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[Dec. 12th, 2004|03:52 am]
[mood | curious]

you know how the events in your life are strewn together by little its and bits of occurances... tonight I felt like I'd be looking back in the future and saying, "who knew... that night I'd be looking at the face that ______ my life?"

linkhail to the queen

[Dec. 9th, 2004|07:02 pm]
[mood | hungry]

I'm going to Boston on the 18th and it's gonna be so suede. Dennis bought me ticket for me for an xmas present, tee hee. I have wonderful massachusian friends. The 17th is going to be sweet too because I get to see Jonas... wonderful things to look forward to. ciao

linkhail to the queen

[Dec. 6th, 2004|03:12 am]
[mood | contemplative]

x) - you've done
(_) - you haven't done
(?) - maybe...

(x) ever smoked marijuana
(x) been drunk
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
(_) crashed a friend's car
(_) stolen a car
(_) been to Japan
(_) played mailbox baseball
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been in love
(_) been dumped
(x) shoplifted
(x) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
(x) kicked someone's ass
(x) snuck out of my parent's house
(_) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(_) ever dated someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(_) been arrested
(x) made out with a stranger ..they weren't a complete stranger
(x) stole something from my job
(_) celebrated new years in time square
(_) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(?) had a crush on a teacher.... 8th grade health teacher... 9th grade gym teacher
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(_) been to Europe
(x) skipped school
(x) slept with a co-worker (but we didn't KNOW each other from work.. we were friends for years and he helped me get a job somewhere, then months later we happened to hook up but it had nothing to do with work... although it was awkward at work the next day?)
(_) been married
(_) gotten divorced
(_) had children
(x) had sex
(x) seen someone die.
(_) been to Africa
( ) had a crush on one of my Live journal friends
(x) Slapped someone I loved
(_) Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball
(x) Been to Canada
(_) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(_) Thrown up in a bar.
(_) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding ..remember the slurping incident yoel..
(x) Met someone in person from the internet (not in a sexual context...)
(_) Been moshing at a concert
(x) had real feelings for someone you knew only online
(x) been in an abusive relationship
(_) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
(_) lost a child
(x) gone to college
(_) graduated college
( ) tried killing yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
(_) met Bill Gates

linkhail to the queen

[Dec. 4th, 2004|01:26 pm]
[mood | sore]

working out a lot sucks right now. It's getting easier but god damn, it sucks. Today I had to go to a DEP function to do a PT test and go to some classes on land navigation and marches/stances etc. I didn't do the PT though because I am the queen bullshitter - I told them I had worked out so much yesterday that I was really sore today (which is true, but i could have pulled it off) and I don't think today would be a "fair assessment" of my physique.. meaning, I drank last night and it's 8am and I'm freezing my ass off.. yeha. I rescheduled my PT to May, haha. Which will be better because by then I will be way more jacked and in shape. I really am excited to go to basic, I really need the strength.. dicipline.. courage.. etc. It's going to be very very hard, especially with my whole authority issue thing. But that's something I want to change, so I will not let it get to me. I just have to go into basic expecting the absolute worse. It excites me more and more when I think about getting out of this hellhole and into that one. At least in the army I'll get paid to suffer.

Last night Fiona showed up at Mike's and I was talking to Zeus about going to basic, and she kept making these "pssshht" noises and rolling her eyes... when I was telling Zeus about how proud I was of myself, she started patting herself on the back like in mockings to me. Mark my words.. when I get out of BCT/AIT, the first thing I'm going to do is beat her ass. I cannot stand the fact that on top of all the fucked up shit she's done to me, the one time I feel happy she makes a mockery of it and makes it clear to me that she doesn't think I can pull this off. Her face is what I'm going to see with every push up, every sit up, every cramp, every pulled muscle, everytime my nose is in the dirt, every ache, every time I gasp for air when I've been running for so long, everytime my drill sergent wakes us up at 3am just to smoke us and make us walk crouched like a duck for 40 minutes... I will see me kicking her ass like I should have done a long time ago. I have never had anyone so high on my shit list. But you know what they say, misery loves company... and she is a miserable human being. But not only will I think of her, I will think of everyone who doubts me on this decision. Everyone who thinks I can't do it. I can't wait to prove it!!

