for those of you who are interested in coming back, I’m going to be writing about that very topic in the near future because frankly, I’ve had enough of it and am going to vent.

Posted by Serenity at 09:05 AM
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