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~ What's New ~
 Unemployment Holds Steady
Amid Tepid September Hiring
Companies added 96,000 jobs to their payrolls in September, highlighting a modest pace of hiring that has become an issue in President Bush's bid for re-election. The jobless rate remained at 5.4%.

Get Your Foot in the Door
Through Smart Networking

Is it possible to return to a company from which you were laid off? Absolutely, says our columnist, so don't be shy about rekindling old links and contacting former colleagues.

Search Firms Reap the Benefits
Of Surge in Executive Openings

Succession planning and scandals are among the factors contributing to the current A-level hiring boom -- and to the bottom lines of executive-recruiting companies, some of which are enjoying their best year ever.

Five Resume Mistakes
That Will Kill Your Candidacy

Before you waste time, money and postage with a resume that will eliminate you from consideration, review these common mistakes to make sure you avoid them in your documents.

OFFICE LIFE: More High-Level Execs Opt for Telecommuting

WORKING WOUNDED: Save Time for Debriefing After Important Meetings

WORKSPACES: CEO's Office is a Smash

 ~ CareerJournal Reports ~
 The Wall Street Journal Guide to Business Schools -- Recruiters' Top Picks: View the 2005 survey findings.
 Executive Compensation: A look at the latest trends in pay for senior execs.
 Outsourcing Jobs Overseas: A look at how this contentious issue could impact your career.
 Your Career: Useful advice for professionals and managers across a wide spectrum.
 Diversity Hiring: How diversity issues impact your career.
 Women's Career Choices and Challenges: A look at the unique issues surrounding the job choices of women professionals.
 Boss Talk: Top CEOs share the ideas that drive the world's most successful companies

 ~ Interactive Quizzes ~
 Anger management: Can you keep your attitude from harming your career?
 Self-esteem: Can confidence boost your career?
 Job satisfaction: What's keeping you from changing careers?
 Activist quotient: Are you in control of your career?
 Listening skills: How well do you listen?
 Delegation: How well do you measure up as a manager who can delegate?
 Flexibility: Learn whether you tend to be flexible or uptight.

 ~ Career Events ~
 Calendar of Career Events: Free and low-cost workshops and seminars nationwide.
 Executive Diversity Career Opportunities Fair: Learn more about this event scheduled for October 14 in New York.

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CareerJournal Events
Executive Diversity Job Fair
October 14 in New York

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 ~ Discussions ~
 Career-marketing firms: Share your experiences with career-guidance companies.
 Employee loyalty: Will you consider other opportunities as the job market improves?
 Earning an M.B.A.: Is an advanced degree worth the time and money?
 Career satisfaction: Should you invest your hopes and dreams at the office?
 Job-search challenges: Share your obstacles -- or help other readers with theirs.
 Contacting recruiters: Share your experiences in reaching out to top recruiters.
 Tough interview questions: How did you respond to a particularly difficult query?
 Overseas outsourcing: Share your thoughts on the latest staffing trend.
 The job market: Is the employment picture improving?
 Changing careers: Share your thoughts on switching fields in today's job market.
 The post-50 job search: Participate in and review this group conversation.
 Write a letter to the editor.

 ~ Also From ~
 "Diary of a Job Search: One Man's Journey From Unemployment to a New Career" (Ten Speed Press, 2003) by Tim Johnston with Laura Lorber and Perri Capell. (More about the book.)

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