Oh, today I found out that I will not be coming home after BCT and I will go straight to AIT. So that means when I leave I'll be gone for over seven months, but I think I'll have leave for a couple weeks next Christmas. After I'm done with AIT I'll probably be deployed overseas... at least with my MOS I won't be a top candidate to go to Iraq, that's mostly infantry and engineers and medics and the like. Although if I do go to Iraq I will be working in a hospital and not out with an M16. I'll probably be sent to Germany which wouldn't be so bad at all, but I'm praying for Italy!! that would be so awes.

alright, I need to stop thinking about the military and do something normal... I'm going christmas shopping! ciao

link1 subject|hail to the queen

[Nov. 28th, 2004|03:22 am]
i will be the first to admit, I'm a little drunk right now. (it was my best friends birthday party today) so really I have an excuse. but, if you really wanna get your socks knocked off, read the following:

RELIGION: (oh yeah)

God... good and evil... is mislabled. "Good and Evil" is actually "Fear and Love" - the two opposite emotions God gave you. You do everything out of fear and love - you go to school out of either fear that you'll lead a miserable life if you don't - or love of school and learning - it all boils down to either fear or love - everything that you do in your life is to learn, ortohave FUN or both. EVERY FUCKIN' thing. even if you aren't in school, or working, or whatever - God created Us in the image of HIM - meaning: I want to learn about life. God is EVERYTHING - so what is God without the experience of EVERYTHING? so thats why god created so many different, white, arabic, poor, rich, fucked up, normal... when we die, it all goes back to God. Because God is everything, God doesnt know what everything is. How can you know what you are when you don;t know what you AREN'T??? So, the BIG BANG THEORY.... thats when God was like, "Hey, I'm everything, so I'm gonna seperate myself between fear and love..." and BOOM.. "good and evil" was born... god is everything so he seperated himself to understand himself better.


think of the person you love most in the world.. whether it be your mom, or your best friend, your boyfriend, your husband, WHOEVER

now, imagine them doing fucked up shit, like murdering people, or cheating on u, whatever... no matter what they did wrong.. could you ever imagine condeming them to an ETERNITY to Hell? And it says in in the bible, God's love to us is to NO MAN'S UNDERSTANDING.. no matter what YOUR MOTHER does wrong to you, would you EVER condem them to ETERNITY of SUFFERING in "hellfire"? omg, that makes me laugh.

Okay, so Steph, let's "repent our sins" and we will be saved from "hellfire"... why would so many "rules" be set on someone's soul... someone's freewill...

whatever you do, in your life... you DO and you DIE, and you go back to GOD, which is EVERYTHING.. your soul learns, you are born again w/ the lessons you learned, you die again, you go back to God, you are born again...

Please, just follow your heart in your life. It will give the most to God. Love everyone and you will learn the most lessons.

love, stephanie
linkhail to the queen

sigh [Nov. 24th, 2004|05:10 pm]
[mood | hopeful]

I never write in this piece of shit journal anymore, really because I don't want to remember the person I was when the majority of these entries were written... and when I read entries from when I was in the ninth grade... I miss those times so much. This journal is probably the oldest out of anyone I know. I started this thing before the "blog" counterculture started... I got Zach Bartlett into the whole blog deal, and from there it just exploded at DSA and around the same time it exploded all around the world. I take pride in my journal number :o)

Anyway.. lets see. Life. I'm starting a new chapter in my life. I've severed old ties from people that weren't healthy for me. I've met someone exciting and new and wonderful, I've joined active army duty and I will go to Fort Leonard Wood, MO on June 2nd for 9 weeks, then I will report to AIT at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX for 19 weeks. I couldn't be more excited with this decision. I can't wait to get back on track with my education and start a career that I can actually afford to take part in. I can't wait to feel advantaged when all my life I've been disadvantaged in American society. Things will be looking up, up, up... I will be happy :o)

linkhail to the queen

From "Real Time with Bill Mayer" [Nov. 13th, 2004|02:39 pm]
November 5, 2004

And now it is time for our season's last New Rules.

All right. New Rule - you'll like this one, Andrew - if we want England's opinion, we'll dictate it to Tony Blair. "How can 59 million people be so dumb?" Gee, I don't know. How many of you voted for Prince Charles? Oh, right, I forgot. Zero. He got the job because his great-great-great-great-grandmother married the Duke of Brunswick in 1658. Sorry, but I can't take any country seriously where the bars close at eleven.

New Rule: Stop claiming you have an "agenda." It's not an agenda. It's a random collection of laws that your corporate donors paid you to pass. The American people were not clamoring for a cap on medical malpractice awards. If a surgeon leaves an Altoids box in my chest cavity, I want to see him in debtors' prison.

New Rule: Hey, now that you've won and you're safe, you have to tell us, what the hell was that thing on your back during the debate?

New Rule: Britney Spears has to perform with Justin Timberlake at next year's Super Bowl. I don't care what the FCC fine ends up costing. I'll pay it.

And speaking of that. [photo of Bush twins] New Rule: Hey, it's daddy's big day. Put on a bra. I mean, come on. You've got less support than Nader. And they call Kerry a flip-flopper.

New Rule: Kerry campaign manager Bob Schrum must switch careers. He is now 0-for-8 in presidential campaigns. The Washington Generals had a better record against the Globetrotters. Seriously, Bob, politics isn't the kind of business where you can have absolutely no proof of success and keep getting asked back. Or is it? [photo of George W. Bush] Hey, we lost! We deserve a few jokes.

And finally, New Rule: Stop saying that blue state people are out of touch with the values and morals of the red states. I'm not out of touch with them. I just don't share them. In fact, and I know this is about 140 years late, but to the Southern States, I would say, "Upon further consideration, you CAN go. I know that's what you've always wanted, and we've reconsidered. So go ahead. And take Texas with you."

You know what they say. If at first you don't secede, try, try again. And give my regards to President Charlie Daniels.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I almost forgot, this is the time of healing. The time when blue states and red states come together because we have so much to offer each other. "Spice Rack" meet "Gun Rack." "Picky about bottled water," say hello to "Drinks from a garden hose." "Bought an antique nightstand at an estate sale," meet "Uses a giant wooden spool he stole from the phone company as a coffee table."

Sorry, there I go again, kidding when I should be healing. Hey, say what you will about the Republicans, they do stand for something: Armageddon, but it's something. Democrats, on the other hand, have been coasting for years on Tom Daschle's charisma. But that's not enough anymore. Democrats will never win another election if they keep trying to siphon off votes from the Republicans. They will only win by creating a lot more Democrats. And you don't do that by trying to leach onto issues that you should be denouncing.

You wind up - you wind up in a goose-hunting outfit a week before the election--trying to appeal to guys who would sooner vote for the goose. Guys who even in down-to-earth, economically-ailing Ohio, thought blowjobs more important than job-jobs.

Hey, these folks aren't "undecideds." They're not in play. No, what the Democrats need are fresh, new ideas that are dumb and hateful enough to win these people over.

You know, stuff like, "No drinking on Christmas." Or how about a Constitutional Amendment protecting the song, "God Bless America"? I say, let's put a fetus on the dollar bill! With Reagan!

And you know what country has been asking for an ass-kicking in the worst way? Finland. Yes, Democrats need a really, really stupid, meaningless and utterly symbolic issue. And by issue, of course, I mean, thing to hate.

How about this? An amendment that says people with gerbils are threatening the sanctity of pet ownership--and that from now on, pet owning will be defined only as the relationship between a person and his cat or dog.

Now, my opponent may disagree. That's because he's a fag.

So, Democrats - Democrats and liberals, stop saying you're going to move because Bush won. Real liberals should be pledging to stay because Bush won. Trust me, you can't get away from Bush by moving to France. Because that's where we're invading next.
link1 subject|hail to the queen

[Oct. 6th, 2004|10:38 am]
[mood | content]

why do men always put up the biggest fight before they surrender their hearts

link1 subject|hail to the queen

[Sep. 22nd, 2004|10:11 pm]
[mood | indescribable]

My friend Loki wants to buy my soul for $500. Yay free money. I think the kid is insane, a soul isn't just something you can trade or sell. But I guess I'm making a profit off of crazy people, which is basically how America is run anyway.

linkhail to the queen

[Sep. 21st, 2004|02:34 pm]
This is long, but definitely worth reading.
Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks )
link1 subject|hail to the queen

have a nice day :o) [Sep. 12th, 2004|06:42 pm]
link2 subjects|hail to the queen

[Aug. 19th, 2004|12:05 pm]
[mood | tired]

so tomorrow I'm going to San Diego to watch my brother marry a woman he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with. Poor Josh... he's a good man for it though, considering they have a daughter together.. he just wants to give Alexa the best life. Anastasia is such a whiney little brat, I would kill myself if I had to wake up to her complaining every day forever.

I can't wait to see all my cali relatives that I haven't seen in years though. I'm sooooo excited!

link2 subjects|hail to the queen

[Aug. 12th, 2004|07:22 pm]
[mood | bored]

The past week has been interesting to say, more or less... last weekend I went to the beach with Fiona, Jason and Franco. We called it our "un-vaction" because everyone seemed to be detoxing from the stresses of Durham and it was more dramatic than it should have been. Sigh... so ready to get the hell out of North Carolina. Next weekend I'm going to San Diego for a couple days so maybe that'll be cool.

Anyway I'm waiting for my pizza to arrive and I'm bored as hell so here's a little thingy:

First kiss: mark hamilton
First state you lived in: california
First boy/girl you liked: matt st. john all through elementary and middle school... teehee
First boy/girl you loved: kory dolan
First book you couldn't put down: all the sweet valley books?
First friend you couldn't wait to see: carrie when I visited from NC the first time!
First SN: it has always been Stephy550
First email: which only went deleted because of all the spam
First online journal: this one I've had for years and years
First band you loved: Nirvana prolly
First band member you obsessed about: ummm.. never really obsessed with band guys
First song you loved of your current favorite band: doing time (sublime)

Last kiss: kory last time I saw him
Last hug: last night
Last word said: "later" (talk to you later. click)
Last book read (all the way): Illusions
Last IM: my dad's girlfriend annoying me
Last person IMed: Jason asking him to watch my dog while I'm in San Diego
Last online journal entry: few weeks ago maybe
Last TV show seen: Mad TV
Last commercial seen: i don't know
Last person you spoke to: Jonas
Last CD bought: ashlee simpson "autobiography" :P
Last song heard: ashlee simpson "la la"
Last thought: where the hell is my pizza?
Last word heard: "staples" (my mom talking in the other room about something)

Current song listening to/singing: nothing
Current website you're surfing: this
Current book you're reading: none
Current friend you're talking to: none
Current rant: people who fucking keep you waiting forever
Current obsession: ashlee simpson
Current love of your life: kory
Current hair color: blonde
Current shoe you're wearing: just my bare feetsies
Current hair style: just hanging down
Current person you hate: for some reason i feel like I should really hate lindsay lohan

that was fun.. wooo

link1 subject|hail to the queen

some survey [Aug. 1st, 2004|08:44 pm]
[mood | productive]

1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
"...over entire seasons of her childhood, i would erase it all"

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?:
the air

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?:
the ashlee simpson show :P

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:

5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
a fan blowing

7: When did you last step outside?
a few minutes ago, i went to get my bathing suit out of my car

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?:
yahoo mail

9: What are you wearing?:
my bathing suit because I'm about to go swimming

10: Did you dream last night?
yes, I had weird dreams because I spent the night at Geoff's apartment (Jessica's BF) and I felt really uncomfortable there so I kept dreaming about waking up and going home.

11: When did you last laugh?
with my mom a little bit ago... I was attempting to cook hamburger helper earlier and I realized I barely know how to boil water. she was making fun of my skills

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?:
a bulletin board, some random pics

13: Seen anything weird lately?:
today i saw a car with no bottom... seriously.. it was very strange

14: What do you think of this quiz?:
It’s going nowhere, but it pleasantly random and trivial.

15: What is the last film you saw?:

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?:
pay off loans, luxury penthouse in boston, and a phat pad for mi madre

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
I have an extra vertabrae in my spine

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:
racism, world hunger

19: Do you like to dance?:
oohh yes, esp when I'm tipsy

20: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?:

21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?:
James maybe... I'm undecided

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?:
I plan on it

23: Will you pass on this survey?:
yeah I'm sure people might snag it

linkhail to the queen

[Jul. 6th, 2004|07:26 pm]
[mood | thankful]

I am so very grateful to have such loving people who care about me. So yesterday I stayed in all day feeling sorry for myself for all the financial trouble I was in, wishing I could just go back to school, etc, etc. Kory called me late last night and told me that Shannon (his marine brother) is wiring me four thousand dollars from where he is stationed in Hawaii to pay off my debt at Lowell. It was Shannon's idea... he insisted apparently. At first I didn't want to accept it, but Kory told me that Shannon was doing it so I can go back there. Like, permanently. I was just completely shocked... all I could do was cry and bawl and say thank you thank you over and over. Shannon really wants me to stay at his house in Maine when he is released. Wow, what an interesting change of events!!! It's pretty crazy how your life can change direction in a matter of moments. I'm going to send Shan Shan a couple cartons of camels for when he goes into the field to share with all his marine buddys. God I love the Dolans!

link1 subject|hail to the queen

[Jul. 4th, 2004|05:02 pm]
okay real quick update.

got back from Franklin on wednesday and not last saturday because I decided to stay longer. Kory's dad went to Maine for the week and we partied pretty hard and I got to see a bunch of old friends from Lowell and it was really sweet... I had a good time up there, pretty sad though because I won't see Kory again for a really long time. I love him so much but I have other things I need to pay attention to. Like UMass Lowell is trying to subpoena me to court over a lot of money. Blah.. they want me to pay them like $600 a month for a year. Fuck that. I'm just going to file for a hardship and put my money to more important things like getting a car and my own apartment. Jonas is going to sell me his car for $50 because his sister is randomly giving him a sweet ass acura. Hehe, my fifty dollar car. Sooo lovely. Holla

oh yeah, happy fourth of july
linkhail to the queen

[May. 21st, 2004|07:41 pm]
[mood | nerdy]

I am: wearing a skirt, and it's uncomfortable but I'm too lazy to find something else to wear. It's a cute skirt though.
I love: god, kory, food, friends, alcohol
I fear: always being poor
I hope: i find perfect stability and happiness
I hear: a fan going
I crave: to listen to my nasty beatles cd but it's in the car and I don't wanna go get it
I cry: everytime i feel really dissed by someone I love
I care: about kory, my friends and family, my future
I always: drink a lot, i should really watch that
I believe: that there is no hell. why would the power that created the universe damn people to eternal suffering? it's the silliest thing I've ever heard of.
I listen: to a lot of oldies and rock
I sing: in the shower, while driving
I dance: when I am tipsy and when I'm alone in my room
I learn: really slowly sometimes
I feel: really damn lazy
I know: "the road less traveled" by robert frost by heart
I say: "wicked" waay too much to be in north carolina
I dream: all the time about having sex with people I've never met.
I wonder: what people really think of me
I want: to move to massachusetts
I've got: burns on my hands from work
I fell: in love with the most gorgeous guy i've ever seen
I need: to clean my room because it's really fucking gross

[four beverages you drink frequently]
1: milk
2: water
3. grape fanta
4: beer

[four things to do when you're bored]
1: read
2: fuck around on the internet
3: call kory and harrass him
4: shoot the shit with friends

[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1: kory
2. getting shitty with friends
3: shopping
4: looking really freakin hot that day

[four things you can't live without]
1: the people i love
2: pizza
3: beer
4: soap?

[about two years ago]
1: I was going out with James and he really sucked
2: I was a fattie
3: I had pretty hair

[about one year ago]
1: I was about to graduate
2: I was with Jared. blah
3: I was all excited about college

1: I went to work wearing the same thing I wore last night and didn't even brush my hair
2: I got my shitty paycheck
3: I ate a pb&j; sandwich?

[3 things you dislike]
1: work
2: mean people
3: being poor

[four CD's from your collection that you will never get tired of]
1: my nasty beatles mix
2: Christina Aguilera "Stripped"
3: Sublime self-titled
4: the mix Kory made me

[four vacations you have taken]
1: myrtle beach
2: maine
3: san francisco
4: i never take vacations because i have no money

What is your favorite...
gum: orbit spearmint
restaurant: macaroni grill or joe's crab shack
drink: white russian with eggnog. another reason to love christmas
season: summer
type of weather: sunny and 75 degrees
emotion: happiness
thing to do on a half day: sleep and sleep and sleep and go to toreros
late-night activity: drink, smoke stuff, chill with friends, go swimming
city: wherever Kory is
store: discovery channel store rocks

When was the last time you...
cried: a couple days ago when Tim threw flour in my eyes
laughed: today probably
hugged someone: Lori just came in here and hugged me
felt depressed: now
felt overworked: now

What was the last...
word you said: answer that (talking to Zeus about the phone)
thing you ate: PB&J;
thing you drank: capri sun
song you listened to: "I'll Be" Edwin McCain
place you went to: the bank to deposit my paycheck
movie you saw: Meangirls

Piercings: ears and bellybutton
Tattoos: cross on my back
Height: 5'9
Siblings: 5...
natural hair color: blonde
Hair Color Currently: blonde
Eye Color At Birth: blue
Eye Color Currently: blue
Glasses/Contacts: none
Birthdate: 5/28/1985 ~ Which makes my birthday in a WEEK
Sign: Gemini
Current Age: 18
Siblings names: Joel 26, Josh 24, Karen 22, Suzanne 21, Becky 15
School: graduated from Durham School of the Arts, attended UMass for 1 semester
Current Grade: n/a
College Plans: going back to college soon when I get some money

Song that was stuck in your head: "everytime" britney spears
Person that called you: Fiona a few minutes ago
TV Show you watched: TRL at work
Person you were thinking oF: Kory

You have a crush on anyone: yeah, kor
Wish you could live somewhere else: yes, Massachusetts
You think a/bout suicide: i think everyone might sometimes
Others find you attractive: I hope so
Want more piercings: yes I want to get a small piercing in my nose
You like cleaning: i hate it
You like roller coasters: i fuckin love em
You like this survey: now that it's over!

link2 subjects|hail to the queen

[May. 17th, 2004|11:21 pm]

I really don't know how this happened...

but last night I beat JJ Redick in an intense game of beirut. He seemed embarrassed. I BEAT JJ REDICK IN A GAME INVOLVING THROWING A BALL INTO A HOLE.

oh my god I am so nasty at beer pong
link2 subjects|hail to the queen

[Mar. 20th, 2004|03:29 pm]
[mood | crappy]

last night... insane... never drinking again

hah, yeah right. i'm an alcoholic

I feel like I'm going to adjust to home a tiny bit better being home than the last time. Maybe it's because it's warmer outside and such... I don't know. I still think about Kory every minute which kills. Well I'm hungover and I don't feel like writing anymore so goodbye

link1 subject|hail to the queen

[Feb. 12th, 2004|04:52 am]
[mood | awake]

wally lamb needs to hurry up and write another freakin book

linkhail to the queen

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